Les Moomins 57 - Amour maternel

  • 2 months ago


01:40Nothing is more pleasant than reading a good book.
01:44However, we must not always be influenced by the stories we can read.
02:30Bonjour Chouka, tu es déjà réveillée?
02:41Bonjour, ça fait longtemps que tu es réveillée?
02:46Tu m'as parlé?
02:48Je t'ai demandé si tu étais réveillée depuis longtemps.
02:50Mais quelle heure il est?
02:52Ne me dis pas que tu as passé toute la nuit à lire ce livre au fait de quoi il parle.
02:56Ah, d'une chose magnifique, de l'amour maternel.
03:00Et c'est à cause de ça que tu n'as pas dormi.
03:02On doit ĂȘtre tellement heureux d'avoir des enfants qu'on doit avoir envie de les Ă©touffer de tendresse.
03:08Peut-ĂȘtre bien, mais n'oublie pas que pour avoir des enfants, il faut d'abord ĂȘtre mariĂ©.
03:12Les filles porteraient des robes Ă  volant et des rubans dans les cheveux.
03:16Elles m'adoreraient, leurs frĂšres aussi, mais ils ne le montreraient pas.
03:18Tu parles aux deux au pluriel, combien d'enfants tu voudrais avoir?
03:22Mon coeur est tellement rempli d'amour maternel qu'il est prĂȘt Ă  exploser.
03:26Alors, disons que j'en veux deux douzaines.
03:30Dans ces conditions, Chouka, je regrette, mais ne compte pas sur moi.
03:34ArrĂȘtez de jacasser, il est encore trop tĂŽt.
03:36Je l'imite.
03:38Combien de fois faudrait-il que je vous dise qu'il faut me réveiller en douceur?
03:40Chouka est toute bizarre, elle n'est pas comme d'habitude.
03:44D'habitude, Ă  cette heure-ci, elle dort.
03:46Oh lĂ  lĂ !
03:48C'est Chou, Chou-Chou!
04:02C'est bien ce que je pensais.
04:04Je ressemble Ă  une vraie maman.
04:06Maintenant, ça y est, j'ai tout compris.
04:08Je suis faite pour avoir des enfants.
04:10Je te veux dire qu'elle Ă©tait bizarre.
04:20Tu m'as appelé, maman?
04:22Ah, Moumine, enfin te voilĂ .
04:24Il y a deux enfants Ă©vanouis juste devant chez nous.
04:26Deux enfants?
04:28Oui, ils sont tout jeunes.
04:30Mais c'est affreux.
04:32Ton pĂšre est dĂ©jĂ  auprĂšs d'eux, dĂ©pĂȘche-toi.
04:34Il aura peut-ĂȘtre besoin de ton aide.
04:36Deux petits enfants qui ont besoin d'aide?
04:38Est-ce que tu sais ce qui leur est arrivé?
04:40Je n'en sais rien, mais il m'inquiĂšte.
04:44Tu as entendu ce que maman vient de dire?
04:46Pour moi, c'est trĂšs clair.
04:48C'est forcément un signe que le destin m'envoie.
05:00Pauvre petit, c'est Ă©pouvantable.
05:02Allons, les enfants.
05:08Mais qu'est-ce qui vous arrive, les enfants?
05:14Elle a l'air simplement Ă©vanouie.
05:16Si elle est blessée, ça ne se voit pas, du moins.
05:20Oh, pauvre petit chéripeau,
05:22vu que ce ne soit pas trop grave.
05:24Peut-ĂȘtre qu'ils ont marchĂ© toute la nuit
05:26et qu'ils se sont Ă©vanouis Ă  quelques mĂštres de la porte.
05:28Leurs parents n'ont pas dĂ» les surveiller
05:30et ils les ont perdus.
05:32Ils les ont abandonnés.
05:34Je meurs de faim.
05:40Je meurs de faim.
05:42C'est fantastique.
05:44Ils sont revenus Ă  eux.
05:46Il faut leur faire Ă  manger.
05:48Il faut vite leur préparer un lit.
05:50Et il faut faire chauffer de l'eau pour leur faire des bouillottes.
05:52Et aussi trouver le thermomĂštre, l'aspirine, les pansements.
05:54Les pansements au cas oĂč.
06:02Mangez, mes titounes.
06:04Mangez autant que vous voudrez.
06:06Alors, les enfants, comment vous appelez-vous?
06:08Moi, c'est Titi.
06:10Moi, Lily.
06:12D'oĂč venez-vous? Qu'est-ce qui vous est arrivĂ©?
06:14OĂč sont vos parents?
06:16Ils ont disparu.
06:18Comment ça disparu? Que s'est-il passé?
06:20On ne sait pas. On a fait la sieste dans la forĂȘt.
06:22Quand on s'est réveillé, ils avaient disparu.
06:24Les loups ont failli nous manger.
06:26Oh, c'est horrible.
06:28La nouvelle femme de notre papa,
06:30elle nous aime pas.
06:32Plus on est gentil avec elle, plus elle est méchante avec nous.
06:34Elle nous bat souvent.
06:36C'est elle qui a convaincu papa de nous laisser dans la forĂȘt
06:38pour que les loups nous dévorent.
06:40C'est curieux. Ça me rappelle quelque chose.
06:44Vous n'avez plus à vous inquiéter, mes trésors.
06:46À partir d'aujourd'hui, je serai votre nouvelle maman.
06:50C'est une grande responsabilité.
06:52Je sais, mais je dois faire ce que mon cƓur me dit.
06:54Avant de vous lever,
06:56maman va vous faire un gros cĂąlin.
06:58Oh, les pauvres.
07:00Ça se voit qu'ils n'ont pas l'habitude d'ĂȘtre cĂąlinĂ©s et aimĂ©s.
07:02Mais je leur apprendrai.
07:04Petit Ă  petit, avant les brusquets.
07:06AprĂšs tout, on a tout le temps du monde devant nous.
07:08Mon amour et ma tendresse
07:10vous envelopperont comme de la barbe Ă  parfum.
07:12Vous verrez, ce sera merveilleux.
07:14On formera une jolie famille
07:16et on sera les plus heureux de la Terre et de l'univers.
07:22Chouka, tu te sens bien?
07:24Tu es sûre et certaine de vouloir t'occuper de ces deux enfants?
07:26Cette nuit, j'ai compris beaucoup de choses.
07:28Je suis faite pour ĂȘtre maman et je suis prĂȘte.
07:44Calmez-vous, mes chatons.
07:46Evitez votre petite maman. Pourquoi vous pleurez?
07:48On veut la brouette.
07:50Il ne veut pas nous la prĂȘter.
07:56Papa Moumine, ils ont davantage besoin de la brouette que toi.
08:00SĂ©chez vos larmes et grimpez dans la brouette.
08:02Maman vous emmĂšne faire un petit tour.
08:10Encore plus vite!
08:12Encore plus vite!
08:14Encore plus vite!
08:16Encore plus vite!
08:18Encore plus vite!
08:26Encore plus vite!
08:28Encore plus vite!
08:34Elle se fatigue vite.
08:36On devrait la faire monter Ă  notre place.
08:38Hop lĂ !
08:40Viens, maintenant c'est Ă  nous de te pousser.
08:42J'ai vraiment beaucoup de chance.
08:44Vous ĂȘtes si gentil avec votre maman.
08:56Ha ha ha!
08:58And slow down!
09:00If you like it faster, slower!
09:02Ha ha ha!
09:08Ha ha ha!
09:14I'm not angry, and Mom never gets angry.
09:17And neither do I.
09:44I must get up before they make their breakfast.
10:27Ha ha ha ha!
10:31Wait, I didn't hug you in the morning.
10:36You must regret taking them in your care.
10:38They are real terrors!
10:39I don't regret anything at all.
10:41And first of all, I forbid you to deal with my little treasures of terror.
10:47Frankly, it's not funny. They never get angry, even if we do stupid things.
10:54It will do me good to relax a little.
10:57It will do me good to relax a little.
11:27I'm sorry, but I don't see things like you.
11:29In my opinion, it's not what they did that's important, but why they did it.
11:33What do you mean exactly?
11:35It is obvious that they never had a hammock.
11:37We must not forget that the poor little ones have been mistreated.
11:40They suffered a lot and they were deprived of a lot of things by their mother.
11:44Especially tenderness and hammocks.
11:47Chouca, would you ask me to install a hammock just for them?
11:51Oh, thank you, Papa Moumine. I knew you would understand.
11:57A few days later...
12:30Come on, let's go!
12:36Well, now maybe I'll finally be able to relax without being disturbed.
12:41Yeah! Yippee! Yeah!
13:01All this is pretty, but it's not funny.
13:03Come with me, we're going to play a new game.
13:20You're very nice, but darling, what are you playing?
13:22You won't know.
13:23Children must tell everything to their mother.
13:25It's a secret.
13:28In this case, I won't insist.
13:29You have the right to have your little secrets, like everyone else.
13:32And then, I'm really happy to see that instead of doing stupid things, you're having fun.
13:45Oh, Chouka, we were wondering where you were.
13:47You look very happy, what's happening to you?
13:49Did the two little fish become volatile?
13:51If you knew how happy I am, it's wonderful to be a mother.
13:54It brings great joy.
13:56I could spend hours watching my children have fun.
13:59Of course, they're sly, but it's because they're smart.
14:01Of course, and can you tell us what they're playing at the moment?
14:04I don't know why, but they're making pretty little round balls with mud.
14:07It's their secret.
14:12It's going to work, we're in the right place.
14:14We can start, are you ready?
14:16Why are they putting the balls in the hammock?
14:18Is it a secret too, maybe?
14:20Keep your secret, my treasures, have fun.
14:22If the hammock is dirty, it doesn't matter, Mum will wash it.
14:38Nothing broken?
14:42I'm afraid to understand.
14:47Be cute, stop immediately.
14:50Moumine, put yourself in the hammock, Moumine.
14:53Come on, make an effort.
14:57Thank goodness you're here.
14:59This time they're going too far, they're starting to get on my nerves.
15:02You're right, we have to react.
15:05What are they doing?
15:06We can't see anyone.
15:10That's not normal, we have to go and see.
15:22What are you doing in there?
15:25What are you doing?
15:32Where are you going?
15:40I've got you.
16:07That's enough, you've had enough.
16:09Stop fighting, do you hear me?
16:11It's dangerous, you could get hurt.
16:13I'm coming to your rescue.
16:15We're going to crush them.
16:17We'll let them run.
16:18Oh no, Moumine is against them too.
16:23Moumine, pretty miss, please stop.
16:25Titi and Lily, stop too, please.
16:28Do you want to obey your mother?
16:31Stop, I have another game for you.
16:34Choukane, you're on the line of fire, hurry up and get out of here.
16:37We can't keep avoiding you, I'm warning you.
16:39You disappoint me a lot to do such a thing.
16:43I'm a mother, a real mother,
16:45so I have a heart full of maternal love
16:47and I don't get angry.
16:49But if we force them, the mothers have to obey.
16:51I have no other solution.
16:53Let's go.
16:59Listen to me, a mother doesn't like to correct her children,
17:02but sometimes it's them who force her.
17:22I wonder where they could have hidden.
17:24Titi, Lily!
17:28So the battle is finally over.
17:30Good, it's not too early.
17:33I was right to throw myself into the fight.
17:35It calmed me down and it calmed them down too.
17:43You had a good time, it seems.
17:45It was fantastic.
17:47Come on, Moumine, hurry up and get up.
17:49Let's play another game.
17:51I know what we can play.
17:53How about being our prisoners?
17:55We'll show you around our torture room.
17:57I have a better idea.
17:59You're all going to clean the veranda
18:01that you have so carefully soiled.
18:03That's strange.
18:05You really have no idea where your children can take refuge
18:07when you've lost them?
18:09No, Inspector, but I fear the worst.
18:11I admit it.
18:13Well, start by questioning all those who live near the forest.
18:15Don't worry.
18:25Titi, Lily, now I think it's necessary
18:27that we talk about the situation very seriously.
18:31Inspector, do you know these people?
18:33Of course, Madam.
18:35They are the Moumines.
18:37What's going on? Why are they doing this big cleaning?
18:39When you have so many children, it's not very tiring.
18:41That's very curious.
18:43There are two that I've never seen.
18:45Oh, Mom.
18:47Oh, my children. They must have taken them away.
18:49You're kidding, Madam.
18:51They would never do such a thing.
18:53This lady is your mother. You're not lying, Madam.
18:55They're just kids who work as slaves.
18:57Don't go so fast.
18:59The police will draw the conclusions.
19:01You've found the mother of the children.
19:03Thank you, Inspector.
19:05She's the one who came to find me
19:07before she left in search of her children.
19:09I see.
19:11It's been a week since they disappeared into the forest.
19:13A week since their mother heard the news and was worried.
19:15So I can know what they're doing at your place.
19:17Well, I mean...
19:19I'm warning you that this is a very serious matter.
19:21If you don't have a clear and concise explanation to give me,
19:23you'll be accused of having taken them away.
19:25That would be so unfair.
19:27Daddy Moumine didn't take them away, Inspector.
19:29Oh, no?
19:33Now tell me everything you're doing here.
19:37Titi, Lily, you heard me.
19:39I want to know what you're doing here.
19:41Well, we spent the whole week here
19:43because Lily invented a new game.
19:45And what was this game about?
19:47I'm listening.
19:49We pretended to be abandoned.
19:51Then we arrived here.
19:53Moumine invited us to his house.
19:55We had a lot of fun.
19:57You'll make me a goat one of these days.
20:01Come on, come on.
20:03Calm down, Madam. Everything's fine.
20:05Mum, what's wrong with you?
20:07I think she fainted.
20:09You shouldn't faint for such a small thing.
20:11It's not worth it.
20:13You're unbearable.
20:15I was so worried about you.
20:17You'll see.
20:19Stop it!
20:21Goodbye and thank you for everything.
20:23We can't continue playing today,
20:25but we'll come back to see you, I promise.
20:27I'll make you feel better.
20:31I think she must be used to running after them.
20:33Don't you think?
20:35She must be used to seeing them in all colors.
20:37Don't let her catch up to you.
20:39My dear treasures, come back to see me as soon as you can.
20:41I won't forget you right away, I promise.
20:45Don't you think we're having a good time?
20:47It's so quiet now that the twins and Spiegel are gone.
20:49We're having a good time.
20:51I just hope, Chuca, that you're not too sad.
20:53I know you were attached to it.
20:55Yes, that's true.
20:57But I think I'm not quite ready to raise children.
20:59I love them a little too much at the moment.
21:03You'll be ready when the time comes.
21:05I think you'll make an excellent mother.
21:07Like you, then?
21:09I haven't seen Jolimie in a while.
21:11Does anyone know where she is, by any chance?
21:13She's in her room reading.
21:15She must have found a fascinating book.
21:17At least, I hope she's not talking about maternal love.
21:19Oh, I'd be very surprised.
21:21She understood with Chuca when I spoke to her.
21:23She was so absorbed that she didn't answer me.
21:27If it's a book about the great adventure of life,
21:29don't bother her.
21:31She has a lot to learn.
21:39It's decided.
21:41When I grow up, I'll be a pirate or a corsair.
21:45Over the years,
21:47Jolimie began to approach beautiful boats,
21:49while Chuca
21:51boarded her baby-sail.
22:15They are so kind,
22:17they change our lives.
22:19They are our friends,
22:21from day to night.
22:23The Moomins
22:25The Moomins
22:29Come with me,
22:31they are all there.
22:33The Moomins
22:37They will sing to you
22:39with their song.
22:41The Moomins
22:43They are so kind,
22:45they change our lives.
22:47They are our friends,
22:49from day to night.
22:51The Moomins
22:55The Moomins
22:59The Moomins