Les Moomins 56 - Le secret de grand-mère

  • 2 months ago


00:30Ils parlent le langage des fleurs
00:33Et ils n'écoutent que leur chœur
00:36Alors ouvrez leur dos, vos bras
00:39Vous ne le regretterez pas
00:42V'la lille mouline
00:44V'la lille mouline
00:47V'la lille mouline
00:50V'la lille mouline
00:53V'la lille mouline
00:56V'la lille mouline
01:301, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
01:331, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
01:361, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
01:39Maintenant c'est à moi, t'as perdu
01:42Maintenant c'est à moi, t'as perdu
01:43Est-ce que tu es prête, Jolimi?
01:46Je suis prête
01:481, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
01:511, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
01:54Ce jour-là il faisait un temps superbe
01:57et les moumines avaient décidé de déjeuner en plein air
02:03Le repas est prêt, à table les enfants
02:19Les crêpes sont délicieuses, ma maman
02:22Merci pour le compliment, mon petit Sniff
02:24Vous n'en avez pas assez les crêpes, on en mange presque tous les jours
02:28Tu dis ça mais n'empêche que t'as l'air de les manger de bon appétit
02:32Moi je trouve qu'elles sont succulentes
02:34Moi aussi je les trouve excellentes, j'ai jamais dit le contraire
02:38Seulement je trouve qu'il faudrait varier les menus
02:41Vous pensez comme moi, dites-leur que j'ai raison
02:43Bien, à vrai dire, je...
02:44Papa a eu l'occasion de goûter beaucoup de pieds exotiques quand il voyageait
02:48Il a mangé toutes sortes de choses inimaginables
02:51Quel genre de choses dis-moi?
02:53Il a mangé des choses étranges
02:55Des monstres gigantesques, Grelio
02:57Est-ce que c'est vrai, papa moumine?
02:59Bien sûr que non, voyons, tu ne vois pas qu'elle te fait marcher
03:02Alors quel genre de choses étranges?
03:04Que je réfléchisse
03:06Ah oui, je me souviens d'une spécialité très curieuse
03:09Qu'est-ce que c'était?
03:10Est-ce que c'était bon?
03:11Quel régal, j'ai jamais rien mangé d'aussi bon depuis
03:17Ça n'avait rien à voir avec les bons petits plats de maman moumine, bien entendu
03:20Vous voulez dire que c'était meilleur?
03:22N'insiste pas, tu veux?
03:24Tu n'aimerais pas savoir ce que c'était, toi?
03:26Silence les enfants, finissez tout ce qu'il y a dans votre assiette
03:37C'est pas la couleur qu'il faut pour le ciel
03:40Et pourquoi pas, moi j'aime cette couleur
03:44Mais comment se fait-il que vous soyez encore debout?
03:47Mais maman, il n'est pas si tard, tu sais
03:49Ah bon? Je croyais qu'il était déjà huit heures
03:51Qu'est-ce qui t'arrive? Est-ce que tu es sûre que tout va bien?
03:54Oui, je vais me coucher, je me sens un peu fatiguée ce soir
03:57N'oubliez pas d'éteindre les lumières avant de monter
04:00Oui, c'est promis, maman, bonne nuit, petite maman
04:06J'ai l'impression qu'elle est très inquiète
04:08Mais pourquoi serait-elle inquiète?
04:10Parce que papa moumine a dit que ses crêpes ne valaient pas la bonne cuisine exotique
04:14Mais qu'est-ce que tu racontes? J'ai jamais dit ça, voyons
04:17C'est possible, mais vous l'avez pensé
04:19C'est toi qui a critiqué ses crêpes la première
04:21Mais moi, j'ai jamais dit que j'avais mangé quelque chose de meilleur
04:25Oh non, j'aurais dû tenir ma langue
04:29Il n'est pas ici
04:44Mais où est-ce que j'ai bien pu le ranger?
04:50Le voilà
05:05Bon, voyons, je suis sûre qu'elle se trouve dedans
05:08Mais qu'est-ce qu'elle peut chercher dans ce livre?
05:10J'en ai aucune idée, je sais seulement que cet ouvrage contient toutes sortes de recettes
05:14Des recettes de cuisine?
05:17Voilà, j'ai trouvé ce que je cherchais
05:19C'est dans ce chapitre qui s'intitule
05:21Des plats nouveaux pour toute la famille
05:23C'est parfait
05:47Qu'est-ce qui se passe?
05:49C'est cette marmite qui débordait
05:51Oh non, je ne la vois pas
05:53Je ne peux pas la voir
05:54Elle est ou l'autre?
05:56Elle est là
05:57Non, oui
05:58Non, non, non
05:59Non, non, non
06:00Non, non, non
06:01Non, non, non
06:02Non, non
06:03Non, non
06:04Non, non
06:05Non, non
06:06Non, non
06:07Je ne vois pas
06:08Non, non
06:09Non, non
06:10Non, non
06:11Non, non
06:12Non, non
06:13Je ne vois pas
06:14It's that marmite that was overflowing.
06:16Oh! I'd forgotten about her.
06:20You're lucky you didn't go through there.
06:22I saw the smoke from outside.
06:24What are all these supplies for?
06:26Is someone going on a trip?
06:28I'm going to be away for a few days.
06:31Where are you going?
06:45Dear Papa Moumine, dear Moumine and dear Jolimie,
06:48I have to leave the house to go get a very rare ingredient
06:51to prepare a new dish for you.
06:58I won't be away for very long.
07:00I think I'll be back in a few days at the latest.
07:04Take good care of yourselves while I'm away.
07:07The machines are still fresh, so be careful.
07:10If you catch a cold, wear a scarf and wool socks.
07:14There's rhubarb jam on the second shelf.
07:19Oh yes, Pipo, he's already gone.
07:26Don't worry about me. Everything will be fine.
07:30I send you all my love. See you soon, Mama Moumine.
08:06What are you doing here?
08:08I was waiting for you. You're very busy. Can I help you?
08:11No, thank you. It's not worth it.
08:13I can't take anyone from the family with me. Do you understand?
08:16Then I can go with you.
08:18I'm not part of the family and I'd like to take my aunt with me.
08:21Well, since you insist, come on, I'll take you.
08:24By the way, you still haven't told me where you're going.
08:26If you want to know, I have to go all the way to the Three Blue Mountains.
08:31They're over there, you can see them.
08:33It seems there's a secret valley where I'll find everything I'm looking for.
08:37Here, I'm ready. We can get going.
08:40Let's go.
08:55Tell me, do you know the news?
08:57Yes, I know. Mama Moumine has left.
09:07Do you know where Moumine is?
09:08In the kitchen.
09:11Hot wind, it's burning.
09:24So, it's really incredible. I turned my back for barely five minutes and here's the result.
09:29But what's going on here?
09:31Nothing at all. Papa Mounine burns the breakfast.
09:34But what are you talking about? I'm heating it up.
09:37Yes, but to such an extent that it's all burnt.
09:39I'm sure you wouldn't do better.
09:41You're certainly right. The pancakes are completely charred.
09:44Even if I did everything I could, I don't think I could burn them any more.
09:48Too bad, there's soup.
09:50She burned it too.
09:51Well, if there's no pancakes or soup, we can always roll over on the biscuits.
09:56And if Mama Moumine never came back?
09:58She left a note saying she'd be here in five more days.
10:01So, stop talking nonsense, will you?
10:03In five more days?
10:05We can't eat burnt food all week.
10:08We have to do something. It can't go on like this.
10:11What if we went looking for her?
10:13There's no question about it. None of us will leave the house.
10:16Mama Moumine decided to go on this trip alone.
10:19So, we have to respect her decision.
10:21She said not to worry about her and to wait for her return.
10:24That's what we're going to do.
10:26I'll take care of the meals. From this evening, I'll make them for you.
10:30You don't mind?
10:31Are you sure you can do it?
10:33In case you don't know, I cook for my brother.
10:36That's wonderful. Everything's going to be fine.
10:38I'm sure we'll get by.
11:01How does it smell?
11:03I found mushrooms and wild apples.
11:06That's wonderful. You took a fish.
11:08Would you rather grill it or boil it?
11:10Cook it however you like.
11:14No one in the Moumine Valley will eat as well as we do.
11:17I'm sure of it.
11:22Where are you going in such a hurry?
11:25I'm going to my sister's.
11:27Where are you going in such a hurry?
11:29I'm going to my sister's. I haven't seen her in a long time.
11:32And I prefer to leave them alone with their family matters.
11:35I don't want to be involved in all this.
11:38I'm going too. I don't want to disturb anyone.
11:42The Moumines have problems. Let them be.
11:46Come on, don't cry. You did your best.
11:49It's the intention that counts.
11:51It's disgusting. Don't tell me the opposite.
11:53It has a strange smell and color, but that doesn't mean anything.
11:56Isn't that right, Dad?
11:58You should never trust appearances. I'm going to taste it.
12:03You can see that he doesn't like it.
12:06Is that true?
12:08No, I didn't say that. What is she looking for?
12:10It may be a little too salty, but it's nothing.
12:13You just need to add a little water.
12:15No, it's not good. I know, I failed.
12:19Quick, Mother Moumine, I beg you. Hurry back.
12:27The Moumines
12:32What a beautiful starry sky.
12:35I haven't slept in such a beautiful star for a long time.
12:40I feel like I'm rejuvenating all of a sudden.
12:43Yes, it all reminds me of the good old days.
12:46Don't you regret your little bed?
12:49Not at all. I think we all need, small and large,
12:52to regain contact with nature.
12:55I'll miss the house tomorrow.
13:02Get up, it's time to get up.
13:05Hello, Dad.
13:07Come on, hurry up and get out of bed now.
13:10Today we have a very busy day,
13:12and if we want to do everything, we must not delay.
13:15Can't we do the morning exercise?
13:25Morning Exercise
13:39Are you sure there's enough for me too?
13:42Yes, when my sister cooks, there's enough for a regiment.
13:45Come on, don't worry.
13:51What are you doing?
13:52We're stretching the laundry.
13:54There's a lot of laundry.
13:55Did you wash all of this?
13:57You'll see what state my hands are in.
14:00You're soaked. Hurry up and dry yourself, or you'll catch a cold.
14:04Yes, but first we'll have to sponge off all the water we've spread in the house.
14:08Are you all right?
14:09I'm fine, I'm fine.
14:11I understand why Mama Moumine sometimes complained about having a sore throat.
14:15And that's not all, we still have to do the housework, wash the carrots.
14:18Prepare lunch and make recommendations.
14:21No, I can't do that.
14:22What's wrong?
14:23It's my back that's hurting.
14:25Listen, for lunch, we'll open cans of canned food and we'll eat on cardboard plates.
14:30Okay? It'll give us less work.
14:33We took the wrong road.
14:35Apparently it's not here.
14:38We'll go back on our feet.
14:40It's not the right path.
14:42According to the instructions in the book, it's right here.
14:45Would you like to cut me some roses first, please?
15:00Can I know what you're going to do with all this?
15:03Wait, you'll understand.
15:08These are very large baskets. What are you going to put in there?
15:11Can't you guess?
15:13We're going to climb in there.
15:16Are you kidding?
15:19You're not serious, are you?
15:21Of course I am. Grandma says that's how we're supposed to do it.
15:24Come on, follow me. Unless you prefer to wait for me here.
15:28Certainly not. I won't leave you alone.
15:30I'll be right there.
15:36Very good. Are you ready to go?
15:381, 2, 3, go!
15:52It seems to be holding up well.
15:54I followed my grandma's instructions to the letter.
15:57Well, that's perfect. And now, what are we supposed to do?
16:01Nothing special right away.
16:06What's that noise?
16:07What noise?
16:08Listen carefully, can't you hear it?
16:13It sounds like waterfalls.
16:17Watch out! Hang on!
16:20Wait! I'll help you.
16:23Quick, give me your hand.
16:25You're too far away.
16:32Sorry, I'm sorry.
16:50Mummy, are you alright?
16:53I slept for a long time.
17:03Look, we've reached the secret valley.
17:06Yes, we've reached our goal.
17:12We've reached our goal.
17:14We've reached our goal.
17:17Come here, Pipo.
17:19With all these cherries, I could make a delicious tart or a delicious clafoutis.
17:23What do you think?
17:25Good idea. But they seem to be ordinary cherries.
17:28I thought you were looking for something more original.
17:32Yes, that's true.
17:34They look like cherries, but the difference is that they grow in the secret valley.
17:39And that's what makes them so special.
17:42Yes, I think you're right.
17:45Are you coming to help me pick them?
17:47Yes, yes. Let's get to work.
17:59Well, I think that should be enough.
18:01How are we going to get home?
18:03We can't go up the river or climb this cliff to leave the valley.
18:07I hadn't thought of that.
18:09Well, let's see.
18:11Ah, here's what's written about it.
18:13To return to the Moumine Valley, you have to follow the river.
18:16But if we follow the river, we'll be further away from home.
18:19Ah, that's not what Grandma thinks. Let's trust her.
18:39Look, where are we?
18:41I didn't expect this.
18:43The river has led us to the sea.
18:47Have you seen that over there? Look!
18:50It's our usual beach, but come on, that means we're going to the sea.
18:54It's the sea!
18:56It's the sea!
18:58It's the sea!
19:00It's the sea!
19:02It's the sea!
19:04It's the sea!
19:06It's our usual beach, but come on, that means we're going to the sea.
19:10I think so.
19:12But then why did we take such a long way?
19:15We could have gone that way to get to the valley.
19:17No, I don't think so.
19:19We have to follow the path that's indicated in the book
19:22so that the secret power can work properly.
19:24What power?
19:25You'll see. I'll explain later.
19:28For now, let's hurry home.
19:37Is it good?
19:39It's not bad. It tastes almost the same as a normal pancake.
19:42It's magnificent.
19:44We'll finally be able to eat something else
19:46than slices of ham with pickles.
19:52Hurry up, you still have all the other windows of the house to make.
19:56Well, we didn't leave the inn.
19:58What do you think? I've never washed my own tiles once.
20:02I'm not surprised by you, you lazybones.
20:04It's very dangerous to avoid too much cleaning because you can't see them.
20:08Mom left four days ago.
20:10I think she'll be back tomorrow or later.
20:15Dad! Chooka! Quick! Come and see!
20:21What's going on?
20:27Hello, everyone!
20:29Hello, everyone!
20:30Mama Moumine is back!
20:32Mama Moumine is back!
20:34She's back!
20:35It's wonderful!
20:37I'm so happy she's back!
20:43Let me get rid of your backpack.
20:45No, I'll carry it.
20:47Thank you. Be careful, it's heavy.
20:49And so Mama Moumine returned after several days of absence.
20:54To celebrate her return,
20:56Papa Moumine prepared a huge pie with cherries
20:59that she and Pippo had collected in the Secret Valley.
21:02And many other good things, too.
21:09It's delicious!
21:11It's the best pie I've ever eaten.
21:13It's the cherries that make all the difference.
21:15It was worth going to get them.
21:17You know that Papa Moumine is very good at making pancakes.
21:20Is that true, my dear?
21:22I've made progress, but I don't think my pancakes are as good as yours.
21:30Stop fighting, you two. You've had your share.
21:33I know, but I'd like another one.
21:35Me too.
21:36But you said yourself that you had enough of eating pancakes.
21:39It was for fun.
21:43There's some left, but I'd like some more.
21:47Mama Moumine was delighted.
21:49The whole family had a good time
21:51and Papa Moumine had learned how to make pancakes.
21:54His journey had not been in vain.