Les Moomins 66 - Le vampire

  • 2 months ago


03:19Good evening, Inspector. You look very tired.
03:22Oh, I came as fast as I could. It's a disaster.
03:28What's going on, Mr. Inspector?
03:32The situation is serious, but not desperate. At least for now.
03:36I suppose you all know that a vampire escaped from the zoo.
03:40Of course we know. Is there anything new about it?
03:43Yes, that's what brings me to the latest news.
03:45Someone spotted him as he was heading for our valley.
03:49The vampire is coming. It's terrible.
03:51It's even possible that he's already here.
03:53Possible, but not certain.
03:55You're right, Inspector. It's a disaster.
03:57What do you think is the best thing to do now?
04:00You must avoid getting killed, of course.
04:02Do we have to cover ourselves as much as we can to protect ourselves?
04:05Yes, I think that would be better.
04:07Thank you, Mama Moumine.
04:08What do you think of an armor?
04:10It's ideal, without a doubt. But we still need to have one.
04:13As far as security is concerned, the doors and windows must always be closed.
04:17Yes, of course. That's important.
04:19I hope you'll catch the vampire soon.
04:21I hope so too. The zoo specialists will do everything they can.
04:24They must already be on their way to the valley.
04:26What if I see him first?
04:28I must save you.
04:29I thought I had to catch him.
04:30It's true, but don't forget that if he bites you, you'll have trouble.
04:33If I bite him first, he won't survive.
04:35I'll leave you now. I must go and warn everyone.
04:38Open your eyes and try to stay at home as much as possible.
04:41I'll keep you informed if there's anything new.
04:43Thank you for your visit, Inspector.
04:45Be careful!
04:47Wait, Inspector! I'd better go with you.
04:50As you wish, Choukard. And don't go far from me.
04:52Papa Moumine said he looked like a bat.
04:55He did. I'd rather wait for him at the zoo to see if it's true.
04:59From that moment on, all the inhabitants of the Moumine Valley lived in fear of the vampire.
05:16What do we do about the head?
05:18Cover it, too.
05:19All right, but lower it a bit.
05:22Stop! I can't see anything.
05:24Do you want the vampire to bite your eyes off?
05:27Then stop whining and stay calm.
05:31What are you doing, Sniff? Are you going to hide in a ball?
05:34Stay away from me.
05:36He's protecting himself because he's afraid the vampire will devour him raw.
05:39But how is he going to eat?
05:45He's afraid the vampire will devour him and he doesn't want to take any more risks.
05:49But how is he going to eat?
05:51He's wondering if all the doors and windows are closed.
05:53Don't worry, Sniff. Everything's closed. I checked.
05:56He can go through the chimney. It's safer to block it.
06:02Don't be silly, Sniff. If you're safe, you only need to be protected if you leave the house.
06:08Do you want me to take it off?
06:10Stay like that. It's really good for you.
06:13Are you really going to go out in that outfit?
06:16Of course. After the armor, I'm sure it's the most effective protection.
06:19Well, I'm not afraid. I'm going to try to catch him.
06:22He won't catch him without me.
06:42I'm going to teach you to wake me up.
06:44He bit me.
06:46It's good for you.
06:48I put it on myself, Sniff. You're hurting me. Stop it.
06:51It's useless to pretend to be Sniff. It doesn't work.
07:12Hello, Mr Carousel.
07:15Hello, Pippo. How are you?
07:17Yes, thank you. Tell me, it must not be easy to see through this veil.
07:20It's very difficult, indeed. But I prefer to damage my eyes than to be bitten by a vampire.
07:24It doesn't look like you. You surprise me.
07:26Do you think it's nice to be bitten by these creatures?
07:29That's not what I meant. You know so much.
07:32Don't you know that vampires are allergic to garlic and that it makes them run away?
07:35That's true. Are you sure it's effective?
07:37I hope so, at least.
07:39If I were you, I'd be careful. It's not very prudent to have garlic as your only protection.
07:43That's enough.
07:45Maybe it would be better to wear both. Don't you think?
07:48No, it's been centuries since people have protected themselves against vampires this way.
07:51In that case, I'm going to do like you. I'm going to adopt this solution.
07:57Hello, Mr Carousel. How are you?
07:59Oh, I see you're also wearing a garland of garlic.
08:02Have you managed to catch the vampire?
08:04No, but we're going to make it.
08:06I wonder if vampires exist for real.
08:08This one really exists. Yesterday, I saw the workers of the zoo who were looking for it.
08:12Everyone seems to be very afraid of it. Everyone but you, Moumine.
08:15Apparently, this story doesn't bother you.
08:18Neither do you. You don't seem very worried, am I wrong?
08:20Even if it doesn't show, I'm not very reassured. I have to admit it.
08:23Well, have you finished telling your little scary stories?
08:26Come on, we're going to catch the mouse.
08:28I'm off.
08:30Before you go, tell me if your parents are doing well.
08:33They're doing well. Mum is as usual. She doesn't worry too much.
08:37On the other hand, Dad is very worried. He doesn't like being outside.
08:53Oh, Madame Philippe, how are you? Please come in quickly.
08:56My husband doesn't like to be left the door open since this vampire story.
09:00He's never wrong.
09:03Mr. Moumine, can the vampire transform and make us believe he's Madame Philippe Ford?
09:07No, don't worry. She wouldn't have been able to cross the barrier and she would have stayed outside.
09:11Oh, yes, I forgot.
09:13We've finally set a date for our charity party.
09:15Oh, that's perfect.
09:17I hope you'll be particularly generous when I come to get what you'd like to give me.
09:21I've already found things we don't use anymore.
09:24Don't you think the party should be postponed until the vampire is free?
09:28Postponing the party is a risk.
09:30It's when the weather is bad that you have to be brave and set a good example.
09:35That's probably true.
09:37Well, I'll have to venture out again.
09:39You're very brave, Madame Philippe Ford, but be very careful.
09:59For example, you must be the vampire.
10:02Yes, of course.
10:06Oh, that's true. You don't like garlic, so you're afraid to go out.
10:10Dad! Dad, come and see. I need you in the kitchen.
10:14I was going to go and write.
10:16It's urgent that I come.
10:18The vampire is in the kitchen.
10:20Oh, I see.
10:22I'll be right back.
10:24I was going to go and write.
10:26It's urgent that I come.
10:28The vampire is in the kitchen.
10:30Oh, I see.
10:32Oh, I see.
10:34Hurry up and come.
10:36Get out of the kitchen.
10:46Dad, what's wrong?
10:48The vampire is in the kitchen.
10:57Are you all right, Mum?
10:59I hope the vampire didn't attack you.
11:07He's so cute.
11:15Look how charming he is.
11:17He's a very nice vampire.
11:20He looks very happy eating pancakes.
11:23You must warn the zoo immediately.
11:26He's really adorable.
11:28Tell me, Mum, are you sure the vampire didn't bite you?
11:32Of course, Mum. He won't hurt anyone. He's too nice.
11:35I don't think it's normal for you to say he's nice.
11:38Everyone knows vampires are mean.
11:40But he can't be like the others.
11:42I've heard that if you were bitten, you'd become a vampire too.
11:46And then you'd protect all the vampires.
11:48Look at me, darling.
11:50Do you really think I've turned into a vampire?
11:53It's all very nice, but what are you going to do with it?
11:56I don't know.
11:58But for now, I'm going to put it back in the kitchen.
12:01You want to keep it?
12:03Yes, it's warm in the kitchen. It'll be very good.
12:06You're going to leave it in the jar?
12:08Yes, most of the time.
12:10I'm sorry, but I can't bear to live with a vampire in hibernation.
12:14You'll have to leave it in hibernation.
12:16It'll stop it from following you, I'm sure of it.
12:19No, it seems very dangerous.
12:21Dad, do you know if there are different types of vampires?
12:24Maybe they don't all look the same.
12:26What do you mean?
12:28Maybe some are very mean, they bite people.
12:30And others are very nice.
12:32Because so far, this one hasn't bitten anyone, right?
12:35Yes, of course, but...
12:37You can think whatever you want about it.
12:39I won't leave my little vampire.
12:42I'd like to thank you for everything.
12:44Now I think I'd better go home.
12:55Hello, Mrs. Philiforme.
12:57Have you managed to catch this awful vampire?
13:00No, I regret it.
13:02I insist that you catch him before our charity party.
13:05That's the most important thing.
13:07Yes, I understand.
13:09Remue, if there's any parsley left, catch it for me.
13:12You can count on me.
13:20I must continue my patrol.
13:22Excuse me.
13:25He'll never be up to it.
13:27He'll never be up to it.
13:37You know, you're really naughty.
13:39Do you want to eat something?
13:41Some sweets, maybe?
13:44Let's see if there's any jam left.
13:46I've already eaten some. Do you like it?
13:49Maman Moumine!
13:51What is it?
13:52Mr. Carrousel has just arrived.
13:54Let him in, I'll be right there.
13:56I must give Dracula something to eat.
13:58I'll make him taste my strawberry jam.
14:00I don't think Mr. Carrousel wants to come in.
14:03Not more than I do, by the way.
14:05Oh, you're so naughty sometimes.
14:07All you have to do is look at Dracula to see that he'll never bite anyone.
14:10Maybe, but we'd rather stay on the veranda in the meantime.
14:13Very well, I'll make some tea and bring it to you.
14:15Thank you, my dear.
14:18Maman, Chouca says she wants to see Dracula.
14:21Is that possible?
14:22Of course, with great pleasure.
14:24Where did he go?
14:27He must have gone back to the kitchen.
14:31Oh, you know, you're a lovely vampire.
14:40So, in fact, you don't want to tell anyone
14:42that you're keeping the little vampire under your roof?
14:45Oh no, you see, if I told them,
14:47I'm sure the zoo staff would come here and force me to give him to them.
14:50Don't you think it would be much better?
14:52No, especially since I'm taking care of him,
14:54which seems to please him.
14:56The problem is that everyone still believes
14:58that the vampire is free.
15:00The zoo staff go to search for him every day
15:02and people live in fear without reason.
15:04We can't tell them, but we absolutely have to let them know.
15:07What a dilemma, what can we do?
15:10This vampire is starting to get on my nerves.
15:12I'm afraid he's going to attack me.
15:16Hello, would you like to speak to me?
15:18Inspector, you don't need to keep an eye on the neck anymore.
15:21I have good news. We found the vampire.
15:23We buried him very deeply.
15:25What a relief.
15:26What are you saying?
15:27Now you can go and tell everyone
15:29that there is nothing to fear anymore.
15:31Oh, that's wonderful news.
15:33Congratulations, Papa Moumine.
15:35I congratulate you and thank you on behalf of everyone.
15:38You are the hero of the Moumine Valley.
15:40I'm going to ask you to give me a medal.
15:42No, please don't do that. It's not necessary.
15:44I have to go and tell everyone
15:46that the vampire has been neutralized.
16:04We knocked. Are you going to open?
16:11Could you hide Dracula somewhere?
16:13Yes, I'll take care of it.
16:17Dracula, I want you to be nice and not bite me.
16:20Do you agree?
16:23Hello, Mrs. Philippe. Please come in.
16:26That's very kind of you.
16:27Do you have time to prepare things for the charity sale?
16:29I gave the children to help me carry them.
16:31I hope what I found will suit you.
16:33Come in. I put everything on the dining table.
16:43It's a splendid time.
16:44Today is an ideal time to walk around.
16:51Be careful not to hide anything, my children.
16:54Yes, Mama.
16:56Dracula! Dracula!
16:58Where are you, Dracula?
17:00Mama, what's going on?
17:02I'm looking for Dracula and I can't find him anywhere.
17:04Your father hid him so that Mrs. Philippe doesn't see him
17:07and since then he's disappeared. I'm very worried.
17:09Before you worry, ask Dad where he hid him.
17:12But I don't know where your father is either, darling.
17:14I'll help you. We'll find him quickly.
17:16Dad's not very good at hiding things in general.
17:19No, not there.
17:22Not there either.
17:23It's strange. We've looked everywhere for him.
17:26It's strange. All we have to do is ask Dad.
17:28That's all.
17:34There you are. I was waiting for you to come back.
17:37Can you tell me where you hid Dracula?
17:39Well, I hid him in that...
17:42in that thing that was on the table earlier.
17:45I told you they were for Mrs. Philippe Forme
17:47and for the charity sale.
17:49You also gave me the pot with a lid on it?
17:54That's where you hid Dracula?
17:56I was sure of it.
18:01Where are you going in such a hurry?
18:03Come with us, Pippo. Hurry up, it's important.
18:05You'll explain later.
18:09I don't think anyone's had the idea to lift the lid off the pot yet,
18:12otherwise it'll be annoying.
18:14Yes, everything you have at home must be here.
18:17Come in, look for yourself.
18:19Oh, I've found it.
18:20I'm sorry, Mrs. Philippe Forme, I put this pot on the table by mistake.
18:23It's a memory. I'd like to get it back.
18:25No problem, I understand.
18:28We're just in time, that's perfect.
18:30Can I look inside?
18:32Did you put anything in there?
18:35Yes, yes, a pretty kitten.
18:39So, darling?
18:41He's not here anymore.
18:42But where could he be?
18:43Mrs. Philippe Forme, I think someone lifted the lid by mistake.
18:46Oh, I didn't touch it.
18:48But it's possible that the children lifted it when I wasn't here.
18:50He escaped, but he couldn't have gone very far.
18:52He must still be here.
18:53We'll look for him.
18:54If it doesn't bother you too much, of course.
18:56No, of course not.
18:57Come on, children, get to work.
19:05Dad, I looked everywhere, I can't find him.
19:08He's not here either.
19:09I haven't had a better chance than you.
19:11I'll help you find him.
19:12Oh, no, it's really not necessary.
19:14Since you seem to want to search my house,
19:16I think I have the right to participate in the search.
19:18Yes, that's very kind of you.
19:20One thing intrigues me, though.
19:21If you're looking for a cat, why are you all looking at the ceiling?
19:26I think it's better to tell the truth, it'll be easier.
19:29There you go, it's not exactly a kitten we're looking for,
19:32but the little vampire, we called him Dracula.
19:34Tell me I'm dreaming.
19:35The vampire was in the pot you gave me,
19:37and now he's here at my house.
19:39Not for long, as soon as we find him, we'll take him.
19:41I don't understand.
19:42You pretended to have buried him, it's scandalous.
19:45How could you lie like that?
19:46We're sincerely sorry, I assure you.
19:48There he is!
19:49He's here, under the couch, behind Mrs. Philiforme.
19:58Mrs. Philiforme.
19:59Everything's fine, don't worry.
20:02Dad, I have a feeling it's not a vampire,
20:04but a bat.
20:06A bat?
20:07Yes, the most common species.
20:11Are you sure?
20:12I've never seen a vampire in my life,
20:15but I've often seen bats just like this one.
20:19Well, then...
20:21Mrs. Philiforme, where are you?
20:24Mrs. Philiforme?
20:27Is anyone there?
20:29Maybe he went out.
20:30That would be a shame.
20:32I guess we'll have to come back later.
20:34I don't like it at all.
20:35Hello, I'm coming.
20:37Hello, Inspector.
20:38What are you doing here?
20:40Why are you all here?
20:41We've decided to throw a big party
20:43in honour of the Moomins,
20:44to thank them for getting rid of this awful vampire
20:46who terrorized us for several days.
20:48Oh, a party! What a great idea!
20:50You should come with us.
20:51We'll surely have a good time.
20:53Oh, I'd like to accompany you,
20:55and I was just about to pay him a visit.
20:57I just spoke to the zoo staff,
20:59and they told me they'd managed to capture the vampire.
21:02You thought he was dead?
21:04Yes, that's very strange.
21:05Is that what I thought?
21:06But I wasn't dreaming.
21:08Grandpa Moomin told me he had buried the vampire himself.
21:11If you want my opinion, there must be two vampires.
21:14The zoo said they only lost one.
21:17The best thing is to go and see the Moomins.
21:19They'll certainly have an explanation to give us.
21:21That's right.
21:22Let's go and see the Moomins.
21:24Let's go.
21:37The Moomins were extremely embarrassed.
21:39They didn't want to explain what had happened.
21:42They secretly went to the shore
21:44and discreetly embarked with Dracula
21:46on a very long journey.
21:49They hoped that when they returned,
21:51people would have forgotten this story
21:53and found a new topic of conversation.
22:23The Moomins
22:26The Moomins
22:30Come with me
22:32They're all over there
22:34The Moomins
22:37They'll sing you
22:39their song
22:41The Moomins
22:45They're so nice
22:46They change our lives
22:48They're our friends
22:50day and night
22:52The Moomins
22:55The Moomins
22:59The Moomins