Theodore Tugboat Theodore Tugboat S05 E007 – Bedford’s Big Move

  • il y a 3 mois


00:00Yes, online.
00:30I don't...
00:31Oh, look at that.
00:34Tugboat cookies, my favorite.
00:37Oh, there's a note.
00:39Dear son, I know these are your favorite.
00:42Enjoy them.
00:43Love, Mom.
00:44Isn't that sweet of her?
00:46Just in time for my snack.
00:48I think I'll have a few of these cookies right now.
00:52Yeah, put a plate there.
00:54One, two, three.
00:59They look yummy.
01:01Isn't it nice when someone thinks of you?
01:04You know, that's something that Bedford Bowie would say.
01:07You know Bedford. Bedford Bowie.
01:10Lives right out there.
01:14Bedford Bowie was waiting patiently
01:16while Hank brought Barrington Burge over for a visit.
01:19Hank tooted hello to the little Bowie
01:21who lived out of the entrance of the harbor.
01:23Hi, Hank, what are you doing?
01:25We're taking these pipes to the oil refinery, he announced,
01:28showing off Barrington's cargo.
01:30Bedford dinged his bell with appreciation.
01:33Nice, he said.
01:36A moment later, Constance the Coast Guard's ship appeared.
01:39I was patrolling along the coast, she called to Hank,
01:42and I saw an iceberg.
01:44How big was it, Bedford wanted to know.
01:46It was almost as tall as Benjamin Bridge, replied Constance.
01:50Benjamin's really big, said Bedford.
01:59Ahoy there, Bedford, a familiar voice called out.
02:03It was Bedeck, the Bowie boat.
02:05I'm delivering a load of bell Bowies to the harbor, said Bedeck.
02:08They look ship-shaped, said Bedford,
02:10as he turned to inspect the new Bowies.
02:12New bells on all of them, called Bedeck
02:15as he continued along into the harbor.
02:21That was Theodore's whistle.
02:23Now he was coming for a visit.
02:26You see, since Bedford always stayed in one spot
02:29and couldn't see the harbor for himself,
02:31everyone liked to make a special visit
02:33and bring the harbor to Bedford.
02:35Bedford bobbed up and down and dinged his little bell.
02:38A visit from Theodore was the most special of all.
02:41Bedford, called Theodore.
02:43I just took Clara, the cargo ship, out to the ocean.
02:45Can you guess what she was loaded with?
02:47No, replied Bedford.
02:49Bicycles, shouted Theodore.
02:51Bicycles, repeated Bedford,
02:53as if he had never heard such a wonderful word.
02:56Just then, George wore it up.
02:58All the tugs are having a race around the harbor, he announced.
03:01Theodore loved racing,
03:03but he hadn't told all his stories to Bedford.
03:06I'll meet you later, he called to George.
03:11Now let's see, what else did I do today?
03:13Theodore began.
03:15I took Guysborough, the garbage barge, to the dump,
03:17and I put oil in my tank,
03:19took Clara and her bicycles out.
03:21Theodore could hear the tugs already beginning the race.
03:26He really wanted to join them,
03:28so he speeded up too.
03:30Then I visited you.
03:32I mean, I'm still visiting you.
03:34What was I saying, frowned Theodore.
03:37The tugs sure sounded like they were having fun.
03:40Oh yes, he continued.
03:42I put bicycles in my tank,
03:44I oiled Guysborough, took Clara to the dump...
03:46Theodore, Bedford interrupted.
03:48I think I'm tired now.
03:50Tired, repeated Theodore.
03:52But Bedford, you haven't done anything today.
03:55I know, said Bedford in a very quiet voice.
03:58Well, if you're sure, Theodore said.
04:00I'll see you tomorrow, and I'll tell you all about the race.
04:08I wonder what's bothering Bedford, Theodore said to himself.
04:14Theodore caught up with George,
04:16who was racing around Willy's Island.
04:18George, Theodore called.
04:20Does Bedford seem a little bothered lately?
04:23Hard to tell with boys, answered George.
04:26Well, Theodore went on.
04:28He's acting kind of quiet.
04:30He's staying in his spot, isn't he, said George.
04:32Oh, sure, said Theodore.
04:34Well, that's the important thing, concluded George.
04:37George broomed his big engine and raced on ahead.
04:40But Theodore slowed down.
04:42Staying in his spot, he repeated to himself.
04:46That's it, he shouted.
04:48Bedford, tomorrow you and I are going on a big adventure.
04:54First thing the next morning, Theodore went to have a talk with Bedeck.
04:58The buoy boat was just finishing putting a new buoy in his spot.
05:01Theodore told Bedeck all about the adventure he was planning with Bedford.
05:05Well, that sounds like a wonderful idea, said Bedeck.
05:08The two set off right then and there.
05:10Theodore smiled.
05:12He couldn't wait to see Bedford's face when he told him the surprise.
05:17Bedford, Theodore called as he cruised towards the bell buoy.
05:20Guess what we're going to do today.
05:22What, said Bedford.
05:24Well, usually I only tell you about things in the big harbour, Theodore explained.
05:28But today, I'm taking you to see the big harbour.
05:31That sounds great, shouted Bedford.
05:36Bedeck began to lower another buoy into the water to watch Bedford's spot.
05:41And Theodore moved closer to haul Bedford out of the water.
05:44Hang on to your bell, Bedford, he grinned.
05:46The fun is just beginning.
05:51With Bedford riding up snugly beside him, Theodore began the harbour tour.
05:56There's Benjamin, he called to the buoy.
06:01He looks much bigger from here, said Bedford.
06:08And over there is where Rebecca lives, said Theodore.
06:11Rebecca, the research vessel, was floating in her dock at the Oceanic Institute.
06:15Rebecca and I always find things underwater, continued Theodore.
06:18Northumberland's submarine comes too.
06:20We found an old ship's bell once.
06:22Finding a bell would be nice, said the bell buoy.
06:28Theodore, I'm going exploring now, called Rebecca.
06:31Would you like to come with me?
06:33I would, said Theodore, sounding a little disappointed.
06:36But right now, I'm busy with Benjamin.
06:38Theodore's taking me to see the harbour, Bedford proudly explained.
06:44Maybe next time, Theodore, said Rebecca.
06:47Theodore said goodbye to Rebecca and continued on the tour.
06:54Just then, they saw Sigrid, the supply ship.
06:57Hi, Theodore, called Sigrid.
06:59I'm taking Owen the oil rig, his supplies, out on the ocean.
07:02Can you come with me?
07:04Oh, that'll be fun, smiled Theodore.
07:06Then, he remembered Bedford.
07:08Except, right now, I'm having fun with Bedford.
07:21A moment later, Hank came hurrying by.
07:23Theodore, don't forget that you're going to show me where you found that driftwood the waves washed up last night.
07:28Yes, Hank?
07:30As soon as I finish showing Bedford around, said Theodore.
07:33Hank tooted and continued on his way.
07:37Theodore, said Bedford.
07:39You sure have a lot of friends.
07:41Oh, everyone in the big harbour is my friend, said Theodore.
07:44And it sure sounds like you have lots of fun with them, continued Bedford.
07:49Sure, like us.
07:51Oh, we have lots of fun together, too, said Theodore.
07:53I tell you things, and you...
07:55you... you listen.
07:57It's not the same, said Bedford.
08:02I think, I'd like to go back to my spot now.
08:06Well, at first, Theodore thought Bedford was making a joke.
08:10But it was always kind of hard to tell if the bellboy was smiling.
08:13Somehow, this time, Theodore knew he wasn't.
08:20A little later that day, Bedford returned to the harbour.
08:24A little later that day, Bedford was back in his spot.
08:26Bedeck was leaving the harbour for home again
08:28when he heard the little bellboy calling him.
08:30Bedeck, called Bedford.
08:32Yes, Bedford?
08:34Bedeck headed over, thinking Bedford wanted to say goodbye to him.
08:37Um, I've been thinking that I...
08:40I'd like to leave the harbour, said Bedford.
08:43Leave the harbour? repeated Bedeck.
08:46Can you take me to another harbour? said Bedford.
08:49Well, Bedeck said slowly,
08:51I suppose I could see if there are any replacement boys to take your spot.
08:58Thank you, said Bedford.
09:04Bedeck didn't go see about a replacement boy.
09:07Not then. He went to see Theodore.
09:10Bedford wants to leave the harbour, he told his friend.
09:13That's a great idea, smiled Theodore.
09:16Maybe tomorrow I can take him to Caley's Cove and then...
09:19No, interrupted Bedeck.
09:21I mean, he wants to go and live in another harbour.
09:24But why? said Theodore, who was very surprised.
09:28I don't know, replied Bedeck.
09:30But I thought I should tell you.
09:33Theodore was so surprised and upset that
09:35it felt like something had broken deep inside his engine.
09:39I'd better go talk to him, he said at last.
09:47Theodore and Bedeck floated out together to see Bedford.
09:51A moment later, Hank arrived.
09:53And then Pearl and Petra, the pilot boats.
09:56And even Rebecca.
09:58Everyone had heard that Bedford was leaving.
10:06Hi Bedford.
10:09Hi Theodore.
10:11Bedeck said that...
10:13You want to go and live in another harbour? said Theodore.
10:16Yes Theodore, said Bedford quietly.
10:18I do.
10:20Are you sure there's nothing I can say to make you change your mind?
10:24said Theodore.
10:26I think I have to go, replied Bedford.
10:29Goodbye Theodore.
10:32Goodbye Bedford, said Theodore.
10:37Ready for hauling up, Bedford called to Bedeck.
10:44Bedeck slowly began to raise Bedford up to his deck.
10:48Theodore couldn't watch his friend leave.
10:55We'd better go, said Rebecca gently.
11:00Bedford dinged his little bell one last time.
11:06Stop, Theodore suddenly shouted.
11:08Bedford, you can't leave.
11:13We love you.
11:18Bedeck called Bedford quietly.
11:20Could you put me down again, please?
11:23Down? repeated Bedeck.
11:25Yes, said Bedford.
11:27This... this is my home.
11:31Bedeck lowered Bedford back into the water.
11:34Theodore looked at him.
11:37Bedeck lowered Bedford back into the water,
11:40and Theodore floated very close to his friend.
11:43Theodore, you never said that before, Bedford said softly.
11:50I love you too.
11:52Well, it was always hard to tell with buoys,
11:56but just then, if you'd have asked anyone there,
12:00they'd have told you that, at that moment,
12:03Bedford was most definitely smiling.
12:12Bedford certainly is special to all of us here in the Big Harbor.
12:16Thanks for visiting us. We'll see you all again next time.
12:19There's someone else who's really special to me.
12:25Hello, Mom? I got the cookies you sent.
12:28Yeah, they look yummy.
12:30You're the best mom in the whole wide world.
12:32I love you. Thank you, Mom. Bye.
12:36I can feel her smile all the way over the phone.
12:39And now, it's time for my...
