Theodore Tugboat Theodore Tugboat S03 E007 – Emily Goes Overboard

  • il y a 3 mois
00:30Hello, I'm just dusting my office today.
00:33You know, like I always say, it's very important to be ship-shaped here in the Big Harbor.
00:38Oh, look up there.
00:40There's a lot of dust up there.
00:42And I bet I can reach it.
00:44No, not tall enough.
00:46I'll use this stool. It'll do the trick.
00:52See now, here we go.
00:55No, still not tall enough.
00:59I know.
01:01I'll put the stool on the chair and then...
01:04Oh no, it's very wobbly.
01:07It's too dangerous.
01:09I don't want to get into the same kind of trouble that Emily did the other day.
01:12Let me tell you about it.
01:19One morning, Emily was pulling a cargo ship out of the Big Harbor.
01:24She did a careful turn around Bedford, the little bellboy who lives out where the harbor ends and the ocean begins.
01:35Here we are, Emily called to the ship.
01:38You're on your own now.
01:40Thanks, Emily, said the ship.
01:42That was great tugging.
01:44Well, thank you, said Emily.
01:52Now, Blanford is another bellboy who lives further away from the Big Harbor.
01:56Emily did a jazzy little loop around Blanford.
02:04Then, she did it backwards, just for fun.
02:12That was a great turn, Emily, dinged Blanford.
02:15Just then, they heard a croaky little horn.
02:20Sure enough, it was Digby, the cable ship.
02:23He was busy laying cable along the shore.
02:26Emily makes the best turns in the Big Harbor, shouted Digby.
02:33I get stuck just turning on me engine, he added to himself.
02:36You see, Digby is always getting stuck somewhere.
02:39Emily laughed, but it was nice that everyone thought she was so good at making turns.
02:44It was still early in the day.
02:48The sun felt warm and friendly on her hull, and Emily had nothing else to do.
02:52She decided to take her time getting back to the harbor.
02:58She set off again, zigging this way, zagging that.
03:02There was nothing better than whooshing through the waves with a great big smile.
03:09It was always pretty out near the far shore.
03:18Off in the distance, Emily could see a very special sight.
03:22The Pictou Peaks.
03:24Now, the Pictou Peaks are giant rocks that poke up out of the shallow water along the shore.
03:29They have the most amazing shapes, worn down by the waves.
03:33Of course, Emily had seen the Pictou Peaks many times before on her way home.
03:37The peaks are a dangerous place for a boat to float.
03:40But today, well, today they look different.
03:44Today, they look like a fun place to do fast turns.
03:48Should I? She thought.
03:50Well, the next thing she knew, Emily's engine began to pound louder,
03:55and her propellers seemed to be leading her towards the Pictou Peaks,
03:59without her even doing anything.
04:06The Pictou Peaks towered all around Emily,
04:09and kind of made her feel like she was floating in the middle of a great mountain range.
04:15She did a lazy little loop around one of the smaller peaks.
04:22It's not dangerous at all, she thought to herself.
04:26Emily sped up a little.
04:30And did a snappy spin around a bigger peak.
04:33This time, she could almost feel the rocks against her bumpers.
04:37This is fun, she shouted out loud.
04:39Emily began to make more turns around the Pictou Peaks.
04:42And you know, it was kind of funny,
04:45but the faster she went, and the closer she got to the peaks,
04:48the smaller they seemed, and the bigger Emily felt.
04:52Look at those, said Emily.
04:55Not that far away, she saw two peaks, very close together,
05:00and it looked like there was just enough room for a tugboat to squeeze through.
05:04I bet I could do it, she thought to herself.
05:09Emily turned towards the twin peaks.
05:11She slowed a moment to catch her breath.
05:16Then she roared her engine, spun her propeller, and off she went.
05:23I can do it, she shouted. I can do it!
05:27Those two peaks looked closer together than they did at first.
05:30Emily was going faster, and faster, and faster.
05:34Too late to stop now. I can do it!
05:39Only time for one last little turn to line herself up,
05:42so she could squeeze through the peaks and...
05:48Suddenly, everything was very, very still.
05:55Emily tried to move, but she couldn't.
05:58She was stuck between the twin peaks.
06:06Back in the big harbor, Theodore was waiting for Emily to come home.
06:10Bedford, have you seen Emily? he asked.
06:13She was here a little while ago, dinged the bellboy.
06:16Isn't she back yet?
06:19That's funny, thought Theodore. I wonder where she could be.
06:28Things like this only happen to Digby, groaned Emily.
06:32You see, Digby, the cable ship, was always getting stuck.
06:35Not her. After all, she made the best turns in the whole harbor.
06:40I bet I could get out of here by myself, she decided.
06:44Emily began to wiggle, and jiggle, and rock, and roll back and forth,
06:48trying to get herself unstuck from between those peaks.
06:55I can do it, she grunted. I can do it.
07:01But she was only getting herself stuck tighter and tighter.
07:07Now, who should come floating by that very moment but Digby?
07:15Am I stuck? said Digby.
07:19I'm stuck, replied Emily quietly.
07:22Did I get you stuck? continued Digby.
07:26I got myself stuck, said Emily.
07:29So, you're saying then, Digby went on,
07:32that I am not in any manner, whatsoever, at all, currently, stuck.
07:41You see, Digby just couldn't believe that someone other than himself was stuck somewhere.
07:46Especially Emily.
07:48I won't be stuck for long, blared Emily.
07:53Emily roared her engine and tried to push herself free again.
07:57But she couldn't budge, not one bit.
08:01Don't worry, Emily, shouted Digby. I'll get help.
08:05Digby began blasting his croaky little horn before Emily could say a word.
08:09She certainly didn't want the whole harbor to know that she was stuck.
08:14Theodore was just about to turn back to the harbor when he heard the croaky horn.
08:18That's Digby, he said. He's probably stuck again.
08:32Theodore followed Digby's croaky horn all the way to the Pictou Peaks,
08:36where he saw an astonishing sight.
08:43Digby, said Theodore, you're not...
08:46Stuck, said Digby. I know, Theodore. I can't hardly get over it myself.
08:51Then why did you call me, asked Theodore.
08:59Theodore slowly turned to look where Digby was looking,
09:02and saw an even more astonishing sight.
09:06Emily, what are you doing there?
09:11Stuck, muttered Emily.
09:18What did you say, Emily, asked Theodore.
09:21I'm stuck, mumbled Emily.
09:24You're what, asked Theodore.
09:26She says she's stuck, Theodore, hollered Digby.
09:32Well, Theodore just couldn't believe it. Emily never got stuck.
09:37But what happened, he asked. Did a big wave suddenly come up and push you into those peaks?
09:42No, said Emily.
09:45Did a huge whale knock you off course, Theodore went on.
09:49Not exactly, said Emily.
09:52Did you slip on a giant sea snake?
09:56Theodore was running out of things to think of.
09:59I just got stuck, said Emily quietly.
10:04Well, don't worry, said Theodore, I'll get you out of there.
10:09Theodore carefully looped around the peaks.
10:11It was a tight turn to make, but he nosed right up between them,
10:14until he and Emily were bumper to bumper.
10:17And then he began to push.
10:21Emily sure was stuck.
10:24Theodore put more steam in his shove, poured on the power,
10:28and soon his friend came,
10:30popping out between those two peaks just like a giant cork from a bottle.
10:36That was some good rescue there, Theodore, called Digby, floating off.
10:41See you later.
10:44I never thought I'd be rescuing you, Emily, said Theodore.
10:48I didn't either, said Emily sadly.
10:50She felt terrible about getting stuck.
10:53Well, how did you get stuck, asked Theodore.
10:57I was doing turns all around the picture peaks, replied Emily.
11:01You were, said Theodore.
11:03You'd never heard of anyone doing that.
11:06First I did a little loop over here, explained Emily.
11:13That was great, said Theodore.
11:16And then, continued Emily, I did a spin around here.
11:24Wow, said Theodore.
11:26Emily, you're the best at making turns.
11:29Well, for the first time, Emily smiled.
11:32And then, she said, I tried to turn right through those two peaks.
11:36Right through them, gasped Theodore.
11:40Emily began to head toward the two peaks again.
11:43But this time, she stopped.
11:50I won't try that again, she said.
11:53Emily, said Theodore, can you show me how to make great turns too?
11:57Sure, said Emily right away.
12:00And so the two tugs set off.
12:03Zigging this way and zagging that.
12:06There was nothing better than whooshing through the waves with great big smiles.
12:15You know, I think I'm going to do the safe thing, like Emily.
12:20This goes over here.
12:23And this goes over here.
12:26But how am I going to reach up there and do my dusting?
12:31I have an idea.
12:34If the harbour master can't go to the ceiling,
12:39then the ceiling must come to the harbour master.
12:44Thanks for visiting us here in the big harbour, and we'll see you all again next time.
12:47Bye bye. This is much better.
12:49I'll have this office ship-shaped in no time.
13:19Translation & sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe Traduction & sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe
