Theodore Tugboat Theodore Tugboat S01 E019 – Best Friends

  • il y a 3 mois
00:00Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'
00:31C'était il y a quelques jours avant que je devienne le maître de l'armée ici à la Grande-Armée.
00:35Je me souviens de mon ancien capitaine.
00:38J'ai appris beaucoup de lui.
00:40Et nous étions de bons amis.
00:42Tu sais, quand tu es à la mer ensemble pendant des mois, tu te rends de nouveaux amis.
00:45Et parfois, ils deviennent des meilleurs amis.
00:48Tu sais, j'ai eu de la chance.
00:50Partout où je suis allé, j'ai fait de nouveaux amis.
00:53Et aujourd'hui, j'ai beaucoup de meilleurs amis, ici à la Grande-Armée.
00:58Je pense qu'on a l'un des portes les plus amicables dans le monde entier.
01:01En fait, je pense que l'amitié est merveilleuse.
01:04Tu ne le sais pas ?
01:05Mais tu sais, je me souviens d'un moment, quand Théodore était nouveau ici.
01:09Il pensait qu'il avait trop de meilleurs amis.
01:15Emily avait juste retourné d'une longue voyage vers l'océan, de la France.
01:19Théodore voulait savoir tout sur sa voyage.
01:22Emily lui a dit que quand elle est arrivée,
01:24tout ce qu'elle voulait faire, c'était se reposer sa tête.
01:26Ce qui signifie sa tête en français.
01:28Mais après un repas, elle était prête pour une fête.
01:30Ce qui signifie une fête.
01:32Maintenant, Théodore pensait que tête et fête, c'était des mots magnifiques.
01:36Emily avait été à tellement de merveilleux endroits,
01:38et a eu tellement d'aventures.
01:40Théodore était très impressionné.
01:42Emily, tu es mon meilleur ami, il a dit.
01:45Merci, Théodore, a répondu Emily.
01:47Et c'est parti, avec le genre de sourire que tu reçois quand quelqu'un t'a rendu très heureux.
01:54Plus tard, le même après-midi,
01:56Hank avait montré Théodore autour de la mer.
01:58Maintenant, avec Hank en tant que touriste, il n'y a jamais eu un moment douloureux.
02:01Allons voir qui va être le premier à traverser la bouée de Bedford, a dit Hank.
02:04Et les deux clous étaient sortis avant que tu puisses dire une seule chose.
02:08Hank était le premier à traverser Bedford.
02:10Il faisait les plus rapides tournées que Théodore avait jamais vues.
02:13Théodore était très impressionné.
02:16Hank, tu es mon meilleur ami, il a dit.
02:19Super, a dit Hank. J'ai toujours voulu avoir un meilleur ami.
02:22Tu es sûr, Théodore ?
02:23Bien sûr, je suis sûr, a répondu Théodore.
02:25Peux-tu me montrer comment faire des tournées rapides ?
02:27Bien sûr, je vais te montrer, a dit Hank.
02:28Il était presque en train de tomber sur ses propres mots.
02:30Il était tellement excité.
02:31On peut commencer juste après mon prochain travail.
02:33Et avec ça, les deux nouveaux meilleurs amis ont promis de se rencontrer plus tard près de la plage sable.
02:38Et ils ont partagé leurs adieux.
02:42Théodore se ralentissait, pratiquant ses tournées rapides, quand il a vu Fodok.
02:46Fodok prenait soin de la mer.
02:49Pendant tout ce temps, sa machine sonore sous l'eau était en train de faire son son de poing-poing.
02:54Théodore savait que cela signifiait que Fodok avait trouvé quelque chose.
02:59Fodok était inquiétant de ce que le changement de son de la machine signifiait.
03:02Il y a une barre d'eau sous l'eau ici, a dit il.
03:05Cela signifie que l'eau n'est pas très profonde.
03:07Un bateau de tug pourrait se tromper ici.
03:09Il vaut mieux prévenir les autres tugs, a dit Fodok.
03:12Théodore était très impressionné.
03:14Fodok trouvait toujours des choses importantes avec sa machine spéciale.
03:18Un jour, Théodore a vu Fodok's new red lifeboat sitting behind his stack.
03:22What a great lifeboat, said Théodore.
03:26Fodok explained he'd been given his new red lifeboat because he was a firefighting tug.
03:31That way, he said, everyone knows that I'm a very important tugboat.
03:37Théodore thought about the lifeboat.
03:39He could almost imagine cruising through the big harbor with a bright red lifeboat that showed everyone he was important.
03:49And then Théodore said,
03:51Fodok, could I try your lifeboat?
03:54Well, Fodok wasn't too sure about that.
03:56After all, if he let Théodore use his lifeboat, he wouldn't have one.
04:00And tugboats must always have a lifeboat.
04:04Maybe we could trade, he suggested.
04:06I'll lend you my lifeboat for the afternoon, and you can lend me yours.
04:11Théodore couldn't have been more pleased.
04:13He felt so happy, he just blurted out,
04:15Fodok, you're my best friend!
04:17Then Fodok told Théodore that he would show him how the sounds from his underwater sonar machine helped them find things.
04:22Let's go, right now, he said.
04:26But Théodore hesitated a moment.
04:28There was something else he was supposed to do, but in all the excitement, he had forgotten just what it was.
04:34Fodok tooted for Théodore.
04:35Come on, Théodore!
04:37And Théodore set off after his new best friend.
04:41Meanwhile, Théodore's other best friend, Hank,
04:44had just finished pulling a barge and was looking for Théodore,
04:47because Théodore had promised to practice speed turns with him.
04:52A little later, Théodore and Fodok were floating along, finding underwater sandbars together.
04:57With Fodok's bright red lifeboat sitting proudly on his deck,
05:00Théodore felt like the most important tugboat in the whole harbor.
05:04Just then, Théodore saw Hank racing towards him.
05:06Théodore! cried Hank, who seemed quite worried.
05:08Oh, I'm so glad to see you! What happened?
05:12Hank had been looking everywhere for Théodore,
05:14and when he hadn't shown up at the sandy beach, Hank had started to get worried.
05:18Are you okay, Théodore? he asked.
05:20I thought we were going to practice speed turns together.
05:22What, did you get lost?
05:24Before Théodore could say anything,
05:26Fodok and Théodore were looking for Théodore,
05:28and Hank was looking for Théodore.
05:30What, did you get lost?
05:32Before Théodore could say anything,
05:34Fodok interrupted.
05:36He didn't get lost, he got finding!
05:38He explained that they were spending the afternoon
05:40practicing finding things with his underwater sonar machine.
05:43Don't you want to practice speed turns with me, Théodore?
05:46asked Hank.
05:47Théodore knew he had forgotten something,
05:49and that was it.
05:51Now he remembered that he had promised to practice with Hank,
05:53but he had also said he would look for things with Fodok.
05:56For a moment, he didn't know what to say.
06:00Then, Hank noticed Théodore's new red lifeboat.
06:03Where'd you get that?
06:05Théodore explained that he had traded lifeboats with Fodok.
06:08Yes, said Fodok.
06:10That's because we're best friends.
06:13Well, it's not like Hank to be too quiet about anything.
06:16But for a moment, he was very, very quiet.
06:19Théodore and Fodok were pretty quiet, too.
06:22Hank was the first to speak.
06:24Oh, well, said Hank finally,
06:26with as much cheerfulness as he could muster.
06:28I'll just do something by myself, I guess.
06:31He told the others that this would be a good chance
06:33for him to practice quick stops.
06:35Now, Théodore was surprised to see that Hank didn't seem upset
06:38about not being Théodore's best friend.
06:40And to tell you the truth, Théodore was a little upset himself.
06:44Didn't Hank want to be his best friend?
06:47Hank, are you sure it's okay that I'm not your best friend?
06:50asked Théodore.
06:52Sure, answered Hank.
06:54But then he hurried away very quickly.
06:57That seems strange.
06:59Théodore felt uncomfortable.
07:01Did Hank really not care that he wasn't Théodore's best friend?
07:04Did Hank really mean what he had said?
07:17Later that afternoon,
07:19George was in the middle of a tall tale
07:21about his latest adventure on the high seas
07:23when the dispatcher turned with an important message.
07:26Three big ships have arrived at the same time, he announced.
07:29And we need every tugboat to get them in as soon as possible.
07:32But where was Hank? No one knew.
07:35Well, said the dispatcher,
07:37you'd better find Hank,
07:39because we need three pullers and two pushers right away.
07:41So the four tugboats set off to search for Hank.
07:46Well, wouldn't you know that Théodore would be the first to find Hank.
07:49He looked like he was stuck right on that sandbar
07:51Fodok had found with his underwater sonar machine.
07:54Théodore knew that if he got too close to Hank,
07:56he might get stuck too.
07:58Hank! Come on, Hank! yelled Théodore.
08:00Get off that sandbar!
08:02We're all needed for a big job.
08:04But Hank didn't answer.
08:06Théodore tried again.
08:08Hank! he called.
08:09Are you all right?
08:11Hank still didn't answer.
08:13Why wasn't Hank answering him?
08:15Maybe he was hurt, or maybe...
08:17And then Théodore had a terrible thought.
08:21He turned around and raced for help.
08:25Théodore found Emily in the next cove looking for Hank.
08:27Emily! Emily! Come quick! shouted Théodore.
08:30I've found Hank. I think he's stuck in the sand,
08:32but he won't answer me.
08:34Well, why won't he answer you? said Emily.
08:37Théodore looked very worried, and then he said,
08:39I don't know, but I think, well,
08:41maybe he's angry with me.
08:44Angry with you? said Emily.
08:45What for?
08:46He was my best friend, answered Théodore.
08:49But then he found out that Fodok and I are best friends.
08:52I thought I was your best friend, said Emily.
08:55Well, replied Théodore.
08:57You were? Well, Fodok traded lifeboats with me.
09:00And then Emily saw the bright red lifeboat on Théodore's deck.
09:03But she just repeated,
09:05You said I was your best friend, Théodore.
09:09Emily, are you angry with me too? said Théodore.
09:12Before Emily could reply,
09:14George and Fodok arrived in the cove.
09:16They'd also spotted Hank.
09:17Come on! shouted George.
09:19And the tugs hurried toward Hank.
09:21All except for Théodore.
09:23He stayed behind.
09:25He was sure Hank was angry with him and didn't want his help.
09:28That made Théodore feel terrible.
09:32Meanwhile, Emily, George and Fodok buttoned on to Hank and began to pull.
09:36They pulled and pulled as hard as they could, but they couldn't budge Hank.
09:40He was stuck fast in that sandbar.
09:42Théodore watched the other tugs.
09:44It's all because of me, he said.
09:46All because I wanted things for me.
09:50Just then, George turned to Théodore.
09:52Théodore, he puffed, we need your help.
09:58Théodore buttoned on and began to pull.
10:02Suddenly, Hank budged a bit.
10:04He was coming loose.
10:06Everyone, all at once, when I count to three.
10:08Roared George.
10:09One, two, three.
10:12Hank was finally free.
10:14Everyone let out a great cheer.
10:16And Théodore was surprised to hear himself
10:18giving the loudest cheer of all.
10:20Thanks for helping, Théodore, said Hank.
10:22I could really feel the difference when you started to pull.
10:25How did you get stuck anyway, Hank, asked Emily.
10:28Well, Hank explained that he had been practicing quick stops
10:31and headed into the cove at full speed.
10:33That's when he got stuck on the hidden sandbar.
10:36I guess I really wasn't watching where I was going, he said.
10:39I was thinking about Théodore not being my best friend anymore.
10:43Is that why you didn't answer me when I called you,
10:46said Théodore in a very small voice.
10:48Hank explained that he didn't hear Théodore calling him.
10:51He was facing the wrong way.
10:53Well, when Théodore heard this, he was very relieved.
10:57But all the tugs were still staring at Théodore.
11:00Just whose best friend was he, anyway?
11:04At first, Théodore didn't know what to say.
11:06He had said he was Hank's best friend.
11:08And Hank was lots of fun to practice with.
11:11But he really liked being with Emily, too.
11:13He'd been to so many places and knew so many things.
11:16And Foduck... Foduck was smart in a different way
11:19and was always helping others.
11:21And George was strong and brave.
11:23Théodore looked around at the other tugs
11:25and tried to decide who his best friend really was.
11:30He thought about how it felt when everyone rescued Hank,
11:32working together, and the big cheer when Hank finally came free.
11:36And then, Théodore knew the answer.
11:39I think we're all best friends, he said.
11:42That's right, said Emily.
11:44We sure are, said Foduck.
11:46You bet, added George.
11:48Everyone's best friends, tooted Hank as if he'd just thought of it.
11:51They were all so happy they didn't notice that Pearl, the pilot, had arrived.
11:54We've got to get to work right away, she said.
11:56A wind is coming up and we have to bring those big ships in fast.
11:59Right, shouted the tugs.
12:01And they all headed off to work.
12:06All the best of friends in the friendliest harbor of them all.
12:13Of course, soon after that,
12:16Théodore and Foduck, well, they traded lifeboats back.
12:19Hank and Théodore and Foduck spent many happy hours
12:23finding things with Foduck's underwater sonar.
12:26If I could just find my pencil.
12:28I had it when I was looking at that picture of my old captain.
12:33Of course.
12:35It's an old habit I picked up.
