Theodore Tugboat Theodore Tugboat S04 E009 – Theodore & the Borrowed Bell

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00:00The sun gotta get the job done, oh Theodore and Emily
00:04With Mota, Hank and George, and the Harvard Master too
00:30I forgot to give it back
00:32I should call him and tell him I still have it
00:37I could go over and just leave it on his porch
00:43I wonder why it's so hard to tell the truth sometimes
00:48When it is, just ask Theodore
00:55It was a fine sunny day in the big harbor
00:58Theodore was peacefully floating along
01:00When suddenly, he heard a sound
01:04It was a wonderful sound, a new sound
01:07A clear, happy sound
01:09Where is it coming from, he said out loud
01:13From me, Theodore
01:15It was Northumberland's submarine
01:17I found this old bell at the bottom of the harbor
01:19You like it?
01:22Oh yes, said Theodore
01:24Theodore, Northumberland was always finding great things
01:26Under the water at the bottom of the harbor
01:30I like the sound, said Northumberland as he yawned
01:33Makes me sleepy
01:35Of course, Northumberland was sleepy
01:37Because he always sleeps during the day
01:39Could I borrow your bell, Northumberland?
01:41Asked Theodore
01:43Well, Northumberland was tired after cruising under the ocean all night
01:46And he did want to get some sleep
01:48You promise you'll take good care of it?
01:50He asked
01:51I triple promise, said Theodore
01:54Well, I guess it'll be alright
01:58Said the submarine as he yawned again
02:00Hooray, shouted Theodore
02:02I'll take very good care of the bell
02:04You can count on me
02:08Well, Theodore was thrilled to have the bell
02:11And when Hank saw it, he was pretty excited too
02:14Let's hear it again, Theodore, said Hank
02:17Okay, said Theodore
02:18But I don't want to wear it out
02:20Can I try it, please? Asked Hank
02:22No, Hank, said Theodore
02:24Northumberland lent it to me
02:26And I have to look after it
02:28Please, Theodore?
02:29Please, pleaded Hank
02:31Careful, Hank, said Theodore
02:32Hank bumped him
02:34Continued Hank
02:35Oh, he was so excited, he bumped Theodore again
02:41But it was too late
02:45The bell sank with a gurgle
02:48What do we do now? wondered Hank
02:50Well, I'll have to tell Northumberland that I lost his bell
02:54Said Theodore quietly
02:57Oh, he's not going to like that, said Hank
03:00You promised to take good care of it
03:03Yes, I did, said Theodore
03:05He felt terrible
03:09Theodore, said Hank
03:11Maybe we can get the bell back on our own
03:13Well, said Theodore slowly
03:16I don't know
03:18Sure we can, shouted Hank
03:20We just have to, we just have to figure out how
03:25Well, OK, said Theodore
03:28But deep inside, he really wasn't sure it was the right thing to do
03:34Fortunately, Benjamin Ridge had noticed the exact spot where the bell fell into the water
03:39You need help of a special kind, said Benjamin
03:42Help that knows how to really unwind
03:45Unwind, said Hank
03:47It was another one of Benjamin's riddles
03:49I get it, called Theodore
03:51We know a barge that can unwind
03:53We do, wondered Hank
03:56Bobby Barge, said Theodore
03:58You see, Bobby had a crane that could unwind enough rope to reach the bottom of the deep harbour
04:03Of course, said Hank
04:05Bobby can bring up the bell with his crane
04:07I'll go get it, said Theodore
04:09We'll have it back in no time, said Hank happily
04:12We'll have it back in no time, said Hank happily
04:16Have what back?
04:18It was Northumberland
04:21Northumberland, cried Hank startled
04:23What are you doing here?
04:25I can't sleep
04:27I really miss my bell, said the sub
04:31Where's Theodore? Have you seen him?
04:33Yes, said Benjamin
04:35No, said Hank, both at the same time
04:38Well, have you seen my bell?
04:40Asked Northumberland
04:41Yes, said Hank
04:42No, said Benjamin again, both at the same time
04:45Is something wrong?
04:48Asked Northumberland
04:49No, said Hank
04:50Maybe, said Benjamin
04:53Well now, Northumberland was starting to worry
04:56Does Theodore still have my bell?
04:58He asked
04:59Well, began Hank
05:01You see
05:05I'm so tired, said Northumberland
05:07I need a nap
05:10Tell Theodore I want my bell back as soon as I wake up
05:15I sure hope Bobby Barge can find that bell before then, said Hank
05:22Yes, Bobby Barge is able to bring up lots of things from the bottom of the harbour
05:26by dragging his crane hook
05:28The problem is, he never knows what his hook will grab
05:34How about an old anchor, asked Bobby
05:37No, that's not it, said Theodore
05:39Beginning to sound a bit discouraged
05:42So far, you found an old tire, a propeller and an anchor, said Hank
05:46Well, maybe if you told me what it is you're looking for, I could do better, said Bobby
05:51Oh, it's a surprise, said Theodore
05:54He didn't want anyone else to know about the bell
05:56But thanks for trying, Bobby
05:59Trying what? asked George
06:01Nothing, shouted Hank, Theodore and Benjamin all together
06:06What are you all doing here, asked George
06:09Everyone looked at Theodore
06:16Oh, why did I ever borrow that bell, he thought to himself
06:21Um, I'm looking for, he began, for, for you
06:26George looked surprised
06:28For me?
06:29Right, continued Theodore
06:31I, I think I heard the dispatcher calling us
06:33Well then, let's go, said George
06:35There must be a job waiting
06:38Um, coming, called Theodore
06:41Hank, keep looking, he said quietly
06:47But at that moment, Northumberland returned
06:52Hank, he said
06:54Where's Theodore?
06:57He's, uh, with George, said Hank
07:00With George? repeated Northumberland
07:02Ah, well George will probably want to borrow my bell too, huh
07:05I better get it from Theodore right now
07:08I don't think he'll find it over there, said Hank to himself
07:17The dispatcher was rather surprised to see George and Theodore
07:21I'm sorry, George, but I, I have no jobs for you at the moment
07:24But then why did you call for us, asked George
07:28I didn't call you, said the dispatcher
07:31What Theodore said, began George
07:34And then he noticed that he was alone
07:37Yes, George? asked the dispatcher
07:40Um, nothing, said George
07:44Something smells fishy around here, said George
07:47And it isn't the fish
07:52After a bit more unsuccessful searching, Hank had returned Bobby Barge to his dock
07:57I'm really sorry I knocked the bell off your deck, Theodore, said Hank
08:01Thanks, Hank, said Theodore quietly
08:04Theodore, I don't like it when you play tricks like that, said George
08:07The dispatcher didn't have any jobs for us
08:10Theodore, said Northumberland
08:12Where's my, uh, bell?
08:17But before Theodore could answer any of them, George moved in
08:20What bell, he said
08:22Say, shouldn't you be asleep, Northumberland, asked George
08:25Yes, I should be
08:27Northumberland was starting to feel very grumpy at being kept awake
08:30But I want my bell back, he continued
08:33Do you have it, George? Did you borrow it from Theodore?
08:36What are you talking about, said George
08:38I know you always like the stuff I find at the bottom of the harbour, George
08:42Continued Northumberland
08:44Well, that's true, said George
08:46But he still couldn't figure out what Northumberland was talking about
08:50Well, then where is it, said Northumberland
08:52Well, then where is it, said Northumberland
08:54Where's what, asked George
08:56My bell, thundered Northumberland
08:59Well, Theodore felt terrible
09:01He'd never seen Northumberland so upset
09:03And now, Northumberland was blaming George
09:06I want my bell back, right now, demanded Northumberland
09:10I don't know where your dumb old bell is, snorted George
09:13George was beginning to get upset too
09:15And Theodore knew that none of this was George's fault
09:18He had borrowed the bell, and he had lost it
09:22Theodore also knew he should have said so, long ago
09:26He took a deep breath
09:28The bell is right below us, he said
09:33You mean George threw it back in, asked Northumberland
09:37No, said Theodore
09:39I dropped it
09:42My bell's at the bottom again, said Northumberland sadly
09:48Why didn't you tell me, Theodore, he asked
09:52I should have Northumberland, said Theodore
09:55But, I thought I could get it back before you found out
09:59Theodore, you promised to be careful with my bell, said Northumberland
10:04You triple promised
10:06Well, Hank felt very sorry too
10:09And he knew it wasn't all Theodore's fault
10:12He tried to speak in a loud voice, but the words came out in a kind of a squeak
10:16I, ahem, I bumped Theodore, said Hank
10:20The next words came easier
10:22And the bell fell into the harbour
10:26Thanks Hank, said Theodore quietly
10:30And then things just got so complicated, said Hank
10:37We're really sorry, Northumberland
10:40We are, said Theodore
10:42I should have told you right from the start
10:45Me too, added Hank
10:48Just saying those words made the two tugs feel a whole lot better
10:53Well, said George, I'm glad we got all that straightened out
10:58But the bell is still missing, said Theodore sadly
11:03Well, at that moment, the water began to move, and bubble
11:07And then Northumberland appeared up from under the water
11:14Look what I found, said the happy submarine
11:18The bell, said all the tugs at once
11:24To fetch a bell from under the waves so blue and green, said Benjamin
11:28To fetch a bell from under the waves so blue and green, said Benjamin
11:32You need someone special named Northumberland Submarine
11:36All the tugs shouted together
11:38Shhh, said Northumberland
11:41I'm really, ah, sleepy
11:52I'm certainly glad I remembered the story of Theodore and the borrowed bell
11:56I think I know what I have to do now
11:58It's not gonna be easy, but I have to call Rodney and tell him that I have his glove
12:02It's right here
12:04I had it a minute ago, I can...
12:08No, I can't put this off any longer
12:10Thanks for visiting us here in the Big Harbor
12:12And we'll see you all again next time
12:21Hello, Rodney
12:22Yes, yes, it's me
12:24Ah, Rodney, I...
12:28Have I ever told you the story of Theodore and the borrowed bell?
