Theodore Tugboat Theodore Tugboat S05 E008 – Hank and the Sunken Ship

  • il y a 3 mois


00:00Oh Theodore, likes to do the things that friendly Dumbo's do
00:30But first, I'm going to very carefully take the top off my tank
00:36Put it over there
00:38Then, alright fish, here's your new castle
00:47Oh, look at that
00:49It's supposed to sit on the bottom of the tank
00:55But it won't sink
00:57I'm getting a sinking feeling that I don't want to invite Rodney over
01:01It's kind of funny actually
01:03You see, just the other day, Hank had a sinking feeling too
01:07And a sunken ship
01:12One dark and moonlit night, out by the entrance to the big harbour deep beneath the waves
01:17Northumberland's submarine was cruising home from his underwater patrol
01:21He saw something, hidden beyond the edge of a great underwater cliff
01:26He nosed himself around the edge and gasped out loud at what he saw
01:30There, on the bottom of the ocean, lay a sunken ship, forgotten and mysterious
01:37Wait till I tell the Tugs about this, he shouted
01:43Back at the Great Ocean Tug and Salvage Company dock, the tugboats were gathered round for storytelling time
01:48George was beginning another one of his big stories
01:51I was moving over in the oil rig out on the ocean, he announced
01:56George boomed his engine just to make sure everyone was listening to him very carefully
02:01Suddenly, I saw a giant iceberg coming straight for us
02:05The tugboats all moved a little closer to hear every word
02:08How big was the iceberg? asked Fodor
02:11How big is a building? boomed George
02:14Hank squirmed his way into the circle
02:16I was moving a barge once, he said in his biggest voice
02:19Yes Hank? asked George
02:21And I saw a bumper in the water coming straight for us
02:26Hank tried to roar his engine like George but it was more of a burp than a boom
02:34He said clearing his throat
02:36The bumper was as big as a...
02:41As a bumper? suggested Fodor
02:43I guess so, said Hank quietly
02:47Anything else Hank? asked Emily
02:50No, said Hank
02:53So, anyway, there I was, said George, continuing his story
02:57Hank looked around at the faces of the other tugs, all smiling at George
03:02I wish I had a better story to tell, he said to himself
03:06No sooner had Hank said that, when a voice shouted
03:09Guess what I found?
03:11Northumberland submarine had popped up beside the tugs
03:16A sunken ship! he shouted
03:18Well that is very interesting, said Fodor
03:21Yes, tell us about it Northumberland, smiled Theodore
03:24The tugboats all moved very close to hear every word
03:28Northumberland began to tell them about the sunken ship
03:31Even the dispatcher turned to listen
03:33As Hank listened too, he began to grow more and more excited
03:37A sunken ship! he said to himself
03:39If only I could bring that ship back up
03:42That would be the best story ever
03:47Brightened early the next day, before the other tugboats were even awake
03:51Hank quietly slipped away from the great ocean dock
03:55He hurried over to the navy yard, where he found Northumberland, fast asleep of course
04:00Northumberland always slept all day and cruised under the ocean at night
04:04Northumberland! Northumberland! whispered Hank
04:07Wake up! Wake up!
04:09He gave the sub a little thud just to get things going
04:12Huh? said Northumberland groggily
04:14Is it night time already?
04:17Northumberland! said Hank
04:19Can you show me where the sunken ship is please?
04:21Can you Northumberland? Please!
04:24Northumberland decided that the only way he was going to get any sleep
04:27Was to show Hank where the shipwreck was
04:33Oh this will be a great start to my story, Hank said to himself
04:36Let me see
04:37I followed Northumberland out of the ocean
04:40I followed Northumberland out of the harbor
04:43Hank was already practicing the great story he was going to tell the tugs that night
04:46About raising the sunken ship
04:48It was cloudy, the water was very...
04:51Was very... watery
04:57Meanwhile, back at the great ocean dock
05:00The other tugboats were gathering around the dispatcher for the morning work meeting
05:03Where is Hank? said the dispatcher
05:06Theodore looked around and sure enough
05:08Hank was nowhere to be seen
05:10It feels like a storm is coming in! thought up told the group
05:17Northumberland and Hank arrived above the sunken ship
05:20It's straight down there! yawned Northumberland
05:24Thanks Northumberland! smiled Hank
05:26You're welcome! yawned Northumberland, anxious to get back to sleep
05:33Hank began to lower his special hauling rope with a big hook on the end
05:36To raise the sunken ship
05:38Down, down, down went Hank's rope into the depths
05:51He moved his hook this way, that way and that way again
05:56Trying to snag the sunken ship
06:00Got it! said Hank finally
06:02He made his toughest tugging face
06:05One, two, three, heave!
06:14Oh, this ship is really big! Hank said out loud
06:18I bet it's bigger than a... than a bumper
06:21No, no, a building! No, no, bigger than a...
06:24Well, whatever is bigger than a building
06:27Hank didn't know what to do
06:30In the big harbor, the other tugboats noticed the storm too
06:33And they also noticed that Hank was still nowhere to be seen
06:36We'll have to search for him, announced the dispatcher
06:39Please proceed immediately
06:42The tugboats set off to look for Hank
06:44Bracing themselves against the storm
06:46They were not able to find him
06:48They were not able to find him
06:50They were not able to find him
06:52They were not able to find him
06:54They were not able to find him
06:56The tugboats set off to look for Hank
06:58Bracing themselves against the wind and the whitecaps
07:01I hope Hank's alright, said Theodore quietly
07:08Hank was swinging and swaying this way and that in the storm
07:13While down below, his hauling rope was swinging and swaying too
07:17Right around the sunken ship's mast
07:20Hank tried to raise the sunken ship again
07:22But it seemed his hauling rope was stuck on something
07:25Are you stuck there, boy?
07:27A voice came hollering out of the storm
07:29Hank turned and saw the little cable ship
07:32No! he hollered back
07:34You don't need a tower nut, called Digby
07:36I'm fine, shouted Hank
07:38He wanted this to be his adventure, not Digby's
07:41Well, am I stuck then?
07:43Digby went on
07:44No! shouted Hank
07:46Good boy, how good, said Digby
07:49Then I'm heading home
07:50Only mad boats and barnacles stay out in a big blow like this
07:56Hank smiled to himself
07:58A big storm was just great for his story
08:00And this was getting to be a really big storm
08:07Suddenly, his engine quit
08:09Hank had been working so hard trying to raise that sunken ship
08:13That he had used up all his oil
08:16Hank saw that the storm was pushing him towards the coast
08:20And he was attached to the ship down below
08:22Just like a balloon on a string
08:26Wait till I tell everyone about this, he crowed
08:32I bet those rocks are as big as a bumper
08:35No, a building
08:36No, well, whatever's bigger than a building
08:40Anyway, he went on
08:42You sure are bigger than me
08:46Hank had a thought, a terrible thought
08:50I think, he told himself
08:52I think I'm going to crash into those rocks
09:02Theodore was still searching for Hank near the Navy Yards
09:05It was almost night
09:06And he knew finding his friend in the dark would be even more difficult
09:11Northumberland was just waking up
09:12Ready for another night under the ocean
09:16Did Hank raise that sunken ship?
09:18He yawned at Theodore
09:19Sunken ship?
09:20Repeated Theodore
09:24I wish I was home in my dock listening to my story right now
09:28Hank groaned
09:29Instead of still being in my story
09:32One big wave would be all it took to dash him into the rocks
09:36Just then, a faint light pierced the sky
09:40Just then, a faint light pierced the blue
09:43At first, Hank thought he was seeing things
09:47But then, Theodore appeared through the dark
09:49And Northumberland was with him
09:52Hank blew his whistle as loud as he could
09:54Over here
09:57He cried
09:59Theodore shouldered on through the storm
10:01My rope is stuck
10:03Groaned Hank
10:04Down there
10:06Hold steady Hank
10:07Shouted Theodore
10:08Finally, he was close enough to his friend to button on
10:11Thanks for coming Theodore
10:13Said Hank
10:14I'm really glad to see you
10:16Northumberland dived
10:21Down, down, down went the sub
10:26And soon, he could see the trouble
10:32Quickly, he began to untangle Hank's hauling rope
10:36Hank's rope came free so suddenly
10:38That the two tugs were almost jerked into the rocks
10:43But Theodore held on
10:44And they were safe
10:52You'll have a great story to tell everybody tonight
10:54Said Theodore as he towed Hank home
10:56I will?
10:57Said Hank
10:59Theodore went on
11:00About the sunken ship
11:02But I didn't even raise it
11:04Hank said sadly
11:05I ran out of oil and I almost crashed
11:07I wanted to have the best story
11:09But instead
11:10It's probably the worst story ever
11:12Just then
11:13The other tug saw Hank
11:16Shouted Foduck
11:18It is Hank!
11:21Theodore was helping him towards the dock
11:23Everyone was overjoyed to see Hank safe and sound again
11:28Tell us what happened, Hank
11:30Said Emily
11:31The tugboats all moved very close to hear every word
11:33I tried to raise the sunken ship
11:36Hank began
11:37But then he stopped
11:38He looked around at all the smiling faces
11:41And suddenly he knew just what to say
11:43But the very best part of the story
11:46Told the tugs
11:47Is the ending
11:48It's when I came home to all my good friends
11:50That's a great story, Hank
11:52Said Foduck
11:53It sure is
11:54Agreed Theodore
11:56I remember when I raised the sunken ship once
11:58Grumbled George
11:59I think it was a super tanker
12:01Well, the tugs all had a very good laugh about that
12:09Hank's story has helped me make up my mind
12:11Even if I can't get my castle to sink
12:13I'm going to invite Rodney over to see my fish tank
12:15May not have a big castle
12:17But Rodney will still like me just as much
12:19Right now though
12:20I think I better take this castle back to the pet store
12:22Thanks for visiting us here at the Big Harbour
12:24We'll see you all again next time
12:27I'd look pretty silly with a castle on my head, wouldn't I?
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