Theodore Tugboat Theodore Tugboat S04 E012 – Hank Hurts a Ship

  • il y a 3 mois


00:00Oh Theodore, likes to do the things that friendly tough folks do.
00:30Theodore tries to call his Aunt Ruby on the telephone and he keeps calling me by mistake.
00:34I don't know.
00:36Excuse me.
00:39It's Rodney.
00:40Rodney, I am not your Aunt Ruby.
00:43No, you did come poop.
00:48He hung up the phone on me.
00:53Why do you think he did that?
00:55Maybe it's because I called him an income poop.
00:57I suppose it's not a very nice thing to call someone.
01:00Oh, I wonder if I hurt his feelings.
01:03Maybe I should ask Hank.
01:04Why Hank?
01:05Let me tell you about it.
01:11One fine morning, Hank was setting off to work.
01:16Hello Hank, tooted Constance.
01:22Hello Hank, called Blue Nose, the sailing ship.
01:26Hi Hank, called Rebecca, the research vessel.
01:37It seemed like everyone in the whole harbour wanted to say hello to Hank.
01:42This is the friendliest harbour in the whole world, Hank shouted out loud.
01:47Morning Hank, called Benjamin.
01:49Hank felt so happy, he whistled a little tune to everyone.
01:55Now Hank's job that day was to move Bayswater Barge.
02:01Hello Bumper Bum, shouted Bayswater.
02:04Well, Hank was so surprised that for a moment he thought Bayswater might have been talking to someone else.
02:10He didn't see anyone else.
02:13Hello Bumper Bum, repeated Bayswater, even louder this time.
02:17There was no doubt about it.
02:19Bayswater was talking to him.
02:21It was funny, but that name hurt.
02:24It was like someone had bumped him, hard.
02:30Bayswater just laughed.
02:32Funny name, huh, he said.
02:34Uh-huh, Hank said slowly.
02:37But he still wasn't really sure why Bayswater had called him that.
02:43He wasn't sure he liked it.
02:49A little later, Hank arrived at the oil refinery with Bayswater.
02:53There was a big pile of oil drums in the dock, waiting for Bayswater to pick up.
02:57Let's load my oil drums, Bumper Bum.
03:00Bayswater giggled.
03:02Well, by this time Hank just had to say something.
03:05Ready when you are, Barge Bum.
03:08Bayswater began to laugh, and laugh.
03:11Hank began to laugh too.
03:12Barge Bum!
03:13He shouted again, and both of them were laughing now.
03:16Hank had to admit to himself that it was kind of fun to make up silly names like that.
03:20Hurry up, Bathwater, he hooted.
03:23Hank began laughing so hard, his whistle made a funny sound.
03:29Ha ha ha ha, roared Bayswater.
03:31You sound like a big goose.
03:34Birdbath, Hank shouted right back.
03:38The two of them laughed and laughed until their whistles hurt.
03:42Well, at the end of the day, after they had finished working,
03:45Hank dropped Bayswater off at his dock, and began to float home.
03:49Then, he stopped and turned back to Bayswater again.
03:53See you later, Barge Bum, he shouted.
03:59Hank was surprised to see Pearl the pilot boat.
04:02I heard what you called Bayswater, said Pearl.
04:05It's not very funny, Hank.
04:07I heard what you called Bayswater, said Pearl.
04:10It's not very nice to say things like that.
04:18Pilot pooper, Hank said under his breath.
04:21Then he grinned a little grin.
04:23Somehow, having Pearl tell him it wasn't nice made saying things like that seem even funnier.
04:30Early the next day, the dispatchers sent Theodore and Hank to bring in a cargo ship.
04:35Honk! Honk! Honk!
04:47Hank could see the cargo ship, whose name was Inverness, waiting for them near the harbor entrance.
04:52Now Inverness had a very pointy bow.
04:54Hank's mind began to race, just like his engine.
04:57He hurried on ahead of Theodore, and pulled up right in front of Inverness.
05:02Hello, Needlenose, he shouted with a great big grin.
05:06Inverness didn't say anything.
05:09Then, Hank puffed along to the back of the ship to help push, tuning his whistle with laughter.
05:15What a funny name I thought of, he smiled to himself.
05:19But when Theodore arrived at the ship, something very peculiar happened.
05:24Inverness began to lower his anchor, as if he meant to stay right there.
05:28What are you doing? asked Theodore.
05:33Inverness just floated there, silent and still.
05:38Well, don't you want to come into the harbor? Theodore went on.
05:41No, I don't, Inverness replied in a very cross-sounding voice.
05:46Well, why not? Theodore asked.
05:49As if to answer him, Inverness began to turn away from Hank.
05:54Theodore floated along to the back of Inverness, to talk to Hank.
06:00Hank, he said, this ship doesn't want to come into the harbor.
06:04I don't know why.
06:06Talk to Hank. Hank, he said, this ship doesn't want to come into the harbor.
06:12He doesn't, said Hank. Why not?
06:15I have no idea, Theodore said.
06:29He doesn't want to come into the harbor, the dispatcher said when Theodore had told him what had happened.
06:34But why not?
06:36No, replied Theodore. Do we, Hank?
06:42Can you think of any reason? continued the dispatcher.
06:46No, said Theodore.
06:48No, said Hank.
06:52Just then, they heard an emergency whistle.
06:56And Foduck, the safety tug, came racing up to the dock, all out of breath.
07:00That ship who was supposed to come into the harbor is leaving, he puffed.
07:04Leaving? asked the dispatcher.
07:11Sure enough, Inverness was on his way out of the harbor.
07:17Well, why wouldn't he want to come into our harbor? the dispatcher thought out loud.
07:21This is the friendliest harbor anywhere.
07:24And then, he gazed out towards Inverness, as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing.
07:33Theodore, he said.
07:35Yes, sir.
07:37I want you to try to bring him back to the harbor. Please proceed immediately.
07:41Theodore didn't waste a beat of his engine.
07:44He set off.
07:46Now, they could see that Inverness was already quite a ways out on the ocean.
07:51I wonder where Needlenose is going. said Hank.
07:55What did you call him? Theodore said, turning to Hank.
07:58That's him!
08:00Let's go!
08:03Theodore, he set off.
08:05Now, they could see that Inverness was already quite a ways out on the ocean.
08:08I wonder where Needlenose is going. said Hank.
08:10« Qu'est-ce que tu lui as appelé ? »
08:13Théodore a répondu en se retournant à Hank.
08:15« Où est-ce qu'il va ? »
08:18a répété Hank.
08:19« Tu l'as appelé Needle-Nose » a dit Théodore.
08:22« J'ai ? » a dit Hank.
08:24Hank avait dit ça sans même y penser.
08:26« Je l'ai fait moi-même, c'est drôle ! »
08:29« Eh bien, Franc-Théodore, tu ne devrais pas l'appeler Inverness,
08:32sinon on ne va jamais l'amener de retour dans notre harbore. »
08:34« Pourquoi pas, Théodore ? »
08:36Hank voulait savoir.
08:37« Parce que... » a répondu Théodore.
08:39« Ce n'est pas agréable ! »
08:43Jusqu'alors, Hank avait un sentiment horrible.
08:46« Théodore... » a dit-il doucement.
08:49« Qu'est-ce que c'est, Hank ? Je dois vraiment y aller. »
08:52« Je crois... Je crois que je l'ai...
08:55Je crois que je l'ai appelé... ça. »
08:58« Quoi ? » a dit Théodore.
09:00glissant à Hank.
09:02« Hank ! Oh, parfois...
09:04parfois, tu es un... un... un... un... un... un... un... un... un... un... un... un... un... »
09:10Théodore était tellement confiant envers Hank,
09:12qu'il avait juste fait saver la première chose qu'il pouvait penser à dire.
09:16Cette nommée a fait mal à Hank, comme si quelqu'un l'avait frappé fort.
09:22La prochaine chose que Hank savait...
09:24une grande fleur moelle a apparue dans le coin de son oeil.
09:29« Théodore, tu m'as fait mal, » a-t-il dit.
09:35« Je ne voulais pas, Hank, » a-t-il dit doucement.
09:38« Je suis désolé. »
09:41Hank a tourné vers Inverness.
09:44Tout d'un coup, il savait pourquoi le bateau allait partir.
09:49« Je pense, » a-t-il dit lentement.
09:52« Je pense que j'ai fait mal à Inverness. »
09:56« Maintenant, je dois tenter de l'arrêter, » a-t-il dit.
09:59Il a ralenti après Inverness sans aucun mot.
10:05Hank savait qu'il n'était pas autorisé à partir du bateau, comme Théodore.
10:09Il ne pouvait que attendre.
10:11Attendre et espérer que Théodore puisse faire revenir Inverness.
10:17Hank a regardé comme Théodore a parlé à Inverness sur l'océan.
10:20Lentement, Théodore a commencé à retourner au bateau.
10:24Hank a retenu sa respiration.
10:29Un instant plus tard, Inverness a commencé à se tourner vers le bateau, aussi.
10:34Quand Hank l'a vu, il a flotté pour le rencontrer.
10:41« Merci de revenir au bateau, » a-t-il dit.
10:45« Bien, » a-t-il dit lentement.
10:48« Je ne voulais pas, » a-t-il dit, « mais Théodore m'a promis que personne ne m'appellerait plus. »
10:55« Bien, je ne devais pas t'appeler ainsi, » a-t-il dit. Il avait l'air très triste.
10:59« Je ne voulais pas te faire mal. »
11:02« Bien, tu l'as fait, » a-t-il dit.
11:06« Je suis vraiment désolé, » a-t-il dit.
11:13Inverness était calme pour un instant.
11:17Ensuite, il a dit,
11:19« Mon nom est Inverness. »
11:22« Et je suis Hank, » a-t-il dit.
11:24« Et je pense que si tu le donnes une chance, tu verras que ce bateau est le plus amicable du monde. »
11:30« C'est vrai, » a-t-il dit.
11:38Bien, quand les Tugs ont commencé à amener Inverness dans son bateau,
11:41ils ont été tellement heureux qu'ils ont fait un petit son pour tout le monde.
11:44Et Inverness s'est également réunie.
11:52Parce qu'après tout, comme tout le monde le sait,
11:55le Grand Havre est le plus amicable du monde.
12:07Oh, j'ai presque oublié que j'ai entendu les sentiments de Rodney quand je lui ai appelé.
12:11Tu as raison. Je vais l'appeler à ce moment-là et m'excuser.
12:14Merci d'avoir visité le Grand Havre.
12:16On se revoit la prochaine fois.
12:19Rodney, je suis vraiment désolé de t'avoir appelé un Incompoop.
12:24Non, ce n'est pas ta tante Ruby.
12:26Ça va prendre un peu de temps.
