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00:00I've been around ships most of my life.
00:02I remember the first time I got my first job aboard a ship.
00:05That was really something.
00:07I didn't think I was going to be able to do it.
00:08Oh, God.
00:09Long hours and hard work,
00:11not to mention trying to stay standing
00:13with the waves rolling this way and that way.
00:17But I did.
00:19And you know what? Before I knew it,
00:21I had spent many happy years at sea.
00:24Ha! I remember when Theodore
00:26got his first job here in the Big Harbor.
00:29It was when he pulled his first ship.
00:32Ha! You know, he didn't think
00:34he was going to be able to do it either.
00:39It seemed like Theodore and Hank were always thinking
00:41about the day when they'd be able to go
00:43to the wide open ocean, beyond the harbor.
00:46That's when they'd have their own wonderful V words
00:48in bright golden letters,
00:50just like Emily, the vigorous,
00:52or George, the valiant,
00:54or Foduck, the vigilant.
00:56And, of course, they were also thinking
00:58about what their V words might be.
01:03Theodore liked valuable, or even very valuable.
01:06Hank preferred volcano.
01:08Theodore knew it could be a while
01:10before either of them had learned enough
01:12to be given their own V words.
01:14After all, the most important step
01:16before being awarded a V
01:18was knowing how to pull a ship.
01:20Theodore had pulled barges before,
01:22and they'd both done practice pulls with Emily,
01:25It was time for the morning meeting,
01:27but none of the other tugs were there.
01:29The dispatcher seemed worried.
01:31He looked at Hank, then at Theodore,
01:34and then back around at the busy harbor.
01:37Let's see, he said.
01:39Emily's still out on the ocean.
01:41She's supposed to be back very soon.
01:43George is towing Tex, the oil rig, down the coast.
01:46He won't be back for a few days.
01:48And Foduck, Foduck's busy moving ships
01:50anchored in the middle of the harbor.
01:52Well, he sighed.
01:54That means we have a big problem.
01:56We have a cargo ship arriving soon, tugboats, he said.
01:59Her name is Julia,
02:01and there just happens to be room for her today
02:03at her favorite dock.
02:05But with all the V tugs away, continued the dispatcher,
02:07there's no one to pull her in.
02:09Theodore, whispered Hank.
02:11The dispatcher kept looking around
02:13as if he hoped Emily would magically appear.
02:15Well, he said, not very happy.
02:17I guess that means...
02:22I guess tomorrow will be a very busy day, tugboats.
02:25That's all for now.
02:27Hank whispered again to Theodore.
02:29Theodore, this is our big chance.
02:31You and I could bring in that cargo ship.
02:33Hank was so excited, he was finding it hard
02:35to keep his voice down.
02:37Hank, said Theodore.
02:39I'm not a puller. Not yet, anyway.
02:41Well, you want to be one, don't you, Theodore,
02:43replied Hank.
02:45Yes, but...
02:47said Theodore.
02:49But Hank was still talking.
02:51And the dispatcher said just the other day
02:53that you were doing a great job pulling barges.
02:55I'm sure he'll let you try.
02:57Come on, Theodore. Ask him. Ask him.
02:59What's all this about,
03:01said the dispatcher suddenly.
03:03Theodore can pull, said Hank.
03:05He's been practicing a lot.
03:07The dispatcher turned to Theodore.
03:09Theodore, do you think you're ready to pull?
03:11Oh, my, thought Theodore.
03:13What's Hank started this time?
03:19almost before he knew what had happened,
03:21there was Theodore,
03:23sailing out to the mouth of the harbor with Hank.
03:25Sure enough,
03:27they were on their way to meet Julia, the cargo ship.
03:29How does it feel to be the tug in charge?
03:31asked Hank.
03:33Theodore still wasn't sure if he knew what to feel.
03:35Not very sure at all.
03:37We'd better think, Theodore, Hank continued.
03:39After this, you'll get your V word for sure.
03:41How about Voyageur,
03:43off to all the seas in the whole wide world?
03:45And I'll be Hank the Volcano.
03:47Roar, said Hank.
03:49But all Theodore could think about
03:51was being the tug in charge.
03:53Hank was sure there wouldn't be any problems.
03:55You won't be alone, Theodore, he called.
03:57I'll be helping you.
03:59Well, for some reason, this made Theodore
04:01feel even less sure about the whole thing.
04:03Hank, you forgot to tuck in your anchor again, he said.
04:07That's what Emily and Foduck are always saying, said Hank.
04:09See, Theodore,
04:11you're already a great tug in charge.
04:13Theodore couldn't help smiling at his friend.
04:15Hank just wouldn't give up, would he?
04:17Well, said Theodore,
04:19I guess I should at least try.
04:21Maybe it'll be OK.
04:23I hope.
04:25So off they went again.
04:27And again they started thinking of V words.
04:29Volcano, Voyageur,
04:31they knew that this would turn out to be quite a day.
04:33The day that Theodore Tugboat
04:35would pull his first ship.
04:37Soon, Theodore and Hank
04:39had arrived at the mouth of the harbor,
04:41in the middle of the ocean.
04:43Julia, the cargo ship, was just arriving.
04:47She looked very big.
04:49Very, very big.
04:53She also looked unfriendly.
04:57All of a sudden,
04:59Theodore's doubts returned.
05:03The huge ship just stared down at him.
05:05Hello, said Theodore.
05:07I mean, how do you do?
05:09Julia didn't answer.
05:11Theodore tried again.
05:13My name is Theodore, and this is my good friend Hank.
05:15We're here to take you to your favorite dock.
05:19Theodore couldn't think of anything else to say,
05:21so he just waited.
05:23Finally, Julia said,
05:25Fine, pushers go to the back.
05:29Hank and Theodore looked at each other,
05:31and then at Julia again.
05:33Thank you, Julia, said Theodore,
05:35who always tried to be very polite.
05:37How did you find your puller today?
05:39Well, Julia was not impressed.
05:41She thought Theodore was just a little tug.
05:43I've pulled before, said Theodore,
05:45trying to make Julia feel better.
05:47And what have you pulled before?
05:49asked Julia.
05:51Well, barges, mostly,
05:53replied Theodore.
05:57Now, Julia wasn't sure that Theodore could be a puller,
05:59but she knew it was important
06:01to get the fresh vegetable she was carrying unloaded.
06:03And after all, it was her favorite dock
06:05that was open today.
06:07She looked way down again
06:09at the two tugboats.
06:11Well, I suppose I'll have to
06:13at least let you two try.
06:15Hooray, shouted Hank.
06:17But I hope you won't make
06:19any mistakes, or I'll have to complain.
06:21Oh, yes, I understand,
06:23said Theodore bravely.
06:25But inside, he knew that if Julia complained,
06:27it was sure to hurt his chances
06:29of being given his V-word
06:31and being able to go out on the ocean.
06:33Let's get to work, Theodore, called Hank.
06:35I'm waiting,
06:37said Julia.
06:41Theodore started off back into the Big Harbor.
06:43He found he really didn't like
06:45how you could see everything when you were up in front.
06:47And he felt very important
06:49leading such a big cargo ship
06:51into the Big Harbor.
06:53He even gave a little toot-toot to Hank,
06:55just like the tug in charge does to signal,
06:57All clear. Carry on.
06:59Just then, Pearl the pilot boat arrived
07:01to help guide the ship safely
07:03through the busiest part of the harbor.
07:05But with Pearl there,
07:07Theodore began to worry again.
07:09He wanted to make sure he did everything
07:11just right, and the pilot boats
07:13always watched very carefully.
07:15After all, that's their job.
07:17Well, Theodore, said Pearl.
07:19Your first pull, is it?
07:21Oh, yes, ma'am, answered Theodore.
07:23Will you arrive on time? asked Pearl.
07:25Theodore looked around.
07:27Hank was in position.
07:29Well, everything's fine, I guess.
07:31We'll be there in no time, he said.
07:33Pearl went to check on Hank.
07:35Willie's Island in the middle of the harbor
07:37was just coming into view.
07:39You'd better start turning,
07:41Julia said to Theodore.
07:43The turn, the time,
07:45being the tug in charge,
07:47there's just so much to remember, Theodore thought.
07:49Theodore was getting closer and closer
07:51to Willie's Island.
07:53Turn, said Julia again.
07:55But this wasn't the way Theodore
07:57had practiced with Emily.
07:59They always turned a little closer to the island.
08:01That was because sometimes other ships
08:03were coming around the other way.
08:05Theodore knew he had to give them lots of room.
08:07Careful, Theodore, careful!
08:09said Pearl.
08:11But now, Theodore wasn't sure
08:13what he should do.
08:15Maybe the others were right.
08:17After all, it was only his first pull.
08:19The island was getting closer and closer.
08:21Theodore knew that Julia would be upset
08:23about not turning when she wanted him to.
08:25But then he remembered.
08:27He was the tug in charge.
08:29Suddenly, Theodore knew what he had to do.
08:31He continued on.
08:33Julia was so worried, she couldn't say anything.
08:37Then, at just the right moment,
08:39Theodore gave one quick toot
08:41to hang.
08:43That was the signal to turn now.
08:45The two tugs began to swim around the island.
08:47Much too close, thought Julia.
08:49Just as they were rounding the bend,
08:51there was a ship heading towards them.
08:55Theodore tooted again.
08:57Stop turning!
08:59And hanged tooted two times back to say yes.
09:01Well, it's a very good thing
09:03Theodore had waited to turn just when he did.
09:05The two ships passed
09:07with just enough room to be safe.
09:09If he had turned any sooner,
09:11there might have been a terrible collision.
09:13Julia was silent.
09:15She must be wishing that Emily was here
09:17instead of me, thought Theodore sadly.
09:19And he moved on.
09:21As they went farther and farther,
09:23Theodore became sadder and sadder.
09:25By now, he was sure
09:27he'd never get to be a puller again.
09:29That's Emily tooting,
09:31thought Theodore.
09:33She must be back from her trip.
09:35Now she could take over.
09:37Oh, that made Theodore feel much better.
09:39He looked up at Julia.
09:41You know, for a moment back there,
09:43Julia said, I thought all my vegetables
09:45might become a tossed salad.
09:47You did turn at just the right time after all.
09:49You're doing well.
09:51I am? asked Theodore.
09:53Suddenly, he wasn't so happy
09:55about Emily returning.
09:57He was just beginning to think
09:59he could finish the pulling job.
10:01Hi, Theodore, said Emily.
10:03When did you get to be a puller?
10:05Just now, I mean today,
10:07Theodore said quietly.
10:09He was trying not to let Julia hear him.
10:13So he whispered to Emily,
10:15because there were no V-tugs around.
10:17I guess now that you're here,
10:19you should be the tug in charge.
10:21I think this tugboat is doing a fine job of pulling,
10:23said Julia.
10:25Well, Emily was very happy
10:27for her good friend Theodore.
10:29Of course he is, she said.
10:31Do you think this will mean I can be a V-tug, Emily?
10:33he asked.
10:35Someday, laughed Emily, and off she went.
10:45That night, Hank and Theodore
10:47couldn't stop talking
10:49about their big job.
10:51And Julia's cargo was very important,
10:53Hank was saying.
10:55She was carrying carrots and lettuce
10:57and bags and bags of broccoli.
10:59You know, Theodore, interrupted Emily,
11:01if you were to get your V-word for your job today,
11:03I know just what word it would be.
11:05What? asked Theodore.
11:07He knew Emily always could think
11:09of such great words.
11:11Theodore the vegetable, laughed Emily.
11:13Well, all the other tugs laughed too.
11:15And one by one,
11:17they went off to sleep.
11:23All except for Theodore.
11:25That night,
11:27he stayed awake a little while longer.
11:29He couldn't stop
11:31thinking about the next time
11:33he'd be the tug in charge,
11:35here in the Big Harbor.
11:37Now, Theodore didn't get his V-word
11:39for that assignment.
11:41It was just one small first step for him.
11:43The same as me learning to stay standing
11:45when the waves are rolling back and forth,
11:47was a first step for me.
11:49It's called getting your sea legs.
11:51You learn to move back and forth with the ocean.
11:53But once you've got your sea legs,
11:55you feel like you can do anything.
11:57Well, almost anything.
11:59Of course, on the ship,
12:01we try to remember to keep the door closed.
12:03Well, thanks for visiting here in the Big Harbor.
12:05We'll see you all again next time.
12:07I've got to clean this up.
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