Met Office Monday Evening Weather Forecast 29/04/2024

  • 2 days ago
29 April- National Weather Forecast presented by Alex Deakin
00:00Hello. Tuesday's weather patterns will be very similar to Monday's. Low pressure dominating
00:06in the west, some fine weather in the east and it's feeling a bit warmer here as well.
00:11Here's the bigger picture. Low pressure dominating and this weather front's been making for a
00:15fairly soggy Monday across parts of Wales and Western England especially. That low pressure
00:21kind of melts away but it's followed by another one in a very similar position. So as I said,
00:28the weather will be fairly similar on Tuesday compared to Monday. But if anything, feeling
00:32a bit warmer in the east where we see some sunshine. OK, let's rewind the clock and start
00:37with our first area of low pressure taking rain up across Scotland through this evening,
00:41staying fairly damp over parts of the West Midlands, South Wales and South West England
00:45during the night. And then that next pulse of rain starts to come up from the southwest
00:50through the early hours. It should turn a little drier overnight across southern Scotland
00:54and across the far north. And it stays generally dry and clear across East Anglia and the southeast.
01:00Temperatures with some clearer spells dipping down into single figures. But for most, it's
01:04a milder night, certainly much milder than many nights were last week. Notice as this
01:10next area of rain comes up, the winds will also start to pick up around the coast of
01:13South West England, Wales and also increasingly across Northern Ireland. A wet and windy start
01:20to Tuesday here, some quite heavy bursts of rain as well. Some of that heavy rain will
01:24work into parts of Wales, particularly across Pembrokeshire, Devon, Cornwall, Somerset.
01:29Also seeing some heavy bursts of rain during Tuesday morning. We'll see some showery rain
01:33into western Scotland, but for much of Scotland, it's looking dry. Most of northern England
01:38brightening up after some early cloud and generally a fine sunny day over the Midlands,
01:44East Anglia and the southeast as well. And with that sunshine, temperatures will really
01:48respond as well. We're looking at 17, maybe 18 degrees Celsius in a few places, whereas
01:53with the cloud and the outbreaks of rain further west, we're really looking at temperatures
01:57struggling into the teens. It should brighten up a little bit, at least across Northern
02:01Ireland after that wet and windy start, but staying fairly gusty here throughout the day.
02:07Temperature wise, well, quite a difference across these northeastern areas, certainly
02:10across southeast Scotland's feeling quite a bit warmer than Monday. This is the map
02:15showing temperatures for Tuesday afternoon compared to Monday afternoon. So noticeably
02:20warmer in those sunnier skies across northeast England, southeast Scotland. During Tuesday
02:26evening, still some outbreaks of rain across Wales spreading up into southwest Scotland,
02:30but nothing too heavy here. Just the possibility of some rain getting into parts of East Anglia,
02:35maybe Lincolnshire and East Yorkshire as we head into Wednesday. As one weather system
02:39just works its way up the eastern side during Wednesday, the low pressure system further
02:44west that does pull away. But then another area of low pressure comes up from the southeast
02:50to dominate our weather through this week. As this one arrives, though, it does bring
02:54with it some warmer air up from the south. So temperatures will be ticking up through
02:59this week, but that doesn't mean it's going to be sunny everywhere. Far from it. There'll
03:03be this weather front lying around bringing some heavier bursts of rain and with the winds
03:07in from the North Sea, that could bring some cloud and certainly some cooler conditions
03:10on the coast itself. So, yes, it is getting a bit warmer this week for some, but not for
03:16all. For more details on that, you can watch our full week ahead video that'll be available
03:22on YouTube. So don't forget to hit subscribe.
