Sunday Afternoon Forecast 04/02/24

  • 2 days ago
04 February - National Weather Forecast presented by Jonathon Vautrey
00:00Hello there. As is often the case at this point in the year, the UK finds itself as
00:05the battleground between colder and milder air. We had a 10 degree difference in temperature
00:10on Saturday as we saw competing air masses between the North and the South of the UK.
00:15In the North we have a little bit more of a polar influence with those winds stretching
00:18in from the North, but to the South those winds are circling around this area of high
00:23pressure filtering in some very mild conditions all the way from parts of North West Africa.
00:27As we head throughout Sunday, that milder air is going to slowly push its way further
00:31northwards, increasingly stretching into more areas of the UK. The boundary of this colder
00:37and milder air at the moment is this warm front, and that is bringing quite persistent
00:42areas of rainfall for parts of Western Scotland's very miserable, dreary afternoon to come here.
00:48The rain should clear off for Northern Ireland, but some drizzle will persist and we will
00:52have some outbreaks for parts of North West England as well. Some drizzle, Mr Murk still
00:56along coastal districts and the hills of Wales and South West England. A few clearer,
01:00sunnier spells, perhaps a bit more than the graphics show here for central eastern areas
01:03of England. A blustery day for all of us, some quite strong gusts for Northern Ireland
01:08and Northern England, but those temperatures will still be above average for the time of
01:12year thanks to that southwesterly flow of air. Many of us around 12, 13 degrees Celsius,
01:18again potentially 14, locally 15 degrees Celsius in some spots. You'll notice though that the
01:22far north of Scotland do still hold on to that polar influence, so some colder air here.
01:27And as this rain across Scotland does just shift its way slightly further northwards,
01:30we could see a bit of snow on the leading edge of that as it moves into the colder air
01:34ahead of it for the likes of Caveness and Sutherland. The rain though will stay persistent
01:38right throughout the night for Western Scotland and a rain warning is in force. Elsewhere
01:42reasonably cloudy, again a few clearer spells around at times, but still remaining very
01:46blustery with some outbreaks of rain and drizzle. Another mild night for all of us, temperatures
01:53in most of our towns and cities won't drop much below 7, 9 degrees Celsius, but the far
01:57north of Scotland just holds on to the north end of that cold system, so a touch of frost
02:03is possible for the likes of Shetland and Orkney in the very far north of the Highlands.
02:09We will though see that rainfall really persistent throughout Monday as well, potentially 170mm
02:14of rain building up by the end of the day. Some localised disruption is possible, so
02:18it is worth planning ahead and taking care throughout the day. Another blustery, mild,
02:24cloudy day for the vast majority of us, though again a lot of mist and murk around some coastal
02:27districts, outbreaks of rain and drizzle. Some very strong gusts of wind, particularly
02:33for again northern districts, Northern Ireland into parts of central Scotland. Now it is
02:36actually going to be the far north of Scotland on the other side of that rain band that sees
02:40some of the lightest winds around, but still very cold here. Temperatures will be only
02:45around low single figures at best. Elsewhere, temperatures are a touch down on Monday compared
02:51to where we have seen them throughout the weekend, but still above average for the time
02:55of year, widely in double digit figures, 10, 11, maybe 12 degrees Celsius. Into Monday
03:03evening and overnight into Tuesday, we will finally see this rain band clear its way off
03:08from parts of western Scotland as it slowly pushes its way southwards. So increasingly
03:13moving into Northern Ireland, parts of Northern England later on on Tuesday. But as those
03:18fronts slowly push their way southwards and make their way into central southern areas
03:22of the UK, we'll start to see that colder air in the north spreading its way down behind
03:27that. So that battle between the cold and the milder air is still set to continue right
03:32throughout the week. And certainly by Wednesday, many of us could be seeing a slightly cooler
03:36and chillier day to come. But we'll have plenty more updates on that as we head over the next
03:41few days. So make sure you're subscribing to the YouTube channel for all of those. And
03:44we'll see you again here very soon. Bye bye.
