Met Office Sunday Afternoon Weather Forecast 14/07/2024

  • 2 days ago
14 July - National Weather Forecast presented by Jonathan Vautrey
00:00Hello there. With conditions of late, you may well have thought it's felt more like
00:04autumn rather than summer, but some of us have actually been lucky enough to see some
00:08glimmers of sunshine to start off this second half of the weekend, particularly Western
00:12Scotland as well as Wales, central and southern areas of England, quite a nice start to the
00:16day. For Northern Ireland, there's been a bit more cloud around, but it's really been
00:19Northern England that's seen the bulk of that cloud, with drizzly outbreaks of rain still
00:22ongoing here, and they'll be on and off throughout this afternoon as well. Quite a cool, damp
00:27feeling day to come once again. Quite a brisk northerly breeze coming in off the North Sea
00:32to accentuate the feel of things. Temperature is really struggling as well, 13 to 14 degrees
00:37Celsius, the best we can do here. In those sunnier spots though, again for parts of Western
00:41Scotland, the far south of England and Wales pushing towards 20 degrees, if not a top temperature
00:46of 23 degrees Celsius in London, so feeling warmer and a bit more pleasant here. As we
00:51turn our attention to this evening though, many eyes will be pushing less towards the
00:56UK and more towards Germany, where the grand final of the Euros is taking place. It's high
01:00pressure that's in charge across the continent, so it should be staying fairly fine and settled
01:04with just some patchy clouds around. Temperatures even at kick-off holding up around 21 degrees
01:09Celsius. For those of you that are watching here in the UK though, the rain will be easing
01:14off across Northern England, but I still can't rule out the odd spot of light rain and drizzle
01:18really for any outdoor viewing parties across Northern England, and it will also start pepping
01:22up around the Firth of Forth into Edinburgh during the second half of the night as well.
01:27Generally for Northern Ireland, Wales into central southern England, there will be some
01:29clearer spells in there. Temperatures may be in rural spots dropping into single figures
01:33underneath those clearer skies, but most of our towns and cities will certainly be holding
01:37up around double digit marks as we kick off Monday. Next week though, it does look like
01:42it's going to be another one dominated by areas of low pressure, and we've got one that
01:47will very quickly be arriving into the start of Monday, moving its way in from the Atlantic
01:51into areas of South West England and Wales as we head throughout Monday morning. This
01:56will be bringing some very heavy pulses of rain, potentially thundery downpours as it
02:01spreads its way in during the day, and as a result, there is a yellow rain warning in
02:05force for South West England and Wales during much of Monday, with the potential for some
02:09localised disruption and flooding in places, so do take care when you're travelling here.
02:14Potential for some of that rain to just squirt its way over towards South Eastern areas of
02:17England as well, but the northern half of the UK actually faring not too badly at all.
02:21With a mixture of hazy sunshine and patchy clouds in there, and particularly for the
02:26likes of Northern Ireland into Northern England as well, it is going to be feeling like a
02:30much better day. Temperatures here now climbing towards 20, 21 degrees Celsius compared to
02:35the low to mid teens that we've seen throughout the weekend. Bit of a reversal of fortunes
02:40for those temperatures in the south, because with that cloud moving into the south west,
02:43it is going to feel a touch cooler here compared to the weekend, only seeing 18 or 19 degrees
02:48Celsius as the top temperature here. The rain will continue to move its way northwards
02:52as we then head into the evening and overnight period. Again, there will be some heavy pulses
02:56of rain around from the west, even potentially around eastern areas as well, so do take care
03:01for the evening rush hour still. Some torrential downpours of rain are possible. We'll keep
03:05you up to date with the full forecast though, as that begins to move its way in over the
03:09next few days, so subscribe to the YouTube channel for all the latest information, and
03:13we'll see you again here very soon. Bye bye.
