Monday Morning Forecast 05/02/24

  • 2 days ago
05 February - National Weather Forecast presented by Jonathon Vautrey
00:00Hello there, very good morning to you. It is a reasonably mild start to the new week
00:05for many of us as we step outside, and that's all due to our winds actually originating
00:09from parts of North West Africa, circling around this area of high pressure and feeding
00:13in those mild conditions for pretty much all areas away from the far north of Scotland.
00:17There are a lot of isobars on the chart though you'll see, so those winds are going to be
00:21fairly brisk, some strong gusts of wind around, particularly for Northern Ireland, Central
00:25Southern Scotland into Northern England as well. For Western Scotland though, the main
00:30talking point of the weather is certainly going to be the rainfall that set itself up
00:33yesterday, has been persistent throughout Sunday night and will remain persistent and
00:37occasionally heavy throughout Monday as well. A rain warning is in force and some localised
00:42disruption is possible. Elsewhere there'll be some outbreaks of drizzle for western areas,
00:46some mist and murk around coastal areas. We could hold on to a few clearer sunnier spells
00:50across central eastern areas, a bit more than the graphics may necessarily show here. And
00:55with those southwesterly winds coming in, it is again going to be another reasonably
00:58mild day, 11, 10 degrees Celsius, the top temperature for many of us. But just remember
01:04the strength of those winds doesn't mean it will probably feel a touch colder when you
01:07are outside. To the north of that rain band though, we hold on to the colder air with
01:12a bit more of a polar influence, so three degrees Celsius, the top temperature for Lerwick.
01:17And as the colder air reaches this rain band, we could see a touch of snow for the likes
01:22of Caithness and Sutherland during the day. Into this evening and overnight though, it
01:26will eventually turn drier for western Scotland as the rain band pushes southwards. In return
01:32though, that means it's going to turn wetter for Northern Ireland, northern areas of England.
01:36Reasonably drier further towards the south, but a cloudy, mild blustery night for much
01:41of England and Wales. Again, with those southwesterly winds temperatures not dropping much below
01:46nine or 10 degrees Celsius. They're actually temperatures we'd normally see during the
01:50day at this point in the year. But as the rain band pushes southwards, we'll see northerly
01:54winds pushing into areas of Scotland. So that colder air reaching more areas of the mainland
01:59as we kick off Tuesday and a touch of frost is possible here. Throughout Tuesday, we will
02:05essentially watch this rain band to slowly push its way further southwards with the cold
02:09air digging in behind that there is potential for some mountain snow across Northern Ireland
02:13into the Lake District, the Pennines and North York Moors as well. A touch of brightness
02:17possible across the far southeast during the day, but the best of the sunshine will
02:21be filtering its way in for Scotland as that rain eventually clears its way off. There's
02:25northerly winds filtering in some snow showers for the far north, winds quite brisk for the
02:30Northern Isles and Gales around at times. Despite the sunshine though, temperatures
02:35will be taking a bit of a tumble in the north, closer towards average for the time of year,
02:40but certainly lower for Northern Ireland and central Scotland compared to what we have
02:44seen on Sunday and Monday as well. But where we see those southwesterly winds still pushing
02:49into the south, we hold on to the mild theme 13, 14, maybe even locally 15 degrees Celsius
02:54in a few spots. Might not necessarily feel that mild though when you're stuck underneath
02:59the most persistent cloud and rain. This rain band will continue to move its way southwards
03:04as we head into Tuesday evening and overnight. So generally most areas seeing some brighter
03:09skies develop for Wednesday with just a touch of cloud and potentially the milder air still
03:13holding on in the very far south. But a bit more widely wet and windy for Thursday and
03:19depending on where that low pressure arrives into the cold air ahead of it, there is the
03:23potential for some sleet and snow around for some of us. And temperatures always generally
03:29colder in the north where we see that colder air digging its way in, potential still for
03:33some double digit figures towards the latter part of the week in the far south. But we'll
03:37have plenty more updates on that on the full week ahead weather on our YouTube channel.
03:41So make sure you are subscribing for that and we'll see you here again very soon. Bye bye.
