Friday Evening Forecast 12/01/24

  • 2 days ago
12 January - National Weather Forecast presented by Alex Deakin
00:00It's been a cold week and that will continue this weekend.
00:03The winds coming in from the north by Sunday.
00:06High pressure has been controlling things
00:08for much of this week, keeping things fairly dry.
00:11But that is starting to get squeezed away.
00:14And cold fronts pushing in from the north
00:17will bring a different feel for some, especially by Sunday.
00:21For the time being, though, under that high pressure,
00:23we've still got a lot of cloud trapped in.
00:25A few breaks in parts of Wales and particularly
00:28northeast England will allow a frost.
00:30But here comes that weather front.
00:31It's a cold front bringing some rain across Scotland.
00:34As it sinks south, the rain kind of fizzles out.
00:36So parts of eastern Scotland and southern Scotland
00:39may not see much rain at all.
00:40But it'll turn damp in southwest Scotland
00:42and maybe the north coast of Northern Ireland
00:44by first thing on Saturday.
00:46Clearer skies will follow.
00:47So again, that could allow a touch of frost.
00:49But where it stays cloudy, temperatures
00:51will mostly hold up just a smidge above freezing.
00:54But where we've got any breaks in that cloud
00:56for any length of time, we will see a touch of frost
00:59to start Saturday.
01:01Saturday then, well, plenty going on.
01:03We've got this initial first week weather front
01:06bringing damp and drizzly conditions to Northern Ireland,
01:08maybe northwest England, perhaps a few spots of rain
01:11in the afternoon in north Wales.
01:12Showers in northern Scotland, rain at this stage,
01:15maybe some snow on the tops of the hills.
01:17But for a good part of southern Scotland, northeast England,
01:21and much of the Midlands and further south,
01:23it'll stay dry, predominantly cloudy.
01:25But some breaks in the cloud, allowing a few peeps of sunshine
01:28to come through.
01:29Where it is cloudy in the south, though,
01:31it will feel pretty cold here, I suspect.
01:33Some places may not get much above 3 or 4 Celsius.
01:37Elsewhere, temperatures could get to 6 or 7,
01:39particularly with a bit of brightness.
01:40But feeling colder, especially in that wind
01:43across the north, which will strengthen further
01:45during Saturday evening and overnight.
01:47Continuing to bring the showers in here.
01:49And those showers will start to turn a little more wintry,
01:52a bit more sleet and snow mixed in
01:54as we head through the early hours of Sunday morning.
01:57That could mean things turn quite icy here.
02:00Any showers further south for England and Wales
02:02will be of rain, and they'll be pretty well scattered.
02:05Most places dry.
02:06Again, where we've got any clear skies,
02:07the hint of blue on the chart there,
02:09there could be some frost in southwest England
02:11and, again, of course, northern Scotland.
02:13But for many, that cloud will just stop temperatures
02:16falling too far.
02:17Most of us there will start fairly close to freezing
02:20on Sunday morning.
02:22As for Sunday's weather, well, the northerly wind
02:25is really setting in at this stage,
02:26pushing away these two weather fronts,
02:29following the isobars coming straight down from the Arctic.
02:32So that is going to bring a colder feel.
02:34The isobar is squeezing together as well.
02:36So it will be quite a strong wind through Saturday night
02:38and Sunday across particularly northeastern Scotland.
02:41So a very significant wind chill here.
02:43And that colder air will push across all parts
02:46during Sunday too.
02:48Still a thick enough cloud for a little bit of showery rain
02:51over parts of the Midlands and Wales,
02:53maybe eastern parts of England during the afternoon.
02:56But the showers further north will be turning
02:57more and more to snow.
02:58That's why we have a snow and ice warning in place
03:01across northern Scotland for the whole of Sunday.
03:03A few centimetres could build up here
03:06and it will feel very cold here
03:08with that strong and gusty wind.
03:09Temperatures in the south may actually be a little higher
03:12on Sunday compared to Saturday.
03:14But generally, these numbers are still below average,
03:16and particularly when you add that wind on,
03:18it will feel cold.
03:20Met Office warning in place for Sunday,
03:22but there's one for Monday as well,
03:25as the snow showers are likely to continue into here.
03:28For more details on those Met Office weather warnings,
03:30check our app or our website, of course.
03:33And if you're watching on YouTube,
03:35don't forget to hit subscribe.
