Monday afternoon forecast 29/01/24

  • 2 days ago
29 January - National weather forecast presented by Alex Deakin.
00:00Hello. A three-way split with the weather today. Pretty mild in the south, fairly bright
00:05across the north and in between some pretty wet weather. It doesn't look as if we've got
00:10a three-way split from the view from space. The satellite image showing quite a lot of
00:15cloud earlier on. But actually what we've got is an area of low pressure approaching
00:19and these weather fronts bringing a band of fairly persistent rain through the day over
00:24parts of northern England and Wales. That rain could really build up particularly over
00:27northern England. We do have a Met Office yellow warning in place through today and
00:32tonight. To the north of it, we've got some brighter skies developing, some sunshine over
00:36the Highlands and much of Northern Ireland. Just one or two showers maybe grazing the
00:40Western Isles. Further south, it'll brighten up a little bit, maybe some weak sunshine,
00:45staying fairly cloudy. But it is very mild here. Temperatures getting up into the teens,
00:4913 or 14 Celsius. Much colder air further north. We do have the sunshine here feeling
00:54pretty grim, I suspect, with this persistent rain over much of northern England, southern
00:58Scotland. A bit of snow possible over the hills as well. Now, as we go through the evening,
01:03that rain will continue. So again, a lot of spray and surface water on the roads. But
01:07it does tend to ease, certainly clearing from Wales by midnight and then petering out over
01:13parts of northern England as we go through the early hours. Elsewhere, generally dry.
01:17We've still got the clear skies across Scotland, Northern Ireland and of course here we're
01:20in the cold air. So yes, there will be a fairly extensive frost forming here. Temperatures
01:26a few degrees below freezing in rural spots. Further south with the blanket of cloud, that
01:31will keep the temperatures up. So lows of six or seven Celsius. So quite a contrast
01:35in temperatures in the morning. Quite a grey start again over the Midlands, northern England.
01:39Still some drizzly conditions here and a brisk breeze along the North Sea coast. But I think
01:45it'll brighten up a little bit, certainly a much cheerier day for Wales. Southwest England
01:49seeing some good spirals of sunshine and brightening up by the afternoon over northern
01:52England. Again, largely fine and sunny through central Scotland, Northern Ireland and eastern
01:57Scotland. But a bit more cloud coming into the northwest and the winds started to pick
02:01up here as well. The cloud may persist for most of the day over the south-east and the
02:05east Anglia with the old light shower here and there. And it will be a cooler day as
02:10well. We're not going to see temperatures in the teens, double digits at best. And for
02:13most, we're talking seven or eight Celsius. But I say we will have brighter skies for
02:18many. We'll continue to see the winds picking up, though, in the far northwest during Tuesday
02:23evening. The cloud and rain will peter out from the south-east. But the winds will really
02:27start to pick up in the northwest and approaching weather system here. We'll see those winds
02:32really strengthened during Wednesday. High pressure tending to stay in charge across
02:38the south. But these chain of weather fronts leading to this area of low pressure that
02:42really deepens quite rapidly during Tuesday night and into Wednesday. And the isobars
02:46really squeezing together there. So some very gusty conditions over northern Scotland
02:50in particular during Tuesday night. And as we go into Wednesday, there's another Met
02:55Office warning in place. Smelly windy, in fact, for many areas during Wednesday. But
02:59for the rest of the week, we've got this kind of balance with higher pressure to the south
03:03and low pressure weather fronts and closely packed isobars further north. For more details
03:08on the full week ahead, you can catch our week ahead forecast on YouTube on Monday afternoon.
