Monday afternoon forecast 24/01/22

  • 2 days ago
24 January - National weather forecast presented by Alex Deakin.
00:00Welcome to your latest update from the Met Office and welcome to a fairly grey Monday.
00:05For most, it is going to be a pretty drab day, but it will be also a largely dry day.
00:10High pressure has been dominating, slipping away to the east.
00:13We do have weak weather fronts nearby, but for the rest of this week, another area of
00:17high pressure moves in.
00:18There will be weather fronts drifting southwards.
00:21That will change things up a little through the middle of the week.
00:24But then, look, high pressure moves back in.
00:26So we're not going to see much rain at all, certainly not across the south through this
00:30At times, though, it will be quite wet and windy further north.
00:33Let's focus back in, though, on Monday because, as I said, grey kind of sums up the rest of
00:39Apache rain over the Highlands at times, getting down into Argyll and Bute, but brighter skies
00:44maybe over the Northern Isles.
00:45A few showers possible here, generally elsewhere, light winds, some breaks in the cloud possible
00:49for North Wales, certainly northeast England and eastern Scotland seeing a little bit of
00:53blue sky at times.
00:55But for most, it's rather glum and it feels cold under that cloud.
00:58Temperatures, certainly in the south, four or five degrees.
01:01Some places may not get much above two or three.
01:03But with some sunny spells, we'll see temperatures a little higher, double figures possible in
01:08Aberdeenshire with a bit of brightness.
01:10Across western Scotland, there will be that patchy rain affecting the Highlands.
01:14That'll continue on and off and across the Western Isles overnight.
01:17Otherwise, though, it's a dry night.
01:19Again, we'll have a lot of cloud.
01:21That'll stop temperatures falling too far.
01:23But even where it's cloudy, we could see temperatures, certainly in some urban areas, dipping
01:28a bit close to freezing.
01:29And certainly where we have breaks in the cloud, maybe north Wales, northeast England,
01:34eastern Scotland, there will be some pockets of frost here too.
01:37But the far northwest staying relatively mild with a breeze and further patchy rain.
01:42That'll tend to peter out a little bit during Tuesday morning.
01:45But we'll see more rain then pushing back into the northwest during Tuesday afternoon.
01:50Elsewhere, Tuesday is a very similar story, a rather drab day, slate grey skies for many.
01:57Some breaks in the cloud, again, Aberdeenshire, northeast England seeing a bit of sunshine.
02:01But elsewhere, I think blue skies in short supply.
02:05And again, probably feeling cold, if anything, a little colder compared to today.
02:10Temperatures more widely only two or three degrees, even in towns and cities.
02:14So that's going to feel pretty cold, even though the winds will be light.
02:17Again, highest temperatures in northern Scotland.
02:19But there will be that rain creeping in here and the winds picking up as well.
02:22It's going to be a feature of the weather across northern Scotland throughout this week.
02:26And pretty blustery with some rain.
02:28But always as that rain sinks southwards, we may end up with a bit of drizzle through the central belt.
02:33But it's really petering out and England and Wales staying largely dry.
02:37And that's how it looks through the rest of this week.
02:39We'll have a full week ahead forecast available on Monday afternoon on YouTube.
02:43So make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channels and make sure you're following us right across social media.
