Wednesday afternoon forecast 24/11/2021

  • 2 days ago
24th October - National weather forecast presented by Alex Deakin.
00:00Hello. We'll get on to today's weather in just a moment.
00:03But first of all, I want to flag the end of the week.
00:05Friday and Saturday, a deep area of low pressure
00:08going to bring some very strong winds and gusts
00:12likely to reach 50 to 60 miles now, quite widely by Saturday.
00:15And that's inland, stronger winds around the coast.
00:18Met Office warnings are in place.
00:20More on that in just a moment.
00:21But first of all, let's get back to the rest of today.
00:24A bit of a mishmash.
00:25Things largely dry across the south,
00:28but there is a band of rain spreading its way southwards.
00:31You can see it here on the satellite image.
00:33It is a cold front.
00:35So it's introducing colder air behind it.
00:37And the showers, the speckled nature you can see there
00:41on the satellite image, will turn increasingly wintry
00:43across the hills of Scotland.
00:45Mostly rain at low levels, though,
00:46through the rest of today.
00:47Rain on this band as it sinks southwards as well
00:50into northwest England, north and west Wales.
00:52But much of the south will be dry, predominantly cloudy,
00:56but some brightness is likely through parts of Lincolnshire
00:59and into the Midlands at times.
01:00Certainly brighter skies for southern Scotland,
01:02northern Ireland this afternoon.
01:04But there will be a cold winds picking up
01:06across the far north as those showers, as I say,
01:08turn more and more wintry.
01:10Generally, temperatures, single figures, maybe double digits
01:13across the southwest.
01:15It's going to get colder, though, overnight tonight
01:17as this band of rain, this cold front,
01:19continues to track southwards, turning wetter for a time
01:23over southwest Wales and southwest England.
01:27A bit of patchy rain for East Anglia and the southeast.
01:28Many places become dry and clear,
01:30but with that colder air, temperatures are going to fall.
01:33Towns and cities mostly staying above freezing,
01:36but certainly in the countryside,
01:38some patchy frost across northern Britain.
01:40And that wind is going to make it feel
01:42really quite chilly on Thursday.
01:45But for most, it will be a bright, fine, and sunny day.
01:48We're likely to see a few showers across Aberdeenshire
01:51and grazing the coast from Newcastle down to Norwich.
01:55And one or two, perhaps across Pembrokeshire
01:57down towards Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.
01:59But for the vast majority, it's dry and fine.
02:01Showers over northern Scotland will continue,
02:04and they'll continue to have snow
02:05mixed in over the hills as well.
02:08That wind will accentuate the cold.
02:11Temperatures down on today's values by a couple of degrees
02:14out on that wind, and it really will feel pretty cold.
02:17Up to the far northwest, you'll notice
02:19the cloud will thicken once more,
02:21and outbreaks of rain mostly here will be pushing in
02:24with some snow, perhaps across the hills initially.
02:27Slightly milder air tucked in here
02:31into this little weather feature.
02:33But as this next cold front sinks southwards,
02:36well, more cold air will flood across the country
02:38on Friday and into the weekend.
02:39And look at the isobars really pinching together
02:42there across northern Britain later on Friday,
02:45and then right across the UK,
02:46lots of isobars and the cold air in place during Saturday
02:50as that low heads south through the North Sea.
02:53So we are a little concerned about the weather
02:55through Friday and Saturday.
02:57Initially, the winds across Scotland, Northern Ireland,
03:00parts of northern England through Friday afternoon
03:02and Friday night.
03:03Gusts of 50 to 60 miles an hour inland.
03:06Around some coasts, 70, perhaps exposed coasts,
03:09maybe 80 mile an hour gusts.
03:11And we've got a larger warning in place for Saturday
03:14covering much of the UK.
03:16Again, inland gusts of 50 to 60 miles an hour.
03:19Stronger winds around coasts, particularly northeast England
03:22and eastern Scotland on Saturday.
03:24Could cause some structural damage,
03:25certainly could cause some travel disruptions.
03:28So keep up to date.
03:29Quite a large warning area at this stage.
03:32We'll probably narrow things down
03:33as we get closer to the time.
03:36I say still a bit of uncertainty
03:37because that low pressure system hasn't developed yet.
03:40But the potential for some pretty lively weather
03:41on Friday and Saturday.
03:43So if you've got plans, stay tuned to the forecast.
03:46Keep up to date with the warnings.
03:48They're on the website and on the app, of course,
03:50and make sure you're following us
03:51right across social media.
