Tuesday afternoon forecast 24/01/23

  • 2 days ago
24 January - National weather forecast presented by Alex Deakin.
00:00Hello again. We've still got this huge temperature difference across the UK at the moment, a
00:05very cold start across the south, pretty mild conditions further north. Things are going
00:10to steadily even themselves out, but we've still got high pressure nearby for the time
00:15being. This weather front will eventually push across the country tomorrow. For the
00:20time being, though, as I said, most places dry under that high pressure. Quite a bit
00:23of sunshine across England and Wales. That's a fairly glum day across parts of East Anglia
00:28and the south-east. And there are some fog patches still across parts of the Midlands
00:32and Wales too. They're taking a while to clear away. Cloudy skies further north, a bit of
00:37drizzly rain here and there over the hills of south-west Scotland and across the Highlands.
00:41But we've got some breaks in the cloud across Aberdeenshire and it's here where we'll see
00:45the top temperatures today. With the mild air and a bit of sunshine, we could get up
00:49to maybe 13 degrees. Even where it's cloudy across the north, 8, 9, 10 Celsius, whereas
00:54further south, even where it's sunny, only 5 or 6. Feeling colder with the cloud persisting
01:00across the south-east corner. That will stick around through this evening. But where we've
01:05got these clear skies from Lincolnshire to Norfolk down to Devon, Cornwall and the far
01:10south-east of Wales, that's where it will turn frosty very quickly. And it is again
01:14where we're likely to see some fog patches forming. Could be quite dense, especially
01:18through this evening. But the cloud steadily pushing south overnight should start to get
01:24rid of some of that fog as we go towards dawn. More cloud heading further north as
01:28well with this band of rain. That's that weather front we saw earlier pushing into Scotland
01:33and Northern Ireland. So turning wet here, showers falling on behind. And we could see
01:37this zone of dank and drizzly weather pushing into parts of north-west England and north
01:42Wales for Wednesday morning too. With the cloud increasing and the mild air still in
01:47place, it will be a pretty mild night across the north and another cold one in the south
01:52where we keep the skies clearest, longest parts of Essex and Suffolk in particular.
01:58We could see those temperatures dropping again well below freezing as well as having that
02:02fog around. Into Wednesday though and that's the day tomorrow when we're going to see things
02:06mixing up a little bit more. That weather front, that band of rain making for a damp
02:10start across southern Scotland and Northern Ireland pushing into parts of northern England
02:14and north Wales. A cloud thickening up all the while across the south so it won't be
02:17as bright here. Quite a gloomy day perhaps across parts of the south with the odd little
02:23bit of drizzle and then that rain just trickling into the Midlands and south Wales by the end
02:28of the day. Kind of fizzling out as it does so. Behind it, much brighter skies for Scotland
02:32and Northern Ireland. Some sunshine here but the wind's coming in from the north-west bringing
02:36some showers across northern and western Scotland and also bringing cooler air with it. That
02:42is a cold front so cooler air conditions following on behind but still in the sunshine
02:478, 9 Celsius. For the south with the cloudy, dank weather temperatures only 5 or 6 Celsius
02:53so another cold feeling day here. That band of rain which continues to fizzle out just
02:58really into a band of cloud by the end of Wednesday. It will bring some damp conditions
03:02along the south coast through the evening but the clearer air following on for most.
03:07That weather front pushes out of the way and now high pressure is still with us but
03:12it's switched from the east to the west and this high out in the Atlantic will dominate
03:17our weather for the next few days. Weather fronts at times will bring some patchy rain
03:21across parts of the north but generally that high pressure keeping things dry into the
03:25weekend. Hit subscribe if you're watching on YouTube and make sure you're following
03:29us right across social media.
