Met Office Monday Morning Forecast 04/03/2024

  • 2 days ago
04 March - National weather forecast presented by Greg Dewhurst
00:00Hello there, good morning. Welcome to your latest MetOvis forecast. We've got some dense
00:04fog patches around this morning, could lead to some tricky travelling conditions. Looking
00:09at the bigger picture, we've got an area of low pressure slowly starting to move in from
00:13the Atlantic this morning. It's going to spread its way north and eastwards giving some wet
00:17weather. But then as we move through the week, a battleground starts to develop. High pressure
00:23developing over Scandinavia will help keep weather fronts out in the Atlantic, meaning
00:27plenty of dry weather. The winds coming in from the south will lift temperatures. But
00:32perhaps towards the weekend, well, low pressure systems may start to return from the southwest
00:38introducing some rain. At the same time, we might see easterly winds developing and temperatures
00:43start to drop a little bit. So, some uncertainty towards the end of the week. Cold start this
00:47morning. Fog patches slowly lifting, plenty of sunshine across parts of Scotland, Northern
00:53England, Eastern and South East England for the day ahead, though the sunshine turning
00:58hazy. This band of rain slowly pushes in from the southwest, giving outbreaks of rain to
01:03the West Country, into Wales and Northern Ireland. Some of this rain could be heavy
01:06at times and quite blustery, particularly around the coasts. But the winds coming in
01:10from a southerly direction, lifting temperatures up to around 12 Celsius this afternoon. Single
01:16figures across Scotland, but plenty of sunshine here to compensate, except the Northern Isles
01:21where a weather front will continue to give some outbreaks of rain here through the day.
01:26Into the evening time, the weather front continues to push its way northwards and eastwards,
01:30though starts to fragment, becomes lighter and patchier in nature. Though overnight it
01:34stalls across eastern parts of England and Scotland, giving further outbreaks of rain
01:40here. Further west, some clear spells developing, but blustery showers across Northern Ireland,
01:44perhaps moving into parts of Wales and the southwest by the end of the night. And temperatures
01:49overall with more cloud around, the brisk winds around the coasts, it will keep temperatures
01:54up around 4 or 5 Celsius. So frost free for many to start Tuesday morning. A grey damp
02:01start across these eastern areas, but this weather front slowly fizzles away. It brightens
02:05up here, plenty of sunny spells by late morning. In the west, showery outbreaks of rain push
02:10their way eastwards, but again also break up by the afternoon. Sunny spells and showers
02:15for many, though plenty of dry weather and temperatures again 12 or 13 in the south,
02:217 to 10 Celsius in the north. So summarising the week ahead, a fairly unsettled start,
02:28outbreaks of rain pushing north and eastwards. Then it tends to settle down. Most places
02:34dry, some sunny spells, temperatures locally above average where we see that sunshine by
02:38the end of the week, possibly turning a little colder as those easterly winds develop and
02:43perhaps some rain starting to move in once more too. If you'd like more information on
02:48the weather where you are for the week ahead or the next few days, you can follow us on
02:53our social media channels. See you again soon.
