Met Office Monday Morning Forecast 02/09/2024

  • 2 days ago
02 September- National weather forecast presented by Greg Dewhurst
00:00Hello, there. Welcome to your latest weather update from the Met Office. This week, certainly
00:05going to start off on a fairly unsettled note, got plenty of rain and thunderstorms around.
00:10The wettest weather come the morning will be across many western and northern parts
00:14of the UK. Some of this rain will be heavy and thundery, giving some fairly poor travelling
00:19conditions and also some localised flooding. Parts of East Anglia, the south-east of England
00:24seeing fewer showers here and also parts of Northern Ireland will see an improvement come
00:29the afternoon. But the central slice, certainly a rather grey and wet day to come. But despite
00:35the cloud and rain, it's going to be another fairly warm and humid one for many parts of
00:40the UK. It's like a little bit fresher, just moving in later on across Northern Ireland.
00:44But for many areas, we will see temperatures into the low 20s, potentially the mid 20s
00:50down towards the south-eastern corner. The heavy rain will continue as we move into the
00:54rush hour for Scotland and Northern England. But for many, it does improve as the evening
01:00moves into the night. By the end of the night, some rain continuing across eastern areas.
01:06But generally, it should be lighter and less frequent than during the course of the day.
01:11But a rather murky night to come for many eastern and central parts. Some clearer skies
01:15further west and where we do see the clearer skies, it will be feeling a little bit fresher.
01:19But elsewhere, another warm and humid night to come, especially down towards the south-eastern
01:24corner. So, we start Tuesday off on a fairly grey and damp night for many central and eastern
01:29areas. Some sunshine initially in the west, but that will be quickly replaced by some
01:33showery outbreaks of rain as the day goes on. So, come the afternoon, the best of the
01:38brightness will be across eastern parts of Scotland, down into Northern England, the
01:41Midlands and central-southern England. And for all of us, it will be feeling fresher
01:46than on Monday. Temperatures in the north tending to reach the mid to high teens. In
01:51the south, the low 20s, potentially up to 23 degrees in the south-eastern corner.
01:57The changeable conditions do look like they will continue as we move through the week.
02:01But you can find out more about the weather for the week ahead on our social media channels.
02:06And don't forget to follow us on YouTube. But from me for now, take care and I'll see
02:10you again soon.
