Met Office Saturday afternoon weather forecast 24/02/2024

  • 2 days ago
24 February - National weather forecast presented by Greg Dewhurst.
00:00Hello, there. Welcome to your Saturday afternoon forecast. It's fairly bright out there, mixture
00:06of sunny spells and scattered showers. However, we are keeping an eye on this area of low
00:11pressure as it moves into southern counties of England and Wales over the course of Sunday
00:16and into Monday. It'll bring some heavy rain, some strong winds as well. And this heavy
00:19rain falling on saturated ground could lead to some localised flooding problems. Met Office
00:25warnings for that heavy rain already out across southern counties of England. For the
00:31rest of Saturday, fairly bright, a lot of cloud around, but there'll be some sunny spells
00:35at times, but also a scattering of showers, showers quite intense across southern counties
00:41of England for a time. And these showers across almost anywhere in the UK could contain some
00:47hail, perhaps some sleet and snow over the highest ground too. But in between, plenty
00:52of sunny spells. And even though temperatures will be near average for the time of year,
00:57it won't feel too bad. But as those showers push through, you will notice the chill in
01:01the air, seven to nine Celsius across the board. Into the evening time, we'll gradually
01:06see those showers fade away. The cloud melts away too. So we'll see clearing skies. And
01:12with generally light winds for most of us, we'll see some mist and fog patches forming.
01:17Temperatures dipping away as well, allowing some frost to form, perhaps some icy stretches
01:22from recent showers. Towns and cities close to freezing in the countryside just below.
01:27However, it is all changed towards the very far southwest parts of Cornwall here. The
01:33wind increasing outbreaks of rain moving in and temperatures rising as a result. So cloudy
01:38wet start to the day across the far southwest of this area of low pressure moves in elsewhere,
01:45cold with some mist and fog and frost patches, but brightening up for many with sunny spells.
01:50Outside it's this area of low pressure moving through the English Channel, bringing outbreaks
01:54of heavy rain across southern counties of England into Wales as well. This could lead
01:58to some localised flooding problems. So do take care if you are travelling through the
02:03day on Sunday across these southern counties. Elsewhere, in the best of the sunshine, won't
02:08feel too bad again with generally light winds, temperatures seven to nine Celsius, but stuck
02:13under some cloud and the showers passing through, it will feel slightly chillier than the numbers
02:18suggest, particularly across southern areas where we'll reach into double figures. Into
02:23the evening time, this low pressure slowly pushes its way eastwards, further heavy rain
02:27transferring into southeast England. Elsewhere, any showers tending to become confined to
02:32coastal areas, allowing for another cold night to take us into Monday. So fairly unsettled
02:39over the next few days, particularly Sunday and into Monday morning. We've met obvious
02:44warnings in force so you can keep up to date on our social media channels. I'll see you
02:48again soon.
