Wednesday afternoon forecast 08/11/2023

  • 2 days ago
8 November - National weather forecast presented by Alex Burkill.
00:00Hello, very good day to you. If it's dry weather you're after, well, there is some of that
00:05in the forecast over the next few days, but it's not going to be particularly long lasting.
00:10It's been a wet picture most of us have woken up to. That rain was due to a frontal system
00:14that has marched its way eastwards across the UK. It is now clearing away. However,
00:19as it does so, some rain still lingering across parts of the southeast well into the afternoon
00:24and some heavy rain across parts of Orkney and particularly Shetland. Behind it, yes,
00:29it is going to turn drier and sunnier, but across southern areas, I'm expecting the sunshine
00:33to be a bit milky, a bit hazy at times because of some medium and high level cloud. The best
00:38of the sunshine perhaps further north, but across parts of Western Scotland and Northern
00:42Ireland here, there will be blustery showers. Northwestern Scotland, here we have a wind
00:47warning as gusts could reach 60 to 70, perhaps up to 80 miles per hour in some exposed spots.
00:53So a very windy picture here. It is going to be a bit of a chilly day, particularly
00:57across northern areas. Highs for some places staying in single figures. Further south,
01:02we're looking at highs of around 13 or 14 Celsius. Later on, we are going to see any
01:07rain lingering in the southeast quickly clearing away this evening and then the showers become
01:12more widespread. So plenty of showers developing across much of England and Wales, heaviest
01:17in the west, but they are going to feed further eastwards as we go through the night. Some
01:21clear spells in between the showers and in these clear spells, it is going to turn a
01:25little chilly. Even in our towns and cities, I'm expecting temperatures to drop into mid
01:29single figures. More rural spots will get colder than this, so perhaps a touch of frost,
01:35most likely across northeastern Scotland where temperatures are likely to drop a bit below
01:39freezing. As we go through Thursday, it's a showery day for many of us. The showers
01:44will be coming in from the west on brisk winds and this is where they are going to be heaviest
01:48and most frequent with the risk of some hail, some thunder is quite likely. Some heavy downpours
01:54possible in the far southeast as well, particularly as we go towards lunchtime. The driest, brightest
01:58weather will be across eastern parts, also eastern and northern Scotland, a decent amount
02:03of sunshine here. But temperatures for many are likely to be down a degree or two compared
02:08to today. Highs of around 8 or 9 in the north and 11 or 12 in the south. And when you factor
02:13in the brisk blustery winds, particularly around coastal parts, it will feel chillier
02:17than that. More showers to come as we go through the end of the day on Thursday. They will
02:22still be heaviest and most frequent towards western parts, still with the risk of some
02:26hail and thunder. Or it's driest towards the east and perhaps across many parts of Scotland
02:31and here it is likely to turn again quite chilly as we go through Thursday night into
02:35Friday. Again a frost for some. More showery weather to come as we go through Friday due
02:39to this area of low pressure. Then a brief ridge of high pressure builds in as we go
02:43into Saturday. As a result, it is going to be a cold frosty start for some of us but
02:47then a mostly fine day. And that fine weather continues into Sunday before this weather
02:52system approaches, bringing some more unsettled weather with some rain and some stronger winds
02:58for a time, taking us into a rather changeable if unsettled week next week. We'll have more
03:02information on that in our 10 day trend, which Alex Deacon will be putting up on our YouTube
03:07channel later on this afternoon. So don't forget to check that out. Bye bye.
