Saturday afternoon forecast 10/06/23

  • 2 days ago
06 June - National weather forecast presented by Jonathan Vautrey.
00:00Hello there. After a very dry few weeks, some of us are finally starting to see a little
00:06bit of rain fall out of the sky. We've had an occluded front push its way into southwestern
00:11areas of England and Wales, and that is bringing some showery outbreaks of rain, first thing
00:15this morning. Elsewhere, there has been quite a lot of sunshine, still a bit of crowd lingering
00:21across parts of Northumberland into areas of eastern Scotland and the Northern Isles.
00:25But underneath that sunshine that we see throughout this afternoon, that's going to help further
00:29heavy showers develop. So there is a yellow thunderstorm warning in force for parts of
00:33Wales down into central areas of England. Some really torrential downpours developing.
00:39They will be hit and miss, though not everyone is going to see them. But where they do occur,
00:43they will be falling onto some very dry ground and bring the risk of some localised flooding.
00:48A lot of sunshine away from those showers, though just a little cloud still lingering
00:53across some coastal areas and generally not too bad of a day. Temperatures will be notably
00:59above average for the time of year, climbing towards our first 30 degrees Celsius of the
01:04year. So really feeling very warm in some very strong UV levels as well. If you are
01:10suffering from some of the heat, though, do head towards some eastern coastal areas because
01:14there is just a bit of a breeze pushing in from the sea here. So that will take the edge
01:17of the temperatures a touch. As do remember, though, if you are heading outside as well,
01:22that pollen levels will also be very high for many of us across England and Wales and
01:27also high for Northern Ireland and areas of Scotland as well. As we head into the evening,
01:32those showers will take a little bit of time to eventually die down, but they'll also push
01:36their way northward, spreading across parts of Cumbria and then into western areas of
01:41Scotland as well. Generally turning drier throughout the second half of the night for
01:45much of England, Wales and Northern Ireland, but still quite cloudy across some coastal
01:49areas, potentially quite foggy for areas of Cornwall as well. For all of us, though, temperatures
01:54are not going to be dropping too far at all. We'll be holding up around the mid to potentially
01:58high teens in some towns and cities feeling very humid and muggy, potentially quite challenging
02:04for some of us trying to get to sleep. It does mean, though, that we'll start on a very
02:10warm note as we kick off Sunday morning as well. The showers across Scotland will be
02:15persisting throughout the day, and as that sunshine develops once again, we'll see further
02:19heavy showers developing primarily across western parts of England into Wales as well.
02:23So further thunderstorm warnings are in force, potentially 30, 40 millimetres of rain in
02:28an hour where some of these heavy showers do occur. Still that sunshine in between,
02:33though, so where you manage to dodge the showers, it will generally be a relatively fine day
02:37and the winds also easing across eastern areas as well. So the shift in our highest temperatures
02:42will be further towards the east. Again, the potential for 30 degrees across parts of London
02:47and southeastern areas of England. As we head into Sunday evening again, it will take a
02:52little bit of time before those showers eventually clear their way off. They will linger throughout
02:56much of the evening across potentially parts of Wales, central areas of England, but further
03:01towards the night time, they will eventually die their way off. Further showers are possible
03:06as we head towards Monday, but generally towards the middle part of the week, the heaviest
03:11of the showers will begin to ease their way off and most of us will see a good number
03:15of dry conditions developing with a lot of sunshine to be had as well. It's going to
03:20remain very warm. 30 degrees Celsius is still possible towards the start of the week, more
03:26the mid to high 20s as we move towards the rest of next week as well. You can keep up
03:32to date with all the developments as we head towards next week, though, by following all
03:36our social media channels and we'll be back here on the website, on YouTube and on the
03:40app very soon. Bye bye.
