Tuesday afternoon forecast 13/06/23

  • 2 days ago
13 June - National weather forecast presented by Alex Deakin.
00:00Hello. For most, the skies are blue again today, and they will be again tomorrow. Plenty
00:05of very warm sunshine on offer. Just like the last few days, though, thunderstorms can't
00:10be ruled out. This is the image from Space Thru this morning. We've seen some heavy showers
00:15overnight moving through the Irish Sea, still one or two affecting Northern Ireland. But
00:20it's later on through the afternoon across the west of Northern Ireland and into northwest
00:24Scotland where we are likely to see some big thunderstorms. Not everywhere seeing them
00:29in the warning zones, but where they do occur, large hailstones and a lot of rain falling
00:33in a short space of time either could cause some disruption. Now, there is also the chance
00:38of seeing one or two scattered showers across the far south that could also turn into big
00:43thunderstorms. But I think that we're pretty isolated for the vast majority. It is just
00:47going to be dry and sunny, some misty conditions around some coasts in the northeast and at
00:52times in the southwest. But a warmer day for much of the southwest compared to yesterday
00:56and the heart of the country getting close to 30 degrees Celsius. The East Coast will
01:02be a little cooler, but perhaps just a bit more comfortable here. And it will be a bit
01:06cooler, obviously, if that mist persists around the coast in the far northeast. Still the
01:10potential for big thunderstorms rumbling on into this evening, but they should fade by
01:16midnight and then most places looking dry and clear. Notice the breeze coming in from
01:20the east, not as strong as it was a couple of weeks ago, not generating the cloud that
01:24it did for much of last week either. But it is bringing slightly cooler air into the
01:30east. So it'll be more comfortable here compared to the west, where temperatures again, pretty
01:35warm overnight, pretty humid again, 15, 16, 17 Celsius in some urban areas. So a difficult
01:42night for sleeping in the west, slightly more comfortable across the east. Again, Wednesday,
01:46more sunshine for the vast majority and a very small chance of seeing any showers. Again,
01:52the greatest risk in the far northwest of Scotland, far northeast, maybe a little misty
01:56around the coast at times, but the vast majority blue skies pretty much from dawn till dusk.
02:02And that's quite a long time at this time of year. So lots of sunshine around, some
02:06fair weather cloud bubbling up, of course, through the course of the day. And I said
02:09the small chance of a shower in the northwest temperatures perhaps not quite as high as
02:15today, a degree or so down, but still pretty warm for the time of year, still feeling fairly
02:19warm and humid. Again, the east coast will be probably a little cooler and perhaps a
02:23little bit more comfortable. Not a great deal of change on Wednesday evening or indeed into
02:28Thursday. The weather is going to be fine and sunny for the vast majority the end of
02:33the week into the weekend. Signs of a subtle change. The high pressure that's been dominating
02:38just starting to ebb away. Low pressure just influencing things a little more. So again,
02:42introducing more moisture, a bit more heat, a bit more humidity. And as that low pressure
02:47gets close, an increasing chance of seeing some showers initially in the west, but perhaps
02:50becoming a bit more widespread into the weekend. That's something we'll be keeping a close
02:55eye on. If you're watching on YouTube, don't forget to hit subscribe and then you won't
02:58miss a forecast. And don't forget to hit like as well. And of course, you can always follow
03:03us right across all of the social media channels.
