Thursday afternoon forecast 15/06/23

  • 2 days ago
15 June - National weather forecast presented by Alex Deakin
00:00Hello, a sunny one for the vast majority today, but the weather is on the change towards the
00:07More on that in a moment.
00:08First of all, here's the view from space.
00:10First thing this morning, notice a bit of patchy cloud there over parts of northeast
00:14England down towards the Midlands.
00:15But as we went through the morning, pretty rapidly, that area shrunk and melted away.
00:21Behind me, there is a bit more cloud, and that is signs of a change for later on.
00:26But for most places, as I said today, it's dry and it is sunny.
00:30Now, there is the threat of some heavy showers breaking out over the Republic of Ireland
00:35that could just drift up towards the west of Northern Ireland.
00:39So the possibility here of a thunderstorm, and even across some parts of England as well,
00:44thunderstorms can't be completely ruled out, but they'll be very isolated.
00:47The vast majority dry and sunny.
00:49Some mist and low cloud close to the coast of northern Scotland, but for most, as I said,
00:54it is just blue skies and pretty high temperatures as well.
00:57Temperatures above average again, not quite as high as they were earlier in the week,
01:01but still across the south, the high 20s likely.
01:04Coasts will be cooler and even parts of northern Scotland getting into the mid to high 20s
01:09in some locations.
01:10So a very warm, sunny day, a balmy summer's evening as well.
01:16Plenty of sunshine around.
01:17Still the possibility of a thunderstorm across the west of Northern Ireland into this evening,
01:22but most places will be dry and clear overnight.
01:25Notice, though, an increasing chance of showers coming up towards the southwest by dawn.
01:31Again, signs of a change on the way.
01:34Pretty warm and humid night across the west, but reasonably comfortable, certainly in comparison
01:40at further east.
01:41So temperatures across northeast England, eastern Scotland, dipping down into single
01:45figures quite fresh here.
01:46But in the west, as I said, pretty warm and humid night because the humidity and the warmth
01:50will be building over the next few days, bringing an increasing chance of showers.
01:55Again, the vast majority simply dry and sunny on Friday.
01:59But there'll be more clouds building into Northern Ireland, Wales and southwest England.
02:03And it's in these areas where there is the likelihood of some showers breaking out.
02:08But even across parts of Scotland, we could see one or two during the afternoon.
02:12And again, where they do occur, heavy, even thundery downpours could cause some problems.
02:18But they're going to be, again, very hit and miss.
02:20Most places won't see them, certainly much of England, central and eastern England, southern
02:24and eastern Scotland will just stay dry, sunny and again, very warm.
02:30Again, not quite as high as temperatures through Thursday, but still the mid to high 20s in
02:34the south coasts, again, a little cooler.
02:37And it won't be as warm on the thermometer in the west because there won't be as much
02:42But the humidity will be building, so it'll still feel pretty sticky, pretty oppressive.
02:47And that will continue through the next few nights, as will the increasing chance of
02:53We're starting to see them just drift a little bit further eastwards, increasing chance as
02:58we go through the weekend, all tied into an area of low pressure.
03:02It's a fairly flabby one, not a lot of winds associated with it, but this is just pushing
03:06northwards, bringing warm and humid air with it.
03:10So an increasing chance of seeing showers becoming more widespread during the course
03:14of the weekend.
03:16Spells of exactly where and when we see the downpours just too early to say.
03:21So if you've got plans this weekend, make sure you keep up to date with the forecast.
03:25Not going to rain all weekend.
03:26Far from it.
03:27There will still be plenty of spells of hazy, warm sunshine, but it is going to be warm.
03:32It is going to be humid and there will be some big showers at times.
03:36So as I said, make sure you stay up to date with the forecast.
03:39We'll have a full weekend forecast on our YouTube channel by Thursday afternoon.
03:44So like and hit subscribe and then you won't miss a forecast.
03:47And also just make sure you're following us right across the social channels.
