Friday evening forecast 28/07/23

  • 2 days ago
28 July - National weather forecast presented by Jonathan Vautrey
00:00Hello there. Welcome to your latest weather updates from the Met Office. As we head towards
00:05the weekend, our attention turns to this area of cloud that is spiralling its way across
00:10areas of the Atlantic. And that's because pretty much like all weekend so far in July,
00:16low pressure is returning and it's pushing its way steadily towards the UK, particularly
00:20centring itself to the northwest. But those ice bars squeezing, so some quite blustery
00:25winds throughout much of the weekend and those weather fronts also starting to bring in some
00:29showers as well. Throughout this evening and overnight, initially across Northern Ireland
00:32and into Western Scotland, parts of Western England and Wales as well. Also, the potential
00:36that we see a little feature push across southeast England as well. Some of that rain could be
00:40heavy at times, some slight uncertainty in regards to the exact positioning of that.
00:44But do just be aware there could be some heavy outbursts first thing on Saturday morning.
00:48It's also in the southeast where we hold on to a bit more in the humidity, so temperatures
00:52not dropping much below 15, 16 degrees Celsius, quite muggy in places. But further towards
00:57the west, it will be feeling that bit fresher temperatures dropping down to around 12, 13
01:02degrees Celsius. Saturday then turns into a day of sunshine and showers for the vast
01:07majority of us. But with those blustery winds that are in place, gusts of 30, 35 miles per
01:11hour along some coastal areas in particular, those showers will be pushing through at quite
01:15a pace that will allow some sunny spells again to develop in between. So not a complete washout,
01:21but further towards Northern Ireland, Western Scotland, closer to the centre of that low
01:25pressure centre. That's where we'll see the most frequent showers, and they could also
01:28be rather heavy with some thunderstorms and hail throughout the day as well. So do just
01:33take care of any torrential downpours and potential surface water issues. If you do
01:37manage to see some of those sunnier spells in between, temperatures will range around
01:4117 to 23 degrees Celsius, so slightly down compared to where we did see them on Friday.
01:48And in that breeze as well, it is going to feel relatively cool out there. Also, for
01:53the bulk of England and Wales, most of those showers will ease off as we do head into Saturday
01:58evening. So turning largely dry, a good chunk of late evening sunshine to enjoy. Still a
02:03few probably lingering across Western areas, but for Northern Ireland, Central, Southern
02:07Scotland and eventually into North West England as well, showers will be continuing throughout
02:11the night. Again, could be heavy in places. Areas to North East Scotland, once early rain
02:16sort of clears its way off parts of Shetland, it will turn drier here and winds will also
02:21be lightest as the centre of that low pressure centre moves across us. But elsewhere, those
02:26blustery winds will be continuing throughout the night. That's going to help mix up the
02:29air. So again, temperatures won't be dropping too far at all, ranging between 12, 14 degrees
02:34Celsius, but at least probably feeling that bit fresher compared to the night before across
02:38parts of southeastern England. As we move into Sunday, this area of low pressure that's
02:43centred across Northern Scotland is going to stay with us, sort of slowly drift its
02:47way eastwards. But we're also going to see a second area of low pressure start to push
02:51its way in from the west. So some uncertainty is still on the exact timing of this, but
02:57we could start to see some longer spells of rain push its way into South West England,
03:01Wales, as we do for ahead throughout the day. So quite a damp end. A few showers again pushing
03:06across southeastern England, but it's going to be Northern England, parts of Southern
03:09Central Scotland, where those are most frequent on Sunday. Again, could be heavy in places.
03:14Parts of North East Scotland seeing more in the way of those sunny spells and generally
03:18once again, those lighter winds still feeling rather cool elsewhere where we've got those
03:23blustery winds still in place. And again, temperatures ranging between 19 and 22 degrees
03:29Celsius. Do keep up to date with the full forecast as we do head towards the weekend
03:34and those sort of slight nuances that we do need to get in place. And you can always check
03:38our latest updates across our social media channels on our app as well. And we're back
03:43here with you again very shortly. Bye bye.
