Sunday evening forecast 30/07/2023

  • 2 days ago
30 July - National weather forecast presented by Jonathan Vautrey
00:00Hello there. July 2023 has been disappointingly wet and dull for many of us, and it may feel
00:06like now that it's raining more than ever, and although not quite that extreme, still
00:10with a day or so to go in the month. Provisionally, we could be on track for our wettest July
00:15in around 14 years or so. The rainfall hasn't been distributed equally everywhere, but in
00:20particular northwest England, parts of western Northern Ireland have had each other needing
00:25to stand under their umbrella. Parts of Merseyside, Lancashire, into Greater Manchester, as well
00:30as County Tyrone, County Fermanagh recording almost twice their average July rainfall.
00:37It does feel like that we've had to stick an oath and we're going to stick it out until
00:41the end of the month as well, because there's further rain on the cards as we head into
00:45the end of Sunday. This pushing its way across much of England and Wales, turning heavy for
00:50a time Northern England into Northern Ireland, steadily progressing into parts of Scotland
00:54as well. Really still quite breezy along southern coastal areas, 30, 35 mile an hour
00:59gusts possible during the overnight period. And underneath all that cloud and with the
01:03breeze around, the humidity is also building. It's not going to be a particularly chilly
01:08night for most of us, rather muggy one. In fact, most towns and cities holding up around
01:1216, 17 degrees Celsius. The exception to that is the far north east of Scotland. That's
01:18going to stay relatively dry. Hold on to those clear skies and that will allow those temperatures
01:22to fall off quite more markedly, perhaps down to five degrees Celsius or so in some
01:27very sheltered rural areas. Seeing the best of the sunshine then across north east Scotland
01:32as we start off Monday, though, this rain will steady push its way into parts of Lewis
01:37and Harris over towards Inverness and the southern highlands throughout the day. Elsewhere,
01:41the rain will be lingering through the English Channel and towards southern coastal areas
01:44as well. The strongest winds easing their way off, but it is still going to be a relatively
01:48breezy day for many of us. Showers and longer spells of rain still bubbling up for Northern
01:53Ireland, Wales into northern England as well. So a relatively unsettled end to July for
01:58many of us. A few brighter spells trying to poke their way through, particularly as we
02:02head into the afternoon southwest Wales into southwest England as well. Could see temperatures
02:07climbing more towards 20, 21 degrees Celsius and actually the northern isles of Scotland
02:12as well. Holding off from much of that rain, we'll see a good number of sunny intervals
02:16throughout the day and with lightest winds here as well. It shouldn't feel too bad at
02:20all. Those outbreaks of rain, though, will still be continuing across several locations
02:25as we head into the evening, particularly for parts of Scotland. Northern England showers
02:29continuing for Northern Ireland as well into the early hours of Tuesday morning. The potential
02:34that we start to see some very sharp showers push across Wales into central southern areas
02:38of England, perhaps the odd rumble of thunder in there as well. Again, a lot of cloud around
02:43a fair amount of breeze still in place as well. So it's not going to be too chilly of
02:47a night for most of us holding up around 12, 14 degrees Celsius, probably that bit warmer
02:52for areas of Scotland now that they have the clouds and rain in place. But we've lost the
02:57bulk of that humidity that will be with us throughout Sunday night. And so it will just
03:01feel that bit fresher for a good chunk of us. As we start off Tuesday morning, then
03:07some of those showers will still be pushing their way through first thing. So some heavy
03:11outbreaks of rain for parts of south east England first thing. Overall, Tuesday is a
03:15slightly calmer day, particularly in terms of wind speeds. But there will still be some
03:20showers around at times easing out into the afternoon and certainly into the evening for
03:24parts of Wales, central southern areas of England. The showers probably lingering the
03:28longest into parts of north east England, some longer spells of rain, perhaps for south
03:32west Scotland over into Northern Ireland as well, or it could stay relatively cloudy through
03:36much of the day as well. Temperatures at least holding up around where they should be.
03:41For the time of year, between 1923 degrees Celsius and where we do see some of those
03:46sunnier spells just trying to poke their way through into the afternoon. Hopefully that
03:50will allow for a slightly more pleasant feel of things. Some of you, though, may well have
03:55noticed this area of rain that is lingering to the far southwest of Ireland, and that
04:00is signalling what will head towards us later on Tuesday and into the overnight period towards
04:04Wednesday as well. It's another area of low pressure as we start into the start of August
04:10as well. Pushing its way in from the Atlantic, those ice bars really starting to squeeze
04:15together as well could potentially provide some gales along southern coastal areas of
04:20England. So why is it coming in? Well, it's all due to the jet stream once again. Quite
04:25a strong jet stream out in the Atlantic at the moment, this fast flowing ribbon of air
04:29high in the atmosphere that's going to be powering that low pressure centre towards
04:33us as we do head towards the middle part of next week. We'll just be keeping an eye on
04:37exactly how the jet stream interacts with that low pressure centre, because depending
04:42on where it does develop, that's that will determine where we see those strongest winds
04:46and the most likely chance of the highest rainfall totals as well. But of course, we
04:51will keep you up to date with all of that as we head throughout the forthcoming days
04:55and there'll be regular updates across our social media channels. So do follow us on
04:59Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and more. And of course, we'll be back here on the app
05:03on the website and on YouTube very soon. Bye bye.
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