Thursday evening forecast 12/01/23

  • 2 days ago
12 January - National weather forecast presented Aidan McGivern.
00:00Hello. For the time being, the weather stays very unsettled. It's certainly going to be a windy night tonight with the risk of gales around some north-western areas.
00:09Initially, as we end the afternoon and go into the evening, it's Northern Ireland where we'll see the strongest winds.
00:1360 mph wind gusts, 70 around exposed coasts and hills, and those gales push into south-west Scotland, Irish Sea coast, North Wales, Northern England later in the evening.
00:23The wind bouncing over the Pennines, giving some strong gusts to the east of the Pennines as well.
00:28So a blustery night for many of us. That wind could cause some impacts, particularly around these Irish Sea coasts as well as Northern Ireland.
00:35And it will be accompanied by some spells of wet weather. The persistent rain moving through Northern Ireland into Scotland and Northern England, affecting Wales for a time as well.
00:44Elsewhere, showers, predominantly in the west, clear spells towards the south-east, but a lot of cloud across the country, and we keep that blustery breeze wherever you are.
00:53So of course that's going to stir the air up, it's going to prevent a frost, 6 or 7 Celsius in the south, 4 or 5 further north.
01:00Now that means it will be a touch colder in the south compared with recent mornings. It's not going to be quite as mild as it has been, but it will also be a windy start for many.
01:09That wind continuing to drive showers across the country, but especially towards the north-west.
01:15However, as we go through the day, the winds will moderate. The showers will also become more restricted to the Midlands, Northern England, Northern Ireland, Western and Northern Scotland.
01:26And there will be a better chance of some sunshine coming through, especially for southern areas.
01:31A slightly colder day compared with recent days, it's just not going to be quite as mild as it has been, 9 to 11 Celsius in the south, 5 to 7 further north, and less windy than we start the day with.
01:44But it is about to turn wetter and windier once again, and that soon enough starts across Northern Ireland on Friday evening.
01:51The rain pushing into North Wales, Northern England, parts of Scotland.
01:55This is an initial frontal system, another frontal system follows that to bring even more widely persistent and heavy rainfall by the end of Friday night.
02:05And as the winds pick up and as that rain moves in, it's going to be mild again across southern areas.
02:11Colder further north for northern Scotland, perhaps in some cloud breaks, with some cloud breaks with some shelter, we'll see a touch of frost.
02:18But for the vast majority, it's frost free once again, but it's a very unsettled start to the weekend.
02:23Heavy rainfall, especially across North Wales and north-west England, but certainly another wet start elsewhere across Wales, Western England.
02:31The rain pushing as far as central Scotland, where it turns to snow over the hills, Northern Ireland affected, and for much of England and Wales, it's simply a damp start.
02:39It's also a windy start, gales around exposed coasts of Wales and the south-west initially, 60 mph wind gusts.
02:45Those gales then transfer across the channel as the rain clears through.
02:49The afternoon turns a little brighter, there'll still be a lot of showers coming in from the west, but a better chance of some drier interludes in many spots.
02:59And it will still be windy, especially across, by this stage, north-western areas, so Northern Ireland into Irish Sea coast once again, seeing the risk of gales.
03:08It's going to feel cold in that wind coming in from the north. In fact, temperatures are going to be dropping through the day,
03:13so I suspect we'll start the day with close to double figures across much of England and Wales,
03:17and then we'll end the afternoon closer to 6 to 9 Celsius as colder air starts to dig in.
03:24And that cold air is going to be the theme for the second half of the weekend and into the start of next week.
03:30As this low pulls away, we're going to see north-to-northwesterly winds.
03:34They're going to be dragging in cold air from the north.
03:37It's not quite as cold as we saw at the start of December, but nevertheless,
03:42it is going to be bringing below-average temperatures widely across the country and quite a number of showers.
03:48And with the air on the cold side, those showers will be falling as a mixture of rain, sleet, hail and snow by the time we get to Sunday and the start of next week.
03:58Much more on that, of course, as always, on social media. But for now, that's all for me. Bye-bye.
