Wednesday afternoon forecast 18/01/23

  • 2 days ago
18 January - National weather forecast presented by Alex Deakin.
00:00Welcome along to your National Weather Outlook from the Met Office, another cold
00:04one today and some places still seeing some snow falling. This is the bigger
00:08picture from space, the satellite and radar imagery. You can see the snow
00:12showers packing in across northern Scotland but also further west, Northern
00:16Ireland, Wales and southwest England. Here more of a mixture of rain sleet and
00:20snow but still some of those wintry showers coming in this afternoon. Same
00:24goes for Northern Ireland and snow showers packing in across northern
00:28Scotland. There's a little swirl out in the North Sea, that's an area of low
00:31pressure, bringing one or two showers just grazing the east coast but many
00:35central and eastern parts dry with that northerly wind bringing a chill.
00:39Temperatures are actually a degree or so higher than yesterday's but it feels a
00:43bit colder because of the strength of the wind and certainly if you get caught
00:46out in one of these showers further west which will continue to bring some hail,
00:50sleet and snow even for a time down to lower levels and things could again then
00:54turn icy. So we do have Met Office warnings in place through the night, more
00:58snow showers packing in across northern Scotland and a subtle shift in wind
01:02direction means we could see a few more flurries coming into North Wales and
01:05particularly northwest England, Liverpool Bay and towards Manchester. As I said it
01:10could turn icy wherever we've got showers with those temperatures tumbling,
01:13minus 2, minus 3, that's in towns and cities, rural spots minus 4 to minus 8
01:18and we could get as low as minus 10 to maybe minus 15 where there's snow lying
01:22on the ground across northern Scotland, still a brisk and cold wind blowing here.
01:26And we'll see a bit more wet weather coming into northern Scotland, could be
01:29rain on the coast but inland and certainly over any hills we will see
01:34further snow during Thursday. A few flurries possible still for Northern
01:38Ireland, northwest England and North Wales but many places looking dry on
01:43Thursday with sunny spells for South Wales, the Midlands, much of northern and
01:48eastern England along with southern parts too. It will be sunny but it's
01:53still going to be cold with a brisk and bitter wind across northern Scotland but
01:58elsewhere the winds are a touch lighter, temperatures though still only 3-4
02:01degrees for most places, so again a cold day for the time of year. And again the
02:07frost will return pretty rapidly on Thursday evening, that blue hue taking
02:11over the charts, not many showers around though but still potentially where we've
02:14had any snow melting through the day it could be icy and there will still be
02:18more wintry showers coming in across northern Scotland, so potential for ice
02:22here. An increasing chance of seeing some fog patches at night as well over the
02:27coming nights, freezing fog that could be very slow to clear by day. But we are
02:32perhaps going to see a change albeit slowly into the weekend with weather
02:38fronts edging and I mean edging in from the Atlantic, that's where the mild air
02:42is, so staying cold through Friday but during the weekend certainly in the west
02:46milder air will push in but parts of the east are likely to stay cold right
02:51throughout the weekend, the milder air not getting here until next week. But
02:55slowly from the west things will be turning milder as I said during this
02:58weekend. Until then though there are some wintry hazards, ice and snow, we have
03:03warnings in place, check out our app and our website for the details on those.
