Friday morning forecast 03/12/21

  • 2 days ago
03 December - National weather forecast presented by Alex Deakin.
00:00Hello, welcome to your latest update from the Met Office.
00:03We are going to see some wet weather crossing the country
00:06during Thursday night and Friday morning,
00:08and it'll leave a kind of dull, dreary day across the South
00:12on Friday behind it.
00:13But also behind it, some brighter skies
00:15across the northern half of the UK.
00:18As the wet weather arrives, though,
00:20it's going to clash with some colder air.
00:22So things turning pretty cold out there through Thursday
00:24evening, cold enough to see some snow, even down
00:28to lower levels for a time across parts of Scotland.
00:30Not expecting huge amounts, but you may see a little bit here
00:33and there.
00:33And further south, as the wet weather
00:35moves into northern England during the early hours,
00:37and even parts of the Midlands, maybe towards East Anglia
00:41as we head towards dawn, a little bit of snow
00:43is possible for a time.
00:46It is going to turn quite cold then this evening,
00:48with temperatures down for a time close to freezing,
00:51if not a touch below in some rural areas.
00:53But as we run through the night, milder air
00:56comes in with that wet weather, so that by dawn,
01:00it's a lot warmer, certainly in the west.
01:03Some places starting off in double digits
01:04on Friday morning.
01:06Still cold enough in the east for East Anglia
01:08and the southeast to potentially see a little snow early on.
01:11But again, not expected to last too long, turning back to rain.
01:14And then a fairly dull, soggy morning
01:17across the southeast and East Anglia.
01:19Turning drier further west, but always staying pretty grey
01:21across the south.
01:22Much brighter skies further north.
01:24Sunny spells for Northern Ireland, much of Scotland,
01:27although there will be showers coming into Western Scotland
01:29throughout the day.
01:30And then into the southwest, another area
01:32of rain moving in during Friday afternoon and evening.
01:36Some uncertainty about how far north that gets,
01:38but it could easily push into parts of South Wales
01:40by the end of the day.
01:42Temperature-wise, quite a bit higher
01:44than the past couple of days in the south.
01:45Double digits might even squeak up to 13 Celsius further north.
01:49Milder than Thursday, and with light winds,
01:52temperatures around about average 7 to 9 Celsius.
01:56We will see that wet weather pepping up
01:57across the south during Friday evening.
01:59Quite a soggy evening along the south coast.
02:01Could see some of that rain for a time further north.
02:03And then the showers becoming more widespread
02:05as we head into the weekend.
02:08Saturday will be a showery day, and also turning colder
02:11as the winds start to pick up from the northwest once more.
02:15The showers will mostly be of rain on Saturday,
02:17but over the hills, certainly through the southern uplands,
02:19the Pennines, there could be some snow
02:21on some of the Trans-Pennine routes, for example.
02:23But I'd say mostly the showers will be of rain.
02:26Not going to be everywhere.
02:27The southeast may have a largely dry day on Saturday,
02:29and after a wet start, the central belt of Scotland
02:32also looking largely dry.
02:33But elsewhere, showers coming and going through the day,
02:36some sunny spells in between,
02:38and we're back to a colder feel as well.
02:40Temperatures back into single figures everywhere,
02:42and add on the wind, which will be picking up through the day.
02:45It will feel pretty raw once more
02:47on some of those North Sea coasts.
02:49A cold wind lasting throughout the weekend.
02:52The showers, though, fewer and further between on Sunday.
02:55There'll still be some, particularly in the east,
02:57but most places away from the east
02:59having a drier day on Sunday.
03:01A full weekend forecast available on our YouTube channel,
03:04so make sure you subscribe to those.
03:06And of course, keep across everything
03:08by following us right across social media.
