Friday afternoon forecast 19/11/21

  • 2 days ago
19 November - National weather forecast presented by Aiden McGivern.
00:00Hello again. Colder weather is on the way through the weekend and more especially later
00:06next week. But Friday at least stays very mild. A lot of cloud for much of the UK and
00:13staying damp for northern Scotland. Here the rain associated with some weather fronts that
00:18are just lingering in the far north. But Shetland is the exception. Away from the weather fronts,
00:23generally dry and bright. Very windy at first, those winds easing later. The rest of the
00:28UK, closer to high pressure but a westerly feed of air and so a lot of cloud cover continues
00:34for many parts. Again, a few spots of rain and drizzle for parts of Wales and the south-west.
00:39Otherwise most places dry. And actually brightening up for eastern and northern England, parts
00:43of Northern Ireland, eastern Scotland. Some sun breaking through that layer of stratocumulus.
00:49But where we get the sunshine or where we get the cloud, it's mild. 13 to 14 Celsius,
00:5416 Celsius possible again. Somewhere like Aberdeen where it started at 14 Celsius this
01:00morning actually. A very mild night last night. The wet weather continues then overnight.
01:05Some heavier bursts at times for the north-west Highlands in particular. The rain edging north
01:09into Shetland for a time as well. Elsewhere a lot of cloud remains. A keen breeze in many
01:15places and that means it's going to be another mild one overnight. Not quite as mild I think.
01:21Temperatures into the single figures in many places. But a dull start to the day for many.
01:27A wet start for northern Scotland. That rain then sweeps south across central and southern
01:31Scotland during the morning. Northern Ireland as well seeing a spell of rain. After lunch
01:36it does dry up and brighten up for Scotland and Northern Ireland. The sun comes out but
01:40blustery showers start to feed in here along with colder air. Temperatures actually dropping
01:45through the day for Scotland and Northern Ireland whilst it's generally cloudy but mild
01:50again in the south with a few spots of rain but nothing significant. And this area of
01:54rain pushing through northern England and north Wales late afternoon into the evening.
01:59It starts to move south during the evening and overnight and it does clear through. It's
02:04a weakening cold front so not much rain on it as it pushes through southern parts of
02:09the UK on Saturday night. But it does mark that significant contrast in temperatures.
02:14We clear the mild air and we open the door to northerlies. However at this stage the
02:18temperatures are only returning to around average. And for many it's a brighter day
02:23on Sunday. Plenty of sunshine but some showers will feed into northern, western and eastern
02:27districts exposed to this brisk and cold northerly wind. Temperatures back into the single figures
02:32by Sunday afternoon. So around average for the time of year and that means there will
02:37be some snow over the Scottish mountains. Nothing unusual to do with that of course
02:42for the time of year. And something even colder is expected later next week following
02:49a milder interlude midweek and we'll keep you updated on all of that. So you can follow
02:53those updates on social media. Bye bye.
