Tuesday morning forecast 16/08/22

  • 2 days ago
16 August - National forecast presented by Aidan McGivern
00:00Hi there, there has been some lively weather out there this afternoon and showers and some
00:05thunderstorms will continue over the next few days. As is always the case, those showers
00:10and thunderstorms will be hit and miss, some areas will avoid them and stay mostly dry
00:15but the general trend is clear. Low pressure has replaced high and as a result the weather
00:21across the UK has changed and it will continue to change, more cloud, more rain, cooler as
00:27well. Now through the night, general area of rain affecting central and eastern parts
00:32of Scotland and that could cause some issues actually with the yellow rain warning in force
00:37there for eastern Scotland during the early hours. There will also be a continuation of
00:42some of the showers and thunderstorms elsewhere but for many it's drier, there will be a few
00:49clear spells although a lot of cloud will remain and it will be a warm night, temperatures
00:53in many spots staying in the mid to high teens. Now we start off Tuesday with that
00:59rain in the east of Scotland, slowly moderating, a keen breeze coming in from the north here.
01:05Meanwhile showers from the word go for South Wales, South West England, some thunderstorms
01:10here and then you can see they develop fairly widely across the rest of England and Wales.
01:15Now where they do occur, the risk of hail, thunder and lightning and some intense rainfall
01:21in a short space of time, of course that falling onto dry ground could cause some problems,
01:26for example flash flooding, so yellow thunderstorm warning in force there. The rain though across
01:30Scotland eases, it's mostly light to moderate by the afternoon and breaking up as well.
01:37Drier and brighter weather is moving in from the north west, so for Northern Ireland, western
01:40Scotland it's a mostly fine afternoon, although it is feeling much fresher in the north than
01:45the west and even in the south east it's not as hot as it has been. Temperatures here
01:49are 26 to 27 degrees depending on whether you've got the showers or the brighter interludes.
01:55Into Tuesday evening, showers continue for a time, many of them die away overnight, but
02:00a lot of cloud once again remains. Clear spells in the far north and north west and actually
02:06a cooler night to come here as a result, but still 17 or 18 Celsius in the south with that
02:13humid cloudy weather continuing. And the risk of some heavy rain early Wednesday across
02:21central and south western parts and then more especially thunderstorms get going once again
02:26as temperatures rise towards the south east. And once more, where these showers occur,
02:32the risk of localised flooding, but they won't occur everywhere, they'll be hit and miss.
02:36Some places will avoid the worst of the impacts from those showers, but of course we do need
02:41the rain and we need steady rain accumulating over a long period of time. Brighter skies
02:47towards the north and north west, sunny spells and for much of Scotland, Northern Ireland,
02:53Northern and Western England as well as Wales, it's mostly dry by the afternoon with temperatures
02:58in the high teens or low twenties, 25 Celsius still possible away from the showers towards
03:04the south east. And then drier day to come on Thursday for many, back to more changeable
03:11Atlantic driven weather I think later this week and into the weekend with weather systems
03:16coming in from the west and some useful rain in places.
