Tuesday afternoon forecast 06/09/22

  • 2 days ago
06 September - National weather forecast presented by Alex Deakin
00:00Hello. With lots and lots of heavy showers in the forecast for the next several days,
00:05the radar will be your friend this week. You can see that on our app. So make sure you're
00:11checking before you step outdoors, because this big swirl of cloud is a big area of low
00:17pressure. It controls our weather through this week, and it's just throwing up bands
00:22and bands of showers across the country, as you can see on the radar and the satellite
00:25here as well. There are some breaks in the clouds, so some places having the sunny spells,
00:30but these bands of showers will continue to drift northwards today, just like yesterday.
00:35Some heavy downpours, thunderstorms possible, so a lot of rain falling in a short space
00:40of time that could cause some local problems. Certainly some pretty grim conditions on the
00:45roads. One minute it's fine and sunny, the next minute you're in a downpour and there's
00:48a lot of spray and surface water on the roads. It's pretty warm air, though. That low pressure
00:52is bringing up southerly winds. So when the sun is out, between the showers, temperatures
00:58getting into the 20s, maybe the mid 20s across parts of East Anglia. A bit breezy across
01:03the north of Scotland once more and fairly gusty conditions in the southwest also, throwing
01:09up these heavy showers. Close to the showers, we get gusty winds as well, and we'll see
01:13more of them this evening spreading across northern England into Scotland. But the showers
01:17will keep going across England and Wales through the night, and more will likely return to
01:22Northern Ireland as we head towards dawn. So more heavy showers to come overnight. Again,
01:26the chance of being woken up by a rumble of thunder or a flash of lightning. But again,
01:30it will be a pretty warm and humid night, 1415 below. As we go into Wednesday, well,
01:36again, it's a case of dodging the downpours. Bounds of heavy showers slowly tracking northwards
01:42and then we'll see showers blossoming through the day from late morning onwards, really
01:46right across England, Wales, Northern Ireland and then pushing north into Scotland. Again,
01:51it's not going to rain all day. There will be sunny spells between the showers. Parts
01:55of the south coast may not see too many showers come the afternoon and northern Scotland may
01:59turn a little drier and brighter after a fairly grey start. Still some gusty winds, but still
02:05bringing relatively mild air. So when the sun's out, temperatures still generally a
02:09little above average, but obviously temperatures drop when the downpours come along. And still
02:16lots of those downpours around during Wednesday evening. So again, something to bear in mind
02:20if you're travelling on the roads. There will be a lot of spray and surface water.
02:24And again, one minute it's fine. The next minute you're caught in a heavy, heavy shower.
02:29And that low pressure system is only very slowly meandering across the country during
02:34Thursday. If anything, it means the downpours could be a little more slow moving, could
02:38be quite wet under that weather front across parts of eastern Scotland. Signs of it finally
02:43ebbing away as we head into the weekend. So at the moment, Saturday looks a little drier,
02:48but plenty more heavy showers to come between now and then. Keep up to date with the latest.
02:52As I said, you can track the radar if you've got our app and any warnings will be on there
02:57as well.
