Thursday afternoon forecast 06/10/22

  • 2 days ago
06 October - National weather forecast presented by Alex Deakin
00:00Hello there. If you're enjoying these broadcasts on YouTube, then don't forget to hit subscribe
00:05and you'll never miss a Met Office forecast. As for today's weather, well, for many, it's
00:09a fine autumn day. Actually, clear skies to start with across England and Wales, but notice
00:14quite a lot of clouds spilling in from the west, certainly quite grey this afternoon
00:18for much of Northern Ireland. We've already seen some heavy rain for Western Scotland,
00:21perhaps easing for a time around lunchtime, but then more rain pushing back in here and
00:26through the central belt as the day goes on. A bit of patchy rain for North West England
00:29and North Wales, but much of the south and many eastern areas staying dry and bright.
00:35Some cloud coming and going, but in the sunny spells, look at the temperatures 18, 19, possibly
00:40close to 20 Celsius here. A little cooler further north, 14 to 16. It's still quite
00:46breezy, not quite as windy as yesterday, but still some lively gusts, particularly in the
00:50far north where we'll continue to see some showers coming in through the day and the
00:54rain probably turning more persistent across Scotland overnight. Another band of rain also
00:58spreading in across Northern Ireland. A few scattered showers for England and Wales tonight,
01:02but many places drier. A milder night than that last night as well, with temperatures
01:07mostly holding up in double digits, although it will turn a little cooler in Northern Scotland
01:12as skies start to clear here. Could be quite a wet start, though, first thing, for southern
01:17Scotland, parts of northern England. That rain quickly scooting away from Northern Ireland,
01:21but some heavy bursts of rain are likely as this band of wet weather sinks south with
01:26some lively gusty winds as well with that. Not raining for too long, but a short spell
01:31of intense rain and gusty winds thanks to this weather front. Ahead of that, there'll
01:36be the odd shower, but many places dry and bright behind it. Lots of heavy showers zipping
01:41in on a fairly stiff wind once more, but skies should also brighten. We'll see some afternoon
01:46sunshine coming through, but that line of rain is a weather front marking the boundary
01:51between some warmish air ahead of it where we could still get 18 or 19 cooler conditions
01:56following on, where actually temperatures are likely to drop through the afternoon.
02:0013, 14 will be fairly typical. That weather front will continue to march its way across
02:04East Anglia and the southeast, so some heavy bursts of rain, the M25, the M11, the M2 during
02:10Friday evening's rush hour before it does tend to scoot away. And then we're left with
02:15clearing skies, still some showers coming into the north and the west. There's that
02:19weather front disappearing as we go into the weekend. And look at this, a large area of
02:22high pressure is edging its way in. That'll bring most places a fine day on Saturday before
02:30edging away and allowing these weather fronts and the isobars to pinch together to mean
02:35more wet and windy weather comes into the northwest during the course of Sunday. So
02:39as I said, many places set fair on Saturday, dry and bright weather, a little bit chilly
02:44first thing, and much of England and Wales will stay that way into Sunday. But some rain
02:48will push into parts of Scotland and Northern Ireland. We've got a full weekend forecast
02:53on YouTube by Thursday afternoon. That'll also be on Facebook as well. So make sure
02:58you're following us right across social media.
