My Pet and Me S2 E12 Ducks

  • last week
Ferne visits Aaron and his pet ducks. Aaron really loves his ducks and tells Ferne all about them. Together, he and Ferne clean out the ducks' home and fill up the duck pond. Later, they go to a duck show and enter one of Aaron's ducks into a competition!


00:00Hello. Welcome to My Pet and Me. I'm Fern.
00:07And I'm Rory. We've just been getting the barn ready for the animals.
00:10We like to make sure that they have the right food and water.
00:13And a nice comfy place to sleep as well.
00:15Now lots of different animals make excellent pets and we love meeting you and yours.
00:19We definitely do. And actually I'm off to meet some new friends now.
00:23You can come with me if you like. See you later.
00:25See ya.
00:27Hey guys.
00:30My pets, my pets and me.
00:33My pets, my pets and me.
00:36Down every street
00:39are pets to meet.
00:41Some big, some small, some skinny, some furry.
00:44Some keep every still, some always in a hurry.
00:48Some have four paws.
00:51Some have sharp claws.
00:54Some bark.
00:55Some purr.
00:56Some moo.
00:57Some squawk.
00:58Some cock-a-doodle-doo.
01:00My pets, my pets and me.
01:03My pets, my pets and me.
01:06My pets, my pets and me.
01:08Have you met my pets and me?
01:14Today we're in Huddersfield to meet Aaron and his pet ducks.
01:17I just love pet ducks and I can't wait to meet them.
01:20I think I can hear them now. Come on.
01:29Hi, Aaron.
01:31You must be Mum. Hello.
01:33You have so many ducks. It is amazing.
01:36They're beautiful.
01:38And who's this?
01:40Oh, nice to meet you, Ollie.
01:42He's playing hide and seek.
01:45Is Ollie a girl or a boy?
01:48So because he's got green on his head you can tell he's a boy?
01:53Do you know what boy ducks are called?
01:56Yeah, that's right.
01:57Male ducks are called drakes and female ducks are called ducks
02:00or sometimes hens.
02:02And what are baby ducks called?
02:05I love ducklings.
02:06What breed of duck is Ollie?
02:08A coal duck.
02:09Coal duck.
02:10What's your favourite thing about Ollie?
02:12He loves cuddles and I love cuddles.
02:15I've never met a cuddly duck before.
02:18Ollie is a coal duck.
02:19What other types of ducks do you have?
02:21I've got the whistling ones
02:24and the cougars and carolinas.
02:28They're gorgeous.
02:29I really like them.
02:30Do you know what a group of ducks is called?
02:34Which is really good, isn't it?
02:35Because ducks love to paddle in the water.
02:37Do your ducks paddle in the water?
02:39Yes, a lot.
02:40I bet Ollie loves it.
02:42Rory, can you tell us some more facts about our quacky friends here?
02:46Of course, Fern.
02:51Ducks love water and they are very good swimmers.
02:54They have webbed feet that act like paddles and push them through the water.
03:00Wild ducks like to eat lots of different things like grass and insects.
03:06They shouldn't eat too much bread as it can make them poorly.
03:08So if you're feeding the ducks, why not try peas?
03:11But make sure they aren't still frozen.
03:17There are lots of different types of ducks.
03:19Some are different colours.
03:21Some are quiet.
03:22Some are loud.
03:23Some even have fancy feathers on their heads.
03:28Most ducks quack and the female ducks are often louder than the male ducks.
03:37A duck's feathers are waterproof.
03:41They have a special waxy coating which helps keep their bodies nice and cosy and dry.
03:51Care Time.
04:00Ducks are very social animals and they enjoy being surrounded by lots of other duck friends.
04:05They can make great pets but they need a lot of care and attention.
04:09Like many ducks, as Erin does, there's always some work to be done.
04:12Erin, what do we need to do to look after all of your ducks?
04:15We need to fill up their ponds, feed them and collect their eggs.
04:20That sounds like a lot of work.
04:21Shall we get quacking?
04:23Come on.
04:24Excuse me, ducks.
04:35What do they need the rocks for, Erin?
04:37For them to go in.
04:39I'm just hopping.
04:41I think you should do it over there.
04:44At the back?
04:45Yeah, at the back there.
04:47And how full do we have to make it?
04:49As full as possible.
04:52It takes a while to fill up, doesn't it?
04:54I like all the bubbles.
04:56It's kind of like a pond jacuzzi, isn't it?
04:59And what do the ducks do when they go into the water?
05:02That's enough.
05:04Is this enough water?
05:09Let's get some duckweed.
05:20That's duckweed.
05:22Do they eat it?
05:23They love it and it's good for them.
05:25Is it kind of like a duck salad?
05:28And where do we put it?
05:31And where do we put the duckweed?
05:33In the pond.
05:34So they swim and they eat it.
05:36It's important for ducks to have enough fresh, clean water to drink.
05:40Water also helps them to swallow their food.
05:43How's that food looking? Good?
05:45Shall we go give it to the ducks?
06:01Shall we put the duckweed in?
06:04Here we go, ducks.
06:07Let's get the ducks in.
06:08Yeah, they're going to love it.
06:13Look, look, look, here they come.
06:17Come on, ducks.
06:18Come on, ducks.
06:29They've been looking forward to that bath, haven't they?
06:31And they're munching all that duckweed.
06:36The ducks look really happy.
06:37Shall we go see if they laid any eggs?
06:49One, two, three.
06:56Where else are there eggs?
07:02That's it, that's all of them.
07:08Good job, Aaron. We got loads of eggs.
07:11What are we doing now?
07:12We're going to the poultry show.
07:14A poultry show? That's exciting.
07:16Poultry is a word given to ducks, geese and chickens
07:19that can be used as pets or for their eggs and farming.
07:22And a poultry show is a competition
07:24where different birds compete for awards.
07:26It sounds like fun. What do we need to do?
07:28First, we need to give them a bath.
07:30Give who a bath? Give Ollie a bath?
07:32That's going to be fun.
07:34Shall we give it a go?
07:36OK, come on.
07:41Wash your hands!
07:43Wash your hands!
07:46It's bath time for Ollie.
07:47He got a bit muddy in the garden
07:49and we need to make sure that he looks at his best for the show.
07:52We need to make sure his bill and feet are nice and clean.
07:55Shall I pick him up and you can wash his mucky feet?
07:58Excuse me, Ollie.
08:02That's if you can get them.
08:04Ducks have these amazing waterproof feathers
08:07which is just as well because they love spending time in the water.
08:10Please don't do this with ducks at your local duck pond.
08:12They won't like it like Ollie does.
08:14Are his feet nice and clean?
08:17And what about his bill?
08:19Very nice and clean.
08:21We'll put him back in and he can have more of a splash around.
08:24I think he's looking really good. Should we dry him now?
08:27OK, I'll get the towel.
08:33We should be gentle, shouldn't we, with his feathers?
08:36I think he likes this.
08:43Now that Ollie's nice and clean, we're all ready for the show.
08:46Are you looking forward to it?
08:49It's going to be so much fun, isn't it?
08:51I think he's excited.
08:54If your ducks could do anything in the world, what would they do?
09:01If my ducks could do anything,
09:04they would dig into the ground.
09:06They would find dinosaur bones.
09:09They would put them together and bring the dinosaurs to life.
09:15And they would all have a feast of giant peas and sweet corn.
09:36There you go, Ollie.
09:40Ollie is ready in his cage and the judges will be here soon,
09:43so Erin and I are going to have a look around.
09:55Duck eggs are usually larger than chicken eggs
09:57and they can come in lots of different colours,
09:59from white, grey, blue, green and even black.
10:02That one looks like the one earlier.
10:05Yeah, that is. That's like one of your Cayuga's ones, isn't it?
10:08Really, really lovely colour. Shall we have a look around?
10:13The judges are measuring and weighing the eggs
10:16to decide which ones are the best quality and deserve a prize.
10:31Oh, Erin, I think the judge is ready.
10:34So we've got a chicken and three ducks.
10:39Oh, look, she checks their wings.
10:41What does she look for when she looks for the wings?
10:43Nice, good, long feathers.
10:45And look, she's going to check his feet.
10:47And his bill. His bill's good and clean as well.
10:49We made sure of that, didn't we, in his bath?
10:51Now she's taking out the bigger one. Cayuga.
10:53OK, she's taking out a Cayuga. You've got some of those, don't you?
10:56And then now is the chicken.
10:58That's a very small chicken, isn't it?
11:01I hope Ollie wins. Do you?
11:04If he does, I'll be well surprised.
11:06Because he is a bit young, isn't he, still?
11:08So he doesn't have all of his coloured feathers yet, does he?
11:14The judges are making up their minds
11:16on who is going to win Best Waterfowl.
11:21Yeah, that's Ollie! High five!
11:26Yeah, well done to him.
11:28What a good duck. Are you happy?
11:31I am delighted.
11:34Right, the Best Juvenile has been won tonight
11:39by Aaron and his duck, Ollie.
11:54Congratulations, Aaron and Ollie, you won!
11:57Are you happy?
11:59I think he's happy.
12:01You did such a great job. Well done, Ollie.
12:04I love you, Ollie. You're the best.
12:08Aaron, I've had so much fun meeting you
12:11and all of your ducks and this champion duck here.
12:14And I even got to go to a poultry show. Thank you so much.
12:17Thanks for coming, Fern.
12:20Hi, Rory. Hi, Fern. How was your day?
12:22Oh, it was great.
12:24I had such a brilliant time with my new friends.
12:26What do you think of my work here?
12:28I think it's looking really tidy
12:30and the goats are definitely happy. Good job.
12:32Thank you very much.
12:34Pets are great, but you shouldn't touch any animals
12:36unless the owner says it's OK.
12:38Two pets you definitely can play with.
12:40I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun.
12:44You shouldn't touch any animals unless the owner says it's OK.
12:47Two pets you definitely can play with are ours.
12:50Go to the CBeebies website and play the My Pet and Me game.
12:53What a fantastic day we've had.
12:55We just love meeting you and your pets.
13:00Today we met
13:03a lovely pet.
13:05We see how much you care for them.
13:08Thank you so much for sharing them.
13:12It's time for us to
13:15just remind you
13:18after you've played with your pet
13:21what's your best pet to get?
13:24It doesn't matter what pets you've got.
13:27You might have one, you might not.
13:30It's still fun finding out
13:33what having a pet is all about.
13:36My pet, my pet and me.
13:39My pet, my pet and me.
13:42My pet, my pet and me.
13:45My pet and me.