My Pet and Me S2 E18 Nursery Pets

  • last week
Ferne visits Suri. Together, they head along to Suri's nursery, where some special pets are visiting. They learn how to look after the different animals and even get to sit on a pony called Rosanne!


00:00Hello, welcome to My Pet and Me. I'm Fern.
00:05And I'm Rory. We've just been getting the barn ready for the animals.
00:08We like to make sure that they have the right food and water.
00:11And a comfy place to sleep as well.
00:13Lots of different animals make excellent pets and we love coming to meet you and yours.
00:17We certainly do and I'm off to meet some new friends now.
00:20You can come with me if you like. See you later.
00:22See ya.
00:23Come on.
00:25My pets, my pets and me
00:28My pets, my pets and me
00:31Down every street
00:34Are pets to meet
00:36Some big, some small
00:38Some skinny, some furry
00:40Some keep very still
00:41Some are always in a hurry
00:43Some have four paws
00:46Some have sharp claws
00:49Some bark
00:50Some purr
00:51Some moo
00:52Some squawk
00:53Some cock-a-doodle-doo
00:55My pets, my pets and me
00:58My pets, my pets and me
01:01My pets, my pets and me
01:03Have you met my pets and me?
01:11Today we're in London to meet Suri and her pets.
01:14Let's go find them, shall we?
01:23Hello! You must be Suri.
01:26Nice to meet you. Hi, Mum.
01:29And who is this?
01:30My baby brother.
01:32He is gorgeous. What's his name?
01:35Hi, Jesse.
01:39Suri, where are your pets?
01:42I don't have any.
01:43You don't have any pets? What?
01:45They're in my nursery.
01:47Oh, OK.
01:49A lady told Karen to bring her pets.
01:53Oh, so we get to meet Karen and her pets.
01:56And is Karen visiting today?
01:58Shall we go?
01:59Yeah, let's go.
02:01Let's go see some pets.
02:03Down here, yeah?
02:11Hi, Suri.
02:12Hi, Pearl. Hi, Suri.
02:14Hello. Nice to meet you.
02:18What are your names?
02:22And you must be Karen.
02:23Yeah, hi. Morning.
02:24So who are these?
02:26Egwina and Henietta.
02:29Egwina and Henietta, those are great names.
02:32They're gorgeous.
02:33Are they girl chickens or boy chickens?
02:35Girl chickens.
02:37So how do you know that they're girl chickens?
02:39What's the difference?
02:40Boy chickens don't lay eggs, but girl chickens do.
02:43That is exactly right.
02:45Egwina and Henietta are a type of chicken called Rhode Island Reds,
02:49and they are this lovely, dark, rusty red colour.
02:52They're beautiful.
02:54What are they doing now? Are they having a bath?
02:57Chickens love to have dust baths to get rid of any insects or anything
03:00that might be on their feathers.
03:02Karen, do you think we can pet one of the chickens?
03:05Yeah, shall we pet one?
03:09Which one's this?
03:10This one is Egwina.
03:13What are chickens covered in?
03:18They're very soft feathers, aren't they?
03:21She loves that.
03:22I like her foot.
03:24Put your finger out like a pointing finger and she'll curl around you.
03:27What are their feet called?
03:30Nice to meet you.
03:32Pleased to meet you.
03:34I think it's great that Karen brings these chickens into your nursery
03:37so you can have fun learning all about them.
03:40Rory, can you tell us some other ways you can meet animals
03:42if you don't have a pet at home?
03:45Of course, Ferm.
03:48You could visit your local park with an adult to feed the ducks.
03:52Ducks love eating peas and grapes cut in half.
03:58A nursery or school class trip to a local city farm is lots of fun.
04:02You can see where all the farm animals live.
04:07There might be a pond near you.
04:09Why not grab a grown-up and go and see if you can spot some tadpoles,
04:12frogs or even a newt?
04:18If there's a beach near you, take a trip with your family
04:20and see if you can find a crab or some fish in a rock pool.
04:23But always make sure you're with an adult when you're near the water.
04:34Chickens aren't the only pets that Karen has.
04:37She brought someone else to meet us today.
04:39Who's this?
04:41Oh, hello, Pippi.
04:43She's tiny.
04:44What type of dog is she?
04:47She looks like a puppy, doesn't she?
04:50But she's not.
04:51She's fully grown.
04:52She's a mixture of a Chihuahua and a miniature Jack Russell,
04:55which is why she's so small.
04:57She's very cute.
04:58Can she do any tricks?
04:59If she can, you can offer her a treat and she'll stand up for you.
05:04Look, look, look.
05:05She looks like she's dancing.
05:15Suri and Jay, what do we have to do to look after Pippi?
05:18Feed her.
05:20And what does Pippi drink?
05:24I want to give her water.
05:29Shall we put that there?
05:30Shall we see if she wants it?
05:32Lift it up, Jay.
05:33Do you want some?
05:37Yum, yum.
05:38Yum, yum.
05:39She likes that, doesn't she?
05:41How does she drink her water, Suri?
05:45Yeah, she drinks it like that.
05:48What else do we have to do to look after Pippi?
05:50We give her food.
05:51We give her water.
05:52Play with her.
05:53Play with her, yeah.
05:55Take her in the walk.
05:56Take her for walks.
05:57Shall we take her for a walk now?
06:00Shall we clip the lead on?
06:02Yeah, Suri.
06:03Put your hand through there.
06:04Hold it, hold it, hold it.
06:05Okay, close your hand.
06:07Come, Pipp.
06:10Shall we go for a walk?
06:13Okay, Jay.
06:15That's a cooler.
06:16Say, come.
06:17Come, come.
06:18That's it.
06:19Come, come.
06:20Come, come.
06:22Show Pippi your garden.
06:24That's it.
06:26There she goes.
06:27Come, Pipps.
06:28Good girl.
06:29We hide it.
06:31Good girl.
06:33Well done.
06:36Should we give her some water?
06:38She'll be thirsty after that walk, won't she?
06:41Is it in there?
06:44Has she had her drink?
06:45I think she might have.
06:46Shall we play fetch?
06:48Just a little way.
06:50Come on, Pippi.
06:52You got it.
06:53I did, I did.
06:55Just a little way.
06:57Keep it on the right.
06:58Ah, where's it gone?
06:59Come, Pipps.
07:01Come on, Pippi.
07:02One, two, three, four, five.
07:06I think she's tired now after that walk,
07:08because she's only got little legs.
07:10Should we give her a cuddle?
07:12Yeah, that would be nice.
07:15You have to be very gentle.
07:19Would you like to stroke her, Siri?
07:21Yeah, please.
07:25Good girl, Pippi.
07:27Yes, good girl.
07:31She is one tired doggie.
07:35Aren't you?
07:38Oh, thank you.
07:40The tired doggie is very soft.
07:43Do you want to sing her a lullaby?
07:46It's time to bed, and it's all evening.
07:50It's three o'clock now, all evening.
07:54Oh, that was lovely.
07:55Yeah, she loved that.
07:56She shut her eyes as well.
07:58I think Pippi loved that.
08:03One, two, three.
08:10She's nice and soft.
08:12She's very soft.
08:13It's nice that you can share Karen's pets, isn't it, Siri?
08:18If Pippi could do anything, what would she do?
08:24If Pippi could do anything, she would jump up and down in muddy puddles.
08:34Then she would go in the princess castle.
08:39Then the princesses would arrive for a big party.
08:45They would all eat strawberries.
08:48Yum, yum.
08:55Karen has also brought another very special pet to meet us,
08:59and Ania and Anika have joined Siri to meet Roseanne.
09:05Do you know if she's a horse or a pony?
09:08She is. She's huge, isn't she?
09:11What do we need to do to look after her?
09:13Brush her.
09:14Yes, we brush her. Should we brush her now?
09:18Okay, everyone get a brush.
09:24Is she soft?
09:32Are we giving her tickles?
09:36What colour is her coat?
09:38Black and white.
09:40That's right.
09:41When their coats are two different colours, it's called piebald.
09:44She's being very good, isn't she?
09:47What else do we need to do to look after horses and ponies?
09:50Feed them.
09:51Yep, we do. We feed them food and...
09:54We need to make sure that she's got plenty of water.
09:57And what about cuddles?
09:59Do you want to give her a cuddle?
10:04I love you, Rose.
10:06Beautiful pony.
10:10I think Roseanne is looking great.
10:12Should we make her even prettier?
10:15Okay, we have a surprise.
10:18This is something very special for Roseanne to wear,
10:22so I'm going to put it around her neck.
10:24Here you go, Roseanne.
10:28What do you think, girls?
10:30It's beautiful.
10:33And a rosette for Roseanne because she's been so good.
10:38What do you think?
10:43Now it's time for everyone to have a turn at sitting on Roseanne
10:46so Liliana and Jay are coming to join us.
10:51Hi, Liliana. Hi, Jay. Are you excited?
10:59You're very high up.
11:01What does it feel like up there?
11:03A cushion.
11:05A cushion, nice and squishy.
11:13I think she liked that.
11:15Who's next? Jay?
11:19Jay, have you been on a pony before?
11:22Is this the first one?
11:29What does it feel like sitting all the way up there?
11:32It's fun.
11:34And what about her mane? What's that like?
11:38It is. She's very beautiful.
11:41All right, Suri, it's your turn.
11:46I like Roseanne.
11:48So do I.
11:50Do you want to give her a cuddle?
11:55What does it feel like, Suri?
11:59She's very cuddly.
12:01Suri, I have had a brilliant day coming to see you
12:05and all your friends here at the nursery
12:07and seeing the pets who come to visit you.
12:10Thank you very much.
12:12Thank you very much.
12:14Thank you, everybody.
12:17And thank you, Karen and Roseanne.
12:31Hi, Rory.
12:32Hi, Farron.
12:33Hi, Holly. Hi, Barry.
12:34I'm just getting the bed ready. They look nice and cosy already.
12:37They definitely do.
12:38How was your day?
12:40It was brilliant. I had so much fun with my new friends.
12:43Pets are great, but you shouldn't touch an animal
12:45unless the owner says it's OK first.
12:47Two pets you definitely can play with are ours.
12:50Go to the CVV's website and play the My Pet and Me game.
12:53What a fantastic time we've had.
12:55We just love meeting you and your pets.
13:00Today we met
13:03a lovely pet.
13:05We think how much you care for them.
13:08Thank you so much for sharing them.
13:12It's time for us to
13:15just remind you
13:18after you've played with your pet.
13:21What's that?
13:22Don't forget!
13:24It doesn't matter what pets you've got.
13:27You might have one, you might not.
13:30It's still fun finding out
13:33what having a pet is all about.
13:36My pet, my pet and me.
13:39My pet, my pet and me.
13:42My pet, my pet and me.
13:45My pet and me.