My Pet and Me S2 E15 Puppy

  • last week
Rory visits Arthur and his brand new puppy, Fonzy. Puppies, like most baby animals, need special care. Rory finds out what's required. As a treat for Fonzy, they all head off to a puppy party to do some bonding with other pups.


00:00Hello, and welcome to My Pets and Me. I'm Rory.
00:06And I'm Fern. We've been hoping you would join us. We've just been getting the barn
00:09ready for the animals.
00:11Lots of different animals make excellent pets, and we love meeting you and yours.
00:15We certainly do. What are your plans, Rory?
00:17I'm off to meet some new friends, and you can come with me too. Let's go.
00:20Have fun!
00:21See ya!
00:22My pets, my pets and me. My pets, my pets and me. Down every street, are pets to meet.
00:36Some big, some small, some skinny, some furry. Some keep very still, some are always in a
00:43Some have four paws, some have sharp claws. Some bark, some moo, some squawk, some cock
00:53a doodle doo.
00:55My pets, my pets and me. My pets, my pets and me. My pets, my pets and me. Have you met
01:04my pets and me?
01:07Today we're in Glasgow to meet Arthur and his brand new puppy. Now this is going to
01:14be fun. Let's go.
01:24Hi Arthur.
01:25Hi Rory.
01:26And you must be Mum, hello.
01:28And who's this wee guy?
01:30Fonzie. What an incredible puppy. How long have you had him?
01:34Just two days.
01:35Two days, so he's really new.
01:37Uh huh.
01:38And how old is he?
01:39Nine weeks.
01:40Wow, that'll be why he's so small then. What sort of dog is he?
01:45Bird or terrier.
01:46I thought so. They're normally very playful and full of energy, so you'll need to take
01:51him for lots of walks and give him lots of attention. Are you looking forward to that?
01:55Uh huh.
01:56Oh, he's lovely. So how's he settling in so far?
02:00Yeah? How was his first couple of nights? Sleep well?
02:04That's great. What a good dog. You're very lucky, because sometimes puppies can take
02:08a little while to get used to a new home, but it looks like this little fella is settling
02:13right in. That's great, isn't it?
02:15What is going to be your favourite thing about having a dog?
02:18Playing with him.
02:19Yeah. What sort of tricks are you going to teach him?
02:22To sit, lie and come, and all different ones.
02:28I like it. Oh, he's going to be an incredible dog, isn't he? And he gets a bit bigger as
02:32well, but he's so cute just now. And what do you love most about him?
02:36Cuddling him.
02:37Yeah. You going to give him a cuddle now?
02:41Aww, he's very cute. Farron, can you give us some facts about puppies just like Fonzie?
02:47Of course, Rory.
02:50One. Most puppies are born in a litter. This means they have loads of brothers and sisters
02:57that are born at the same time as them.
03:02Two. When puppies are born, they can't see or hear very well, so it's important that
03:08their mummy stays close to them so she can keep them safe.
03:12Three. Puppies are a little bit clumsy because their bodies grow so fast and they learn to
03:18walk very quickly. It can take a while to get used to their big paws.
03:24All pets need lots of care and attention, but especially puppies because they're still
03:29young and they need lots of looking after and training. Having a puppy is a bit different
03:33from having a grown-up dog. How do you look after Fonzie, Arthur?
03:37We feed him, give him treats, train him and give him a nice home.
03:43That's very important to give him a nice home, isn't it? Right, shall we go and feed him
03:47now then?
03:49Wow. So what sort of food do we have here?
03:52Special puppy food.
03:54Yes, that's right. Because puppies' tummies aren't fully developed, they need special
03:58food that's easy for them to digest. Right, shall we go for it?
04:02How much are you going to give him?
04:17How much are you going to put in?
04:19Just half of this cup.
04:23Perfect. Let's pop the food away. And what else do we need to do?
04:27Do the water.
04:28Of course. I'll pick that up.
04:31I'll put this away first.
04:34I'll empty this out.
04:48Right, shall we see if he's hungry?
04:53He's a puppy so he's just getting used to eating out his bowl, isn't he? Well done.
04:57He's eating lots.
04:59He is.
05:00Good boy.
05:01You should feed puppies a small amount three or four times a day.
05:07Do you want to drink food?
05:11Is that where little Fonzie sleeps?
05:14Let's go and have a look.
05:16Come on.
05:25So why does Fonzie have this?
05:27To keep him safe.
05:29Yes, it looks very safe, doesn't it? I bet he loves it in there.
05:33A dog crate is a good idea if you've got this space.
05:36It's a nice safe place for the puppy to go in and relax and have a nap if they need one.
05:40It's like a wee den, isn't it?
05:43So what else do you need to do to look after a puppy?
05:45Toilet train them.
05:47Of course, that's very important.
05:49You want to make sure they go to the bathroom outside and not in the house.
05:53That's not good, is it? How do you do that?
05:55Let them know by opening the door.
05:58Yeah, so when you think they're going to go for a wee, just open the door up and they can walk out.
06:02It can take a lot of time to teach a puppy to go to the bathroom outside, so you do need to be patient.
06:07If they start to go inside, it's sometimes a good idea to pick them up and take them outside and they can learn that way.
06:13John, let's let him out now and let's see if he wants to go.
06:17That's a good idea.
06:19Come on, Funt. Come on.
06:21Come on.
06:22Come on.
06:26Come on. Come on.
06:30Good boy. Come on.
06:34He's going.
06:36Good boy. Well done. Good boy. Well done.
06:41Remember to give him lots of praise when he does something that you want him to do.
06:45There's something else you have to do every day if you've got a dog. What is it?
06:49Walk it.
06:50That's right. Giving your puppy some exercise is really important, but you shouldn't give them too much when they're young.
06:56Just a short walk around your garden or in the local park will usually do.
07:00Now Fonzie hasn't had his immunisations yet, so we can't take him out of the garden, but we can play with him here.
07:06Are you ready?
07:07It's playtime. Come on.
07:12Come and catch me, Fonzie.
07:19Good boy. Good boy.
07:22Looking after puppies is a lot of hard work, but it's a lot of fun too, isn't it, Arthur?
07:26There's something else every puppy needs.
07:32Good boy. Well done.
07:35Good boy. Well done.
07:43Oh, Fonzie. He's so tired. Look at him sleep.
07:46What do you think he's dreaming about?
07:48Going with his friends to get a bone that size.
07:57If Fonzie could do anything, what do you think he'd do?
08:01If my pet could do anything, he would go to the beach.
08:07He would wear a bright yellow swim costume.
08:12He would go surfing.
08:15When he was finished, he would sit on his surfboard and fish in the sea.
08:23We've come to the vet so that Fonzie can get a health check
08:26and there's a special treat afterwards.
08:28What is it?
08:29A puppy party.
08:30Yes, let's go.
08:34Hi there.
08:35Hi, I'm Ali, I'm the vet here, so this is Fonzie, isn't it?
08:39And how is Fonzie?
08:41Put your finger on the scales, then, to see what you weigh.
08:44So he's 3.22 kilos, so really healthy for a nine-week-old puppy.
08:48It's kind of wobbly.
08:49They look nice and clean, don't they?
08:50Nice and bright.
08:51No runny eyes or anything like that.
08:53He's got a lovely wet nose as well, doesn't he?
08:55How does it feel?
08:57Shall we have a look at his teeth, then?
08:59What do you think of them?
09:01They're pearly white, aren't they?
09:03So then we'll have a quick check of his ears.
09:05How do you think they look?
09:07Yeah, they look nice and good, not too red or anything like that,
09:10so pretty happy with that.
09:11I'll have a quick look at his eyes.
09:13How do you think they look?
09:15Yeah, they look nice and good, not too red or anything like that,
09:18so pretty happy with that.
09:19I'll have a quick listen to his chest to make sure that all sounds OK.
09:24It's going about 100 beeps per minute.
09:26Do you guys want to have a listen?
09:27Yeah, are you going to listen first?
09:34You hear it?
09:36Is it fast?
09:38It's faster than the humans, isn't it?
09:40Ba-boom, ba-boom, ba-boom.
09:42Ah, yeah, that's your heart.
09:44That's cool.
09:46So it all seems in pretty good order.
09:48The last thing is to have a quick feel of his tummy,
09:50but that all feels fine as well.
09:52Nice and squidgy is what you want to feel, yeah.
09:55But no, he seems a really healthy little guy, yeah.
09:58Something you have to do when you get a puppy is get them microchipped.
10:02That's when the vet puts a small chip that holds information under your dog's skin.
10:07That way, if they get lost or stolen, it's easier to find their proper home again.
10:11What we have to do first is just scan them to make sure there's not already a chip there,
10:14so we'll just do that.
10:16Nope, no chip there, so are you OK to hold him for me?
10:19Is that all right?
10:20Yeah, certainly.
10:21Just a wee bit there.
10:24There we go.
10:25Good boy.
10:26That's that.
10:27We'll just scan him.
10:28There we are.
10:29It's all in.
10:30That's him done.
10:31What a brave boy.
10:32Brave boy, wasn't he?
10:33Now, I think he was so good that he deserves a treat.
10:35What do you think?
10:37Well done, Fonzie.
10:39And now it's time for an even bigger treat.
10:41It's puppy party time.
10:42Let's go.
10:43See you.
10:44See you.
10:45Here we go.
10:52Wow, look at all these dogs.
10:54Hello, puppies.
10:57A puppy party is a great way to get your puppy used to other dogs.
11:00Another good idea is socialisation classes.
11:03This is a class where lots of puppies come along and meet each other.
11:07That way, when your dog meets another dog in the street or in the park,
11:10they won't be afraid and they're more likely to get along.
11:13Right, shall we go and say hello?
11:15Come on, then.
11:16Come on.
11:17Who's this?
11:20What's your name?
11:22And what is your dog's name?
11:25What sort of dog is Ollie?
11:26He's a cocker spaniel.
11:27He's gorgeous.
11:28And how old is he?
11:29Three and a half months.
11:30He's very playful.
11:31Do you think they're friends?
11:33Looks like it, doesn't it?
11:37Come on.
11:38Who's this?
11:39Who's this?
11:40Come and say hello.
11:41Hi there.
11:43What's your name?
11:45And who is this?
11:47Hi, Ludo.
11:48How are you doing?
11:49What sort of dog is Ludo?
11:50He's gorgeous.
11:51Ludo is gorgeous.
11:52Is this your dog?
11:55What's your name?
11:56It's Pete.
11:57What's your dog called?
11:59Aw, he's very cute.
12:00What sort of dog is he?
12:01A black lab.
12:02He's very nice.
12:03How old is he?
12:04Five and a half months.
12:06Oh, he's young as well.
12:08He's just older than Little Fonzie here.
12:10It was lovely to meet you.
12:12And lovely to meet you as well, Benji.
12:14Right, let's go back.
12:15Come on.
12:17Arthur, thank you very much for introducing me to Little Fonzie here
12:20and all the other dogs here as well.
12:22I've had a wonderful time meeting them.
12:24It's a lot of work looking after a puppy,
12:26but it's definitely a lot of fun.
12:28Thanks for coming, Rory.
12:38It's a puppy!
12:46Hi, Fern.
12:47Hi, wee jelly bean.
12:48Hi, Rory.
12:49You're looking happy.
12:50What have you been up to?
12:51I'm very happy.
12:52I had such a great time with my new friends.
12:54We had so much fun together.
12:55That is amazing.
12:56Well, jelly bean's just having a little bit of a cuddle at the minute.
12:59Oh, he certainly looks very happy.
13:01Pets are brilliant, but remember,
13:03you shouldn't touch an animal unless the owner says it's okay.
13:06But two pets you can definitely play with are ours.
13:09Go on to the CBeebies website and play the My Pet and Me game.
13:12Thanks for spending time with us.
13:13We hope you've had fun too.
13:18Today we met
13:21a lovely pet.
13:23Windy's how much you care for them.
13:26Thank you so much for sharing them.
13:30Time for us to
13:33just remind you
13:35After you've played with your pet
13:38Wash your hands
13:40Don't forget
13:41It doesn't matter what pets you've got
13:44You might have one
13:46You might not
13:47It's still fun
13:49Finding out
13:50What having a pet is all about
13:53My pet, my pet and me
13:56My pet, my pet and me
13:59My pet, my pet and me
14:02Come back and see
14:03My pet and me