My Pet and Me S2 E4 Assistance Dog

  • last week
Ferne visits Ethan and Elsa and their dog, Whiskey. Whiskey is a very special dog and gives Ethan some extra help when he needs it. Fern gets to see what Whiskey and Ethan do together, and then they visit Ethan's new school and meet his new friends!


00:00Hello! Welcome to My Pet and Me. I'm Fern.
00:05And I'm Rory. We've just been getting the barn ready for the animals.
00:08We like to make sure that they have the right food and water.
00:11And a comfy place to sleep as well.
00:13Now lots of different animals make excellent pets and we love coming to meet you and yours.
00:17We certainly do and I'm off to meet some new friends now.
00:20You can come with me if you like. See you later!
00:22See ya!
00:23Come on!
00:25My pets, my pets and me.
00:28My pets, my pets and me.
00:31Down every street
00:34are pets to meet.
00:36Some big, some small, some skinny, some furry.
00:40Some keep very still, some always in a hurry.
00:43Some have four paws.
00:46Some have sharp claws.
00:48Some quack.
00:49Some bark.
00:50Some purr.
00:51Some moo.
00:52Some grunt.
00:53Some cock-a-doodle-doo.
00:55My pets, my pets and me.
00:58My pets, my pets and me.
01:01My pets, my pets and me.
01:03Have you met my pets and me?
01:12Today we're near Salisbury to meet Ethan, Elsa and their pet dog.
01:16Come on, let's go find them.
01:23Hello, you must be Ethan and Elsa.
01:25I'm Evan, hi.
01:27Nice to meet you.
01:29And you must be Mum, hi.
01:32And who is this huge carpet?
01:36Is he your dog?
01:39This is one smart doggy.
01:41Whiskey is an assistant dog, he's very special.
01:44And he's been trained to help Ethan.
01:47Whiskey has a special trick with socks, doesn't he?
01:51What is it?
01:54Takes your socks off?
01:56Whiskey takes socks off?
01:58Can you show us, Ethan?
02:01Go on then.
02:03Oh, good boy.
02:05Go on, Whiskey.
02:06Good boy.
02:09He just looks like he's nibbling your toes.
02:14Come on.
02:15Oh, yay.
02:17Great job.
02:18Assistant dogs like Whiskey can be trained to do lots of useful things
02:22and respond to commands to help people.
02:24He's really, really clever, isn't he?
02:27So how old is Whiskey?
02:30That's quite young, isn't it?
02:32And can you tell me what type of dog he is?
02:35A goat with a three foot.
02:37Oh, they're very clever, aren't they?
02:41So, aside from taking off socks, which he's very good at,
02:44what other tricks can Whiskey do?
02:46Can he give paws?
02:49Will you show me?
02:51Oh, here he comes.
02:52Big stretch.
02:55Lie down, lie down, lie down, lie down.
02:59Oh, good job, Whiskey.
03:01Whiskey paw, paw, Whiskey paw, Whiskey paw.
03:06Yay, well done.
03:08Paw, paw, Whiskey paw.
03:12Ethan, what is your favorite thing to do with Whiskey?
03:17He's very good for cuddles.
03:18Like a big teddy bear.
03:20Is he nice and soft?
03:23It's great because Ethan always has a friend wherever he goes.
03:27So if Ethan ever needs some time out or just to cuddle,
03:30Whiskey is there.
03:34Cuddle him.
03:36Go on, Elsa, give him a cuddle.
03:38He's such a good dog.
03:40Cuddle him.
03:42He's perfect for cuddles.
03:45Rory, can you tell us some more facts about assistance dogs like Whiskey?
03:51Of course, Fern.
03:54One, assistance dogs are trained to do special things,
03:57like opening and closing doors, collecting the phone if it rings,
04:03and helping their owner to use the stairs.
04:07Two, the most popular breed of assistance dogs are Labrador Retrievers.
04:14Golden Retrievers and German Shepherds.
04:17Three, there are lots of different types of assistance dogs.
04:21Some help guide people who have difficulty seeing or hearing,
04:25and others help their owners if they're not feeling very well.
04:31Four, it can take a long time to fully train an assistance dog,
04:36and most are trained from when they're very young puppies.
04:52Whiskey does lots of useful things to help look after Ethan,
04:55but he's also a pet so he needs looking after too.
04:58What do we have to do to look after Whiskey?
05:00Take him for walks.
05:02Yeah, we do.
05:04Does he like his walks, Ethan?
05:07Well, I hear that Whiskey needs to wear something special before he goes on a walk.
05:11What is it?
05:12His harness, his jacket, and his leads.
05:16OK, shall we start putting them on?
05:24Whiskey wears his jacket when he's out helping Ethan
05:27so that other people know that he's working.
05:30And it helps him to know he's working too.
05:33So we've got an extra lead here.
05:35What's this one for?
05:36Ethan touching on so he doesn't run off.
05:40Shall we go for a walk?
05:49Whiskey is a lot calmer and less playful when he's got his jacket on.
05:55Ethan is attached to Whiskey to help make sure that he's safe
05:58when he comes close to roads.
06:04What, are you checking the road?
06:09Go, Whiskey.
06:10Go, Whiskey.
06:11But because they're such good friends, Ethan likes to also take care of Whiskey
06:15so he makes sure that Whiskey's safe when he's close to roads too.
06:22Now that it's playtime, we can take Whiskey's jacket off
06:25and let him have a run around.
06:27Will Whiskey run after this?
06:32Whiskey, come.
06:34Come on.
06:47Come on.
06:57Good boy.
07:10Whiskey must be thirsty after all that running around.
07:19Dogs always need a drink after a nice walk.
07:24You OK?
07:30Well, good job.
07:36What goes in here?
07:39I'll do the food.
07:41Is that his food?
07:42I'll do the cups.
07:47Yummy food.
07:53Is that enough, Ethan?
07:55Yeah? Done?
07:57Let's go feed him.
08:02Sit, sit, sit.
08:04Whiskey's hungry.
08:10What noise does he make?
08:19Yeah, he needs to drink his water too.
08:21Whiskey's hungry.
08:23He is.
08:24He loves his food, doesn't he?
08:27It's almost all gone.
08:31Is it finished?
08:38Good boy.
08:45What's your plan?
08:48Whiskey is such a clever dog, isn't he?
08:51He can even empty the water machine.
08:55Can he?
08:57He's so clever.
08:58Where is he?
08:59Whiskey, we've got a job for you.
09:01Come on.
09:02All right, Ethan.
09:03What do we do?
09:15There's more.
09:17You've got work to do, mister.
09:22Can he come live in my house?
09:26He can't do my washing.
09:29Good boy.
09:34Whiskey is really good at helping other people, isn't he?
09:37But what if he could do something for himself?
09:39What do you think he would do?
09:46If our pet could do anything, he would have an allotment.
09:52And he would grow lots of vegetables.
09:56He would grow dog biscuit plants.
09:59And ball trees.
10:01And baked bean plants for Ethan.
10:04And he would win a big golden bone at the country show.
10:12Ethan is starting a new school this year, which is really exciting,
10:17but he is also a little bit worried.
10:19So we've come to have a look around, with Whiskey, of course,
10:22to check it out and hopefully settle him in a bit.
10:25Shall we go have a look inside?
10:28Let's go.
10:35Hi, Fern.
10:37Yeah, this is a soft play area.
10:39So we're here with Isabel and Marcus.
10:41They're going to be in Ethan's class,
10:43and Sue is going to be Ethan's teacher.
10:45I think Whiskey likes this room.
10:47I love Whiskey!
10:51The soft play room is a fantastic space
10:54for Ethan and his new classmates to play and explore.
11:02But there's no time for sleeping,
11:04This way.
11:06Come on, Whiskey.
11:07It's time to go and see the sensory room.
11:11It's a magical space where Ethan can rest and play
11:15with sounds, colour, friends, and Whiskey too.
11:21Oliver, look, here's Whiskey.
11:23Isn't he lovely?
11:26The sensory room is amazing.
11:31Let's have a look around outside.
11:34Oh, this place looks cool.
11:36I think Whiskey likes this.
11:38He's sniffing everything.
11:55And look at this amazing school playground.
12:04Let's go!
12:13Ethan, do you think Whiskey likes the school?
12:17Yeah, he loves it, doesn't he?
12:19Do you like the school?
12:21I've had such a great time meeting you both
12:24and meeting your wonderful smart dog.
12:26Thank you, Fran.
12:29And thank you, Elsa.
12:31Thank you, Fran.
12:32Thank you, Whiskey, for being so good.
12:35Bleh, bleh, bleh.
12:47Hi, Rory.
12:48Hi, Farron.
12:49Hi, Holly. Hi, Barry.
12:50I'm just getting their bed ready.
12:51They look nice and cosy already.
12:53They definitely do.
12:54How was your day?
12:56It was brilliant.
12:57I had so much fun with my new friends.
12:59Pets are great, but you shouldn't touch an animal
13:01unless the owner says it's OK first.
13:03Two pets you definitely can play with are ours.
13:06Go to the CBeebies website and play the My Pet and Me game.
13:09What a fantastic time we've had.
13:11We just love meeting you and your pets.
13:14Today we met
13:17a lovely pet.
13:20Wendy, how much you care for them.
13:23Thank you so much for sharing them.
13:26Time for us to
13:29just remind you
13:32after you've played with your pet,
13:35wash your hands, don't forget!
13:38It doesn't matter what pet you've got,
13:42you might have one, you might not.
13:45It's still fun finding out
13:48what having a pet is all about.
13:51My pet, my pet and me.
13:54My pet, my pet and me.
13:57My pet, my pet and me.
14:00Come back and see!
14:01My pet and me.