My Pet and Me S2 E11 Goldfish

  • last week
Rory visits Thomas and his goldfish. Together, they change the water in the fish tank and give the fish some food. Later, they decide to go and visit some other fish in a local aquarium, where they encounter some amazing, colourful fish - and a shark!


00:00Hello and welcome to My Pet and Me. I'm Rory.
00:04And I'm Fern. We've been hoping you would join us. We've just been cleaning the barn
00:08for the animals.
00:09Lots of different animals make excellent pets and we love meeting you and yours.
00:13We certainly do. Rory, what are your plans?
00:15I'm off to meet some new friends and you can come with me too. Let's go.
00:18Have fun.
00:19See you.
00:21My pet, my pet and me. My pet, my pet and me.
00:27Down every street are pets to meet.
00:32Some big, some small, some skinny, some furry.
00:35Some keep very still, some always in a hurry.
00:39Some have four paws. Some have sharp claws.
00:44Some quack. Some bark. Some purr. Some moo. Some grunt.
00:48Some squawk. Some cock-a-doodle-doo.
00:50My pet, my pet and me. My pet, my pet and me.
00:56My pet, my pet and me. Have you met my pet and me?
01:05Today we're in Rugeley to meet Thomas and his goldfish.
01:09Shall we go and find them? Come on.
01:17Hi, Thomas. Hi, Rory.
01:19And you must be Dad. Hello. Hi.
01:21Now, I hear that you've got goldfish. Is that right?
01:24Yes. Come inside and I'll show you.
01:27Let's go then.
01:34Wow. So, these are your goldfish.
01:38What are their names?
01:40Taiyo's there. Mm-hm.
01:42And Sonic and Boggles. Boggles.
01:46And I think I could have guessed which one was Boggles
01:49because look at that fish.
01:51Now, he is called a bubble-eye fish and it's easy to see why.
01:55They've always got those funny eyes.
01:57Can you do an impression of one?
01:59With bulgy eyes.
02:04That was very good.
02:06And did you know that goldfish don't have eyelids?
02:09They just have eyelids so they can't close their eyes.
02:12It's quite amazing, isn't it?
02:14That means they have to sleep with their eyes open.
02:16Can you imagine doing that?
02:18Wow. So, it's very important that whatever room they're in
02:21that you make sure it gets nice and dark at some point during the day.
02:24Do you do that for your goldfish?
02:26Yeah, and I've got a night light.
02:31Oh, perfect, so you can change the colour of the light for the evening.
02:35I like that a lot. That's very fancy.
02:39So, we've got Sonic as well.
02:42Why is Sonic called Sonic?
02:44Because he swims fast.
02:46Oh, I thought that might be why.
02:48And he looks like a common goldfish.
02:50And we also have our friend Tails.
02:53Why is he called that?
02:55Because he has two tails.
02:57Oh, I see.
02:59And he looks like a very special kind of goldfish
03:02called a fantail goldfish.
03:04They're very beautiful with those big, long tail fins, aren't they?
03:09How long have you had your goldfish for?
03:11One year.
03:12Just one year?
03:14Well, hopefully you'll have them for many more
03:16because goldfish can live for over ten years if you look after them well.
03:20And I'm glad to see that you've got three in the tank here
03:23because goldfish love to live in little groups.
03:27Some people think that goldfish can't remember very much,
03:30but that is not true.
03:32Actually, they can learn things.
03:34So, if you feed your goldfish at the same time every day,
03:36they'll remember and come up to the surface and wait for you.
03:39What is the best thing about your goldfish?
03:42Watching them swim around.
03:45It's lovely, isn't it?
03:47It's very relaxing watching them.
03:49Fern, can you give us some facts about goldfish
03:51just like Boggle, Sonic and Tails?
03:54Of course, Rory.
03:58A goldfish's teeth are not in their mouth,
04:00but actually in the back of their throat,
04:03and these teeth help them to crush food.
04:08A group of goldfish is called a troubling.
04:10That's a funny word, isn't it?
04:15Goldfish have a special coating on their scales
04:17that helps keep them healthy,
04:19so it's important that we don't touch them.
04:21We don't want to rub it off.
04:24A lot of people think goldfish are easy to keep,
04:27but they do need to be cared for just like any other pet.
04:30Because they live in a tank,
04:32they're entirely reliant on you
04:34to make sure everything is just right.
04:36So, Thomas, how do you look after your goldfish?
04:39Cleaning them out.
04:41Oh, that sounds very important,
04:43because goldfish eat a lot,
04:45which means they poo a lot,
04:47so it's important that you take good care of them.
04:50Goldfish eat a lot, which means they poo a lot.
04:54They do.
04:55So that means that every single week
04:57you have to clean out your goldfish, don't you?
05:00So what do we have to do to clean them out?
05:02Wipe the sides.
05:04What do we use for that?
05:05We get this big sponge.
05:08Sponge and a stick.
05:11Right, well, I have a go first,
05:12and you can tell me what to do.
05:13Clean the sides.
05:17And I need to be very careful
05:19not to touch any of the fish,
05:21because that could hurt them.
05:28Good work.
05:33That's looking good.
05:34What do we need to do next?
05:35Take this out,
05:37and then we have to change the filter.
05:43There's one.
05:46And there's two.
05:48Goldfish need a tank with a filter
05:49to keep the water nice and clean
05:51so they can stay healthy.
05:52Right, that's the filters.
05:54What's next?
05:55You have to take some water.
05:59How much water are we taking out?
06:01To that line.
06:02OK, down to that line.
06:04This is a lot of water we're taking out, isn't it?
06:08There we are.
06:17There we go, that's it.
06:18It's down to that line now.
06:20OK, what do we need to do now?
06:22Get some clean water.
06:24OK, let's go.
06:44When changing the water,
06:45it must be treated first
06:46and then left to reach room temperature
06:48before pouring it back into the tank.
06:52So, Thomas, what have you got in here?
06:58Eat and hide in them?
07:02It's important to make sure
07:03you get the right plants for goldfish
07:04because you need to make sure they're safe for them.
07:06And what else is in there?
07:12Oh, sleeping and hiding.
07:14It's good to have lots of interesting things in your tank
07:17to entertain your goldfish.
07:21OK, that's the tank all filled up.
07:31There we go.
07:32What's next?
07:35How much do you feed them?
07:39Just a pinch?
07:41And what are you feeding them, Thomas?
07:44Fish flakes. Mmm.
07:49It's a good idea to wait a while after changing the water
07:52before you feed the fish,
07:53so we'll just give them a little treat for now.
07:59Great. Do you think they're very happy now?
08:02What do we need to do?
08:03Wash our hands.
08:04We do.
08:06Wash your hands!
08:09What are your goldfish doing, Thomas?
08:11Swimming up and down the glass.
08:15Having a great time.
08:17If your fish could do anything,
08:19what do you think they'd do?
08:23If my fish could do anything,
08:26they would be aquamats.
08:29They would be aquamats.
08:31They would be aquamats.
08:33They would be aquamats in the circus.
08:37They would do backflips
08:39and go on their way to peace
08:42and go on a seesaw.
08:44They would make a tall tower
08:47with Sonic at the bottom,
08:49Tails in the middle
08:51and Buggles at the top.
08:53All the crowd would cheer.
09:04We've come on a special trip to the local aquarium
09:06to see some other fish and underwater creatures.
09:09Shall we go and explore?
09:11Let's go.
09:15Do you know what these big flatfish are,
09:17sitting in the bottom?
09:18Uh, rays.
09:20Yes, that's right.
09:22It looks like they're flying through the water, doesn't it,
09:24when they're moving.
09:25But sometimes they just like to sit in the bottom,
09:27like this one.
09:28See that one?
09:29They're quite different to your goldfish, aren't they?
09:32Do you know that rays are the same family as sharks?
09:35They're all in the same family
09:36and they all have a special skeleton.
09:38It's not made of bones, like you and me.
09:40It's made of cartilage,
09:41which is what your ears are made of.
09:42Can you touch your ear?
09:43What does that feel like?
09:45Quite bendy, isn't it?
09:48That's what their skeletons are made of.
09:50Here comes a ray now.
09:58Oh, look.
09:59Look at these guys.
10:00Here's the big ones.
10:03And what are they?
10:05These ones are called sun stars.
10:07You can see one up here.
10:08This is a little one.
10:22Hey, guys.
10:24Penguins are birds,
10:26but they're not very good at flying.
10:28They're very good at swimming, just like fish, though.
10:32It's like a penguin show.
10:34It is like a penguin show, isn't it?
10:36Oh, they're very fast, aren't they?
10:51Are they not beautiful?
10:52Look at them.
10:53Look at the jellyfish.
10:54Do you know how old they are?
10:55Like, how long they've been on the planet for?
10:57They were around before the dinosaurs.
10:59650 million years.
11:22Look at all these fish here.
11:24They're swimming up on top of us.
11:26Over our heads.
11:28Look at that big turtle.
11:30He's huge, isn't he?
11:32I think he's almost as big as you.
11:34Do you know what his name is?
11:36It's Molokai, and he is almost 40 years old.
11:39That's even older than me.
11:41Look at the sharks.
11:43Do you know what these little black and white stripey ones
11:45with the yellow on top are called?
11:48Sergeant Majors, you should give them a salute.
11:50Yes, sir.
11:58Look at that ray and his big smiley face.
12:00It's coming. Look.
12:07Thomas, thank you very much for letting me meet your goldfish
12:11and for coming to this amazing aquarium with you.
12:14Have a great day.
12:15Thank you for coming with me.
12:18Not at all.
12:27Hi, Ferran.
12:28Hi, Rory.
12:29Hi, Holly. Hi, Barry.
12:30I'm trying to make their beds, but they're not being very helpful.
12:33I can see that.
12:35You look happy. What have you been up to?
12:37I'm very happy. I had such a great time with my new friends.
12:40It was so much fun.
12:41That's lovely.
12:43Pets are brilliant, but remember you shouldn't touch an animal
12:46unless the owner says it's OK.
12:48But two pets you can definitely play with are ours.
12:51Go onto the CBeebies website and play the My Pet and Me game.
12:54Thanks for spending time with us. We hope you've had fun too.
13:00Today we met
13:03a lovely pet.
13:05We see how much you care for them.
13:08Thank you so much for sharing them.
13:12Time for us to
13:15just remind you
13:18after you've played with your pet
13:22wash your hands, don't forget!
13:25It doesn't matter what pet you've got
13:28you might have one, you might not
13:31it's still fun finding out
13:34what having a pet is all about
13:37My pet, my pet and me
13:40My pet, my pet and me
13:43My pet, my pet and me
13:46My pet and me