My Pet and Me S2 E1 Pony

  • last week
Rory visits Florence and her pony called Kitty. Florence shows Rory how to clean out the stable, and together they get Kitty ready for a gymkhana by giving her a wash! At the gymkhana they enter lots of classes, including a clear round class. Even Rory gets to have a go!


00:00Hello, and welcome to My Pet and Me. I'm Rory, and I'm Fern. We've been hoping you would join us.
00:08We've just been getting the barn ready for the animals.
00:10Lots of different animals make excellent pets, and we love meeting you and yours.
00:14We certainly do. What are your plans, Rory?
00:16I'm off to meet some new friends, and you can come with me too. Let's go.
00:19Have fun!
00:20See ya!
00:21My pets, my pets are me. My pets, my pets are me.
00:30Down every street are pets to meet.
00:35Some big, some small, some skinny, some furry.
00:39Some keep every still, some always in a hurry.
00:42Some have four paws. Some have sharp claws.
00:48Some quack, some bark, some purr, some moo, some squawk, some cock-a-doodle-doo.
00:54My pets, my pets are me. My pets, my pets are me.
01:00My pets, my pets are me. Have you met my pets and me?
01:11Today we're in West Sussex to meet Florence and her pony.
01:14Shall we go and see them? Come on!
01:18Hello, Florence.
01:20Hi, Rory.
01:21And you must be Florence's mum, hello.
01:24And who's this little guy?
01:25My puppy.
01:26Oh, he's very, very cute, but I thought we were meeting a pony.
01:29You are. Come on, I'll show you.
01:37Wow, who are all these guys?
01:39My ducks and chickens.
01:41They are amazing. Did you get eggs from them?
01:44Lucky you.
01:48Wow, who is this?
01:51That's Larry.
01:52A llama called Larry?
01:54That's Sheep, and that's Stella, that's Stella, her baby, and that's Rosie.
02:02I can't believe you get so many animals. Are you sure you don't live in a zoo?
02:07But I still haven't seen your pony. Where's she?
02:12Hello, Kitty. Hiya.
02:15Wow, she's beautiful, isn't she?
02:18What sort of pony is Kitty?
02:20Welsh Mountain.
02:22I know a couple of things about Welsh Mountain ponies.
02:25I know that they're very tough and strong, but also that they're very friendly as well, aren't they?
02:30I know a couple of things about Welsh Mountain ponies.
02:33I know that they're very tough and strong, but also that they're very friendly as well, aren't they?
02:38How old is Kitty?
02:40Twelve years old.
02:41She only just had her birthday.
02:43And when did you get her?
02:45My third birthday.
02:47You got her for your birthday? You are so lucky.
02:50What is your absolute favourite thing about Kitty?
02:53She's nice to ride and she's nice and cuddly.
02:57Oh, isn't that lovely, having a nice cuddle?
03:00Well, I think that she is a very lovely pony indeed.
03:04Fionn, can you give us some fun facts about ponies just like Kitty?
03:07Of course, Rory.
03:10The difference between a pony and a horse is that a pony is smaller and its mane and tail are sometimes thicker.
03:19Baby ponies are called foals and a foal can stand up really soon after being born.
03:27Ponies have very special teeth.
03:32Ponies have very special ears.
03:34They can turn them towards a sound that they have just heard to hear where it is coming from.
03:42Ponies' feet are called hooves.
03:44A hoof is like a big giant toenail that needs to be clipped sometimes.
03:57Ponies are amazing pets.
03:59They are great pets if you have the space and time to look after them properly.
04:02Florence has a big field here for Kitty to run around in and eat lots of grass, don't you?
04:08What else do you need to look after Kitty, Florence?
04:10Come on, I'll show you.
04:12Okay, let's go then.
04:14Here, Kitty.
04:20We always make sure Kitty has fresh water.
04:25Can you put the water down here, please?
04:27Okey-doke, just here.
04:29There we go.
04:31We have to keep Kitty's table nice and clean.
04:35Right, what do we need to do?
04:37We need to pick poo up.
04:38Oh, brilliant. Let's see who can pick up the biggest poo.
04:42So is this where Kitty sleeps at night?
04:45You have to do this every day?
04:48Into the wheelbarrow.
04:50What's your favourite job to do looking after Kitty?
04:53All of the jobs.
04:54All of the jobs?
04:56Every single one?
04:58I didn't know a pony could do so much poo, did you?
05:03Good work. Right, all done then.
05:05Now we're going to a Gymkhana show.
05:08I have never been to a Gymkhana before. That's going to be amazing.
05:12A Gymkhana is a special horse and pony show where there are lots of competitions and games to join in with.
05:17It's going to be great, isn't it?
05:20Are we ready to leave?
05:22No? What do we need to do?
05:23We have to groom Kitty and wash her.
05:25That sounds like a very good idea. Come on, let's go then.
05:32Right, what first?
05:33We're going to do hoof-pitting before the washing.
05:36You have to lift the lead up, but stroke your hands and the lead and then pick her hoof up.
05:45There we go.
05:47We have to pick her hooves every day to make sure there are no stones or dirt stuck in there.
05:55This is a grubby one.
05:59Well done.
06:02Excellent. Right, what are we going to do now?
06:06We're going to brush her.
06:08Okay, right.
06:16We're trying to get most of the dirt out and then we'll wash her.
06:26Giving Kitty a bath is great fun. We use special pony shampoo.
06:36I'll do this bit of hair.
06:37Okay, I'll get this bit over the side.
06:42We need to rinse her off now.
06:47What next?
06:48We have to dry her.
06:52Just go...
06:58It's quite fun, isn't it?
07:02And you have to do her legs with it too.
07:05Okay, make sure we get them.
07:09There we go. What do you think? Does she look great?
07:13Yes, good girl.
07:14Okay, Kitty's looking great, but look at us. What a mess.
07:17We'd better get ourselves ready.
07:28Well, we are looking great and ready to go, aren't we?
07:32I think you're a little bit smarter, aren't you?
07:35But this Gymkhana's going to be fantastic, isn't it?
07:37Yeah, I can't wait.
07:38Oh, yes. And what about Kitty? What do you think?
07:41All set?
07:43She's looking fantastic.
07:45Now, if Kitty could do anything, anything at all,
07:48what do you think she would do?
07:53If my pet could do anything,
07:55she would horse at the fairgrounds.
07:58She would be a pony on the carousel.
08:01She would give people rides.
08:04And then, when the fairground was closed for the day,
08:07she would jump on the horse.
08:09When the fairground was closed for the day,
08:11she would jump off the carousel.
08:13She would go on the bouncy carousel
08:16and eat pony floss.
08:38We've come to the local Gymkhana today
08:40to enter some of the games and competitions.
08:42Florence and Kitty are absolutely raring to go, aren't you?
08:46And there are lots of other horses and ponies here.
08:48Let's go and take a look around. Come on.
08:53There are lots of different events
08:55you can enter at a horse and pony show like this one.
08:58Jumping, obstacle courses and lots more.
09:05Now it's time for us to join in.
09:07Florence, you've obviously got Kitty, but what have I got?
09:11Well, my trusty hobby horse, Fred.
09:15What do you think? I can't believe you're laughing.
09:18We've won quite a few races, you know.
09:20Now, we've both got our riding hats on. What for?
09:23Because if we fall off, it won't hurt our heads.
09:26Yes, absolutely right. It's going to keep us safe.
09:29Now, what is the first event we're going to do?
09:32Let's go then. Come on.
09:37Florence and Kitty are making sure that they are all ready to go
09:41and are going to give the jumping competition their best shot.
09:46Go, Florence. Come on, you can do it.
09:57Well done.
10:05They're really nice.
10:08Come on, Florence and Kitty.
10:11Yes, well done.
10:13That's it.
10:15Well done, yay!
10:20Play around.
10:25Well done.
10:26That's it.
10:27Are you pleased with that?
10:30It's mine and Fred's turn now.
10:32I know.
10:33He's going the wrong way.
10:38That was Robbie.
10:39You're no faster.
10:42You're no faster than that, Robbie.
10:46Faster, Robbie!
10:52Well done, Fred.
10:56Oh, man.
10:57Here you are.
10:58Oh, was that for me?
11:00Thank you. Well done, Fred.
11:02I think Fred wants to go and have a nap in his table.
11:05I think I want a nap as well, right now.
11:08There's no time for napping, though.
11:10Now it's time for the Gymkhana Games.
11:12Is everybody ready?
11:15And first up is the mug race.
11:17We've got to move the mugs from one pole to another
11:20as fast as we can.
11:22Give me five, give me five!
11:31Now the sack race.
11:32We have to ride up and jump back in the sack.
11:35Great fun.
11:43Come on, Bobby!
11:44My legs are old!
11:48Ride and run up next.
11:50We have to ride up and then run back as fast as we can.
11:59Nice work.
12:01Wow, look at all those rosettes!
12:04Amazing, you've done so well.
12:06Well done.
12:07Did you enjoy yourself?
12:09How do you think Fred and I did?
12:13I thought we were brilliant.
12:14Don't listen, Fred, it's OK.
12:16I can't believe you said that.
12:18Well, you and Kitty were very good, I have to say,
12:20and I've had a wonderful time meeting you both.
12:22Thank you very much for introducing me to Kitty.
12:25Shall we give Kitty a cuddle?
12:27Come on.
12:44Hi, Fern, how are we, Jellybean?
12:46Hi, Rory, you're looking happy, what have you been up to?
12:49I'm very happy, I had such a great time with my new friends,
12:52we had so much fun together.
12:54That is amazing.
12:55Well, Jellybean's just having a little bit of a cuddle at the minute.
12:58Oh, he certainly looks very happy.
13:00Pets are brilliant, but remember,
13:02you shouldn't touch an animal unless the owner says it's OK.
13:05But two pets you can definitely play with are ours.
13:08Go on to the CBeebies website and play the My Pet and Me game.
13:11Thanks for spending time with us, we hope you've had fun too.
13:17Today we met
13:20A lovely pet
13:22We see how much you care for them
13:25Thank you so much for sharing them
13:29Time for us to
13:32Just remind you
13:35After you've played with your pet
13:38Wash your hands, don't forget
13:41It doesn't matter what pet you've got
13:44You might have one, you might not
13:47It's still fun finding out
13:50What having a pet is all about
13:53My pet, my pet and me
13:56My pet, my pet and me
13:59My pet, my pet and me
14:02My pet and me