My Pet and Me S2 E13 Sheepdog

  • last week
Rory visits Jess and her sheepdog, Mo. Together, they clean out Mo's kennel and make sure she has fresh food and water. Later, Rory watches Jess working Mo with a herd of sheep. After a quick lesson, Jess lets Rory have a go!


00:00Hello and welcome to My Pet and Me. I'm Rory.
00:04And I'm Fern. We've been hoping you would join us. We've just been cleaning the barn
00:08for the animals.
00:09Lots of different animals make excellent pets and we love meeting you and yours.
00:13We certainly do. Rory, what are your plans?
00:15I'm off to meet some new friends and you can come with me too. Let's go.
00:18Have fun.
00:19See you.
00:21My pets, my pets and me. My pets, my pets and me.
00:27Down every street, are pets to meet.
00:32Some big, some small, some skinny, some furry.
00:35Some keep very still, some always in a hurry.
00:39Some have four paws. Some have sharp claws.
00:44Some quack. Some bark. Some purr. Some moo. Some grunt.
00:48Some squawk. Some cock-a-doodle-doo.
00:50My pets, my pets and me. My pets, my pets and me.
00:56My pets, my pets and me. Have you met my pets and me?
01:06We are here in the Scottish Borders to meet Jess and her dog Moe. Let's go and say hello.
01:16Hi Jess.
01:17Hi Rory.
01:18And this must be Moe.
01:20Oh, she's gorgeous. She looks very small. How old is she?
01:25Three. Still young then, yeah?
01:28She full of energy?
01:30She's absolutely wonderful. And what's special about Moe here?
01:33She's a sheep dog. She winds up all the sheep with Dad and I get to help with.
01:38Wow, so a working dog and a pet as well. She must be busy then.
01:43Does she get any time in her day left for anything else?
01:46No wonder. Well, I'm looking forward to learning a lot more about that.
01:50What do you love most about Moe?
01:52Sometimes when I get her to sit, she actually lies down instead and I get to tickle her tummy.
01:58Oh, a big tickle down here?
02:01Does she love it?
02:03Does she roll on her back and go?
02:06Now, Jess, what breed is Moe?
02:08A border collie.
02:09Ah, yes. How can you tell that?
02:11Because she's black and white.
02:13Ah, yes she is. Very distinctive markings on the face and all over her body as well.
02:19Well, she's very beautiful.
02:21Border collies are often used as sheep dogs because they're very clever.
02:25They're specially trained to work in the farm and their job is to round up all the sheep
02:30and make sure that none stray too far from the flock.
02:33Ferran, can you give us some facts about working dogs just like Moe here?
02:37Of course, Rory.
02:391. Border collies don't just herd sheep.
02:42They can herd other animals too, even ducks!
02:472. Border collies tend to be a very clever breed of dog
02:51and they like to have lots of fun by doing exercise and playing.
02:563. In fact, border collies can be so clever they are even used to help find people who are lost.
03:044. Most border collies are black and white but they can be other colours too
03:10like red and white, black and brown or even grey and brown.
03:21Most dogs are very loyal and like to get lots of care and attention from their owners.
03:26Moe's a working dog so she doesn't sleep in the farmhouse, does she?
03:30She sleeps here in the barn.
03:32And that's her spotty kennel where she sleeps.
03:35But she still needs lots of looking after.
03:37So how do you care for Moe?
03:39We clean out her kennel and we also give her fresh water and food.
03:45Great, that all sounds very important.
03:47So you look after her well, don't you?
03:49Now, are we going to do any of that right now?
03:51Let's clean her kennel out first.
03:53Good idea to do that while Moe's out playing, isn't it?
03:55Shall we get going then?
04:08Are you going to show me what to do then?
04:09Are you going to go in and sweep?
04:14Are these some wood shavings we've got in here?
04:17Keep her nice and cosy?
04:19And that's important, isn't it, because it could get cold in the barn.
04:24How often do you clean her out then?
04:26Once a week.
04:28That's good.
04:30We'll get that bit there.
04:31I thought you were going to climb in there.
04:36How am I doing? Am I doing OK here?
04:41I'll do a wee bit of sweeping now.
04:47Let's put the clean stuff in now, all right?
04:55I like a bit of teamwork.
04:57This is nice and clean, isn't it?
04:59Very clean.
05:02That is a good shovelful there.
05:07We all done?
05:08Elizabeth in the back.
05:11Good work.
05:13Let's feed her now.
05:15But first we need to...
05:16Wash our hands.
05:17Let's go.
05:22Wash your hands!
05:26Oh, yeah.
05:33So we've got some food for Mo here.
05:35What have we got?
05:36Dry dog biscuits.
05:37How many scoops are you going to give her?
05:39Two scoops.
05:40OK, let's go for it.
05:45Looks delicious, doesn't it?
05:47But we'll try and not eat it.
05:48I think we can manage not to.
05:50What food should you never give a dog?
05:52Chocolate, raisins and grapes.
05:54That is right.
05:55Now, they're very tasty for us,
05:56but they're not so good for dogs, are they?
05:58So we've got the food there.
05:59How often do you feed Mo?
06:01Once a day.
06:02In the evening or in the morning?
06:04Ah, good idea.
06:05So when she's running around
06:06and she's rounded up all the sheep
06:07and she's feeling exhausted,
06:08she can get lots of energy from this food.
06:10It's got all the right nutrients and vitamins
06:12to keep her healthy.
06:13And we've got something else here as well, don't we?
06:16And why is water important?
06:17Because if they get thirsty,
06:19it's the only thing they can drink
06:21and it's good for them.
06:22That's right.
06:23Water is important for all dogs,
06:24but especially for a working dog like Mo,
06:27who spends a lot of time
06:28out in the fields running around.
06:30OK, we've got all our food,
06:32we've got fresh water,
06:33a nice clean bed.
06:34I think we're sorted.
06:37Mo is a very busy dog indeed.
06:39Not only is she a working sheepdog,
06:41she's also a pet to Jess and her family.
06:44If Mo could do anything, anything at all,
06:46what do you think she'd do?
06:50If my pet could be anything,
06:52she would be a pirate.
06:54She would wear a pirate suit
06:56and it would be pink, purple and black.
06:59She would sail the seven seas on a big pirate ship
07:03and there would be a flag with her face on it at the top.
07:07She would protect her treasure chest full of bones
07:10from all the wild crocodiles.
07:17So what are we going to do now then?
07:19Round up the sheep.
07:20Do you want to help me?
07:30What do you need to do?
07:32Give her some commands
07:33so she knows which way you want her to go.
07:35Wow, show me how it's done then.
07:42Away, good girl.
07:45Look how fast she is.
07:47Come back!
07:50Come back!
07:53It's taken a while for Mo to be able to herd sheep like this, hasn't it?
07:56And a dog needs very special training before they can do it.
08:08Come back!
08:12Bring them on!
08:17In here!
08:22Whoa, in here!
08:27That was amazing, well done.
08:30Do you want to try it, Rory?
08:31I'd love to.
08:32Will you teach me the commands?
08:34OK, what are they?
08:36Away, right.
08:39Come by, left.
08:41Got you.
08:42And when she's facing you,
08:44that's away, that's come by.
08:46Oh, so when the dog is facing me,
08:48come by and away are the other way round.
08:51That's confusing.
08:52Bring them on straight forwards.
08:55Lie there.
08:56What does that mean?
08:57Just lie down?
09:00Just stop.
09:01Come in here, I want her to come in to you.
09:03OK, right, let me just check all these.
09:05So, come by is to the left.
09:08Away to the right,
09:09and the other way round when the dog's facing you.
09:11In here means come to me.
09:15Lie there.
09:17Just means stop, lie down.
09:19And bring them in in a straight line towards...
09:22OK, I think I've got all that.
09:23Mo doesn't always get it right because she's still learning,
09:25but she always gets it right for Dad.
09:27Well, he's the farmer.
09:28He's the expert, right?
09:30Shall I go for it then?
09:31Yeah, good luck.
09:37Come by!
09:40Off she goes.
09:41Wow, she's so fast!
09:43Is she coming in?
09:46When she comes from this seat, I'll tell her,
09:48come by again.
09:51Come by!
09:59Bring them on!
10:01Good girl.
10:04Come by!
10:06Come by!
10:17Bring them on!
10:20Lie there, lie there, lie there, lie there.
10:25Momo, in here, come on.
10:27Come here, come here.
10:29In here, in here.
10:32Well done.
10:34Good girl.
10:36How did I do?
10:38Thank you very much.
10:39Do you think I could be a shepherd?
10:40No, a wee bit more practice.
10:41Yeah, I think you're right.
10:42I'm nowhere near as good as you.
10:44Well, Momo, you were absolutely amazing,
10:46and I thought you were brilliant too.
10:48Thanks very much for teaching me.
10:49You're welcome.
10:50High five.
10:52That's the kind of command I like.
10:54Good girl.
11:01Well, Momo has worked very hard, hasn't she?
11:04I think it's time for some playtime though, isn't it?
11:05Uh-huh, yeah.
11:06Who else have we got here then?
11:07This is my little sister Libby,
11:09and this is Finn, Mo's best friend.
11:13Finn is very excited.
11:15Are you excited, Libby?
11:17Right, let's play then, shall we?
11:19Come on, let's go.
11:21Momo, ball!
11:22Let's get her.
11:31Come on, Momo!
11:38Come here.
11:39Good girl.
11:40Well done, Momo!
11:41Well done.
11:44Finn's already got a ball in his mouth.
11:47He's going to try and collect both.
11:48Well done!
11:49Come on!
11:57Come here, Momo.
11:58Man, that was a lot of fun, wasn't it?
12:01What was your favourite bit?
12:02Following the ball.
12:03Following the ball and watching them catch it.
12:06Yeah, they loved it, didn't they?
12:08I think Finn's still going.
12:10At least Momo's calmed down.
12:12That was lovely, wasn't it?
12:13Give her a nice cuddle.
12:20Aw, that's a lovely cuddle, isn't it?
12:23Thank you very, very much for having me over.
12:25It's been great meeting Mo.
12:26She's an awesome sheepdog,
12:27and you guys are brilliant owners.
12:30High fives all round.
12:31Pow, pow.
12:34Momo, give him a high five.
12:35High paw.
12:36Yeah, Mo.
12:47Hi Fern, hi wee Jellybean.
12:48Hi Rory.
12:49You're looking happy.
12:50What have you been up to?
12:51I'm very happy.
12:52I had such a great time with my new friends.
12:54We had so much fun together.
12:55That is amazing.
12:56Well, Jellybean's just having a little bit of a cuddle at the minute.
12:59Aw, he certainly looks very happy.
13:02Pets are brilliant,
13:03but remember you shouldn't touch an animal
13:05unless the owner says it's okay.
13:06But two pets you can definitely play with are ours.
13:09Go onto the CBeebies website and play the My Pet and Me game.
13:12Thanks for spending time with us.
13:14We hope you've had fun too.
13:19Today we met
13:22a lovely pet.
13:24Wendy, how much you care for them.
13:27Thank you so much for sharing them.
13:30Time for us to
13:33just remind you
13:36after you've played with your pet
13:39wash your hands, don't forget!
13:42It doesn't matter what pets you've got
13:45you might have one, you might not.
13:48It's still fun finding out
13:51what having a pet is all about.
13:54My pet, my pet and me
13:57My pet, my pet and me
14:00My pet, my pet and me
14:03My pet and me
