My Pet and Me S2 E19 Gerbils

  • last week
Rory meets Leah and her pet gerbils, Olaf and Elsa. They take the gerbils out of their cage for a play, as they love to run over Leah's hands! As a final treat for the gerbils, Rory and Leah make a special gerbil play park for them. Great fun!


00:00Hello and welcome to My Pet and Me. I'm Rory.
00:07And I'm Fern. We've been hoping you would join us. We've just been getting the barn
00:10ready for the animals.
00:11Lots of different animals make excellent pets and we love meeting you and yours.
00:15We certainly do. What are your plans, Rory?
00:17I'm off to meet some new friends and you can come with me too. Let's go!
00:21Have fun!
00:22See ya!
00:23My pets, my pets and me. My pets, my pets and me. Down every street, are pets to meet.
00:37Some big, some small, some skinny, some furry. Some keep every still, some always in a hurry.
00:44Some have four paws, some have sharp claws. Some quack, some bark, some purr, some grunt,
00:52some squawk, some cock-a-doodle-doo.
00:55My pets, my pets and me. My pets, my pets and me. My pets, my pets and me. Have you
01:04met my pets and me?
01:10Today we're in Glasgow to meet Leah and her pet gerbils. Let's go and find them. Come
01:15Hi Leah.
01:16Hi Rory.
01:17You must be Dad. Hello.
01:18Hi Rory.
01:19Lovely to meet you both and I'm looking forward to meeting your gerbils. But where are they?
01:20In the playroom.
01:21Oh, let's go then.
01:22Oh wow! They're so cute.
01:23Hi Leah.
01:24Hi Rory.
01:25Hi Leah.
01:26Hi Rory.
01:27Hi Leah.
01:28Hi Rory.
01:29Hi Leah.
01:30Hi Leah.
01:31Hi Leah.
01:32Hi Leah.
01:33Hi Leah.
01:34Hi Leah.
01:35Hi Leah.
01:36Hi Leah.
01:37Hi Leah.
01:38Hi Leah.
01:39Hi Leah.
01:40Hi Leah.
01:41Hi Leah.
01:42Hi Leah.
01:43Hi Leah.
01:45This is great. Your gerbils must love it in here. Look. What are they called?
01:51Elsa and Olaf.
01:53And which one is which?
01:54Elsa is the light one and Olaf is the dark one.
01:59Are they boys or are they girls?
02:02Female gerbils are called does and male gerbils are called bucks. And do you know what baby
02:08gerbils are called?
02:10That's right. They're called pups but these guys look a bit too big to be pups. How old
02:14are they?
02:16They look very happy in their home but I'd like to take them out and say hello properly.
02:19Can we do that? Can we take them out?
02:21Yeah, they're very friendly.
02:23Excellent. Now it's very important to regularly handle your gerbils but you shouldn't force
02:29them if they really don't like it. When you do handle them you should be very careful
02:33and gentle so they don't get scared. What's the best way to pick them up? Can you show
02:38With both hands.
02:39Ah, both your hands together underneath them. And is there anything else we need to do when
02:43we're holding a gerbil?
02:44Sit down.
02:45That's right, so they feel safe and close to the ground. Right, are you going to pick
02:49them up for me then?
02:51Let's have a look.
02:52Oh, wow. Elsa is beautiful. There you go, you hold on to her. Let's see if we can get
03:14Hello. They are gorgeous. What amazing pets. How often do you take them out?
03:26Once a day.
03:27What do you play with them?
03:29I like to cuddle them.
03:31And what do you love most about them?
03:33Because they make a mess out of the bedding.
03:37Do they kick it all out?
03:40And who cleans it up?
03:41Mum and Dad.
03:42Not you?
03:44So they're messy and cuddly?
03:48That's a fun combination. Leah, your gerbils are very, very cute. Fionn, can you give us
03:53some fun facts about our new furry friends here?
03:56Of course, Rory.
03:59One, in the wild there are lots of different types of gerbil and they come in lots of different
04:05colours, like black, brown and white.
04:09Two, wild gerbils live in burrows and dig long tunnel mazes. They like to build homes
04:16with lots of different rooms for sleeping and storing food.
04:21Three, gerbils like to forage for their food and they need a balanced diet of seeds, veggies,
04:29fruit and grasses.
04:36Care Time!
04:39Gerbils are very social animals and they enjoy company. They can make great pets but they
04:44do need lots of care and attention. What do you do to look after your gerbils?
04:49I feed them and give them water and I make sure their home's nice and clean.
04:55And their home's got a special name, doesn't it?
04:59Isn't that a funny name?
05:02It's a great word and this is a cool thing, isn't it? Because it's like a tank down here
05:06and a cage up here, isn't it?
05:09Very unusual. So how often do you need to clean them out?
05:12Once a week.
05:14And is today a cleaning day?
05:16I had a feeling you might say that. Right, what do we have to do first?
05:19Take the gerbils out.
05:21Okay, let's do that then.
05:24There we go, there's one.
05:29There you go, and there's two.
05:32Get this big bin bag.
05:35Let's get this bedding out.
05:42I wish they could kick it out to us so we can get it.
05:46That's your favourite thing, isn't it?
05:50Right, last little bit.
05:53We've taken all the old stuff out. What do we need to do next?
05:56Put the new messy stuff in.
05:59Okay, this is going to be fun.
06:06Sweep it around.
06:08Yep, clearly done.
06:13I think the gerbils are having fun in there.
06:16I think they are. Okay guys, there's one more thing we need to do.
06:20Let's put some of the old bedding in and then they'll know it's home because it'll smell familiar.
06:27Just a little bit there.
06:29In the wild, gerbils live in deep burrows that they dig themselves.
06:33So if you've got pet gerbils, they need to be able to do that too.
06:36I think Elsa and Olaf are going to love all this bedding we've got in here for them, don't you?
06:41I'm also pleased to see that your gerbilarium is nice and big.
06:44It means they've got lots of space to exercise up here.
06:47Right, shall we put the toys back in?
06:50Okay, you pass them over to me.
06:53I'll bury them in here, hide them.
06:55They get excited when they find them.
06:57Now this isn't a toy, what's this for?
06:59It's to cut their claws.
07:02So their claws keep growing all through their lives, just like our nails.
07:06And a rough stone like this means they can rub them down so they're not too long.
07:11Is that everything done?
07:13What do we need to do?
07:14We need new food and water.
07:18Good thinking, we should do that now then, shouldn't we?
07:26Okay, put the water bottles in.
07:32Old food.
07:34There's the old stuff.
07:36And let's get the new food.
07:40There we go.
07:41What we've got here is gerbil muesli.
07:44It's special gerbil food made up of different seeds and nuts.
07:48All the food's in now.
07:50There's one thing missing.
08:01Do you like it?
08:03Straight into Explore.
08:06Olaf, always thinking with your stomach.
08:10Oh look, Elsa's eating as well.
08:12What do we need to do now?
08:13Wash our hands.
08:15Let's go.
08:23Wash your hands!
08:25Elsa and Olaf are enjoying munching on some sunflower seeds.
08:29They're really good for you.
08:30They're good for you, too.
08:32And they're good for your teeth.
08:34And they're good for your nose.
08:35And they're good for your mouth.
08:36Elsa and Olaf are enjoying munching on some sunflower seeds
08:40and I think we deserve a treat too
08:42What have we got here?
08:43Sunflower seed cakes
08:46They look delicious
08:47I think we're going to enjoy these just as much
08:49as Elsa and Olaf enjoy the sunflower seeds
08:52Now if Elsa and Olaf could do anything
08:54what do you think they'd do?
08:59If my pets could do anything
09:02they would be magic gymnasts
09:04They would wear blue leotards and blue tutus
09:09and they can hang upside down by their tails
09:14and they could pull a rabbit out of their hat
09:18then they would take a bow
09:21and everybody would clap and cheer
09:24We are like big gerbils in these tunnels
09:37We are, aren't we?
09:39It's loads of fun
09:40but why are we playing outside in the garden?
09:41The gerbils are inside
09:42It's a clue to what we're going to do
09:45What are we going to do then?
09:47We're not going to let them out in the garden, are we?
09:49We're going to make a special play park for them
09:52That's a great idea
09:54Let's go
10:02Right, we've got all our toys here
10:03but first we should put down some bedding
10:05and set up the pen so they're safe, shouldn't we?
10:08Right, let's pop that out
10:12There we go
10:13That looks cool
10:15And then if I pour this bedding in
10:17will you spread it all around?
10:21Right, you start spreading it around
10:31That's looking nice and safe
10:33We've got plenty of toys here
10:34Which one do you want to put in first?
10:36The wheel
10:37Right, you pop it in first then
10:40If you're making your own gerbil play park at home
10:43it's really important that all the toys are gerbil safe
10:46So make sure that everything they have is okay for them to chew on
10:50Right, what next?
10:51The hut
10:54The seesaw
10:56And then you're going to put the swing in?
10:58Right, I'll put the climbing frame in
11:02There we go, and we've got a few tubes left, don't we?
11:04We'll put all these in
11:06I think they're going to love running through these, don't you?
11:08And hiding in them
11:09Is there anything else they like to do with these tubes, do you think?
11:11Chew them
11:12Ah yes, it's good for their teeth, isn't it?
11:15Right, so what do we need to do then?
11:16Put the gerbils in
11:18I'll go and get them
11:30Right, and you're going to pop Elsa in
11:32and I'll go and get Olaf
11:39Here comes Olaf
11:42You pop Olaf in there
11:47They're having a good run around first of all, aren't they?
11:50Through the tube
11:52Having a good explore, aren't they?
11:55Is somebody going to climb up the climbing frame?
11:56Who do you think's braver out of the two of them?
12:00Olaf's come to say hello
12:02Hello, Olaf, hello
12:05Oh, the climbing frame, look, you were right
12:07Olaf was the first on
12:10You're very adventurous
12:12You are
12:13They really like chewing tubes
12:16I think they're really enjoying their play park
12:19Yeah, me too
12:20I like seeing them play together
12:23It's fun, isn't it?
12:25Lia, thank you so much for introducing me to Elsa and Olaf
12:28I've loved learning all about gerbils
12:30Thank you for having me
12:31Thanks for coming, Rory
12:33Hi, Fern, how are we, Jellybean?
12:47Hi, Rory, you're looking happy
12:49What have you been up to?
12:50I'm very happy
12:51I had such a great time with my new friends
12:53We had so much fun together
12:54That is amazing
12:56Well, Jellybean's just having a little bit of a cuddle at the minute
12:58Oh, he certainly looks very happy
13:01Pets are brilliant, but remember, you shouldn't touch an animal
13:04unless the owner says it's okay
13:05But two pets you can definitely play with are ours
13:08Go onto the CBeebies website and play the My Pet and Me game
13:11Thanks for spending time with us
13:13We hope you've had fun too
13:32Just remind you
13:35After you've played with your pet
13:38Wash your hands
13:39Don't forget
13:41It doesn't matter what pets you've got
13:44You might have one, you might not
13:47It's still fun finding out
13:50What having a pet is all about
13:53My pet, my pet and me
13:56My pet, my pet and me
13:59My pet, my pet and me
14:01Come back and see
14:02My pet and me