
  • 2 days ago
00:30I'm perfectly fine.
00:32Okay, my dear.
00:39Hello? Good morning.
00:43Are you serious?
00:45I understand.
00:46I'll be right with you.
00:48We'll talk about the details.
00:51Okay. Have a nice day.
00:55About the wedding.
00:57You know, I want everything to be perfect.
01:00It's a little hard.
01:10I'm going to take a nap.
01:45Yes, sir.
01:57Listen to me, son.
01:59Listen carefully to what I'm saying.
02:02Our mind is closer to us, right?
02:05The mind plays with us.
02:07It shows us that it can do anything.
02:11But the mind is not like that.
02:13It always tells the truth.
02:15It never makes a mistake.
02:17I feel that you don't hear your heart at all, son.
02:27You're a girl that we don't know.
02:30You grew up together.
02:32You ate together and sat together.
02:34You overcame difficulties together.
02:36Now it's really worth it to be unfair to her.
02:39But that's the way it is, sir.
02:41Isn't that the way it is?
02:43At least you have to listen to her once.
02:46She's telling you to listen.
02:48What are you giving up?
02:51You don't know this girl?
02:56What are you saying, sir?
02:58I'm giving up my life for Asiye.
03:00She doesn't want your life, son.
03:02Just give her the right to talk.
03:05I'm going to call Asiye now.
03:07You're going to sit in the tea house and talk to each other.
03:11You won't come to me until you solve this problem.
03:14Do you accept?
03:15That's right, sir, but...
03:17But no.
03:18Son, are you against your teacher?
03:27Asiye, you should go to work as soon as you wake up.
03:31Mr. Adnan gave me a day off today.
03:33If Mr. Adnan allowed me, that would be great.
03:37But I still have to eat something with my daughter.
03:41Look, I didn't eat anything last night.
03:44Let's eat something together.
03:46Look, I didn't eat anything last night.
03:48Get up, my beautiful girl.
03:50Mom, what if Mert never forgives me?
03:55Oh, dear.
03:57I mean, you can't talk to a hungry stomach.
04:01Get up, my beautiful girl.
04:03Get up, my dear.
04:07Oh, beautiful.
04:09Look at your beautiful eyes.
04:11Oh, my dear.
04:12He's been crying since morning.
04:14Did Mert call?
04:17Mr. Yashar called.
04:24How are you, Asiye?
04:27As you know, uncle Yashar.
04:30Look, my girl.
04:32I talked to Mert.
04:34Let's talk.
04:35Let's solve this problem.
04:37Are you serious?
04:39So, Mert agreed to talk to me?
04:42He's waiting for you in the teahouse.
04:45Okay, my girl.
04:47I'll be right there.
04:49Thank you, uncle Yashar.
04:55Asiye, you can't go to that stupid boy.
05:00I've been talking to him since yesterday.
05:02Mom, I have to get ready.
05:05With whom?
05:07Didn't you call him from the hospital yesterday?
05:11Yesterday, he was in a bad mood.
05:13Today, he wants to dance with me.
05:15You can't do this.
05:16You save people's lives.
05:18And Mert is still in a bad mood.
05:20Yesterday, aunt Zarin answered the phone.
05:22Mert didn't know I was in the hospital.
05:24Aunt Zarin didn't tell him about me.
05:26But I'll tell him today.
05:28He'll understand.
05:29We'll be like before.
05:33Mom, don't waste my time.
05:34Be quick.
05:36Do whatever you want.
05:41Mert bought this dress for me.
05:44It'll be great with the necklace he gave me as a gift.
05:50My necklace.
05:52I look down from the top of a hill.
05:55The air is so fresh.
05:58I feel so good in my sleep.
06:02I always fall asleep behind my head.
06:05I always do.
06:11I see a sea lantern.
06:13I feel so good in my sleep.
06:15I feel so good in my sleep.
06:18I feel so good in my sleep.
06:22I see a big ship.
06:25I see a woman.
06:27A woman behind me.
06:35She holds my hand.
06:38I want to follow her.
06:42When she wants to come back
06:46and I see her face
06:49I wake up.
07:03It's late. Let's go home.
07:06But let me see your beautiful face first.
07:19It's beautiful.
07:25I know where it is.
07:28I know where it is.
07:49It was one of the best days of my life.
07:53How could I forget it?
07:56I love you.
08:17I couldn't protect you.
08:22I couldn't protect you.
08:26Don't say that, my daughter.
08:29Wait a little.
08:38You can't die with someone.
08:47The day my husband and my son died, I died too.
08:52Stop it.
08:54It was all because of you.
08:57You didn't let us live in peace.
08:59We are tired of seeing you like this every day.
09:02Put them away.
09:04I can't.
09:05Don't drive me crazy, Fidan.
09:10Give them to me. I want to see them.
09:12Give them to me.
09:13These photos are the only memory I have of them.
09:15Give them to me, Fidan.
09:16I can't live without them.
09:18Fidan, don't talk to me.
09:20Give them to me.
09:21Give them to me.
09:22Give them to me.
09:25Where are you taking them?
09:28Where are you taking them?
09:38She has been sleeping with these photos for a year.
09:41You didn't let us live in peace.
09:43You buried us in your grave.
09:47Open the door, please.
09:53Open the door, please.
10:04Where are they?
10:06Where are they?
10:12Give them to me.
10:16Give them to me.
10:19What are you doing?
10:23Don't hurt yourself.
10:26Are you mad?
10:30What are you doing?
10:35What have you done?
10:38Give them to me.
10:44What did you do?
10:46Answer me!
10:48What did you do?
10:56Come here, my daughter.
11:15Where did you find this?
11:19It has a head.
11:21It was lying on the ground.
11:23Don't touch it.
11:25If it sees you, it will shoot you.
11:36I will show you that picture.
11:39I will show you.
11:41You will remember everything then.
11:44Me, our love, everything.
12:06Aunt Zarin.
12:07My daughter, I was coming to you.
12:09How are you?
12:10I am fine.
12:11I have good news for you.
12:12What is it?
12:14We can't just sit here and talk.
12:16There is a cafe nearby.
12:18Let's go there.
12:20We can talk in the cafe.
12:31I came too early.
12:34Calm down, Asiye.
12:37Calm down.
12:39Talk one by one.
12:41Don't say anything that will make her angry.
12:44Listen to her.
12:46Tell her the truth.
12:49Tell her how much you still love her.
13:04Here you go.
13:06Aunt Ayesha.
13:09How are you?
13:11I am fine.
13:12But you didn't call me.
13:14Really, Mert?
13:16I mean, you fought with Asiye yesterday.
13:19I was very upset.
13:21I wanted to call you and tell you the whole story.
13:24Okay, I will listen to you, Aunt Ayesha.
13:26Mert, do you know what happened to Asiye yesterday?
13:30Asiye's boss, Mr. Adnan, had a heart attack.
13:35He was forced to go to the hospital.
13:38Mr. Adnan treated Asiye very well.
13:41If it wasn't for him, she wouldn't have been able to go to work.
13:44After that, my daughter was waiting for him all day.
13:50She was very worried that something bad would happen to Mr. Adnan.
13:53That's why she was awake all day.
13:55At that moment, my daughter was very worried.
13:58She didn't even think about calling you.
14:01Well, her boss is important.
14:04A lawyer and all of them went to see her.
14:07My daughter has a right.
14:09I mean, the boss of a big company.
14:13I understand.
14:15Mert, look.
14:17Mr. Adnan is a very polite and rich man.
14:20I mean, he never forgets Asiye's kindness.
14:24I mean, Asiye is very valuable to him.
14:27I should have told you that.
14:30Well, let it go, son.
14:32I told you to call me.
14:34It's better to hear it from my own mouth.
14:36You did a good job, Mrs. Ayesha.
14:38Well, my dear, have a nice day.
14:54The next day
15:16Don't break the door. I'm coming.
15:19Fidan, why are you breaking the door?
15:22What happened?
15:24The next day
15:26The next day
15:51Why did you come home in such a hurry?
15:56Have you lost your tongue?
15:58Talk to me.
16:00Why are you torturing me so much?
16:03What happened? Tell me.
16:06I'm in a hurry.
16:08I'll tell you later.
16:10Thanks to this girl.
16:20I'm sure
16:22when she sees this picture, she will remember the past.
16:25Our love and what we have experienced.
16:29It reminds her of everything.
16:37Did you see that? I'm in a hurry.
16:40God knows what she's looking for.
16:45The next day
16:53She was so worried that something bad would happen to Mr. Adnan.
16:56That's why she was awake in the morning.
16:58At that moment, my daughter was very worried.
17:00She didn't even think about calling you.
17:03Well, her boss is important.
17:05She has forgotten all about the petition.
17:09Am I so worthless to you, Asiye?
17:14Calm down. Don't be in a hurry.
17:16Don't doubt.
17:18Listen to me first.
17:28Didn't I tell you that he would find his wife sooner or later?
17:31Do you remember?
17:33From the very first day, she came home in a luxury car.
17:40From the very first day?
17:42The day we wanted to get married.
17:47How could you do this to me, Asiye?
18:42I bought this book.
18:46I don't remember why I bought it and why I read it.
18:54My mind is like an empty page.
19:13I look at the sea from the top of a hill.
19:16There is a big sea lantern.
19:18There is a woman.
19:20A woman is standing behind him.
19:22She holds my hand.
19:25She wants to change him.
19:28Exactly when that woman wants to come back,
19:30when I want to see her,
19:33I wake up.
19:43Who is that woman?
19:48If I remember her, everything will be clear to me.
19:53This is how I feel.
20:12I love you.
20:42I love you.
21:12I love you.
21:23What happened? Why did you leave me like that?
21:26Mert, answer me. Why didn't you come to me?
21:29We were supposed to talk.
21:31Why are you silent? Say something.
21:38I have nothing to say, Asiye.
21:42Asiye, go away or I'll break your heart.
21:44Go away.
21:45If you do this, you'll break my heart.
21:47Don't go anywhere. Listen to me first.
21:49I'm listening.
21:50What do you want to say, Asiye?
21:52The day you couldn't reach me,
21:54my boss, Mr. Adnan, had a heart attack.
21:56He was alone in the parking lot.
21:58I had to take him to the hospital.
22:00I was sick. My phone was down.
22:02I couldn't call him.
22:04I couldn't call him.
22:06I couldn't call him.
22:08I couldn't call him.
22:10I was sick. My phone was down.
22:12That's why I couldn't call you.
22:14That's not a good excuse, Asiye.
22:16You could have called me from another phone.
22:18That's exactly what I did.
22:20I called you from my boss's phone.
22:22But your mother didn't answer.
22:24She didn't tell you that I called you.
22:29Who were you talking to?
22:33I'm asking you. Who were you talking to?
22:36No one.
22:38You made a mistake, son.
22:40Mrs. Zarin was in a hurry.
22:42She didn't let me talk to you.
22:44Okay. My mom is to blame for this.
22:46But you helped that man.
22:48What do you want to say for that?
22:50I swear I didn't mean to hurt him, Mert.
22:52He's not that kind of person.
22:54I helped him because he's brave, Mert.
22:58I'm begging you. Don't do this.
23:00It was only you.
23:02It wasn't anyone else.
23:04And it never was.
23:06I love you.
23:08I don't like that man at all.
23:10How long has it been since you started working?
23:12I can't do this.
23:14Asiye, if you really love me,
23:16quit this job.
23:36I love you.
23:59Narges, can you come here?
24:07Please, Mr. Adnan.
24:09Take this necklace.
24:11Go to Mr. Sharaf.
24:13Make the same one.
24:15But instead of white silk, use diamond.
24:17Yes, Mr. Adnan.
24:19And tell him it's for a special person.
24:21Work with sensitivity.
24:37I found you by accident.
24:39I came to the parking by mistake.
24:41I don't know you.
24:43But I don't believe in accidents.
25:07Hi, how are you?
25:09I'm fine.
25:11I'm going to the store.
25:13Where are you?
25:15Will you call me later?
25:17How did you know I was here?
25:19No, no.
25:21I didn't go that far.
25:23The birds told me.
25:25Did Abu Jizarin tell you?
25:29He was worried about you.
25:31But he wanted to talk to you.
25:39He doesn't give you a chance.
25:43He said you were in a hurry.
25:45You didn't see your father.
25:47I told him to call you.
25:49Something happened.
25:51But it's a long story.
25:53I'm in a hurry.
25:55Can I tell you later?
25:57No, I'm worried.
25:59At least tell me a summary.
26:01Nejat took a picture.
26:03I took it now.
26:05Let me see.
26:07I believe he will remember.
26:09If he is really Nejat.
26:11I think it's him.
26:18Don't be so hopeful.
26:20Don't mistake me.
26:22I'm not going to lie.
26:26I just don't want to be hopeless.
26:29Let's go.
26:32I'll call you later.
27:27What happened?
27:30Aren't you happy?
27:35No, I'm happy.
27:37Our poor house is not like yours.
27:40You live like a queen.
27:42Don't you?
27:46I'm sorry.
27:48I couldn't help you.
27:50But what can I do?
27:52I'm not rich like you.
27:56If you keep your promise.
27:58I would live like a king.
28:01You forgot me in prison.
28:04You didn't call me for 7 years.
28:14I'll give you one condition.
28:20If you bring Ejer for me.
28:24If I swear I'll do something.
28:26You have to kill me.
28:34Is there any news?
28:36Is Ejer coming?
28:38Ms. Kariman went to London.
28:40She wants to bring Ejer when she comes back.
28:43Do you know what bothered me the most in prison?
28:49Staying away from Ejer.
28:52I couldn't sleep without thinking about him.
28:55Everyone thinks you are in a relationship.
28:59She doesn't know about you.
29:01She knows.
29:03And you do this.
29:08Do you know what I did in prison?
29:18I hid the letters.
29:20I hid the letters.
29:25Because we both know.
29:27If I didn't hide the letters.
29:30You wouldn't look at me.
29:33You wouldn't help me.
29:41I reach my needs.
29:43I reach Ejer.
29:45I reach my love.
29:47It's like a dream.
29:49It's like a dream.
30:23I said help!
30:26Go away!
30:47Where are these damn letters?
30:51I have to find them.
30:53Or I can't get rid of this man.
31:03I have to find these letters.
31:07I have to find these letters.
31:25I found something.
31:26You might like it.
31:28Uh, yes, it hurts.
31:35Well, what did you do with our work?
31:39What work?
31:41I mean, when are we going to see each other?
31:45Oh, you mean that?
31:50Aida, if you kill me or play with me, you're responsible for what happens.
32:12Wow, look at this, Mr. Halide.
32:17Uh-huh. It's all flaky, little apprentice.
32:27Can you do it, dear?
32:30Yes, I can, but it sticks a little.
32:33If you flour it, it won't stick anymore, dear.
32:42Is this right?
32:43Let me see.
32:51Are you mocking me?
32:53Huh? Are you laughing at me?
32:55Look at me, Sahar.
32:57Do you know what I'll do to you if I get my hands on you?
33:01Wait and see.
33:03If they catch you, I'll know what I'll do to you.
33:10I'll catch you.
33:13Did you see that?
33:15Did you like it?
33:17Wait and see.
33:21I'll catch you.
33:23Wait and see.
33:25I wish I could save my son.
33:28That handsome boy deserves it.
33:33I'll catch you.
33:39You stole my bag. Help me.
33:43You stole my bag. Help me.
33:53Oh, no!
33:57Come here.
34:04Take it, dear.
34:06He just took the money and ran away.
34:09It doesn't matter.
34:15Thank you so much. You've done me a great favor.
34:25This photo is more valuable to me than anything else in the world.
34:30I didn't lose it for your sake.
34:31You can have it. I'll give you anything you want.
34:34Thank you, dear.
35:32You don't seem to be in a good mood.
35:35Are you upset about something, my son?
35:39No, I'm fine.
35:41Don't you want anything?
35:43Do you want me to bring you coffee?
35:45Or fresh tea?
35:47Thank you. I don't want anything.
35:49I just want to be alone for a while.
35:51In the past, when you were upset, you used to go into yourself.
35:58I'm sorry, sir.
35:59I'm sorry, sir.
36:10It doesn't matter.
36:12It's not your fault that I don't remember.
36:17Excuse me.
36:39What's wrong with you?
36:43I think he's crazy.
36:45He doesn't have any courage.
36:47The more I see him like this, the more I get upset.
36:50You're right, Mom.
36:52It's really upsetting.
36:54It doesn't matter what happened.
36:55It doesn't matter if he's alive or dead.
36:58It's like a funeral.
37:01It's good.
37:03Women and children had a good life.
37:06But because of Mrs. Kariman's greed, all their lives were ruined.
37:11Mom, I've told you so many times not to talk about these things.
37:14If someone hears you, what does he say?
37:16Say something.
37:18There's no one around here, son.
37:20If I don't have a heartache with you, who do I have a heartache with?
37:22It's been 12 years since my heart was broken.
37:25We've made a lot of big sins.
37:29Is it easy for us to live with these sins?
37:33But the truth never comes to us.
37:38Neither you nor I can prevent it.
37:41Don't be hopeless without yourself.
37:44The truth is never clear.
37:46Why did you say that, son?
37:48Don't you know anything?
37:50I don't know anything.
37:52You say the truth is clear.
37:53The truth is never clear.
37:55I can't believe it's clear now.
37:59Don't you have anything to do, mom?
38:02Yes, I do.
38:04If I don't have a heartache, I'll go to the hospital.
38:23Let's go.
38:42Aunt Zarin.
38:44Aunt Zarin.
38:46Why are you coming to me?
38:48Aren't you ashamed?
38:50Can you please listen to me, Aunt Zarin?
38:51Why should I listen to you?
38:53You humiliated my son in front of everyone.
38:55I swear, it's not what you think.
38:57I've never done anything to hurt you.
38:59Go away.
39:01You were with a stranger.
39:03Do we believe what we see?
39:05Or do we believe you?
39:07Well, everyone was at your place.
39:09They wouldn't let you out of the house.
39:11Look at you.
39:13But when a person doesn't have a personality,
39:15without giving importance,
39:17he can easily walk around for himself.
39:19Why should I be locked up in the house?
39:21I didn't do anything wrong.
39:23Look, look.
39:25She's denying it.
39:27But no, it's not your fault.
39:29It's my son's fault.
39:31He died because of you.
39:33I told him everything.
39:35I told him this girl doesn't have a heartache.
39:37I told him her eyes are out.
39:39I told him Salma is like a puppet.
39:41But he didn't listen.
39:45Yes, Salma.
39:47Yes, it's late.
39:48This is how it is, my dear.
39:50Some people don't experience it,
39:52they don't understand.
39:54Do you know why?
39:56Because a disaster is better than a thousand advices.
39:58Now go away.
40:00I don't want to see you around my son anymore.
40:18Is there a problem?
40:20No, there's no problem.
40:22Your car is very good.
40:24You've found a good driver.
40:26Is that so?
40:30I'm so proud of you.
40:32You didn't have to do this.
40:34I'm so happy for you.
40:36I'm so happy for you.
40:38I'm so happy for you.
40:40I'm so happy for you.
40:42I'm so happy for you.
40:44I'm so happy for you.
40:46I'm so happy for you.
40:48What are you saying?
40:50I'm so happy for you.
40:52I'll see you later.
41:03Asiye, goodbye, my dear.
41:05Aunt Zarin needs me.
41:07Mert needs me too.
41:09I'll do anything to get to Mert.
41:18I'm so happy for you.