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00:00The Nature Boy Ric Flair has always said the bigger they are, the better I like it.
00:06Big Man is coming at the hands of Ric Flair.
00:09Big Men have gone.
00:11More than one Big Man is left with his pride and
00:14his dignity stripped at the hands of the 13-time World Heavyweight Champion,
00:20Nature Boy Ric Flair.
00:21On May 18th, Kevin Nash of the NWO, you are a big man.
00:27But watch out, Ric Flair returns to the ring.
00:32And WCW Monday Nitro is off and running.
00:37We are sold out and we are live for
00:40this one hour edition of the Best of World Championship Wrestling.
00:44Tony Schiavone, along with The Drain, Bobby Heenan, and
00:49The Living Legend, Larry Zbyszko, and those bagpipe gentlemen.
00:53We've got some visitors here.
00:55I have Piper's music.
00:57Well, if you hear Piper's music and you hear bagpipes, it can only mean one thing.
01:01It's not a marching band from Texas.
01:03It's Rowdy, Rowdy Piper and The Nature Boy.
01:06Woo, Ric Flair is here, live and hot.
01:10They are not going to the ring.
01:11They're coming here.
01:12They are walking over here.
01:13Wait a minute.
01:14All right.
01:15I don't want no trouble out of you.
01:16Yeah, give him a microphone.
01:19It's all yours.
01:20Where he at here?
01:21We got TV, hang on.
01:24Hang on, starting to get close to the cuckoo's nest now.
01:31Getting real tired of hearing about the NWO, about these big lions.
01:37These big lions that are PO'd at us because we left potholes in the road.
01:45What, too lazy to fill in a few potholes?
01:48Are you that young generation that wants to skateboard and collect your check?
01:53I'm sick and tired of you.
01:55I'm up to here with you.
01:57I'll tell you what, I don't need to wait to Charlotte.
02:01I say we do it right here tonight.
02:06Come on out, give it your best shot or don't bother shooting at all.
02:11If you don't like this, dance with all that and dance even longer.
02:15Come on out, shut up now.
02:17Woo, because we're ready to go.
02:21We have just witnessed a blockbuster and
02:25welcome ladies and gentlemen to the number
02:31one wrestling program in the world.
02:35Ladies and gentlemen,
02:40welcome to the number one
02:46wrestling program in the world.
02:50It's WCW Monday Nitro.
02:54We come to you from the Virginia waterfront,
02:57from the Norfolk School Coliseum, right on the coast.
03:01Where there is not a seat to be found because this is Pro Wrestling at its best.
03:07Along with the great Bobby Heenan, Larry Sabisco, I'm Tony Schiavone.
03:11And gentlemen with me, you have heard what Roddy Piper and
03:15Ric Flair have said, that they want to wrestle here tonight on this program.
03:21What an event this will be as Prince Iakea makes his way out in the opening bout.
03:31The first bout will be for the US Heavyweight title.
03:34But wherever you are fans, I suggest that you call your relatives,
03:38you call your friends, you call your mates, whatever you wanna call them.
03:42We got Piper and Flair making a challenge train to get into the ring with
03:47the NWO here tonight.
03:49Well, they've had enough of this waiting game, they wanna get it done, and
03:53they wanna do it right now.
03:54So like Tony says, call anybody you know, have them turn on Nitro on TNT, and
03:59if you don't know anybody, just start going through the phone book, it's worth it.
04:03Look at Malenko coming in, it's gonna be a good one, Tony.
04:09I like this guy, man of 1,000 holes, and
04:12I bet the New World Order is shaking in their boots after what we just heard.
04:18Larry, we think that, but we are not sure, but we do have some comments.
04:22Let's go right now, standing by in the locker room area.
04:25Let's hear from Jeff Derrick.
04:27Dean Malenko, man of 1,000 holes.
04:33Well, all that means to the world's smartest wrestler is that there's 1,001
04:38At Slamboree, Dean, I'm gonna earn your respect, just like I earned Chris Benoit's.
04:43The Enforcer, Arn Anderson, and my partner, Steve Mongo McMichael.
04:47Because at Slamboree, not only am I gonna earn your respect, but
04:50I'm gonna earn that belt.
04:51And I'm gonna walk out of Charlotte Coliseum after Slamboree is all said and
04:55done, the new US Heavyweight Champion.
04:58How about that, a challenge to Dean Malenko that Jeff Jarrett wants a US
05:02title shot coming up at Slamboree at the Independence Arena on Sunday, May 18th.
05:07Well, you can't blame him for that.
05:08Of course, he wants a title shot, everybody does.
05:10But he's not an easy man to beat, this Dean Malenko,
05:12as the Prince is gonna find out in here.
05:14You know, and Jarrett, he's always after respect, talking about his partner, but
05:18his partner's beat him up more than anybody else.
05:21Well, certainly, he and Steve Mongo McMichael have had their problems.
05:24But for Steve McMichael, I'm sure right now he is not thinking about Jeff Jarrett.
05:28He is thinking about Reggie White, Packers Bears.
05:30What a confrontation that's gonna be coming up at Slamboree.
05:33Right now, the US Champ, Dean Malenko, side headlock on Prince Iakea.
05:39Look at the agility of the former World Television Champ.
05:42One step ahead, great arm drag kick down.
05:44I saw Malenko coming, got him, got him there, nice drop, toe hold.
05:49But this isn't where Prince Iakea wants Malenko, he better keep moving.
05:53Taking Malenko on the mat is only asking for trouble.
05:58Back up now, Prince Iakea, what a story.
06:02He has been in the sport, fans, and
06:03certainly following the sport like I know you fans out there do.
06:07This man, TV Champ, many people think that he wouldn't be TV Champ for long, but
06:10he held on to it for quite a while.
06:14Here's into the corner, Malenko, missed with a leg, and
06:17Prince Iakea brain right on the offense there.
06:19Well, I'll tell you about this Prince,
06:20he's certainly changed a lot in the last couple of months.
06:23He always had the pretension to be a good athlete, but since winning that title, and
06:27just the way he's conducting himself now, he's a lot different than he was six months
06:30ago, he's got that confidence now.
06:32Got a two count, and that time, he almost got a win, and what an upset that would be.
06:37Yeah, upset for Malenko, came close, couldn't hook him down long enough.
06:42Problem is, can he keep the offensive going here?
06:45Malenko, laying on a guy is not gonna do it.
06:50Got a one count, Malenko's gonna go maybe for a powerbomb, possibly a piledriver.
06:54Powerbomb here, and that one is on target.
06:58Forward roll, no, it's Prince, one, two.
07:01Other way, Malenko, one, they're in the ropes now.
07:03And boy, what a counter move that was, I thought Prince may have had that win.
07:07That's not as easy as it looks, Malenko's at home on the mat,
07:10even if you're on your back.
07:12Don't cut Malenko out, he's got a counter to hold for it.
07:15And I'll tell you, this kid, the Prince here is gonna be a lot better in the next
07:19couple months to come just having this match with Malenko.
07:21Just being in there with a man with his credentials as Dean Malenko,
07:24a man of 1,000 words, it's worth the education for the beating he's taken.
07:29Resounding power slam that time, Malenko going to the Texas Cloverleaf.
07:33They're standing at the Norfolk Sculpt, and the US Heavyweight Champion has it on.
07:37He's got him, he sat down on the small of the mat.
07:40Every other day, he's not going anywhere.
07:44Well, he answered the challenge from Jeff Jarrett, and
07:47put that US title on the line coming up at Slammory.
07:50That remains to be seen.
07:52One thing we do know though, fans, here tonight,
07:55one hour live right before the NBA playoffs, Ric Flair and Roddy Piper are here.
08:00They want to wrestle the NWO live later on tonight, and we'll be right back.
08:05Get it on.
08:05We're gonna have number two of two title matches here tonight,
08:10live in this one hour edition of WCW Monday Nitro.
08:14Also still to come in this program, Large Steven Regal, Chris Benoit,
08:19Lex Luger in the giant tag team accident.
08:23And Steve Mongo McMichael in singles competition, Roddy Piper and Ric Flair.
08:29They have made a challenge.
08:30They do not want to wait for Slammory.
08:32They want to wrestle the NWO live here tonight.
08:36Now, let me ask you this, Green.
08:38We know about Ric Flair and the injury that has kept him out.
08:42Can Ric Flair really get into the ring before this time?
08:45I mean, we were all told that it was May, that it was the 18th at Slammory.
08:50But we are still in the month of April here.
08:53I'll guarantee you something, the day after surgery,
08:55Ric Flair would have felt good enough to get back into the ring.
08:58I don't know physically if he's ready, but you'll never notice it.
09:01That man has more determination, more going for him.
09:0413 times heavyweight champion of the world.
09:06I don't think he's got an arm missing.
09:08He'll be in that ring.
09:09You know, listen to Brian, Flair's bragged about it.
09:12He's the dirtiest player in the game.
09:14So when physical limitations should be there, Flair will know how to get around.
09:20I look for a very nasty, dirty player if Flair gets back in the ring.
09:25Speaking of nasty and dirty, here he is, Sixx.
09:27He's more of a lowlife sleazy.
09:30The world cruiserweight champion.
09:32You look at Sixx and you think about what he represents.
09:35Everything against what Ric Flair and Roddy Piper represent in this sport.
09:38But you gotta understand something, this Sixx can wrestle.
09:41Yeah, I know that.
09:42He's not a fluke.
09:42This man can wrestle.
09:44And he's just the right size, just the right weight, just the right speed.
09:48He adds to the NWO.
09:50Big Hall, Big Nash, he fits in perfect.
09:53I know he does.
09:54But tell me, if he can wrestle, and he can, if he is this good, and he is,
09:58why in the world does he rely on the tactics like last week?
10:03Remember what happened to Rey Mysterio Jr.?
10:05It was Kevin Nash, the big man, taking matters into his own hands, trying.
10:10And really, the last time we saw Rey Mysterio Jr.
10:13taking out on a stretcher at the hands of the NWO.
10:15But you're asking me why he does these things.
10:17Yes, why?
10:18Same reason a bully beats the people, because they can.
10:20He feels he can.
10:22NWO feels they can.
10:23So you know what, Tony?
10:25They can.
10:26And just remember this, nobody does nothing for nobody for nothing.
10:30And a friend in need is a pest.
10:33My goodness, I got two people agreeing here.
10:35And relatives are like fish.
10:36After three days, they stink.
10:39Side headlock, Juventud Guerrero, he is one of the top cruiserweights in the world,
10:42and certainly a man who can strip Sixx of the Cruiserweight Championship.
10:46But keep in mind, and you have to realize that if Sixx gets in trouble,
10:51you're going to see members of the NWO quickly at ringside to help him out.
10:55And my question is, the last time we saw that,
10:58we saw the new chairman of the executive committee, James J Dillon, come down,
11:03take matters into his own hands, bring out security, bring out EMTs,
11:08and threaten Sixx and Kevin Nash.
11:10It just happened last week, Bray.
11:11He's in the building.
11:12I saw it, JJ.
11:14Yes, I did.
11:14He is here.
11:15He's watching.
11:18Sixx got one right in the big sleazy mouth.
11:22He sure did.
11:22And Juventud wasting no time after the attack.
11:25Once again, they're back in a neutral corner.
11:27And almost as if Sixx that time wanted to get hit.
11:32Almost daring to hit him one more.
11:33Juventud hit hard.
11:36Took his head right off of that one.
11:37One, two.
11:39They got a two count.
11:40I didn't think he'd get up from that.
11:43I tell you, Sixx does have the ability.
11:44No question about it.
11:45Dangerous man in there.
11:47Especially with someone smaller like Juventud Guerrera,
11:51Sixx can use that weight and movement.
11:53But Larry, he's more dangerous when he's with the NWO.
11:55He's more dangerous at his size when he has all those big guys to protect him.
11:59But remember last week, James J Dillon says this type of action
12:02will not be tolerated anymore.
12:05Yeah, but what did he mean by that?
12:06What type of action will he take?
12:09What will he do to prevent things like this happening?
12:13That's the real question.
12:15Sixx right now just riding away on the chest of Juventud Guerrera.
12:19Juventud doesn't look like he's in a too good a position.
12:21He should get out of that ring when he can right now.
12:24Should slip under, but I don't think he knows where he is.
12:26He can barely pull himself up here, and Sixx back to the attack once again.
12:31What a great crowd we have on hand.
12:33So good to have you with us.
12:34During the NBA Playoff, 7 o'clock Eastern Time Live,
12:38is our start time, the same time next week, here on WCW Monday Night Raw on TNT.
12:43A cover, a one, a two, and only a two count.
12:46Don't forget to get on those phones and
12:47call everybody you know cuz you're gonna see the nature boy.
12:50You haven't seen him in, what is it, almost a year now?
12:52Well, no, it's been about six, seven months.
12:54Six, seven months, yeah.
12:55You're gonna see him, Whit Riker.
12:57See, Sixx puts a nice snap into that, came down right in the face of Guerrero.
13:02You know, I'm looking around and I don't see Hall and
13:05Nash or any of the New World Order guys lurking around.
13:08Yeah, you don't see them.
13:09They're gonna pick their spot, I can tell you that.
13:11Right now, I'm sure they feel that things are well in hand for
13:14the Cruiserweight Champion.
13:15Well, you know, I'm checking the hallways, too, and the balcony.
13:17It's hard to tell cuz everybody's got an NWO shirt.
13:21Now, that's a good point.
13:22A lot of NWO fans with black shirts, and of course, Kevin Nash, seven feet tall.
13:26You can certainly see him.
13:28See, and I don't see him.
13:31Well, that's because we are told to watch the match here.
13:33And let's do our job.
13:34Back to the attack goes Sixx once again, up on top of the top turnbuckle.
13:39You talk, I'll look.
13:40He got, he hit his knee right on that ring post.
13:44He sure did.
13:45The side of his knee, the inner side of his leg there.
13:48The left knee hit the top of that ring post, and no give there, fans, at all.
13:52Up on top.
13:53Juventude was trying to move, couldn't hold his balance that time.
13:56He's trying to get too fancy against a man he shouldn't,
13:59especially when he's got six and a week in position.
14:02Go for the kill, don't get fancy with it.
14:05He's got him, one, two, no.
14:07Couldn't hold him down.
14:10That was close.
14:11I'm wondering if the NWO's even watching this, or
14:13are they concerned with that news from Piper and Flair?
14:16That's a great point, Brayne, forward somersault.
14:19He's got him.
14:20He's got him again, one, two, and he kicks out again.
14:23What we're seeing here is exactly what you said, Brayne.
14:26A man six, who can wrestle, that if left to his own devices,
14:30his own merits, can win a match on his own.
14:33Don't waste your time with him, Six.
14:36Juventude can beat you.
14:37What are you sticking up for Six for?
14:38I like Six.
14:40I just don't like Hogan, Larry.
14:41Combination hammerlock, props face, it's called the buzz killer.
14:44He's got it on, a submission hold, and
14:46Six retains the Cruiserweight Championship here live on Nitro.
14:51So much for Hoovy.
14:52Now, Juventude gave it his all, some great maneuvers.
14:56You're not a closet NWO guy, are you?
14:58No, I like their style.
14:59I just don't like Hogan.
15:01He's probably negotiating- Well, we all agree on that.
15:04Well, let's say this.
15:05Let's give credit where credit's due.
15:07The key to this match, guys, is the fact that Six continued to come out of
15:11pitting predicaments at the hands of Juventude Guerrero.
15:15Many pitting predicaments.
15:16Look at this.
15:16Off the top rope, he goes for that upside down head scissors.
15:21I thought he had Six here.
15:23Stands on the top rope, drop kicks him right in the face.
15:26I've never seen that move done before.
15:27But Six outmasters him with wrestling.
15:30Takes him down to the mat.
15:31And what did you call it, Tony?
15:33The buzz killer.
15:34The buzz killer.
15:35That's your winner, Six of the NWO.
15:38Ric Flair and Roddy Piper have made the challenge to the NWO,
15:42to wrestle later on in this program.
15:43Ladies and gentlemen, do not go anywhere.
15:46This one-hour edition of WCW Monday Nitro Live continues after this.
15:51Well, next Monday, WCW Monday Nitro, 7 o'clock Eastern Time,
15:55makes an appearance and a return to Lakeland, Florida, for
15:59a live edition of Nitro.
16:01And down in Lakeland right now is our good friend Lee Marshall on behalf of
16:07Hello, Lee Marshall.
16:08Hello, Tony.
16:09We got a Nitro party going on near Cherries in Lakeland.
16:13I gotta tell you, everybody in the Tampa, St. Pete,
16:15Sarasota area looking forward to a week of Nitro.
16:18St. Pete, Sarasota area looking forward to a week from tonight when Monday Nitro
16:22comes to the Lakeland Civic Center.
16:24You guys better visit the Civic Center box office or
16:27your nearest Ticketmaster outlet.
16:29Now, I've done a little bit of scouting here in Lakeland.
16:31I can tell you about Tigertown and, of course,
16:33the spring training home of the Detroit Tigers.
16:35Lakeland, by the way,
16:36it's the home of some gorgeous Frank Lloyd Wright architecture.
16:40And come this November, Lakeland is the site of the National Native American Powwow.
16:45Now, I've done a little bit of research on that.
16:47I thought a lot about legendary Native American leader Crazy Horse, but
16:51nothing about the Battle of, well, the Battle of Little Big Brain or
16:55Chief Wedding Weasel.
16:56But I'm gonna keep looking, by golly.
16:58And that's your 1-800-COLLECT-ROAD report from Lakeland, Florida.
17:02I'm Lee Marshall for 1-800-COLLECT-KIMOSABI.
17:05Thanks a lot, Lee Marshall.
17:06And we- Hey, hey, wait a minute.
17:08They're not scheduled to wrestle here.
17:10I mean, we got Benoit and Regal.
17:12Hey, here they come.
17:14Let me tell you something.
17:15The so-called new morality is simply immorality condoned.
17:21And I give you the new world order.
17:23Hold on a second, Breein.
17:24I know you wanna take a right turn here, or a left turn.
17:27But I'm not so sure what they're gonna do, if they're gonna go to the ring, or.
17:31I know if they come here, I'm gonna be right behind you.
17:33And don't say get going, because you'll be talking to yourself.
17:36Well, only thing I can say, I don't know where they're gonna go.
17:39But maybe they're gonna answer the call, the challenge by Flair and Piper.
17:42You guys better get going.
17:43Here they come.
17:44Here they come.
17:47here we go.
17:48I don't need this.
17:53For life.
17:54For life.
18:12Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
18:22Hey, we're sitting in the back.
18:33And we heard those two dinosaurs, Flair and
18:38Piper talking about how much they want some of the wolf pack.
18:45Well, to Flair and Piper, I just got to say, whatever.
18:55Nobody cares what you guys have to say.
19:00Because everybody here in Norfolk is here for
19:07one reason, and that's cuz it's the NWO.
19:14They love us, they love us.
19:22One other stipulation, boys, and that's this.
19:26In Charlotte, North Carolina, we got no problem getting in the ring and
19:31giving you the beating of your life.
19:34But it'll be for 75% of the gate.
19:38Cuz when you got the best in the business, like you're looking at right now,
19:42boys, it don't come cheap.
19:46Give us the loot, baby, give us the loot.
19:48Hollywood, we miss you, NWO, for life.
19:55Too sweet.
20:02Woo, NWO!
20:36Okay, fans, we are back in our broadcast location.
20:39Brain, sit on down here and stop shaking, if you will.
20:42And, Larry, you know...
20:44I appreciate you guys hanging out with me here.
20:46Forget it. We're not gonna do you any good.
20:48I can tell you that. Well, I can tell you that.
20:50Nevertheless, hearing what the outsiders had to say,
20:55and he said whatever.
20:57So, basically, I guess it means they accept that talent tonight.
21:01And that'll be a little bit later on live.
21:02But I also want to address the fact that in Charlotte,
21:05the NWL demanding 75% of the gate.
21:10What? That's what they said? 75%?
21:13I wasn't out here listening. I went in the back.
21:14Yeah, I know. You ran.
21:15We had good security come get you.
21:16Don't worry about lousy 75%.
21:19They're just gonna have to pay more taxes on it.
21:21The important point is you get them in the ring.
21:23Give them 100% of the money and 100% of the beating.
21:27What they want is they want out of this match.
21:29That's why they made that demand.
21:30That's a great point.
21:31They know they'll never be known,
21:33promotional, ever meet that kind of a demand.
21:35It's only money.
21:36It's something that we are certainly going to have to...
21:39Put in J.J.'s lap.
21:40That's exactly right.
21:41Right now, though, we are watching a member of the Horsemen,
21:44Chris Benoit, with Woman, against Lord Steven Regal.
21:48Benoit, certainly his battles with Kevin Sullivan
21:51have been legendary and well-documented.
21:53But for Chris Benoit, coming up at Slamboree,
21:57he has a match against Ming.
22:00As you look at Randy Anderson, senior official side here,
22:03what is being built now is a death match,
22:05Ming and Chris Benoit.
22:07You know and I know, Larry Zubisco,
22:09that Ming is there for one purpose,
22:11and that is to get rid of Chris Benoit.
22:14Well, if you're gonna put somebody in a death match,
22:16Ming is your man.
22:18Dungeon of Doom, Jimmy Hart, Kevin Sullivan.
22:21They've turned the monster loose, Tony,
22:24and Ming is set free.
22:26He could easily eat you alive on the spot.
22:29Benoit, I mean, what a contrast in styles
22:31he's gonna have to go through.
22:33Wrestling a mad technician like Regal,
22:35then getting into, you know, brutal confrontations
22:38he's had with Sullivan.
22:39But again, getting in the ring with Ming
22:42is not a wrestling contest.
22:44That's basic survival.
22:45And you know, a guy like Benoit wants to fight.
22:47He wants to wrestle.
22:49He always is constantly wanting to prove himself,
22:51and he is one tough customer.
22:53But Ming, Ming is a savage animal.
22:55And if he's not fed and if he's not treated properly,
22:58he'll do whatever his master tells him,
23:00and his master is Kevin Sullivan.
23:04Lord Steven Regal, coming up at Slamboree,
23:08he will have a chance at regaining the TV belt
23:11against the Ultimate Dragon, a man,
23:14if you'll recall, watch out, oh my goodness.
23:16Couldn't hold him.
23:17A man that you'll recall,
23:19if you go back to a couple of weeks ago,
23:21right here on this program,
23:22Regal had a devoted hand in the Dragon
23:24becoming the TV champ.
23:26Snap suplex over the top, Benoit.
23:29Uh-oh, uh-oh.
23:30I think Regal needs a hand.
23:32Hey, here comes Sullivan and Jimmy Hart.
23:35And Jacqueline, oh my goodness.
23:39He's got Benoit in trouble,
23:40but he can't see from behind.
23:44He's gonna,
23:45Sullivan wants all this to himself.
23:48He hates Benoit.
23:49Hates him with a passion.
23:51Boy, that is an understatement,
23:52and then we've got, Benoit's firing back here now.
23:55You know, I've seen some of the biggest feuds
23:57in the history of this sport,
23:58but I've never seen two people go at it
24:00with more intensity than these two, Sullivan and Benoit.
24:03He picked his spot, did Kevin Sullivan,
24:05but Benoit was up to the task,
24:08and they are going literally toe to toe on the floor here.
24:11Kevin, Benoit, he's in no man's land out there.
24:15Sullivan, Jimmy Hart's right there too.
24:17Watch out.
24:18It's Jacqueline.
24:19Jacqueline from behind,
24:20and woman trying to pull Jacqueline off.
24:23Jimmy Hart's in the mix.
24:25Get away from her, Jimmy.
24:26She'll rip your head off.
24:28And there's Bing.
24:30He's got him by the throat.
24:32Well, that's death grip.
24:33Look at that.
24:34It's a vice grip nerve hold.
24:36And he's not letting go.
24:38Regal trying to help out.
24:40I don't know who he's trying to help out,
24:42but this is just a preview of a death match
24:45that we're gonna have at Camber with Ming and Benoit,
24:48and Ming will not let go.
24:50That's right, he is not letting loose,
24:52and Benoit is losing consciousness.
24:55He'll choke him out.
24:56Finally, I believe he dropped the hold.
25:00Look at the eyes on Ming.
25:02This guy's gone.
25:03But he's in a stare down with Kevin Sullivan.
25:05He doesn't know where he's at right now.
25:07He knows he's in a fight,
25:08and that's all he cares about.
25:10His instincts are to survive.
25:13Later on tonight, Ric Flair, Roddy Piper in action.
25:16Stay with us on Nitro.
25:27The following announcement
25:28has been paid for by the New World Order.
25:31NWO for life.
25:34He's got a tongue lashing.
25:35The madness is something which the macho man
25:38was trying to keep inside.
25:40I am the madness.
25:42But now the situation has totally escalated
25:45where the madness is totally out of control.
25:47Say that again three times.
25:50Did anybody hear what I was talking about?
25:51I like it.
25:53Take one.
25:55Between you and me, Diamond Dallas Page,
25:56the way I see it is that you and I
26:00are the road to disaster, right?
26:02That's right.
26:03That's right.
26:04You're it.
26:05Diamond Dallas Page.
26:07I am your master.
26:09I didn't know your name before, but I know it now.
26:11The fact is, you're in my world.
26:14And Kimberly's gonna witness the fact
26:17that her husband can't handle the macho man Randy Savage.
26:22Kimberly's been dreaming about the macho man Randy Savage.
26:25But that just shows she's got class, with a capital K.
26:29I don't think so.
26:30She would like to, but you got to understand
26:31the fact that I am the macho man Randy Savage.
26:34Your man is not the man that you thought that he was.
26:37So, the next time you meet me, DDP,
26:41you're gonna realize that you never should have knocked
26:44on the madness's door, because I am your worst nightmare.
26:49I like the way you said it.
26:50You feel it?
26:51You got to understand something.
26:53You're a wannabe.
26:55You and Kimberly both.
26:56I don't know what your problems are.
26:57NWO for life.
26:59It doesn't get any stronger than the macho man, dig it?
27:04The preceding announcement has been
27:06paid for by the New World Order.
27:10And in response to what we have just seen,
27:12which of course paid for by the NWO,
27:14I can only say, you're not gonna get any madder or
27:18any more determined than one DDP, Diamond Dallas Page.
27:22Yeah, Diamond Dallas Page, this man has been spending his whole life for
27:27this moment, getting in the ring.
27:28He already hurt Macho Man, and I got faith in Diamond Dallas Page, boys.
27:33I think he can end this man's career.
27:36Well, you can't count Savage out, or Diamond Dallas may be the center.
27:39What an entrance.
27:44He may be the centerfold in medical journal next month.
27:47I would agree.
27:47You know, when you ask Lex Luger what one thing sticks in his mind about the NWO,
27:52it is this.
27:53Let's take it back now to WCW Uncensored for
27:57the total package Lex Luger at the hands of the NWO, and
28:01especially Dennis Rodman getting spray painted.
28:05We'll never forget this moment, Bray.
28:07No, we won't.
28:08There he stands in the ring, Dennis Rodman with a can of spray paint,
28:12insulting former heavyweight champion, Lex Luger.
28:16There's no question, we have not seen Dennis Rodman at a WCW event since then.
28:21Hollywood Hulk Hogan, of course, has not been here.
28:24We've not seen him for a couple of weeks off doing his movie.
28:27And of course, with the Bulls in the playoffs, you never know what's going on.
28:30Here we go, the bell sounds, and it's Mickie J to start things.
28:34Coming up a little bit later on,
28:36it's gonna be the Charlotte Hornets against the New York Knicks.
28:41In the NBA playoffs, that is right here on TNT.
28:44And of course, because of the NBA playoffs,
28:47we are starting at 7 o'clock Eastern time and live for the next couple of weeks.
28:53You have a real tough tag team in the Amazing French Canadians.
28:56But for Luger and the Giant Brain, and Larry, you can't get any tougher than this.
29:01Well, let's see how amazing these guys are.
29:03They're in with the eighth and ninth wonder of the world.
29:06Just a genetic wonder in Lex Luger.
29:08And of course, the Giant stands alone, Tony.
29:11These guys better be amazing.
29:13Up, up.
29:15What a, Luger got hung to pride.
29:17Well, you don't see that happen to Luger too often, being manhandled like that.
29:21It took a great double team to do it, and that's what you're seeing right here.
29:25Live on WCW Monday Nitro, if you just joined us.
29:29Ladies and gentlemen, challenge was made by Ric Flair and
29:33Roddy Piper right at the beginning of this program.
29:37And from what we've heard from the NWO,
29:39they've accepted that tag team match for later on here tonight.
29:43Well, they came out, they sounded nonchalant, they say whatever.
29:47But I bet you my whole world expects that these guys are scared to death.
29:52They're on the phone with Hogan, you can bet on that.
29:55What do we do now, what do we do now?
29:56Help us, Hollywood, help us.
29:58Please, Hollywood, put down your Hollywood makeup and
30:00come over here off the set and talk to us.
30:02We're in trouble.
30:04Bray, I wouldn't talk too much if I were you.
30:06I mean, they're here and they're probably listening to what we say.
30:09I know Larry will hold his ground, but I'm not so sure about you.
30:12Look at this, again, a double team by the Canadians here.
30:16They got Luger in trouble, but he's wasting time here.
30:20Too much time, Larry.
30:22Fans, we've been talking a lot about some big events coming your way for
30:26our fans in Chicago and our fans in Moline, Illinois.
30:29Stand by during our next match, get your pen and paper ready.
30:33We're gonna give you some information concerning some big events coming your
30:36way, and The Giant wants a tag.
30:39And Friday in Chicago, I'm going to Chicago and I'll be doing ManCow show.
30:43You will?
30:44Yes, I will.
30:46ManCow, hottest radio personality, hotter than Howard Stern right now.
30:52That's his name, ManCow.
30:53Of course it is.
30:54Tag, Luger met 16.
30:56He got The Giant, he just stepped over the rope.
30:59And a double team.
31:00That's the smart thing to do, get him down if you can.
31:03If you can is the operative phrase here.
31:05Now the smart thing to do is to start running the other way.
31:09Big Foot, 7'4", 457 pounds, he's going for the Choke Slam.
31:17He walked right into it.
31:20And Luger's in too.
31:23And look at Rusev, he's in the top rope.
31:26Goodbye, Mr. Rusev.
31:29And Luger's got him in the rack.
31:31300 plus pounds.
31:35Hogan, get a load of this.
31:37Get a load of that, Hogan.
31:38You could be across the back of Lex Luger.
31:41You're in front to be in the hands of The Giant.
31:43Think about that, Hogan.
31:45Think about Luger.
31:46There's no question, Luger has the shot that he earned.
31:50Luger has the shot against Hollywood Hulk Hogan
31:53that he earned by winning the big main event
31:56recently on one of our big pay-per-view telecast
31:59a couple of months ago.
32:00And sooner or later down the road,
32:02Lex Luger's going to get that title shot
32:05against Hollywood Hulk Hogan.
32:07Back live on Nitro after this.
32:09Hooray for Hollywood.
32:17The greatest rivalry in pro football.
32:19Chicago Bears, Green Bay Packers
32:21comes to the ring at Slamboree.
32:23And two of the greatest names, Steve Mungo McMichael
32:26and Reggie White will hook it up
32:28for the first time ever in the ring.
32:32First time ever bringing two Super Bowl champions
32:34have met in a wrestling ring.
32:36You know, and there's so much pride involved in this.
32:38Mungo wants to win, not just to beat Reggie White,
32:41but to say the Bears beat the Packers.
32:43I'm the best football player ever in wrestling.
32:46And Reggie White wants to do the same thing.
32:48He's proud of what he's done.
32:51And there it is, Steve Mungo McMichael.
32:52Look at the beautiful flowers.
32:54I told Debra earlier, she said,
32:56aren't those flowers beautiful?
32:57I said, they certainly are.
32:58She said, they're not as beautiful as me.
33:01And she was right.
33:02All right, Larry, before you give us
33:03your opinion on that matchup,
33:04let's go back to a week ago on WCW Monday Nitro.
33:08It happened right here on TNT.
33:10Reggie White was at ringside when Steve McMichael
33:13came out with a hella burden
33:15to hand it apparently to his partner, Jeff Jarrett.
33:17The big man from the Green Bay Packers, number 92,
33:20comes out and stops the forward motion
33:23of the Chicago Bears right at the goal line.
33:27That was a stand.
33:28That was a stand.
33:29McMichael wants this.
33:30He gotta come get it from me, baby.
33:33How about that, Larry?
33:34What does he want a cowardly thing to do?
33:36Reggie White sneaks up on Mungo from behind.
33:40Obviously, Mr. White's afraid of McMichael.
33:43Oh, for crying out loud.
33:44Shut up.
33:45McMichael is head training.
33:47He's been in the ring.
33:48He's got the expertise of Anderson, of Ric Flair.
33:52Reggie White might be good on the gridiron,
33:54but he's stepping into a different world here, boys.
33:57And the Barbarian and Reggie White,
33:59or the Barbarian and Steve Mungo McMichael are going.
34:01See, you don't even know what world you're in right now.
34:02I know what world I am in,
34:04and Reggie White will be ready for Slammory.
34:07Mungo and the Barbarian here.
34:08All right, fans of Chicago, Monday, June 16th,
34:11Nitro comes to the United Center.
34:13Tickets will go on sale at noon this coming Friday, May 2nd.
34:17And the Great American Bash comes to Moline, Illinois,
34:21and tickets will go on sale in Moline this Saturday,
34:24May 3rd at 10 a.m.
34:26at the mark of the Quad Cities box office
34:29and all Ticketmaster locations.
34:31Get your tickets for the month of June
34:33in the state of Illinois for WCW Monday Nitro.
34:37Speaking of a monster of the midway in Chicago,
34:40Mungo should not turn his back on the Barbarian.
34:44Go ahead, Larry.
34:45Well, that was a big mistake.
34:46Mungo had him in trouble.
34:47I don't know what he was looking at.
34:48Maybe he's looking at Debra,
34:49and I don't think it's a good idea to have women out there.
34:52They're distracting, whether they're with you or against you.
34:56Well, Steve, I sent her back to the locker room.
34:59Well, you know as well as I do that Barbarian
35:01has been in a lot of tough ring wars,
35:03and he knows his way around that ring
35:05a lot better than McMichaels.
35:06So for McMichaels even to take a match like this,
35:09this close to his match with Reggie White
35:11proves to me what a competitor this guy is
35:13and how really down home tough he is.
35:16Well, see, McMichaels is getting experience as we speak.
35:19What's Reggie White doing?
35:22I don't know what Reggie White is doing,
35:25but you can't discount-
35:25I know what he's doing.
35:26Reggie White, you're talking about a man, Larry.
35:28What's he doing?
35:29Probably blowing up a bunch of footballs.
35:31See, there you go.
35:3312 times member of the Pro Bowl, 11 time All-Pro.
35:37The greatest sack leader in NFL history, Reggie White.
35:40Tony, football players, they do a play for 10 seconds.
35:43They all take a breather.
35:44They regroup.
35:45It's a different world out here
35:46and Mongo's used to it, Reggie White.
35:49Another thing Mongo told me,
35:51he said Reggie White was the kind of a player
35:53who wouldn't tackle the guy until six guys were holding.
35:55Oh, see?
35:57Bobby knows this stuff.
35:58Would you-
35:59Football's my life.
36:00Yeah, right.
36:00Would you two guys just shut up here for crying out loud?
36:04You're talking about one of the greatest defensive linemen ever
36:07in Reggie White.
36:08And by that, I'm not discounting Steve Mongo McMichael.
36:12Can't both of you guys do that for a change?
36:14Two great athletes, Bears, Packers,
36:16will collide coming up at Slamboree.
36:19Tony, Bears or Packers, one of your favorite teams?
36:22Well, Packers, one of my favorite teams.
36:24So you don't like the Bears, see?
36:25So you can say who you like.
36:27I'm not knocking you for that.
36:28I don't like any of the teams.
36:30I'm just going by what I see.
36:31And what I see is Mongo having more experience.
36:34And he's learning some of the hard way right here.
36:37Oh, barbarian.
36:38Hello, Halliburton number two.
36:42I don't think this will hurt his head.
36:44The referee, oh, well, there's booty.
36:47That gets everybody's attention.
36:48There's the beast.
36:49Oh, that hurt his head.
36:51Good night, barbarian.
36:52And there's always something in that case.
36:54That thing must weigh about 50 pounds.
36:56And think of the force.
36:57One, two, three, the barbarian will not get up.
37:01But think of this, Chivani.
37:03What a win.
37:04What a win for Steve Mongo McMichael
37:06over a tough, savvy veteran like the barbarian.
37:11And remember, a good woman will always let her man.
37:13Let's see what you're gonna get.
37:15Come on, Steve.
37:18The gorgeous Debra McMichael.
37:20Look at the dents on that Halliburton cage.
37:21What can I say?
37:22He's gonna need a new Halliburton.
37:23I'd like to see the dents in barbarian's head.
37:27When we come back, we're gonna go in the ring.
37:29Piper is here.
37:30Flair is here.
37:31That match is next live on Nitro.
37:34Get on the phone.
37:44The Icon and the Nature Boy are gonna come out.
37:46The Nature Boy still has his street clothes on.
37:48It doesn't matter.
37:49It doesn't matter to him.
37:50He wants the street fight is what he wants.
37:53Microphone in hand as they slowly make their way to the ring.
37:56For this much anticipated
38:01feature event here on Nitro.
38:04Very briefly, seven o'clock live eastern time next Monday.
38:09Once again, prior to the NBA on TNT.
38:12We come your way live.
38:14Make sure you join us in them.
38:16Of course, after this, we'll be going to the NBA playoff
38:19with the Hornets and Knicks here on TNT.
38:22But Flair and Piper in the ring.
38:24They got something they want to say before the NWO arrives.
38:30Go ahead, fellas.
38:31Hot Rod.
38:47What a duel.
38:48They're loose.
38:49It be time to fight.
38:52Why try to go out and fix what is not yet broken?
39:01Norfolk, Virginia, we are live.
39:11The Hot Rod, the Nature Boy, we would like the NWO out here right now.
39:20Oh, yeah.
39:21They've been called out.
39:23Draw the line in the sand of Virginia Beach.
39:28Nash, don't know about you, wanna find out.
39:33But Six, Six, I know I can whip your ass, pal.
39:41Because I've been the world champion more times than you've had.
39:53Piece of ass, pal.
39:59Don't look at me.
40:01I wouldn't look at you.
40:06So where are they?
40:07They've been called out now, and they've dropped the microphone.
40:13They are challenging the NWO to come out.
40:15And basically, earlier, the outsider said, yeah, whatever, here we come.
40:20Oh, and here's the music.
40:23But there's more NWO members than there are Piper and Flair out there right now.
40:28Do you think that matters to them?
40:30Oh, of course it doesn't matter to them, but it's not healthy.
40:31Yeah, but you gotta be smart about the situation, Tony.
40:34I mean, you've got to be smart about it.
40:36These guys are cowards.
40:38They're pack rats.
40:39They'll come out in groups.
40:40And they've been using boards and bats and whatever they can get their hands on.
40:45I don't think this is a wise move.
40:47We heard the NWO music, and I don't know what in the world is going on here.
40:52Where are these guys?
40:54I don't know.
40:54Hauling Nash.
40:55They're really quick to shoot off their mouth.
40:57Wait, everybody's pointing up in the air.
40:59This must be Sting.
41:00Wait a minute, it's Papers.
41:04From the top of the Norfolk Sculpt, Papers are coming down everywhere.
41:10The highest form of propaganda you're witnessing right now.
41:13Who's gonna pick up this?
41:14Is this all you got?
41:17What did one of those papers say?
41:19What does it say, anyway?
41:21Somebody get me one of those papers.
41:23They are coming-
41:24Is this all you got?
41:25There it is.
41:26Come on!
41:27Is this all you got?
41:29Come on!
41:30Tradition bites NWO for life is what it says.
41:34Come on, boys!
41:36You drew the house!
41:37Come on down and face it!
41:40Hot Rod!
41:43A smack right in the face of Flair.
41:45And that's Bischoff's doing, you can tell that.
41:47And Piper, and what they stand for, tradition against renegades, against rebels,
41:54against guys, thugs, gang members, if you will, who just don't give a damn.
42:00And right now, they are letting their propaganda do their talking.
42:05But where are they?
42:07Piper looks like he can't read.
42:11He knows what it means if he can't read, believe me.
42:16He can read.
42:18Where are the cowards?
42:20Well, you said a mouthful there, legend.
42:24Oh, here they are!
42:25I didn't expect them to come out at all.
42:28I thought it would just be the propaganda, and that would be it.
42:33Foot, foot, foot knife.
42:42Now they're making their way to the ring here.
42:44Yeah, but they're not making their way very fast.
42:47They sent six out.
42:49Ah, Six wanted to go all on his own.
42:52And Flair and Six are going at it!
42:53Yeah, but that's not smart!
42:55That's almost like a trap!
42:57That's exactly-
42:58Hell, a back kick!
43:00And Ric Flair!
43:03It doesn't matter if he's got his shirt and pants on.
43:06Watch when Piper sees what's going on.
43:09Figure Four on the floor on Six.
43:11Yeah, but there's too many guys right there!
43:12Hall's right there!
43:15Piper could see this, I would think.
43:17And Flair right now getting Triple T!
43:19Come on, hurry, run!
43:20Go get him!
43:23Ric Flair all alone here!
43:26Where's Piper going?
43:28Where is Piper?
43:31Flair fighting three men!
43:33Flair's getting beaten by three!
43:35And where's Piper?
43:39He's just standing in there!
43:43What is he doing?
43:44He's pleading for Piper to help him.
43:50Come on, Roddy!
43:52Here he comes!
43:54Roddy Piper is there!
43:56Roddy Piper!
