• last month


00:00I want to welcome you guys to our special show so nice to see all of you guys again in a minute
00:06we're gonna bring out the final three and
00:09Ask them some questions, and we want to ask you guys some questions as you all know Austin was the last
00:17Designer to be eliminated, so we want to show a little video clip of those last special moments for Austin I
00:26Don't know what to do about Austin. We can't seem to get him out of the box of this couture world
00:39You are the winner of this challenge Nancy Odell did pick your dress to wear to the Grammys so you're in
00:49Austin that means you're out
00:51It doesn't thank you. Thank you. All right. Goodbye
01:05Austin once it had time to sink in what was your reaction of being eliminated?
01:09You know I don't think I really ever look back Heidi to be honest because I know that just being on the show I feel
01:15A winner already. I really do I'm getting that far just having a chance to show a little bit of
01:21Myself to the world, and I think all of us could say that is
01:24You know such a prize
01:26Do you think you should have been eliminated? No? I don't think I should have been eliminated. I
01:32Don't say that I think I'm
01:36Exactly what the show was looking for in their American designer of the future necessarily, but I
01:43Do think that I was
01:46Talented enough to make it to the final three is it to mean to ask of you to say who should have gone instead
01:54Of course I think you know the popular
01:58Vote would be that Wendy probably didn't deserve to go
02:02Do you know that Nancy Odell picked?
02:05Wendy's dress mm-hmm
02:08She won that challenge. I don't think it was between Wendy and Austin
02:12I think Wendy did good because it was very grammy, and he's he was doing like Oscar rock
02:18I definitely think Austin should have been in the final three in lieu of Wendy so since we all love
02:24Mr.. Austin Scarlett so much. We have a little tribute to you
02:35Ridiculous he's just like the most eclectic weirdo
02:42I feel that I was put on this earth to give beauty back to the world
03:01That's not he takes pride in the way he looks
03:06Think is in the wrong century
03:09We think Austin is like a vampire that he's lived from the 18th century and the winner of Miss Postal Service
03:172004 goes to
03:24Whenever he had a problem or so you just do this
03:43All right, I think that is that
03:51So with Austin being out that means our three finalists are Karas on J. And Wendy
03:57What do you think about our three finalists?
04:00Um I think it should have been me
04:03Alex Andrea and Kevin there you go. I think we're the we're the most talented designers
04:10It's time to bring out our three finalists and the first one is Karas on
04:22Thank you our next finalist is Jay McCarroll
04:35Said haven't changed you are over the top today
04:41You look like a doily
04:44But thank you sir, okay, it's time to bring out our third finalist Wendy pepper
04:49Don't act like you're happy to see me sit down
04:54You look different. Yep. Did my hair and did your hair you changed it. Yep
05:00got rid of the glasses and
05:03Shaved off a few pounds since I was here last time and how has it been for you since the show started airing?
05:07It's been a wonderful experience. I mean it's been a really fun experience
05:10I've been here for a long time, but I've been here for a long time, but I've been here for a long time
05:14I've been here for a long time, but I've been here for a long time
05:17It's been a wonderful experience, I mean it's been a little rough for me as the shows have continued to air
05:23but I've had people write me and
05:26Some of them have been pretty upset with me because of the way that I acted on the show
05:31Why did you choose to be so strategic in your competition?
05:36Because I want to win. I mean, you know, I came to win based on what?
05:43I'm sorry. Did you rely on your
05:46Raw talent or did you rely on malicious trickery in order to get you to where you are now?
05:51First of all, the judges were not
05:55Gonna be responsive to any kind of
05:59Strategy on my part. So obviously they saw a talent and as far as my fellow designers
06:05I treated them as if they were trying to eliminate me. We knew that 11 of us had to go
06:12evil to all of
06:14Everyone and your daughter. What does yeah, I mean you basically said you would step over anyone to win
06:19I mean, I don't think that's I think
06:22We were all really nice to you because we felt sorry for you because you're such a terrible designer
06:26You're like a mother of whatever however many kids you have and then you just stepped on all of us
06:31I think the way that we play this game is the way we play in life if you're cut through a person if you're a
06:37Liar if you're a stealer if you strategize on the show
06:39That's what you do in life
06:40And I worked really hard
06:42to get to where I am and do it in a way that I can respect myself and I can respect other people and you
06:47Can really see the difference between Karas on and Wendy. Well, here's the thing
06:50See, I think maybe people misunderstand my objective by coming on the show
06:54I didn't come on the show to interact with my fellow designers. I came on the show
06:58That is so typical so cliche of an answer. I don't regret my approach
07:02I just assumed that we were all doing the best we could in this
07:08difficult environment to
07:10Get to the end because to me, that's the point get yourself to the end now
07:16Through our work. It's not about getting to the end. It's about how you get to the end
07:20our viewers have a great deal of interest in Wendy and
07:24via the Bravo TV comm website, they've
07:28Written some questions that I'd like to present Wendy when you watch the show
07:33Were you surprised by how nasty you came across when I look at the show?
07:37I'm a little bit uncomfortable with how I come across but this was a unique set of circumstances
07:43It was a pressure cooker environment
07:44it brought out a lot of emotion with all of us designers and some of us for the purposes of defending ourselves and
07:51Preserving our sanity had to engage in certain behaviors that allowed us to simply get through the day
07:59I mean, I don't think people can understand how difficult it was
08:03Do you feel that you're happiest Wendy designing in your flow and just
08:08Really feeling the art or did you feel happiest when you're winning?
08:12Ultimately, it's about you and your art. Ultimately
08:14I really appreciate this question because I think it goes to the fact that
08:18At least I own up to the fact that I have strategic motives
08:23And I think if you look around this group, you see a lot of people who are not exactly honest about their methods
08:31Wendy's this is not survivor. I don't get it. Don't sell your soul to get anywhere because you may need it one day
08:39Cheers cheers to that. Yeah, if anybody needs any tape or paper pattern paper, just let me know
08:53Now I want to talk a little bit about the challenges what was the hardest challenge you think I
08:59Think the first challenge is the first no question
09:03Everything that you will use to design and fabricate this challenge must be purchased here
09:09And just the nervousness of the first challenge, you know
09:11What is it gonna be like, you know and and just walking into that grocery store that you're feeling was like
09:16What am I gonna do here? We have another question from a viewer. What was your security blanket during the competition?
09:22I'll call
09:24No, I'm at the end of day you're working like a dog and then finally it's all up to like the deadline and then
09:31Then what do you do? And you know, then after that you can like breathe
09:35So yeah, we would like let it all hang out when it's the night
09:39You really didn't that's why we called it project drunk way drunk
09:47When we weren't working we were pretty much drinking and chain-smoking
10:03There have been times that have been upstairs in 39th see everybody's drinking
10:09When you drink you lose control
10:16There are great performances with Austin and Vanessa when they were doing gone with the wind
10:34Let's do some yoga shall we yes
10:37I've never done drunk yoga before my yoga instructors gonna be horrified
10:53Although I was scared out of my mind to come on the show
11:19Love Vanessa
11:22You know speaking of project drunk way I have to comment that this looks like some blood has been spilled
11:29Something of a metaphor
11:31Conversations, so let's talk a little bit about the runway shows. Who was the hardest judge?
11:37Nina Garcia
11:40Jay, I think that you missed it on the color
11:45I'm a little disappointed in your design. I don't know. I feel you didn't put enough effort into it. This just feels not
11:53Well executed. How about Michael?
11:59The dress fits her
12:02Really gorgeously. Those are the shorts from hell. I think you did an amazing job. I'm underwhelmed
12:09On the topic of judging we have a question from a viewer again, and this question is for Vanessa
12:17Do you regret your runway confession that you do not sew well?
12:21Tell the judges who on your team should be in and who should be out
12:28Vanessa I
12:30Think if I was gonna choose anyone, I think I probably choose myself because I'm the worst sower
12:39Austin it's just a you know simple fact that Vanessa just isn't as
12:45Adept and sewing as Wendy and I
12:48I do so well
12:51Actually, I say really well
12:53However, I was fed up worn out doing Austin's bow peep outfit
12:59I was dissatisfied and pissed off now Austin knew that we both knew that right?
13:05I was not a bad member on the team. Yeah, like once I said, oh, you know what?
13:09I've got verbal diarrhea and I think I was the worst on the team. It was like, okay, I
13:14agree with you I
13:16At that point just was trying to be completely honest
13:22Wendy had already chosen me. I could have very easily been. Oh, well, you know, I've got a you know, kick her back do this
13:30For you know trying to eliminate me. I just had to
13:34name the
13:36Weakest link for that instance, even though you're such a fabulous designer and you know, we were sewing
13:41I mean she was on the team. So that was she was a weak link in that very instance
13:45But as a designer that has no reflection
13:51I'm sorry, my my sales go from 2.5 million to like 700,000 to 500,000 to
13:58Nothing, but the bottom line for me is that it really has no reflection of your yes
14:04It's had an enormous reflection on my career huge. Let me tell you how many sewing kits I received in the mail. It's insane
14:12From Walmart, yes sewing kit after sign get Vanessa. We really want you to learn how to sew I'm like
14:19Vanessa in retrospect
14:21Do you feel it was an error to have in your own way self eviscerated on that runway in this fantasy land of project runway
14:28It's probably an error on the topic of the runway judging and things that one might regret Wendy
14:35Do you have any feelings in retrospect about your interaction with Austin on that?
14:40very memorable runway judging
14:42Wendy who on your team should be out. I
14:46Did feel that Austin could have done a better job with leadership
14:51Or your interaction with Kevin on
14:54The judging that eliminated Kevin Wendy. Can you comment just a little bit about Kevin as a leader?
15:02Okay, I personally felt that Kevin was not as active as a leader as he could have been
15:07I think the collection could have been better directed had he been more involved in getting us on the same path
15:14Well, I'll take there. There are two different situations. The first one with Austin was, you know, really just a terribly difficult
15:23Circumstance now I decided that
15:26Vanessa had really tried her hardest to
15:30realize Austin's goal and
15:33So I could not in good conscience choose Vanessa as the weaker member
15:38So I was left with no choice but to say Austin as he was in charge. How about Kevin?
15:45In terms of Kevin and I felt his leadership was lacking and I said it
16:04You guys really learned also very well how to impersonate each other. No Nora's great on that
16:14It's impossible for me to have stolen your die I didn't take the bitches die that's for sure
16:19I didn't steal the bitches die. I didn't steal the bitches die. I didn't take that bitches die. That's for sure
16:25one of my best impersonations is
16:28Alessandra hi, my name is Alexandra Vidal. This is Alessandra Vidal when I was a little girl
16:34I loved Barbie dolls and like it's so hot in here
16:36You know what? I mean? And like I totally don't even know if I should put more lipstick on. There's Mario
16:42Fashion whatever I'm gonna go take a nap. Enjoy life
16:46It's the best-looking garbage guy dressed ever I think Daniel what did you have for breakfast Wow for breakfast?
16:51I had egg whites on wheat toast and I put some butter on it Kevin
16:57I can do really well. My goal is to be a great a great American designer. I really want to be the next
17:06My mumbling and he kind of like wiggles his eyes around like that
17:25We felt like we couldn't find Nora in your wedding dress at all
17:28We haven't really seen you in your design and fashion is all about what's in and what's out either you're in or you're out
17:46Now I want to bring it over to Tim who helped you guys
17:49Advised you guys and I don't know where y'all would be now if it wouldn't be for Tim
17:53You did such a great job. So we have a little video of you. I'm afraid
18:02Make it work is our project from my name Tim Gunn's favorite slogan. Make it work. Make your postal thing work
18:10It's called make it work. Make it work. Make it work
18:16Carry on make sure carry on make it work carry on carry on carry on carry on carry on carry on
18:24carry on carry on
18:26Okay, carry on. I'm gonna carry on myself. All right. All right. I'm reluctantly leaving you
18:33Good luck
18:44Tim I remember the first time we were filming we we all went to the steps of Parsons
18:51This will be your working space. This is Tim Gunn and
18:56There next to you Heidi was this like nicely dressed articulate man, and I just looked at him like what a hot bitch
19:03He really was he no, no he was well-composed and you know
19:08I just hope I look as good as he does
19:10When he every time he would come into the room
19:12He would let you know as far as what you were doing if it was the right direction
19:16He was dead on every time all the little things he would say like when you got to the runway you would think oh my god
19:22Tim did mention
19:24I should have listened to him. What was the most difficult thing you've ever heard from Tim?
19:28I had a terrible time with Tim on the last challenge that top is looking matron like
19:33Compared to the to the modernness of that skirt
19:37Tim just goes that that and I completed that that and it was much much much much much better
19:42I don't even know what I would have done without that Wendy my work was dowdy
19:52remember that moment
19:54Michael Kors is stuck on the fact that your looks are dowdy for some reason
20:01He felt it necessary to say that the judges think my clothes are dowdy from a functional standpoint
20:07I feel like that was a good shoe. I'm trying to help you here. Please don't defend the shoe to me frankly
20:15I wanted to wake Wendy up. It's like you know something you're thinking in a dowdy way
20:19This is where you are right now. Let's get out of it coming from you
20:22I mean it absolutely woke me up and
20:26The thing that was wonderful that was it came at right the right time during the poster design challenge
20:31There was also something that happened to Wendy
20:33That wasn't very nice someone drew on Wendy's daughter's picture
20:39And we have a little clip that I want to show you
20:42We came back to Parsons
20:43And you know we all went and sat at our tables
20:45Which is what we usually do and I look down and I see this line drawn through my daughter's picture
20:51Somebody drew on my picture of my daughter
20:56And I want to say to you guys
20:58I apologize if you all are mad at me if I've done something wrong if you are mad at me for how I treated Kevin
21:04If you're mad at me for how I treated you I want to say to you that I meant no harm, but if you wanted to
21:11You know do psychological warfare on me. You did a good job. It's the absolute
21:17Quintessential image of my daughter. You know she's dressed up, and she's looking up in the sky
21:23And she's just so happy and so beautiful. You know it's the only way I have
21:28I've heard like that. Okay. I don't have a copy. I don't have the negatives
21:33That's it
21:34How dare anybody do that to my daughter? She's really good at hiding her emotions obviously because she always just looks cold
21:40So when you see her cry, you know in public you know that something's kind of
21:45Yeah, that's totally intentional
21:47Maybe it was one of the models. Maybe it was Kevin. I would love to know the outcome because I love that kind of dirt
21:52Who was it?
21:56Why are you saying I didn't say Kevin
22:02I'm not blaming him. I was shocked when I saw all of this who did that
22:06I want to know step up be a grown-up and say who painted on her daughter's face sounded like retribution
22:12Kevin why would it be me?
22:15Would suspect you because of the timing it happened after Wendy basically eviscerated you on the runway
22:24Kevin you were alone in the room
22:32I think Wendy might have done it to us. Okay?
22:37It was a terrible terrible terrible
22:39It was horrible
22:41Horrible horrible thing, especially since her daughter has nothing to do with the show. Oh, maybe it would be in perfect timing or whatever, but
22:48It wasn't me. So how about it was Wendy then you did it to him picture
22:55Vanessa that's really cold. I mean for as much hatred as I think some people have here for Wendy. That was the lowest
23:01Grossest thing that you know, I'm like getting better shape about it, but it was horrible if someone did that to me
23:07I would I would have lost it
23:10No, but if I had a picture of my mother if someone you know, are you do you have a soul? Honestly, Vanessa?
23:16Why do you act like this? You're so soulless. I'm taking yoga class my god. I
23:22Think that's silly thing with the picture was ridiculous. Whoever did it. I
23:27Mean acted out of uncontrolled anger. It's just so silly. I don't even
23:33Think it's really even worth discussing to be honest
23:37Can I have a banana again? I like them for breakfast. I like them for lunch. I like them
23:51You guys worked hard very very hard and when you guys are we're not designing
23:55You were doing interviews and a lot of people at home don't know that how really was
23:5924-7 designing interviewing from one studio to the next studio and you guys got a little delirious every once in a while
24:06Clip again, please
24:11Welcome it's just like humiliation to have a man blow up the sweat off of your face
24:18Like me and him are completely opposite, you know, I mean just I mean just being for more, you know genitals not genitals
24:24How do you say that after we picked our models then Hody Hody? I said a party
24:30Killed everybody. Oh dick loom SNM as a sadistic mannerism
24:35Maccas's Maccas's a max masochism
24:40So after we picked our models with the button process Hody
24:48Sado masochism it's Karas on and she had to choose between the Sado and the Maccas ism. She would like to see it as of it
24:55after the challenge
25:02Damn it English class 101. I never got into that crap either either or said the system or masochism
25:07I just like I just like to be in the middle
25:10Sparkles, I mean as much as I was running around like that, you know ahead without a chicken
25:15I was still you know, I'm still thinking I'm in the game. What about your strategy in terms of the other competitors in this?
25:26Don't know what the hell half hippo drama queen hippo, I'm sorry hippie the half hippie the hippie hippo
25:32I fly falafel eyes my bodice. I've lost my fluff
25:38falafel size
25:42It's hard for me to make a strategy as far as the other competitors because I don't know who I'm up against
25:53Have a few of the models here today, I want to bring them out Melissa Jenny Julia and Martini
26:05How are all of you it's great to see you
26:09So, how has it been for you guys since the show started airing crazy people recognizing you on the street differently than before. Yeah
26:16They go on castings have been recognized by their models or by the casting agent we have a question here
26:23What made certain models preferable over others?
26:27Did you develop a favorite model to work with and why for me? It was really an essential
26:34Component of the show. This was the real I could have relationships with the models that weren't
26:40Competitive in nature. It meant a lot to me
26:50Went on personality, I really I you know, Julia is studying graphic design so we could relate to certain things
26:56I mean there was I
26:58Would never work with Olga and she was seems like a terrible person to me as far as being a model
27:03I mean, she doesn't know her role as a model
27:06Can you take this off me, please? I
27:09Know you guys had a lot of fun and let's have a look. Hello cameras. How are you guys doing today?
27:20The models were a great part of the show, I mean they definitely added some, you know, some more on purely like more pizzazz
27:37Push me to a good marry now
27:40I travel the oceans for you. I'd like to marry you
27:53Melissa she's vivacious flirtatious. She loves the attention
28:00Every single outfit she did she worked it. It's like a 36 year old trapped in a 16 year old body
28:15Morgan is not with us tonight in
28:18Order to appear she insisted that we sign a letter stating that we would not portray her in a negative way
28:26To begin for Morgan, that's a little difficult
28:29But when you see the next clip, you'll understand why it was impossible for us to sign such a letter
28:41I'll from hell Morgan conkers and killed the world
28:48The whole Morgan drama was just nuts
29:01She's been difficult
29:28Insert this viewer question also
29:32Granted Morgan has a great walk, but was working with her worth all the drama
29:38Morgan is a big problem. But when you got her in the right group, she's the she was like
29:44Melissa took her job the most seriously as a model. She was totally serious. She was doing a job
29:52Melissa has like the perfect balance of
29:56Drive beauty to really make it where Morgan is fabulous, but you know, you've got to
30:01Be a little more professional Martinique. You wanted to say something with having to do with Morgan bad publicity can be good publicity
30:11To have a negative image of yourself well Julia Melissa
30:15Jenny, what do you think about what Martinique said?
30:18She did a few crazy things that got her a good publicity, but it didn't do anything good for the designer in particular
30:24I mean she
30:25Did some pretty big risks for them, which could have you know grown their particular dreams like Kevin for instance in the bathing suit
30:32That could've been really bad for him Morgan said that she's going to a club. I don't know if it's good to wear my outfit
30:43Before I send away the three finalists, I want to know from the designers if there are any open questions that you have
30:50for each other
30:54Vanessa I read an article
30:57An interview with you that was scathing
30:59I just want to hear your opinion on why the hell you would ever leak that much information. I
31:07Don't know who else read it
31:09The part that I did read that when I decided to stop reading it was this one small piece that said that you know
31:16Something about how we thought that there was gonna be a different group of people and that out of all of them together
31:21I chose these talent. You know the talent was so low and
31:26They weren't professional, and they just made clothes for their grandmothers for me personally that kind of kind of hit me in a little bit
31:33Like you know what way in the way that like I did get chosen out of 1,200 people to come on or however many people
31:39To come on this show
31:41Even with you know two years experience. I wasn't expecting to go
31:46To New York and so things in a little room with other people
31:50I thought it was gonna be different, and I say that on the telephone to this girl
31:54It was very sour grape and very unprofessional, and I just being a part of that you were you were it wasn't a professional interview
32:01Well, it was with somebody on the telephone that was talking. Did you not know where it was going?
32:07So they did it behind your back. It wasn't it was with an ex-intern of mine. I was answering questions on the
32:13Internet on the telephone
32:15And I didn't say anything
32:19Information about you kind of grouped us together in and said very negative things about the show and for for me
32:26I mean I took this whole thing very seriously it feels very close to my heart now and for you
32:30It's just for you to dislike that so much
32:33I mean you're obviously having a problem with the show because you're like gonna show your collection on Friday
32:38And I'm not but I was talking on the telephone about things that were important
32:42I don't even know if they were important. I was just talking and what were you thinking?
32:45You can't tell an interviewer that you thought the production that you're on that you want to gain so much out of it to put
32:51Down a show that has given me and everybody else here a great opportunity. I just think it's wrong
32:59This is my opinion you just like so my opinion is I appreciate the show
33:04I'm not gonna put it down knowing that there are 11 other people here some who are showing their show summer or not
33:09But other so many other people are going on to amazing things from this show
33:13Why is it so sour though? I know what you would be saying something different. No, what do you know what?
33:19This is I Vanessa. There's jobs. I haven't gotten in this world. We're all in the real world
33:24I remember talking to Jay about it
33:25And there was like a good time for like about a week or so that I was like oh my god
33:30You know I'm a psychopathic emotional basket case, and it's littered all over the internet, and I'm thinking to myself
33:37no matter what I
33:39Sign myself to do this I put myself, and I put my emotions out there the bottom line is that we signed up to do it
33:49All night you've been so sour about this because I don't want to be here
34:03As soon as he was born I just ran out of the hospital with him see beautiful
34:10Here it's yours
34:21For some reason we don't know well we have appropriate remains
34:25We did not like the last conversation we have a red wine stain decided to come back and some shards of glass representing her
34:31Yes, it was that last conversation
34:33We send away cars on Jane Wendy's and we also put a great video package together of what you guys had to say
34:40And who you thought should win Project Runway?
34:44Who the final three of being Jay Caras on and Wendy and if the winner had to be one I
34:55Predict Caras on is gonna win Jason when I'm just gonna say right now Jay's gonna win
35:04Caras on I think Caras not gonna win the runway show you know what I'm going to win
35:10Seriously I'm going to
35:16All I can say is that I plan to win
35:20No one really knows, but I would say probably Caras on
35:25I'm I'm going probably with the public's reaction probably of Jake I was having Jay will win
35:33Well I predict, I'm gonna win
35:39So now that they're all gone, I think we can speak more openly I want to know from you guys
35:44Who do you think will win?
35:45Caras on why because she's the most dedicated the one with a little spirit the most with a positive energy
35:52She's been doing it for a long time. She's has variation or collection, but it's still focused. She's gonna take it
36:00I think Jay also has something that's very consistent though
36:03I mean he may come across as very wild in his personality, but each challenge his work is beautiful amazing and consistently Jay
36:10Just like Caras on I think it's a 50-50 toss-up regardless of who wins
36:14We're gonna have a loss because either one of them should go
36:18I think Jay like myself is just a little maybe too
36:23in his own
36:26I think you and Caras on are similar in that you're more of a costume
36:33Jays more, I think he's more as a capsule. It's called image. Let's go. I'll go punky Bruce
36:40Thank you. You see a J. Peace. No Daniel
36:45What if Wendy one
36:48I wouldn't be I wouldn't be really happy quite honest as much as Caras on
36:53Do you realize she has a chance she has a 33% chance of winning this thing?
36:58Just whoever's gonna be the most exciting. I think we'll win. No one knows who will win
37:03We're gonna have a two-hour special here on Bravo, and then we're gonna find out who will win
37:08Project runway, and I want to thank you guys for coming for this
37:12Special show that we did tonight Tim Gunn. Thank you