• last month


00:00I was in the bottom last week, my friend Victor went home.
00:04I love you.
00:06I love you.
00:07I'm really sad, and it's just starting to become
00:11even more fierce competition around here.
00:13I do really respect what he does with corsets and leather
00:16and costuming and stuff like that, and he really loved it.
00:20It just made it a little tough.
00:22What did you say yesterday?
00:23You're only as good as your last design on the runway.
00:36Turn the lights off.
00:38It's too dark for me.
00:41Is it spooky? Oh, my God.
00:42What is that?
00:43Is this what not to wear?
00:45Something's in there.
00:48Oh, my God!
00:49Oh, my God!
00:50What's going on, y'all?
00:56What are you doing?
00:59Sit, sit, sit.
01:01All right, designers, I came up with this next challenge myself...
01:05You did?
01:06...for this exact moment.
01:09Oh, wait.
01:10Whatever this is, I don't like it.
01:12There comes a point in this competition
01:14when you have to make your mark.
01:17You have to find a way to separate yourself
01:19from the rest of the pack
01:20and demand that the judges take notice.
01:23And now, with immunity off the table more than ever,
01:26like we just saw...
01:27Mm-hmm. day you're in, the next you can be out.
01:31Literally. Scary.
01:34I love it.
01:35Oh, yeah. I know.
01:36Each of you must create a fabulous runway look...
01:41...from this single bolt of fabric.
01:45Come on, baby!
01:46Tell me what I got.
01:47Oh, my God!
01:48What's the fabric?
01:49It's a big bolt of fabric.
01:51It's such a primal red
01:54that this is gonna be hard to work with.
01:56I'm gonna make sure the workroom is stocked
01:58with all the things you need.
01:59Lining, buckram, boning, everything.
02:02I don't want to hear it.
02:03It's an even playing field.
02:06That's what we need.
02:08There are no other rules when it comes to the design.
02:10You just get to do you.
02:11So, do I love the color red?
02:14Uh, not really,
02:15but I'm so excited to put something out on the runway
02:19that really just speaks to who I am.
02:22All right, Cateau, you won the last challenge.
02:25So, for your advantage, you get first choice of models.
02:29Designers, I've always wanted to be here.
02:31Booty dance.
02:32She cute.
02:33Girl, you killed it, but I pick Roberta.
02:39Everyone else is gonna get your model by a random draw.
02:43Here comes the fun part.
02:45Oh, Jesus.
02:52What does this mean?
02:54It's 110 yards.
02:57You guys can decide how you divide it up amongst yourselves.
03:00You guys have 45 minutes to divide the fabric up
03:03and sketch in the workroom.
03:05Because guess what?
03:07This is a one-day challenge.
03:08I knew it.
03:09Yeah, I knew it was coming.
03:10Oh, boy.
03:11I hate one-day challenges.
03:12I wish it never existed.
03:13Thanks, Christian.
03:14You're the greatest.
03:15This competition just got real.
03:17Real real.
03:18Right now.
03:19Real real quick.
03:20This is the one bold challenge,
03:21which is very fitting,
03:22because I want to bold out of here.
03:24Come grab your fabric.
03:25Here you go.
03:27Oh, God.
03:28Take it to the workroom.
03:29Come on.
03:30Come on.
03:31You can do it as a team.
03:33There you go.
03:34I'm a queen.
03:35Queens don't carry stuff.
03:37Watch this step.
03:38Watch this step.
03:39Please be careful.
03:40One more step.
03:41All right.
03:42All right, let's set it up.
03:43All right.
03:44Let's agree on how much.
03:45Ten a piece, right?
03:46Ten yards.
03:47Each team, take your tens.
03:49I'm going to do it old school way,
03:50because I promise you I'm good at this.
03:52One, two.
03:55How does it feel?
03:56It's dense.
03:58Okay, Katoa, I got you, baby.
04:01I mean, I like the feel of it.
04:03This is a really nice sweep.
04:05Is that fusible?
04:08This is actually very challenging.
04:10Same boat, same color,
04:12same fabric for all the designers.
04:14This is crazy,
04:15but it can really push the designer
04:17to do things creatively.
04:19I'm a very conceptual designer,
04:21so I have to think something outside of a box.
04:25I am using ruffle constructed by the boning
04:28to make the two pieces of the cage
04:30from the top of the head and the body
04:33and let the rest of the ruffle drip to the floor.
04:39Okay, she drapes.
04:43I'm definitely trying to do
04:44a gender-mendy, queer, fluid look for this challenge.
04:47I've been wanting to do a pair of pants
04:49where the crotch turns into a tie closure.
04:51I think it's really a cool, size-inclusive way of working
04:54because it really can fit multiple shapes.
04:56I really want to make a hat.
04:57I think pants and a top and maybe a jacket
04:59would be really good.
05:00I just have so many ideas,
05:01and I really hope I have the time to get them all out.
05:10So I'm thinking of making definitely separate.
05:13I want a top that buttons up the front,
05:15has little strappy details,
05:16and then these, like, sleeves that hang off the shoulder.
05:20I want to just create this, like, beautiful full pant
05:22that has a placket down the center of the leg,
05:26and it opens up where it's giving, like,
05:28old Adidas but high fashion.
05:30Very sporty, cool girl.
05:33So I'm finally getting to showcase my aesthetic.
05:36You've got to, like, give it depth somehow.
05:38I think I'll do that with, like, a cool topstitch.
05:44Oh, it's gonna get annoying over here.
05:47I have my speed cutter.
05:56Hester, I love you, but it is so loud.
05:59Does it not sound like a dying cow?
06:02It's coming back.
06:03This is crazy.
06:04This is crazy, people.
06:06Coming up...
06:08What are you doing?
06:10You love that.
06:11Uh, yes.
06:13I'm gonna murder you.
06:15Your crotch is a little wonky.
06:16I am definitely seeing fit issues.
06:18Fish, I need you.
06:19I'm definitely starting to feel a fear.
06:31I have a feeling these 11 hours are gonna fly by.
06:34What do you think about all this red?
06:36It's making me sick.
06:38Yeah, same.
06:39The premise is to create an outfit
06:41to stand out from the rest of the competition.
06:44How are you gonna do that if we're using the same red fabric?
06:48This red is way too much.
06:50But that's why I'm thinking, like,
06:51let me go with a soft drape, let me make it move.
06:54To stand out, I'm doing a jumpsuit
06:56that looks like a dress from the front
06:58and a jumpsuit from the back.
07:00Unexpected a little bit.
07:03What you over there doing, Big Boss?
07:05Oh, just, you know, sewing some fabric.
07:07What color did you choose?
07:09Um, you know, this red that was available.
07:11That's what I'm doing.
07:13Get the...out of here.
07:14We have to create something that showcases who we are.
07:18I do avant-garde streetwear-style designs
07:22that feature something that you've probably seen
07:25but just not in the element that I created it.
07:28So I'm working on a blazer that has exaggerated shoulders.
07:33I am taking a big-ass risk
07:35because fusible interfacing is meant to make structure.
07:39But you know what?
07:40I'm using it as visible fabrication
07:42in hopes that the judges get it.
07:45Lavance, are you braiding this?
07:49Ha-ha, they want to know, right?
07:51When I saw the all red,
07:53I'm thinking I want to make a...
07:56I'm thinking I want to make a bomber jacket
07:59with flowers to create texture.
08:01I'm going to be in a sea of other red stuff,
08:04but nobody's going to do that the way I'm doing it.
08:08Red alert!
08:09It's time for a walkthrough.
08:16What are you making?
08:17Since the judges have seen dresses all the time with me,
08:22I thought I would show them something
08:24that I'm really passionate about, which is tailoring.
08:26I'm thinking of making a very cool tailored suit
08:29with wide-leg pants.
08:30It's my version of the power suit, but for a young girl.
08:34Fabulous, but that's not really your biggest strength.
08:37Do you think?
08:38You're the best at making the most stunning tailored suit
08:41that Nina Garcia's ever seen?
08:42I mean...
08:43It's tough.
08:44This is a challenge to be you,
08:45to show them what you do as a great, talented designer.
08:50All right, good luck.
08:55Hi, Brittany.
08:56Hi, Christian.
08:57How did you come up with this moment here?
09:00You know, I do a lot of activewear,
09:01so I was thinking, how can I merge my love for ready-to-wear,
09:04my love for activewear, into one?
09:06Since my original season, I've done a lot more activewear,
09:09a lot more athleisure, much more, like, sportier pieces.
09:13I also have done a lot of custom for Peloton instructors,
09:18and now I am their go-to.
09:20But it all kind of started on this, like, crazy whim.
09:24I had a stroke on an airplane.
09:29I had the stroke mid-flight.
09:35Couldn't walk off the plane.
09:41The ambulance came to get me at the airport,
09:43and a clot did, in fact, move to my brain,
09:46and I was fully paralyzed on the right side of my body.
09:48I relied on Peloton to kind of act as a rehab
09:52and didn't make a full recovery in six weeks.
09:54Weirdly enough, it changed my life for the better.
09:59My new love for fitness has kind of fueled
10:02this activewear adventure.
10:04So everything will have, like, that divinitial stitch.
10:08That way you can see every detail.
10:09Yeah, it's cool.
10:10It's really cool.
10:12Good luck.
10:13Kato, our last winner.
10:15I like that.
10:16Keep it.
10:17Our last winner.
10:18Here he is.
10:19Tell me everything.
10:20What are you doing?
10:21Since I can't use print or texture, I'm creating it.
10:24What I do, that Afro-Bohemian chic, no one here does that.
10:27So I'm actually envisioning some basket weaving.
10:30My seatbelt coat from 2008, I think
10:32I'm going to use her as an inspiration
10:34to just elevate the look.
10:36Maybe it's a tighter weave.
10:37It's going to have to be.
10:38Even if, like, you wrap some cool jewelry or earrings or...
10:41Oh, yeah.
10:42I have some chunky bracelets I'm going to have her on.
10:44Maybe her hair goes up, so it's not in the way.
10:46She knows a lot of it.
10:47I believe in you.
10:48Me too.
10:49All right.
10:50Good luck.
10:51Hi, Cain.
10:52Hi, darling.
10:53What's the idea?
10:54What's the concept?
10:55How to make a dress that would kind of work for a lot of people.
10:57This is what you sell to the store after the show.
11:01You know?
11:03You're not doing that.
11:04My mom has that.
11:05Well, and I was kind of thinking, like, I wanted a dress.
11:07She wore it last Christmas.
11:08I wanted a dress for the everyday woman.
11:10Well, that is not the challenge.
11:14What do you do?
11:15It is better than everyone in this room.
11:20Be who you are.
11:22Christian is right.
11:23This is not an everyday woman challenge.
11:25This is a time for me to shine.
11:29Bitch me, you have nothing to look at, do you?
11:32My pretty smile and my face.
11:34Big picture, what are you doing?
11:35I don't know if I'm going to do these shoulders.
11:38I don't have to do that.
11:39It's strange, but I think that's what the judges are going to want to see.
11:42They're going to want to see something really unexpected, really cool, different.
11:46And I think that's really cool and different.
11:49And it could become a signature.
11:52Thank you, Christian.
11:53You're welcome.
11:55Hi, Christian.
11:56What's happening here?
11:57Ruffle is my thing, and the texture is my thing.
12:00I want to make this more dramatic, more exaggerated.
12:03You want it to be a bit more like a piece of art.
12:06Art, yes.
12:08Anna is a queen of ruffles, and she does it very well.
12:10So I can't wait to see what she does with it.
12:12This is your chance.
12:13This better be unbelievable, OK?
12:21You have nothing.
12:22And your sketch is naked.
12:24And my sketch is naked.
12:25Like, literally, you've got nothing.
12:27And the sketch is naked.
12:29Is this it?
12:31What are you doing?
12:33I love Carousel.
12:35Like, that's babu.
12:36But she still has significant amount
12:38of stuff to do on her look.
12:39Right now, it's two pieces.
12:40Two pieces?
12:42So that's what you're going to make?
12:44It's one dress, which is a cute little hoodie dress.
12:46But then, if you want it to wear, say, evening
12:48or something like that, just whip off that long dress
12:50and have a little short dress underneath.
12:53So it's about this reveal.
12:55It is about the reveal a little bit.
12:56Got it.
12:57You'll see.
12:58I promise, you'll see.
12:59You have a model fitting soon.
13:00What are you going to see?
13:01I know.
13:02I'm going to do so.
13:03OK, thank you.
13:04And, like, don't leave that room.
13:05Don't leave it until it's done.
13:09Hi, Christian.
13:10How's it going?
13:11It's going.
13:12Looks like I just saw this dress.
13:13It just has the halter of the card.
13:15Then it wraps up into the card dress.
13:17It's not a dress.
13:18It's a jumpsuit.
13:19It's a little safe.
13:22They are looking for the all-star to bring all-stars.
13:26Is it going to be this, like, amazing moment up there
13:31with all of this that you could do?
13:35Coming up.
13:36We are designers.
13:37We love what we do.
13:38We have an aesthetic.
13:39So don't bring any negativity into this space.
13:51Like, a full red look is something that is new to me.
13:53And I feel like this is about capturing the judge's attention.
13:57I feel like it has to be the most me.
14:01Do you think that that's the most fabulous, interesting pant you could do?
14:06They were not interested in boring clothes.
14:08Like, they just aren't.
14:10Everyone is outside of their comfort zone right now.
14:12You want to shine, but you have to do it in a fabric that's been chosen for you.
14:17And I also feel like a jumpsuit that doesn't look like a jumpsuit is not boring.
14:22So maybe it's time for me to go with my gut.
14:24Those are my thoughts.
14:30Big picture.
14:31What are you doing?
14:32I want to do something like a chic street-inspired look.
14:36Like, a really nice flowy hoodie that translates into a top.
14:40I want sort of, like, flowy pants.
14:41I was just kind of playing with the shape.
14:44Is this going to be the most impactful thing that you could do?
14:52Because you kind of can do anything.
14:54Can I show you another sketch?
14:55Yeah, I want to see it.
14:56I thought of, like, having the zippers open up into, like, a Callalitty kind of, like, shape.
15:01That's what you should do.
15:02Really? Are you sure?
15:03That, I think, is a bit more innovative.
15:07Something that others can't do.
15:09I think part of it—
15:10You're fast.
15:11No, I'm not fast.
15:12You are fast.
15:13What is wrong with you?
15:14You act like I don't know you.
15:15Christian hasn't seen me work in 16 years.
15:19She's laughing that we have an hour left.
15:21I'm concerned and I'm freaking out.
15:23You're fast.
15:24Not as fast as me.
15:25Okay, there we go.
15:26I was sewing, like, so fast, I wasn't even talking to people.
15:29Come on, I'm pushing you.
15:31Okay, can't wait to see it.
15:32Hurry up.
15:33No pressure.
15:34All right, designers, your models will be here in about an hour.
15:37Remember, push yourselves.
15:39This is the opportunity to stand out.
15:41That's perfect.
15:43Thank you, Christian.
15:44Love you.
15:46It's red.
15:52Oh, cute.
15:53I'm trying to turn this suit in.
15:54A little something something?
15:56Was that after a Christian or were you?
15:57Yeah, it was after a Christian.
15:58I'm dripping a whole dress over a suit.
16:00Come on, you need a brain break, let's go.
16:01Yeah, I do need a brain break.
16:03Christian said, oh no, sir, I'm not known for making a suit,
16:07and he felt like this might work against me.
16:09Well, you have draped it beautifully.
16:11Yeah, I like that drape.
16:12I'm just going to use the top of the suit to use as a bodice.
16:16It's a one-day challenge.
16:18So now, the time to start from scratch, redraft,
16:21it's just not happening.
16:23So I need to take this body of a suit that I started,
16:26somehow, somewhere, figure it out, and turn it into a dress,
16:30and then do some draping.
16:33Doing the Lord's work.
16:35I was like, oh, I'm going to do a dress, a little short dress.
16:38And now you're like, it's a new rule.
16:40I am most known for bringing the gowns, the elegance,
16:44the southern decadence.
16:46I'm in about 450 stores and selling all across the world.
16:50I love helping my clients look and feel their most beautiful.
16:52This is why I love dressing women.
17:01Okay, I'm committing.
17:02That's the jumpsuit.
17:04I was going to do two pieces.
17:08It could turn into one.
17:11Hi, designers.
17:12Hi, Christian.
17:14Are we ready for a model?
17:19Like, really ready?
17:23Here they come.
17:26Ooh, Mimi.
17:30What do you have?
17:34Oh, those are hot.
17:43So now I'm going to recut the strap.
17:44The neck was way too small,
17:46so now I need to make the collar bigger and the neck part bigger.
17:49Now let's get you in some pants.
17:52I've never really worked with this fabric before.
17:56Working on these pants, I made them oversized
17:58so that I would have space to fit Deedee.
18:00Going to obviously take in a ton over here.
18:02But I didn't realize how tiny Deedee was
18:04and made them way, way too big.
18:06This is it? The pants are amazing?
18:08They look as good as they're going to look until I take them in.
18:11And what's the top?
18:12The top is in progress.
18:13I have to recut the band, so I can't show you.
18:16I really want to finish my vision.
18:18I really want to make this work.
18:19But unfortunately, my learning curve with this fabric has held me back.
18:22Definitely need to see them taking in a shmidge.
18:25Got it.
18:26I know I am taking a big risk,
18:28just because I think that the judges are probably expecting
18:30some kind of cool streetwear pants look.
18:32And I do have that side of me,
18:34and that's what I already do quite well now.
18:36I'm really looking to push my boundaries
18:38and go beyond what I already do on a daily basis,
18:40so I just hope they're ready for this.
18:42I think that's it.
18:46This is it?
18:47This is it.
18:48No, I'm working on it.
18:49Do a little wonk.
18:55It's a little...
18:58safe in the front.
19:02But very pretty.
19:04Pretty but safe.
19:05Pretty but safe.
19:06I actually love it.
19:07To make draping look like tailoring, it's not easy.
19:10That is the turn.
19:12Well, we tried.
19:17Kind of a vibe.
19:19It's a vibe?
19:20It's the vibe.
19:21It still needs the overskirt.
19:24Do you know what I mean?
19:25Because then when you take the overskirt off...
19:28It's a cool vibe. I like it.
19:29Awesome. Thank you.
19:30But it's got to be finished perfectly.
19:33Because you see everything.
19:37You need that cuff.
19:39Yeah, of course.
19:40And don't overly press that,
19:42because it might stretch out
19:43and you're going to have a wonky crotch.
19:45Oh, okay.
19:46You have everything.
19:49What are you doing?
19:52This is going to be all around.
19:56You love that?
20:00This is the dress that's not exciting him up.
20:04What else can it be?
20:07I don't know if you can just stick ruffles on this.
20:10I don't feel this is the result that I want initially.
20:13You need to figure out what this dress is, Anna.
20:16I'm going to murder you.
20:17I want to murder myself.
20:19You made me sweaty.
20:22Oh, God.
20:29This ruffle needs to be more interesting.
20:31Could this wrap or something?
20:34Something else.
20:35Play around with it.
20:36I have tons of ruffles to make,
20:38and it is not easy.
20:40This is the hard direction to go,
20:42but I have to make this happen.
20:44Time is never enough.
20:46Three hours, guys.
20:48So I'll get that more fitted.
20:50Yeah, she's unzipped.
20:54Sometimes you have to take a turn.
20:56I love a turn. I love a turn.
20:57I mean, it's, like, a little rough and tumble, but...
21:02Any sleeves yet?
21:03They're coming.
21:05I work differently.
21:06This is early for me.
21:08Yeah, so I'd rather have her measurements.
21:12Who knows?
21:13All right, designers.
21:14Say goodbye to your models.
21:16Thank you, models.
21:17We're going to kill it.
21:18Bye, models.
21:21All right, designers.
21:22Come gather round.
21:23I have a little treat for you.
21:25Treat or twist?
21:26Twist or treat?
21:27It's not a twist.
21:28It's a treat.
21:29We love treats.
21:31All right, designers.
21:32This challenge is all about creating looks that stand out,
21:35and we want you guys to stand out, too.
21:37So each of you is getting a little personal shopping trip.
21:41Love it.
21:44That's a treat.
21:45That is a treat.
21:46Does it have to be red?
21:50And guess what?
21:52I'm the one taking you shopping.
21:57Because I'm the man with the Wells Fargo Active Cash Card,
22:00and I earn 2% cash rewards on purchases.
22:05That's good for me.
22:06That is really good.
22:07They're giving the winner of this challenge $10,000.
22:11We didn't get that in my day.
22:13We had three cameramen and Chinese food, and that was it.
22:18All right, designers.
22:19You have two hours to work, and you're going to meet me
22:21at the cute shop down the street when you're done.
22:23All right.
22:25Get to work.
22:31My pants are half done.
22:32I'm starting to freak out.
22:34I don't love the material, and I am not
22:36getting it to do what I need.
22:37I just didn't account for the stretch.
22:40It's just too chunky, and it's too funky.
22:43Hopefully after this, I'm done with this shit.
22:46And then you're moving on to the bottoms?
22:48The bottom is the one that takes the least,
22:50so I'm not tripping over that.
22:51Oh, gotcha, gotcha, gotcha.
22:52How much more do you have to do?
22:54A lot.
22:55Are you going to make it, though?
22:56I don't know.
22:57You don't know.
22:59I am adding more ruffles.
23:01I'm trying to figure out to make this ruffle on the body
23:04more romantic, more fun.
23:05Figuring out what is the best way to put materials together.
23:11Anna literally just made the same dress
23:13she made a few weeks ago.
23:14I don't know if the judges are going to call her out,
23:16but we'll see how that works out.
23:21Yeah, hi, Anna.
23:22Uh-huh, yeah, yeah.
23:23These ruffles, yeah, they're played out.
23:25Yeah, you did that two challenges ago.
23:27Oh, are you there?
23:29OK, guess you don't care.
23:31We have 30 minutes left.
23:35I'm pressing, I'm stressing.
23:40It's the end of the workday, and I should have stepped back
23:43and looked around the room because I failed to notice
23:47that there are other drapes going on in the room.
23:50My language is draping, and what I am doing intentionally,
23:54I see that other people are doing as problem solving.
23:58The pressure is getting worse and worse.
24:00Tune in on the next episode of Project Runway.
24:03Where I pop off and lose my s***.
24:05All right, y'all, we're done.
24:08You did good.
24:09It's time to go yapping.
24:17Oh, my God, hello!
24:19Let's go shopping!
24:22These are cute.
24:24The jacket is so dope.
24:26That's cute, but that's large.
24:28But that would be cool, like, oversized.
24:30I love to shop.
24:32The fact that we're on Christian's dime is really cute,
24:35and I know he's actually rich,
24:37so it's going to be some pretty good shopping.
24:40Those are cool!
24:42They are!
24:43Oh, my God, so cute, you must get it.
24:45I need this coat so bad!
24:47That's cool, right?
24:48Everybody can use new clothes, because I think by now
24:51we've worn most of our things that we brought.
24:53If you need help, just let me know.
24:55They're cute, no?
24:56Bring it all up.
25:00Thank you so much, thank you.
25:02Everything was on me.
25:06Coming up...
25:07It got so short!
25:09It's fully out.
25:11Why is everybody's booty out in this challenge?
25:14It's an insult.
25:16This is bull...
25:21Come, come, come.
25:23You look fresh today.
25:25I do not feel fresh.
25:26Well, you look it.
25:29I know I have to recut the collar
25:31and recut the bands for the top and refit the pants,
25:34and I need to do it really fast.
25:36It's a lot.
25:37It is very challenging that you are having the same thing
25:40and everyone wants to do the best.
25:42You hope that your personal voice comes through.
25:45It's going to be interesting along the way.
25:47Hey, guys, let's go and paint this town in rouge.
25:54Let's do this thing.
25:56Here we go.
25:57Too much red up in here.
25:59Too much red for you?
26:01I got to make this look stand out.
26:03It was just on the top last week.
26:05I definitely don't want to be on the bottom.
26:07And whoever wins this gets 10K.
26:09This red challenge, honey, I'm here for it.
26:11Yes, this is it.
26:13What is it that you're working on?
26:15This little, long, beautiful flowy skirt
26:18over my tiny little dress.
26:20I'm making a tiny skirt, too.
26:22All right, one step done.
26:2545 to go.
26:27Everybody did this draping thing,
26:29and I went in, like, a completely different route
26:32with, like, the topstitching and doing it in a sporty way.
26:35So I'm hoping that that risk is worth it.
26:38Very, very confident.
26:40So I'm hoping that that risk is worth it.
26:43Very little time.
26:45Good morning, designers.
26:47Good morning, Christo.
26:49Happy show day.
26:51Happy show day.
26:53Who wants a model?
26:55I do.
26:57Hello, gorgeous lady.
26:59Ah, you look cute.
27:03I'm trying this top on so I can see where to put the closure.
27:06I'll be done with this top in two minutes, but you're too early.
27:09I need to get this done. I need to fit it on Deedee.
27:11I need to finish enough that we have a look.
27:13Ah, top time.
27:15Lil' D about to cry.
27:17And happy tears.
27:19I am a little obsessed with what Bishme is doing.
27:23The faces on the garment,
27:26I feel like this is really clever,
27:28and it's on a road that nobody else is trailing.
27:31See this little moment here?
27:35Yeah? Good.
27:38That's making us crazy.
27:40What was your inspiration?
27:42So I started clubbing very young.
27:44I wanted to have clothes to go out.
27:46By the time I was 15,
27:48I was already well into the nightlife scene,
27:51and a great way to communicate your style
27:54is through original clothing,
27:56and I didn't have money for it.
27:58Being that the sewing machine was in my room,
28:00I would just collect whatever scraps I had
28:02and then patch them together,
28:04and that's how I started making clothes.
28:06I'm a little geek or empowered, and that's my favorite part.
28:08The crotch is a little wonky
28:10because I didn't get to fit you a million times,
28:12so we gotta go now ask Bishme,
28:14because I trust him above all else.
28:16I am definitely seeing fit issues.
28:18Bish, I need you, I need you, my darling.
28:20I'm definitely starting to feel fear.
28:22The pants crotch, do I need to do this belt thing?
28:24Oh, no, you're good.
28:26That's what I'm talking about,
28:28because I didn't take enough from the back,
28:30and I took too much from the front.
28:32Don't overthink it.
28:34When you're ready, take your models to the makeup studio
28:36and the TRESemme hair salon.
28:38You need it.
28:40Okay, so the hair, I want something sporty.
28:42Like something messy and just real clean, real sleek.
28:44There's a lot of volume,
28:46and I don't want anything else to distract.
28:48Definitely the orange and the metallic.
28:50Yeah, I want her to glow.
28:52Daytime red carpet.
28:54Yes, that's perfect.
28:56Is she trimming for you?
28:58That's nice.
29:00Look at all these, get all these, get all these.
29:02Hand tacking these ruffles is going to take forever.
29:04I just hope we have enough time to finish this.
29:06Let's see.
29:08A little short.
29:12After doing Jessica's fitting,
29:14I realized that her torso is way longer
29:16than I thought it was.
29:18It got so short.
29:20The skirt is literally almost to her crotch.
29:22Okay, well, you have ten minutes.
29:24You better cut a hem right now.
29:26It looks gorgeous back here.
29:28The booty gets covered, right?
29:30Because it's fully out.
29:32Why is everybody's booty out in this challenge?
29:34Get out of here.
29:36Everyone's over me today.
29:40This is a this.
29:42You have, like, seven minutes.
29:44I know, but you know what?
29:46I'm going to f***ing do it.
29:48Five minutes, designers, and we're leaving this room.
29:50Stop stressing me.
29:52Let me see.
29:54I couldn't achieve the vision
29:56that I wanted at the beginning
29:58because it wasn't that innovative to me.
30:00All right, designers, two minutes.
30:02We're almost there.
30:04I added a piece to the skirt
30:06that I really thought was going to be long enough.
30:08It didn't even look like I moved an inch.
30:10Just have to pull it down a little.
30:12Like, I'll trim all that.
30:14Yeah, it's better.
30:16Get it as smooth as possible.
30:18The pants maybe didn't turn out
30:20exactly like I wanted them to,
30:22but at the end of the day,
30:24they're doing some cool s***.
30:26All right.
30:30Oh, my God.
30:32One minute until the show.
30:34Oh, my God.
30:36It's not coming off?
30:38The reveal is really important,
30:40but there's no way I could send her out there
30:42with a miniskirt that short.
30:44I just feel it's too short,
30:46and I don't want her to slash the judges.
30:48No, Christian, the skirt is not coming off.
30:50She looks beautiful. We're good here.
30:52All right, designers, time is up.
30:54The judges are in their seats.
31:06Designers, how's everyone?
31:10It brings me so much joy to introduce you
31:12to tonight's guest judge.
31:14We have with us
31:16Emmy Award-winning writer,
31:18actor, producer,
31:20and master of style.
31:22My dear friend,
31:24Lena Wade.
31:26Take your bows.
31:28Oh, God.
31:30Hi, everybody.
31:32Oh, my God.
31:34This is my favorite thing about Project Runway
31:36is getting to see
31:38who the guest judges are.
31:40And Lena Wade is
31:42a queer icon.
31:44It's the goosebumps.
31:46And I feel like to get her to critique
31:48my garment is already a win.
31:50I'm so happy to be here,
31:52and I'm excited to see what you cooked up.
31:56Thank you for everything you've done for us.
31:58From designer to designer,
32:00this is the most exciting thing,
32:02because when you are all
32:04having the same materials
32:06to get to see your point of view
32:08and to get to see who you are,
32:10I mean, this is really such a moment.
32:12So I'm excited to see who succeeded.
32:14I'm only excited
32:16to see who succeeded,
32:18because I like to see a failure.
32:20You know what I mean?
32:22All right, let's start the show.
32:24Let's do it.
32:34This look has my DNA
32:36written all over it.
32:38It's literally active wear
32:40taken in a way that's ready to wear
32:42for the runway.
32:44It's sexy.
32:46I'm so thrilled
32:48that the judges can now see me
32:50and showing them who I am
32:52and who I've grown to be as a designer.
33:04I love the dress.
33:06It's giving exactly what I need it to do.
33:08It's very well fit onto her body.
33:10The drape is beautiful.
33:12It is completely something new
33:14for me.
33:18I'm very happy
33:20that I was able to put it off.
33:28My look goes down,
33:30and I love it.
33:32I love the way the basket weave
33:34has came together.
33:36The pants are moving,
33:38and it's very signature to me.
33:40Yeah, girl!
33:42This look represents who I am,
33:44and hopefully the judges see that
33:46and recognize it.
33:52Seeing this look
33:54come down the runway,
33:56I am really proud of the decisions that I made.
33:58When I talk about draping being the language,
34:00this is a prime example of that.
34:08It's meticulously crafted
34:10to showcase the body,
34:12but at the same time,
34:14it is an expression that only I can bring to life.
34:24From the limitation of the material
34:26and the time,
34:28I think I'm happy.
34:30Even it's not the vision that I wanted
34:32at the beginning.
34:36It's so cool,
34:38and it represents my aesthetic,
34:40and I made something very artistic
34:42and complicated and different.
34:52Would I have liked to reveal
34:54the short, cute dress?
34:56Absolutely. It was so dope.
34:58It's still beautiful,
35:00and it stands on its own,
35:02even without the reveal.
35:04I mean, just the way
35:06that it moves just looks
35:08like silk.
35:20Seeing my look go down the runway,
35:22Didi is killing it.
35:24I love the way she's walking.
35:26I'm really proud of what I did here.
35:30A lot of the looks on the runway tonight
35:32are too similar, and I really think I did a good job
35:34of setting myself apart,
35:36and I brought something original to the mix.
35:44This look is not so much
35:46about what I'm capable of,
35:48but more showing a softer side of me.
35:52Personally, I feel like I've done enough
35:54to be in the top,
35:56but technically,
35:58it's not the hardest thing I made.
36:00Let's just say that.
36:08Oh, I am so glad I made a gown
36:10for this runway, y'all. Yes!
36:14So different from anything I've shown before.
36:16This look has Jonathan Cain all over it,
36:18and it definitely is different from all of the other designers.
36:22I'm giving a plunge and a gorgeous back
36:24and gorgeous draping wrapping around the body,
36:26and I love it.
36:30I don't know what in the hell to think right now.
36:32I'll tell you what I think.
36:34Please. Because it's alarming.
36:38Nina is alarmed.
36:40I heard. I can't wait to hear it.
36:48I feel that my look stands out.
36:50I think she looks sexy. She looks sleek.
36:52She looks effortless.
36:54I love the way the zipper accents the red fabric
36:56and kind of just, like, opens up.
37:00Yes! Work it!
37:02I think I'm the only one who thought about the zippers in that way,
37:04and I think that that's what sets my design apart
37:06from the rest.
37:14This look definitely represents
37:16who I am as a designer.
37:18I'm one of those people that love to take a chance.
37:22Papels are popping.
37:24The top stitch on the pants
37:26look amazing.
37:28The pants are amazing.
37:32So I'm just really blown away by what I've created
37:34with this little bit of time
37:36we were provided with.
37:54I guess you all turned into
37:56drapers and minimalists.
38:00She was alarmed.
38:10Designers, please step up to the runway.
38:16This was a challenge to show us
38:18what your point of view is.
38:20And unless you guys have all
38:22turned into minimalists,
38:24there were a lot of very
38:26similar looks.
38:28And this is, at the end of the day,
38:30competition for creativity.
38:32Designers, we've scored your designs.
38:34We would like to speak to Rami,
38:36Brittany, Anna,
38:38Hester, Fabio,
38:40and Karazhan.
38:42Everyone else, that means you are in
38:44and you can leave the runway.
38:50I mean,
38:52I get to sit and drink for once.
38:54The six of you
38:56had the highest and the lowest scores.
38:58One of you
39:00will be the winner and take home
39:04And one of you will be out.
39:06All right, we are gonna start
39:08with one of our
39:10highest scores of the evening.
39:16Oh, what a treat.
39:18What a treat.
39:20So, Brittany, how do you feel?
39:24after last week.
39:26I wanted to do something that was like
39:2840 Spice if she was a Gen Z.
39:30Talk to me about the choice of the top stitching.
39:32I knew that, like, all of these pieces
39:34together could look really flat
39:36because it is just one color.
39:38I wanted you to see, like, all the lines and the details.
39:40It was probably a risk because, obviously,
39:42it's white and not red.
39:44It was a risk that paid off, though.
39:46So smart of you to do the top stitching.
39:48So smart of you to do the crisscross.
39:50So smart of you to do the snaps.
39:52It delivered
39:54on design, but also
39:56in practicality.
39:58It is extremely sexy,
40:00but there's something very...
40:02just really fly about it.
40:04And it seems to also be refined.
40:08Okay, we have to talk about these pants.
40:10They're so well-made,
40:12and they fit Mimi, like,
40:14every inch of Mimi's life.
40:16You really nailed it.
40:20Thank you, Brittany, Mimi.
40:22You may leave the runway.
40:24We are gonna now take a look
40:26at one of our lowest scores of the evening.
40:30Oh, s***.
40:32Come on.
40:34The dress is beautiful.
40:36I think so, too.
40:38I'm sorry.
40:42This dress is indicative of who you are
40:44as a designer.
40:46I think incorporating the zipper into the actual dress,
40:48like, the hard and the soft sort of detail.
40:50It's such a fine, easy look.
40:52When you're putting a metal on that,
40:54you're then choosing to highlight
40:56every issue that is there.
41:00To me, this feels like a rushed afterthought.
41:02It didn't
41:04flatter her body.
41:06If you have 15 minutes to make a dress,
41:08at least make it fit.
41:10I think the zipper didn't quite work for me exactly
41:12just because I think it's almost too thin.
41:14If I'm a little far away, I have to almost be
41:16up close to really see that it's a zipper,
41:18so I almost wish you would have leaned into it even more.
41:20The styling
41:22is a little problematic.
41:24I could have done without the bangle
41:26or the earring.
41:28It just needed to look a little more modern,
41:30but all in all, I like this dress.
41:32Thank you, Rami. Mariel, you can leave the runway.
41:36Okay, let's bring out
41:38the stars of the night.
41:48Esther, tell us about your look.
41:50I have never used a
41:52spongy polyester before,
41:54and so I was a little out of my element.
41:56Okay, got it.
41:58Pants are a crossover bell-bottom,
42:00and then I did a side ruching,
42:02and then the top is
42:04an asymmetrical drape with a little collar
42:06over here.
42:08I think this really was a difficult challenge
42:10for you, and it shows.
42:12The ruching on the side looks
42:14sloppy. The seams
42:16look uneven. It feels
42:18unfinished. You can't hide it.
42:20You can't even style out of it.
42:22There is a lot going on.
42:24I think, ultimately, it might just be
42:26a need to edit
42:28a little bit.
42:30You threw a Hail Mary here, let's be honest.
42:34One of the things I noticed is that it just
42:36wasn't working from a construction point of view,
42:38which you've pointed out, and so you took us to Paris
42:40in the 70s.
42:42Well, let me just tell you this.
42:44One thing it ain't is boring.
42:46It's something that's meant to be worn in the dark,
42:48in the club. It's a one-night-only look.
42:50Does it look a little cheap? Yeah.
42:52Does that speak more to the fabric
42:54than your talent?
42:56I think so.
42:58Thank you. I really appreciate that.
43:00Okay, thank you, Esther.
43:02Let's move on to a favorite of the night.
43:12No, wait. Wait, wait, wait.
43:14Wait a minute.
43:16It's going to go left. That's all I can tell you.
43:18It's going to go left real quick.
43:24She's already crying.
43:26I don't want to hear this one. I do.
43:28How are you feeling?
43:30I don't know.
43:34I wear all my jewelry
43:36because I literally thought
43:38I would go home tonight.
43:40Just in case you had to head straight to the airport?
43:42Yes. Relax. You're in the top.
43:44So tell us about the look.
43:46Instead of doing one piece of garment,
43:48I want to make something artistic,
43:50creating this sculptural
43:54Oh, wow.
43:56How many more times is she going to do a ruffle dress?
43:58This is Groundhog's Day.
44:00There's nothing against Anna personally,
44:02but she makes the same exact look, and she's in the top.
44:04Like, come on. Everybody's like, oh, wait.
44:06The memory game. This is a match.
44:08This is a technique that you played with a little bit
44:10in unconventional materials, right?
44:12That was the...
44:14You remember the piano back?
44:16Yeah, that was a plastic thing.
44:18This is polyester.
44:20Got it.
44:22This challenge was about standing out,
44:24and yours stood out to me.
44:26I think it's very clear
44:28that an individual came up with it,
44:30and I think that's what we were looking for,
44:32something that just feels unlike anyone else.
44:34That's crazy.
44:36I'm about to go. I'm done.
44:38This some bullsh...
44:40Clearly, we can repeat looks here.
44:42This bullsh... right now is a joke.
44:44There's different rules for different people here.
44:46This is crazy.
44:48This is bullsh...
44:52This is all stars.
44:54It's an insult. It's insulting.
44:56It is.
45:02Clearly, we can repeat looks here.
45:04It's an insult. It's insulting.
45:06It is.
45:08As an editor, when I saw it,
45:10I zeroed in on your work,
45:12and I thought, you are creative.
45:14You worked your butt off.
45:18Why are we even here?
45:20Everyone is coming at Anna
45:22for making the same design.
45:24At first, I was salty as hell,
45:26but I realized
45:28Anna is sticking to her guns
45:30and creating looks with ruffles
45:32as a signature.
45:34I respect that she knows the type of designer she is.
45:36You just never know
45:38what the judges are looking for.
45:40Anna, thank you. Sinead, you can leave the runway.
45:44When they come in here,
45:46it's going to be tense.
45:48It's going to get real, and I hope it does.
45:50I'm going to be the bartender.
45:54The next look was
45:56one of our highest scores.
46:04Carisson, how do you feel?
46:06I feel great. I'm a costume designer.
46:08I wanted to mix up
46:10what I'm known for, the gowns,
46:12the cutouts, and bring in what I'm now
46:14known for as well and marry them together.
46:16It looked so perfectly
46:18matched to your model.
46:20You were able to show us
46:22your background as costume designer,
46:24but at the same time,
46:26you were able to edit down.
46:28It feels fashion.
46:32I just loved it. I thought it was chic.
46:34I thought it was dramatic.
46:36It's clear that her statuesque frame inspired the design.
46:38It was a whole vibe.
46:42It's very cinematic, almost as fairytale,
46:44but also dark story as well that's happening.
46:46It's like memories with fashion.
46:48It's good to know that you play in this world.
46:50Thank you, and I love your work.
46:52The fashion in your work is amazing.
46:54I'm loving this elevator pitch moment right now
46:56that's happening. Carisson, next time we're going to see
46:58your name and credits on one of Lena's projects.
47:00How could they not love that?
47:02I mean, it's cool.
47:04Carisson, thank you so much. Jessica, you can leave the runway.
47:06We are going to move on
47:08to one of our lowest scores of the evening.
47:16Fabio, how are you?
47:18To be frank, I'm a little distraught.
47:20Why so?
47:22Being that I am a draper and a minimalist,
47:24I felt like all of the draping comments
47:26were directed towards this garment.
47:28I don't think any draping comments
47:30are directed at you.
47:32I think you should just take that off your mind
47:34before you start.
47:36Tell us about the process of making the look.
47:38This is actually a jumpsuit,
47:40so I wanted to make a look that from every angle
47:42you would see something different.
47:44From the front, it's a dress.
47:46From the side, you see the skin. It has a cape.
47:48And then from the back, you see the pants,
47:50but it's all one piece.
47:52Fabio, to be honest with you,
47:54when she walked down the runway,
47:56I could not see the nuance
47:58that this was one piece.
48:00Without you
48:02explaining it,
48:04I would not have been able to notice that.
48:08The drape of this is absolutely beautiful.
48:10It's just that I have definitely seen
48:12forward experimental things from you.
48:16It's not that this is bad.
48:18It's that it's a little boring.
48:22For a runway show.
48:26And I think that's why you're in the bottom this week.
48:28Understood. Thank you for the comments.
48:30Thank you, Fabio.
48:32Thank you very much, designers.
48:34You can leave the runway, and we'll call you back
48:36when we're ready.
48:42Now I get it.
48:44No, you need a hug.
48:46Come here. Sit with me.
48:48I don't want you to ever think
48:50you're anything less of you.
48:52Well, I'm gonna make
48:54my African dress on the next challenge.
48:56I don't care what it is,
48:58because clearly we can repeat looks here.
49:02Don't act like we're here being creative.
49:04You created the same dress two challenges ago.
49:06It was a weird energy.
49:08I feel the look of me
49:10like an enemy.
49:12This challenge
49:14was very deceptive,
49:16because it seemed easy,
49:20but it really was not.
49:22I think what the three top designs
49:24have in common
49:26is that there's a wow factor.
49:30We asked them to stand out.
49:32We asked them to be unique,
49:34and Anna did something different.
49:36It was remarkable that she was able to create
49:38these, like, believable ruched ruffles
49:40with polyester.
49:42That is a wild dress.
49:44And also, too, I think the imagination it took
49:46to create that silhouette.
49:48I know she said she wanted it to be more elaborate,
49:50a little bit bigger, a little bit more dramatic.
49:52I can imagine that every designer right now is like,
49:54I can't believe she's in the top,
49:56because it was, like, ruffles on, like, a cocktail dress.
49:58But you know what?
50:00At least it wasn't the same Grecian draped thing
50:02over and over and over and over.
50:04This is what this competition with the all-stars
50:06is all about. You've got to take that risk.
50:08But Brittany
50:10really transformed that fabric.
50:14her stitching, with her ruching,
50:16I forgot this was crepe.
50:18You could tell
50:20that the model felt so powerful
50:22and so comfortable and so sexy in it
50:24that I think that also added to it.
50:26I have been asking her to give us
50:28something original, and she tries to push herself
50:30to be, like, almost in the couture space,
50:32and she needs to not do that.
50:34And it's okay to be exactly
50:36who she is. Speaking of
50:38the perfect marriage between the model
50:40and the designer, I mean, Jessica
50:42Carousan was sort of a match made in
50:44heaven tonight. I thought Carousan's
50:46look could really walk the Grammy
50:48red carpet and slay.
50:50I mean, what she was able to do in terms
50:52of drama was really impressive,
50:54especially with that fabric and that amount
50:56of time. She created something that felt
50:58fit for a supermodel. It felt cinematic
51:00as soon as she turned the corner.
51:02So now for the difficult part.
51:04We have to choose someone that will be
51:06exiting stage left. Well, Fabio
51:08is one of them. I could understand how
51:10Fabio was confused why his draped
51:12look of all six of them was in the bottom.
51:14The look was really all about that
51:16pant. He wanted it to be
51:18layered. And unfortunately,
51:20he just swallowed his model and fabric
51:22so much that you couldn't see the pant.
51:24But we have to talk about Hester.
51:26And I understand that Hester
51:28came here in front of us being like,
51:30I've never worked with that fabric. Well,
51:32that's the challenge.
51:34So why would it be fair
51:36for her to get a pass?
51:38It's Hester. What do you expect?
51:40But like, turn the lights down low,
51:42put a disco ball on it, and I got the vibe.
51:44At least there was a vibe.
51:46Flip the light, because it was...
51:48There was a lot going on. Yeah, so much going on.
51:50It was the shoes, it was the hat.
51:52I mean, the tough thing for me is I think
51:54Grammys I struggled with
51:56a touch more. I liked it.
51:58I thought it gave me sexy, but
52:00it was still elegant. It felt like
52:02it wasn't runway
52:04ready. I agree with Lena.
52:06I really think that Rami's look was just
52:08underwhelming. Technically, there were a lot
52:10of things that had issues, but
52:12to me, it wasn't.
52:14It just wasn't the worst.
52:16I agree.
52:18This one's gonna hurt. Yeah.
52:20Well, Christian,
52:22honey, if there was ever a day to do a save,
52:24you know...
52:34Karrison, and Anna,
52:36it's good to see three women in the top.
52:40The three of you created looks with a
52:42clear point of view that stood
52:44out from your peers and that stood out
52:46on the runway. Thank you.
52:50you are in.
52:54Nice job. You may leave the runway.
53:04You're safe. Yeah.
53:06Between Karrison and Brittany? Yeah.
53:08Congratulations. Thank you.
53:12Brittany and Karrison,
53:14we loved the concept
53:16and the execution on both of your looks,
53:18but I have to
53:20say there was one unanimous winner.
53:24The winner is...
53:36You are the winner of this challenge
53:38and the winner of $10,000
53:40thanks to
53:42Wells Fargo Active Cash Card.
53:44Wow. Thank you so much.
53:46We really felt like yours could just
53:48walk right out of here and
53:50onto the street and
53:52they'd be turning heads. So, congratulations
53:54on a fantastic look and it's really good to
53:56meet you. That's such a big honor. Thank you so much.
53:58Of course. Congratulations.
54:00Karrison, you are also in.
54:02Congratulations. Thank you.
54:04You can both leave the runway. Congrats, ladies.
54:06Thank you. Thank you. Go celebrate.
54:08Well done. Thank you.
54:10I finally won a challenge.
54:12After being
54:14in the bottom and almost like literally
54:16being buried alive and going home.
54:18Did you win? I did.
54:20And then to come back and make something
54:22that is worthy of a win, it feels
54:24ten times better
54:26than I ever could have imagined it feeling.
54:30there's a prize to this.
54:32Take that $10,000
54:34and do good with it. Thank you.
54:38Rami, Fabio, and Hester,
54:40unfortunately, one of you will be out.
54:44your look did not
54:46stand out to some of the judges
54:48and at the end
54:50it was underwhelming.
54:54we appreciate you taking risks
54:56but this time you took
54:58too many that did not work.
55:02you hid the most important
55:04part of your look behind
55:06too much fabric and the
55:08result was too safe.
55:18I'm so sorry.
55:20You are out.
55:22So sorry to see you go.
55:24Hester, you have
55:26a singular vision.
55:28You remain true to yourself
55:30and that perspective
55:32that only you have and I'm telling you
55:34there is a place for you
55:36in this industry. This is not the end
55:38for you and you know that. Thank you.
55:40Rami and Fabio,
55:42you can leave the runway.
55:56Thank you for this
55:58opportunity. Thank you for
56:00what you've given me in the past.
56:02I respect all of you a lot.
56:04Hester, thank you so much for being with us.
56:06I think I still
56:08definitely deserve to be here.
56:10I don't really know if
56:12being in the bottom one time for a fabric
56:14you're not used to is grounds
56:16for elimination.
56:18I think at the end of the day
56:20it comes down to who can do what
56:22with what and I couldn't do anything with this
56:24and this is where I am now.
56:26Hester, you know
56:28I love working with you. It's been a pleasure.
56:30It really has. Thank you.
56:32I'm going to sit in your workroom, clean up your space.
56:34You're incredible. You know you are. Thank you.
56:36Alright. Bye, my baby.
56:38Love you.
56:40I wanted to win but
56:42I was aware once I
56:44saw some of the heavy hitters who were there
56:46that that was probably not going to happen so mostly
56:48I was excited to make weird sh**.
56:50But apparently weird sh**
56:52wasn't on the menu
56:54so I will just continue doing that for myself.
57:04I'm not trying to be
57:06disrespectful but Hester
57:08did create something very new
57:10that she had not shown the judges before
57:12and went home. Do you feel
57:14the dress you made for the Unconventional
57:16Challenge and this dress were similar?
57:18I know what I've done, yes. I'm not saying the same
57:20dress. I thought I'm going home. It's not her fault.
57:22It feels
57:24a little disrespectful.
57:26Wait, you guys. Can I say something?
57:28We are designers. We love
57:30what we do. We have an aesthetic
57:32and now you're here creating art
57:34so please don't bring any
57:36negativity into this thing.
57:42The mood has changed. The energy has changed.
57:44Just burn the whole day
57:46away. Just burn the whole bolt of fabric.
57:48I don't know if y'all know this
57:50but this right here is going to divide us.