• last month


00:00You okay?
00:01Hi, sister.
00:02I know.
00:03I'm coming here to hug you.
00:04It's okay.
00:05Guys, let's talk.
00:06Listen, you're going to get softer by the end of this competition, Mr. Moore.
00:07Yeah, you're going to be softer.
00:08All the hugs and love and kisses.
00:09There you go.
00:10There it is.
00:11On my season, I never rocked the bottom.
00:12Not a single time.
00:13Yeah, I'm good.
00:14So, you got to rebuild yourself.
00:15Make sure that they see you the next time.
00:16We survived unconventional.
00:18Yeah, that was a wild one, right?
00:19That was really crazy.
00:20Everyone's so good that you just have to do it.
00:38That was really crazy.
00:39Everyone's so good, that you just never really know.
00:40Get some rest, and I'll see you real soon.
00:41Oh, mystery.
00:44So what are you feeling the next challenge is, you guys?
00:45Honestly, after this, it's either going to be like bridal or like...
00:46I'm all about a drag queen.
00:47Give me a drag queen.
00:48Oh, no.
00:49Oh, no.
00:52It's the queen.
00:53You know what I mean?
00:54You know what I mean?
00:55Oh, no.
00:56Oh, no.
00:59Everybody go faster!
01:05Long live the king.
01:07That's me.
01:09Done with this.
01:13The world just witnessed a historic coronation
01:15right across the pond.
01:17And in celebration of this momentous occasion,
01:19we want you to create
01:21a formal gown
01:23fit for royalty.
01:25Oh, my goodness.
01:29We want a magnificent gown.
01:31That's glamour.
01:33I'm with it.
01:35Keep in mind, gowns can go quite dated
01:37very quickly,
01:39so this needs to feel modern, fresh,
01:41royal of today, you know.
01:43Cool, innovative.
01:47And the good news is
01:49we're dividing you up into teams of two.
01:51Oh, my God!
01:55We dread team challenges
01:57so much because it's about compromising.
01:59One, two, one, two.
02:01Fitting that we're working with monarchy
02:03because there's a lot of diplomacy involved.
02:05So, to determine the teams,
02:07everyone's gonna grab
02:09one of these fabulous little tea sandwiches,
02:13But don't take a bite. Grab one.
02:15Okay. A little quicker.
02:17This is heavy. That's exciting.
02:19Ladies first. Oh, thank you.
02:23You guys are gonna find someone
02:25who has the same sandwich as you,
02:27and that will be your teammates.
02:29Who has water, cress, tomato, and cream cheese?
02:31That's me and you, baby.
02:33Victor won the last challenge,
02:35and I won the first challenge,
02:37so we are the two winners.
02:41Coronation chicken.
02:43My girl. Oh, my gosh. I'm so happy.
02:45You're about to get this spot, man.
02:47We are.
02:49So, you're in a team of two.
02:51Only one of you will be going home.
02:55So, you guys need to be crystal clear
02:57of your contributions to these gowns.
02:59But this is a two-day challenge.
03:01Victor, you won the last challenge.
03:03That means your team gets
03:05first pick of models.
03:07Isn't that nice? Yeah.
03:09One look, one model.
03:11There you go. You pick.
03:13No, just get Em. Just get Em.
03:15We're done. All right, who'd you pick?
03:17Ren. Fab.
03:19Who'd you pick? Jessica.
03:21Let me see.
03:23Roberta. Fabulous.
03:25We're doing Mimi.
03:29We're picking me.
03:31All right, so, tomorrow morning,
03:33you'll go to Mood. I won't be there.
03:35I have royal obligations, obviously.
03:37But each team
03:39will have a budget of $1,000.
03:41Not bad.
03:43You guys have 30 minutes now
03:45to brainstorm and sketch.
03:47I left your friction pens and your sketchbooks
03:49right over there. All right.
03:51I'm headed back to my throne. See you soon.
03:57Go on.
03:59Carisson. Brittany. Thank you.
04:01Rami. Thank you. I'm gonna go grab my fabric.
04:03My fabric from home was given to me
04:05by a childhood friend. This wasn't made
04:07for royalty. I don't know what was. Oh, honey, yeah.
04:09I want to do African-Haitian,
04:11like, black royalty.
04:13I just, yeah, I just want it to look like it's both of us.
04:15And I think that's what the marriage is.
04:17The project's from Haiti, and I'm originally from Liberia,
04:19so immediately we know we're going for
04:21African-Haitian royalty.
04:23This is what this fabric was for.
04:25We need to win, because this fabric cost me a lot.
04:27You know what I'm saying? And it's rich. It's rich.
04:29See, Kato's fabric,
04:31they're gonna bring, like, the drama.
04:33The fabric has to be so rich-looking.
04:35I want the girl to walk,
04:37and I want the judges to be like,
04:39not just the jewels and all that,
04:41but the movement and water. I agree.
04:43And maybe the back is, like, literally a cape
04:45with a train.
04:47But it's still sexy.
04:49It's modern. We could even have a slit
04:51so she could show her legs.
04:53Okay, so I'm thinking, what about this?
04:55What about if it's not around this way?
04:57What if it goes up like a
04:59petal, like a flower?
05:01Let's erase this, because I love that idea
05:03better. I think it's gonna be fantastic.
05:05I like the romantic
05:07aspect of it, because it's feminine.
05:09Yes. Mixing those two, like, elements.
05:11I'm actually really, really excited to have Anna as a partner.
05:13We're both extremely
05:15feminine designers. It could be where this is
05:17maybe, like, opaque, and then that could be
05:19like a sheer with an applique, and it's like two
05:21skirts in one.
05:23I think the outcome could be
05:25one of the best looks
05:27in Project Runway history.
05:29We are
05:31genderqueer. I feel like it's an opportunity
05:33to make a gown
05:35fit the aesthetic that we have.
05:37Yeah, and we can look at queendom
05:39in kind of a genderqueer, genderfluid way,
05:41where we're sort of subverting the idea of what queen
05:43is, and subverting the idea of
05:45what a gown is. The future of queerdom.
05:47I honestly have a strong connection
05:49to the idea of femininity. However,
05:51the way I see myself doesn't always
05:53align with the way femininity is
05:55described in this modern world.
05:57So I choose to call myself nonbinary
05:59and go by she, they, to explain
06:01that I am not necessarily only feminine.
06:03I feel that there's masculinity in me,
06:05there's a fully genderfluid energy in me,
06:07so I am here to be that voice.
06:09We're really looking to make a state
06:11in a piece about queer identity, about
06:13what it means to be a queen, what it means to be regal
06:15in the future of what we see as
06:17this kind of genderfree, genderfluid
06:19world. I love this.
06:21Like, this is gorgeous. Yeah, gender is my number
06:23one love, and this is literally
06:25I've been working with this. We're on the same page.
06:27Even if we did, like, the cape, like when she's
06:29walking, I'd like to get
06:31a beautiful lining underneath.
06:33I work on a cape, you work on a gown.
06:35Yeah. I don't know if I can make a dope-ass
06:37cape. I love my girl Laurence.
06:39She's so gangster.
06:41She's like the leather
06:43on the lace. We need to make sure
06:45that the dress and the cape fabric
06:47marries well.
06:49A sleeve and neckline detail could be really
06:51interesting if we do want to do sculpture.
06:53I think that you have really cool shapes,
06:55and I think, like, with the shapes that I do,
06:57if we put those together,
06:59it can really create something cool.
07:01I am excited to be paired
07:03with someone who is extremely talented.
07:05This gown that we are creating
07:07is about to be a masterpiece. We don't want her to
07:09feel old. I want to make sure she's, like,
07:11fresh as a modern-day queen.
07:13Teen challenges are
07:15a challenge. It's partly
07:17about the design, but it's also partly about
07:19your working style with other people.
07:21Did colors come to you? Not really,
07:23so that was where, because to me, immediately, I would think, like, red.
07:25Because that's a very regal color to me, or purple.
07:27Because, like, duh, that's so obvious.
07:29Gorgeous lilac-y,
07:31lavender-y purple that I think is,
07:33like, good for this kind of a thing.
07:35It's funny that you were saying that, because lavender
07:37and purple is the royalty color. Exactly.
07:39All right, guys, let's go home.
07:41It's been a long day. Woo-hoo!
07:43Coming up...
07:45I want to be the leader. I want to do something different.
07:47Just keep the room for this part, and then you gather.
07:49I am not here
07:51to execute her vision. Yeah, I know how you feel.
07:53That was unpleasant.
08:05These challenges
08:07are going to get harder and harder.
08:09One day you're in, one day you're out.
08:11You know, you got your only as good as your last.
08:13It's like, you won the first challenge,
08:15I won the second, so
08:17they have more expectations on us.
08:19There's a little target on our back. Yeah.
08:21Okay, friends,
08:23it's time to go to mood
08:25and stress out
08:27and stress out some more.
08:33Good morning, mood.
08:35I can smell the fabric already.
08:39Christian is currently in my basement.
08:41So I am
08:43your new mentor.
08:47Half an hour
08:49to have this bitch up. Are you ready?
08:51Yes! Let's go!
08:59to the back.
09:07Picking gray as a color
09:09story is really intentional because
09:11gray is a color that
09:13does not dictate gender.
09:15So if we're doing pants,
09:17skirt, we're keeping everything separate.
09:19So over the pants, there's a skirt, and then over
09:21this vest, there is a set of sleeves that harness
09:23everything in.
09:25No, this is better. I like this.
09:27This design is dedicated for an everyday
09:29woman. She could be a housewife,
09:31she could be a mother, but they still deserve
09:33to have, you know, a royal moment while wearing
09:35this beautiful gown. I'll meet you at the counter.
09:37All right. I'm gonna take these
09:39for sure. This one, I'm just gonna take four
09:41because they're so expensive. $1,000 is not
09:43really fit for a queen. I mean, come on,
09:45we had $2,000 to spend on toys
09:47the last challenge. How much is this, $150? $200.
09:49It's $200? No way. Really?
09:51I think we're gonna be spending like $700
09:55on a novelty fabric, which leaves us only
09:57$300 to buy everything
09:59else, and for a gown, that's not
10:01a lot. How much money do we have?
10:03Left. 500. Left?
10:05S***, I'm about to buy the store.
10:07The fact that I'm using my special fabric
10:09from home actually takes off a whole thousand
10:11dollars that we won't have to spend in mood.
10:13She's giving Haiti in. Yeah, she is giving
10:15Haiti in. So mostly, we're looking for
10:17our masterpiece solid,
10:19the foundation of this garment.
10:21I think it might look good, because it's patented
10:23and it looks rich. Victor really wanted
10:25to use a silver metallic leather
10:27that's a little bit harder than my normal style,
10:29but I want to give him that moment. He's really adamant
10:31about it, so I'm like, you know what, go ahead and get it.
10:33We can always choose to not use it later.
10:35And I'll make it look really expensive.
10:37Two minutes!
10:39We have everything
10:41else, notions, and stuff, right? Are we good?
10:43This is not me no more. I don't like running around.
10:50Let's go, girls!
11:01I like the crown thing.
11:09I think this lining
11:11is a little bit, like, warm
11:13from the color from here.
11:15If this doesn't work, I'll use layers of this
11:17to see what defines you.
11:19We don't have enough, I don't think.
11:21I cover more on this.
11:23We could do two layers on top of that.
11:25We have to have this.
11:27I would say 90% of us are very type-A
11:29control freaks. I am both of those things,
11:31as well as high-strung.
11:33You're gonna have to pad the hip
11:35and the waist, and the bust is a little bit big.
11:37You don't need to. I can pass. I do the skirt.
11:39I gotta pad the waist.
11:41I want to be the leader. I want to do something different.
11:43But I know Brainy has
11:45very strong opinions all the time.
11:47I don't see either of us
11:49will be the leader.
11:51Ah, this color!
11:53Victor is so good. So rich.
11:57Victor and I are making this amazing
11:59royal purple
12:01silk georgette gown
12:03with a metallic leather corset.
12:05I think you start on the corset. Okay.
12:07I will start on
12:09Zé Batiste. That one.
12:11Paige and I being miraculously
12:13put together, it's like the gods
12:15in themselves said, you know what?
12:17Be one. Maybe a tiny neck, maybe not a huge one.
12:19We decided to do a robe
12:21in the blue metallic. So once you
12:23think you got it, boom, it drops, and there's
12:25this really beautiful gown.
12:27Oh, my God, yes. Jesus gave us the green light
12:29and we said, yes, sir. Amen.
12:31I mean, I'm thinking about it.
12:33Does she have to be long in the front?
12:35She don't really have to, right? You could do the high low. I love it.
12:37So we'll see how it is. Which is very...
12:39Yes. Be sexy, too. Very sexy.
12:41In my everyday life, I
12:43actually work a lot in groups. I'm a
12:45costume designer. Everything has to be cohesive.
12:47And I love Laurence. Like, I could
12:49not have asked for a better
12:51partner. We can do pants
12:53and vests out of this. Exactly. And the sleeves out of this
12:55and the skirt out of this. Maybe that's it.
12:57And then the crossover there. Yeah. I believe true fashion
12:59embraces masculinity and femininity
13:01and creates an entirely new other
13:03form of gender representation. That'd be beautiful.
13:05Yeah. So Fabio and I are really
13:07trying to treat this challenge as
13:09a chance for us to be a spokesperson
13:11for the queer generation. I like that you did
13:13this scene here. Right here? Yeah.
13:15I'm filling up vibes. What vibes?
13:17Life of good vibes, man.
13:19We set
13:21good vibes and tensions. See?
13:23And I hope that we get what we want in the end.
13:25You're the sweetest partner ever, man.
13:27Since I've been on Project Runway,
13:29I had the opportunity to dress
13:31the Queen of Jordan. Having dressed
13:33royalty is, like, a huge
13:35honor for somebody like myself.
13:37When I first got the call, I just didn't believe it.
13:39I thought that it was a joke. To actually be
13:41flown first class and to be greeted
13:43at the Mandarin Hotel by Queen of Jordan
13:45herself, it's a moment that I will always
13:47remember. We got this, Rami.
13:49We got this.
13:55I'm gonna go and connect the skirt together.
13:57Okay. Our girl is definitely
13:59a pop culture, like, Beyonce
14:01or Celine Dion.
14:03This is that queen. We need to make it more
14:05sexy, more modern. So I'm making
14:07a corset in the middle with leather.
14:09That signature touch that if you see it,
14:11you know it's mine. You have to be very,
14:13very careful.
14:15Because this is surgery here.
14:21when you don't have to, like, do
14:23all the pleats. What?
14:25Um, you can
14:27do, like, a gather.
14:29But it's not pleats. It's gathers.
14:31Is that what you're making? Yeah.
14:33It's fine. Whatever.
14:37Like, you can just
14:39give the room for this part, and then you
14:41gather, and you place the folds, right?
14:43Yeah, I know how to gather.
14:45Keeping my cool in this team challenge is so
14:47crucial to our success.
14:49I am not a seamstress here
14:51to execute her vision.
14:53Just want to make it out of this team challenge alive.
15:03Everything is fine.
15:05Everything is fine.
15:07Do you like my crayon?
15:09Who's the royal miss bitch?
15:11Rami and I are
15:13creating a gown
15:15that has a very architectural detail
15:17but classic elements. I feel like it's
15:19more flattering if it came out
15:21from that side.
15:23When we do the heavy appliques, you won't see that seam
15:25at all. Yes, that's what I did before.
15:27No, you won't see it at all. I think we knew
15:29straight off where our queen was from.
15:31Paris for you.
15:33Pretty much represents us.
15:35And Germany for me, since I was born in Germany.
15:37And thank you for adding the military twist
15:39for me, since I'm an Air Force bride.
15:41You're welcome. A little black queen with a European twist.
15:43I don't really want to say
15:45that her style is not mine.
15:47She will go fully soft. You know, I could be
15:49soft and hard. I just like to mix the two
15:51together. The cape is the hard one, and
15:53the dress will be the soft part of the look.
15:55I don't see
15:57a queen. La Homme's fabric, that
15:59feels too party to me.
16:01I like all of that.
16:05Breaks my heart to cut you like this.
16:07The fabric I bought from home
16:09is actually one complete fabric.
16:11It's on this nude mesh.
16:13So I'm cutting each one out as Proje
16:15constructs the dress. She's serving rich bitch
16:17realness from Africa. Cartouche fabric from home
16:19was flown in a private jet by my
16:21future husband from Dubai with all the oil
16:23money and the gold and the diamonds.
16:25I like where it's going.
16:27It's just sparkle. We are going
16:29to give you the queen
16:31of Wakanda, representing
16:33us, the people.
16:37Okay, so
16:39you got the sleeves, I got
16:41the pants. And you're doing the vest now.
16:43Finishing up the vest. And tomorrow I'm diving into
16:45skirt territory. You got me. I got
16:47you, babe! That was unpleasant.
16:49Sorry to everyone.
16:51Once you get it all draped, I'll help you with that part.
16:53That corset is
16:55giving me life now. I like that.
16:57Let's look at it tomorrow.
17:01Victor and Kane's outfits.
17:03I have so many questions.
17:05So many questions. Yeah, you know why
17:07I think it's going to be successful?
17:09Because it looks like it's a custom-made
17:11something. I don't think they've seen this before.
17:13This should be like a sword.
17:15I'm going to take a ride on my dragon.
17:25I think from there, it's probably
17:27going to be ready for fitting. You've already got the leather corset
17:29already ready. That's a game plan.
17:31Awesome. Boom! Tomorrow I'll work on
17:33the body and then you can help me with this.
17:35I think it's going to be really cool.
17:37This is done. We have to
17:39connect the bodice. Oh my God, yes.
17:43Just got to have faith.
17:45Guys! You ain't got to
17:47go home. But you got to get the
17:49hell up out of here.
17:51Ready to go. Let's go.
17:53Kick it up, dust up.
17:55We told you saddle up.
17:57Spring up, spring down.
18:07So how do you feel about the walkthrough tomorrow
18:09when Christian walks in? When Christian
18:11comes to you guys, because you like current seasons,
18:13it's a different relationship.
18:15And even with the judges. They'll be like,
18:17okay Rami, what rock did you climb from under?
18:19Okay, that's great.
18:21How you doing my brother?
18:23You still live in Arkansas?
18:25Don't you have children?
18:27Like what the hell?
18:29When you hear a judge saying, oh it's so good to see you.
18:31And then you come back after so many years
18:33and you don't get any of that warm welcome.
18:35It just feels a bit off. You know what I mean?
18:37I get that.
18:41Some of us are OGs. Some of us are
18:43new. But there's two OGs gone.
18:45Is this going to be a pattern?
18:47But a lot of us are split teams.
18:49But you know, like the way it is,
18:51if you lose, only one of you
18:53go home. If it works out where I get to the end,
18:55yeah, great.
18:57I'm going to show the f*** out and be me 100%,
18:59but I'm not going to have no regrets.
19:01Some of the designers in here,
19:03they're fresh meat. You know, we've been doing this
19:05since the beginning. There's the respect to be due.
19:07We've been here, we've done it. I'm an OG
19:09and I still got it. God's been training me
19:11to get me ready. This is my time now.
19:13Coming up...
19:15Girl, you know Christian's coming in 20 minutes.
19:17What? I do think it looks period.
19:19Hi, designers. I think you could do
19:21something more modern than this.
19:23I'm just like, now I'm confused.
19:25The accessorizing
19:27is so over the top.
19:29It's hard for me to consider it as
19:31a gown. I find this fabric
19:33to feel sad and wilted.
19:43Here we go, here we go.
19:47Good morning, lovely dresses. We are back.
19:49Let's have a game plan.
19:51I just want to communicate what
19:53everybody's person's doing.
19:55So that way it's a partnership. Because I want to go on that runway
19:57like proud
19:59and be able to do my work knowing that like
20:01one person wasn't doing enough.
20:03I really want to remind her that
20:05this is a partnership. It is our vision.
20:07I want you to trust me with... I trust you so much.
20:09I trust you too. Especially the thing I worked with you
20:11yesterday. I see how you like seriously
20:13like backing all the two together.
20:15I trust you so much, technically.
20:17It's so important for you and your team member
20:19to be on the same page. It's essentially going to be the key
20:21to the success of this
20:23team challenge. Okay, great. Love you.
20:25Thank you, me too.
20:29I want to cut the skirt and put it before
20:31Christian comes in. Yes, for sure.
20:35It looks amazing already.
20:39Girl, you know
20:41Christian's coming in 20 minutes.
20:45I'm sorry.
20:47Save that side eye for him.
20:51We can do it. We can do it.
20:53Look how gorgeous.
20:57I want to be her.
21:03Hello, everybody.
21:05Hi, Christian.
21:07How are you?
21:09Are you feeling regal and fabulous?
21:13Well, I love a gown, so I'm coming to see you.
21:15Yay. Okay.
21:19Hello. Hi.
21:21What are we looking at?
21:23This is African standard. This is African style.
21:25It's for the culture.
21:27I am from the Malian Empire,
21:29so I mean, I really am from royalty.
21:31My mom's always told me she was a queen in her day.
21:33When she enters a room, her head is high,
21:35she's regal, and she is dressed.
21:37And then once she gets on the runway,
21:39you do that reveal.
21:41Take it off.
21:43And then you have this beautiful dress.
21:45It's a whole look.
21:47Yeah, maybe it really just is about making this applique shine.
21:49That's your star, which I think you're doing a good job so far.
21:51I think it just has to be, like, perfect.
21:53You have a good amount left, right?
21:57So you can wrap around to the back and to the bottom.
21:59All right, guys. Trim, trim, trim.
22:01Yes. Thank you.
22:07I wish I had somebody in here fanning me.
22:11Hi, guys.
22:13What's happening here?
22:15For us, we wanted to showcase you don't have to be a queen
22:17to have royalty and be poised.
22:19Every woman at some moment in her life
22:21wants to have her royal moment.
22:23And as women who might even be housewives,
22:25I feel like sometimes they're
22:27the unsung heroes
22:29that need to be celebrated.
22:31I do think that this
22:33could be something more dramatic
22:35because it does feel a little safe.
22:39You guys could cut sections out.
22:41I just think they're really gonna focus on what's so different.
22:43Like, things that are a bit off
22:45will be better.
22:47So have fun.
22:49Thank you, Christian.
22:51Hopefully that helps you.
22:53You look very worried.
22:55No, I'm not worried at all.
22:57This is, like, pleasing. Thank you.
22:59I'm happy that Christian is testing us
23:01to kind of, like, bring our best.
23:03I see a cape.
23:07So this kind of beautiful velvet leather cape.
23:09And that is the fabric that she brought from home.
23:11I'm known for leather,
23:13but this is my alternative to leather.
23:15I call this my Versailles fabric.
23:17That's my little French side.
23:19It looks very rich. It looks very regal and elegant.
23:21So that's the cape.
23:23And then what goes underneath?
23:25I see a very icy
23:27queen over here.
23:29I'm like, I think you're channeling something.
23:31I am channeling something.
23:33And this is where I'm thinking,
23:35because, like, my dad was in the military forever.
23:37Like, this is my mom. She always had on
23:39white. She always had on these gloves.
23:41He's, like, the officer, which is the heart,
23:43and she was just always the beautiful soul.
23:45I love that. That's the concept.
23:47That's beautiful. And that helps it,
23:49I think, make a bit more sense.
23:51Because they are quite different.
23:53All right. Lots of work.
23:55Like, the most work.
23:57I know.
24:03On the shoulders area here.
24:05I need to see it more finished for me
24:07to have a real opinion,
24:09to be honest with you.
24:11Long live the king.
24:19Hello, gentlemen.
24:21It's very purple over here.
24:23Yeah. We both are very inspired
24:25by music. So it's like modern day.
24:27A music icon.
24:29Exactly. And we really wanted to marry
24:31both of our aesthetics,
24:33but push it. Right now,
24:35it is looking a little bit
24:37medieval costume.
24:39This is this armored breastplate,
24:41and she's got her cape sleeves,
24:43and she's purple, and then she has this royal crown.
24:45Everyone knows that you can make
24:47incredible clothes. So
24:49I think you could do something
24:51a bit cooler and more modern,
24:53because you can do this tomorrow
24:55in, like, half an hour. Like, this is not hard.
24:57I mean...
24:59You know what? I think it's really important
25:01to be a good team player in this challenge,
25:03because I do love and respect Victor's work.
25:05It's just tough to decide,
25:07is this corset cool for this challenge?
25:09Are the judges going to get it?
25:11I don't know. There could be something going on.
25:13We're going to use this, baby.
25:15But also with that, you could do something
25:17really interesting here.
25:21I'm wondering,
25:23should we take the corset out?
25:25If I was designing it by myself,
25:27I would definitely edit more,
25:29but I think I'm too
25:31respectful of Kane,
25:33and I want to make sure that his voice is on the garment
25:35and mine voiced, too.
25:37Who's your royal, regal
25:39queen moment?
25:41So we're thinking monarch queer. Yeah.
25:43So gender fluid, that's why the pants come into play,
25:45because we want it to look like
25:47it is a gown, but it's also...
25:49For the future. We're trying to dress the future of what we see as an architecture.
25:51Wear what you want to wear, be who you want to be.
25:53It doesn't matter. Literally anyone.
25:55I get what you're doing.
25:57I think that the gray side looks a little
25:59richer. I think the white almost is
26:01like day wear.
26:03Because that was where we kind of came from.
26:05We both kind of come from where day wear... I think for us,
26:07the ticket is really the skirt. We have to go
26:09as big as possible. Fabio and I keep talking about
26:11how we need to kind of bump it up into that regal category.
26:13I got it from here. You just start by fitting the pants,
26:15and I'll be zhuzhing this until I'm ready for a menial class.
26:17This is a fairy
26:19little land we're in. It is.
26:21So the queen is...
26:23She's from this planet.
26:25Her own planet, and it's all women.
26:27No men. None.
26:29No men. None.
26:31Not even a fabulous gay one?
26:33You can come, but you'd have to be celibate.
26:35Our queen
26:37is the queen of this imaginary
26:39planet. They
26:41reproduce their species
26:43by drinking from the single running source
26:45of spring water. I did not drink spring
26:47water to get pregnant. I did a lot of work.
26:49We want to keep this
26:51queen very chic, modern, so
26:53this is the top, and this is the goatee dress.
26:55Clearly, it's very fairy-like,
26:57very ethereal, romantic,
26:59but it's about making sure
27:01this beading is placed. Sure.
27:03Because it looks like you just stuck them on the skirt.
27:05You got to get this skirt done.
27:07You have a lot to do. It took me
27:09six hours to make the skirt.
27:11I'm not sure if I can finish
27:13this dress on time. That looks like you
27:15stuck it on with a hot glue gun.
27:17I can see that. That's fair.
27:19Teamwork is good?
27:21Yeah. Good.
27:23That's a good idea. Okay.
27:31I'm just like, now I'm confused.
27:33I do think it looks period right now,
27:35but I think if we soften parts of it,
27:37I think it's
27:39going to work.
27:41I at least
27:43get this done before she gets here.
27:45We can put the small ones there
27:47and get it heavy, and then...
27:49So you think I just
27:51put the whole fabric on it?
27:55A million hours? I know.
27:57Our plans are matching.
27:59Yeah, it looks gorgeous.
28:01The more that we work on this look,
28:03the more I can see the actual inspiration
28:05of the challenge come to life.
28:07I actually came out to my mom
28:09in the midst
28:11of having her accept my choice
28:13to go to fashion school
28:15as a career choice.
28:17It was a very hard struggle for the both of us
28:19until I became a finalist for Project Remy.
28:21You've arrived. I have goosebumps.
28:23I know. So do I.
28:25She actually sat down and watched my own collection
28:27coming down. That moment changed
28:29everything for us. And that's why I keep coming back.
28:31I'm really thankful. Thank you, Mom.
28:33Oh, there he is.
28:35Hi, designers.
28:37All right.
28:39Let the model fitting begin.
28:45How are you?
28:49Look at our queen.
28:53I'll have you step into her.
28:55I can get you started in the pants.
28:57We are thinking
28:59of using this fabric
29:01for the head wrap.
29:03Serving them goddess.
29:05Feathers? Not yet.
29:07Don't be making her look like Doris Day, all covered up.
29:09No. It's going to be sheer. The back's going to be open.
29:11We're going to make it dramatic.
29:13The beading is sophisticated, but you've got to make it
29:15modern and young and fresh.
29:17I like the idea of making it see-through
29:19and sexy here and opening the back.
29:25Give it a little icy.
29:27Wear her skates.
29:29I do not want any skating reference
29:31because, first of all, it doesn't look like a skating outfit.
29:33They connected somehow a little bit more
29:35because they feel really different.
29:37Maybe there's one thing that you could do
29:39to marry it.
29:43You know what could tie in? A little leather.
29:45Leather right around here.
29:49where the crinoline is,
29:51is creating quite a shelf.
29:53We were going for fullness.
29:55Maybe there's ways that you can create volume
29:57with just the tool.
29:59Or there's peplums or overlays
30:01or shapes or
30:03something else.
30:05It is too late to make it from the
30:07pretty to edgy.
30:09We just have to finish this dress.
30:11What is happening over here?
30:13Is the
30:15armor gone?
30:19We wanted to do a modernized portrait collar.
30:21Are you gagging over it?
30:23Do you love it?
30:25I'm almost there.
30:27I'm not there yet.
30:29Is it going to fall off apart?
30:31We don't know.
30:33You guys play around with this.
30:35It's getting there.
30:37She's kind of something else.
30:39I'm in love with her.
30:41She's something else.
30:43She's giving.
30:47I don't know what this pant is.
30:49It's not the most beautiful
30:51fitting pant yet.
30:53I think you need to work on what this pant is.
30:55Honestly, just a straight panel
30:57The pant makes it masculine, feminine
30:59thing, but it's got to be
31:03I think we can assume that the skirt works, the top works, and the harness
31:05works. We should just flip those pants inside out and pin
31:07them and take them in right now.
31:09What are you running for?
31:11You're making a shoulder pad.
31:13I know.
31:15All right, designers. Say goodbye to your models.
31:17Bye, designers.
31:19Thank you, ladies.
31:23Bye, babe.
31:25See you guys tomorrow. Good luck.
31:27It's going to be a stunning show.
31:29I'll be on my throne.
31:31Bye, Christian.
31:33I need an extra four hours, please.
31:35She looks cleaner.
31:37Yeah, now I'm content with this fit.
31:39That looks good.
31:41I'm just going to go ahead and put this on.
31:43If it's too long, I can just shred it.
31:45Okay, I'm sorry.
31:47It's time.
31:51All the knots.
31:53Oh, it's nasty.
31:55It's raining.
31:57Oh, it's so cute.
31:59Is it raining? Oh, my God, I'm melting.
32:07Jesus, okay.
32:09Feels like I was just here five minutes ago.
32:13Okay, and I'll get this last little thing on the back.
32:15Okay, that's why she's done.
32:17Are you okay if I split this up so I can do the same?
32:19Whatever you need.
32:21Hi, everybody.
32:23Hi, loving the suit.
32:25All right, designers, who wants a model?
32:27Pretty girl.
32:31Hi, how are you doing?
32:33Time to hassle.
32:35Last minute, perfect, beautiful.
32:37Can we do like a little leather belt?
32:39I like it. It works.
32:41Is this dramatic enough at the shoulder?
32:45Can I have a little...
32:47No time.
32:49All right, designers, when you're ready,
32:51take your models to the makeup studio
32:53and the TRESemmé hair salon.
32:57How are you?
32:59We love the baby hairs.
33:01Just, like, natural beauty on max.
33:03Just, like, clean, pretty, but definitely, like, contoured.
33:05Love her brows.
33:09Did it.
33:11Oh, I love it.
33:13All right, designers, 15 minutes.
33:1515 minutes.
33:17Can I snap it?
33:19Yeah, can you hold it?
33:21Oh, I'm bored.
33:23That's it.
33:25All right, designers, that's time.
33:31All right, trim, trim, trim.
33:33Anna, you have a lot to do.
33:35You better sew this every inch of your life.
33:39All right, designers, one minute.
33:41Let me just cut on this side a little bit.
33:43Can you just tell me if the waist is centered now?
33:45Because I'm pulling it as tight as I need to.
33:47You're going to fan this out so it's all ready?
33:51Do you think I need to stitch this more, or do you think we're good?
33:53I think we're good.
33:55All right, designers, that's it.
33:57You guys ready?
33:59Yes, it's going to be a gorgeous show.
34:07Hi, everyone.
34:11Well, you look fabulous today.
34:15Somebody understood the assignment?
34:17Well, we got all dressed up for you, for this runway show.
34:21I didn't get the dress-up memo, so...
34:23Somebody get him a crown, please.
34:25Can we grab one?
34:27It's my honor to introduce
34:29our guest judge for this challenge.
34:31He's dressed American royalty,
34:33Michelle Obama, cinematic royalty,
34:35Gwyneth Paltrow,
34:37the creative director of Carolina Herrera,
34:39and my good friend, Wes Gordon.
34:43Hi, guys.
34:45It's Wes Gordon,
34:47one of my favorite designers of all time.
34:49I'm so excited to be here today,
34:51and I'm so excited to see this incredible challenge
34:53and the pieces you've made.
34:55Carolina Herrera is amazing.
34:57This is my brand. That's it.
34:59All right, let's bring on the gowns
35:01and start the show.
35:11I feel really good.
35:13The look is feminine, it's romantic.
35:15I'm not expecting to win this challenge.
35:17I hope we're just safe.
35:19I think that we're both thankful
35:21that we made something really pretty
35:23and that it's over.
35:27I think we just did a pretty gown
35:29rather than having something different.
35:31I feel a little bit disappointed
35:33for what we sent to the runway.
35:42Roberta literally looks like European royalty.
35:46I couldn't be happier.
35:52I love the glove reference.
35:54Yes, baby.
35:58After rocking the bottom on the previous episode,
36:01this is my redemption.
36:03I'm putting myself in the top.
36:06I'm putting myself in the top.
36:20A gown for a royal needs to be loud.
36:23We have the drama.
36:25I think some of the others are a little bit more boring
36:27and maybe ill-fitting.
36:30This is Game of Thrones.
36:34Our look is perfect for this challenge
36:36of gown for royalty.
36:38Rihanna, Beyonce, J.Lo, Gaga,
36:42they would all wear this gown, no question.
36:47My heart is about to explode
36:49just by seeing the silhouette behind the screen.
36:55Yes, awesome.
36:58Yes, off with their heads, honey.
37:02Definitely seeing a lot of pageant-ready looks,
37:04and we absolutely didn't take that course,
37:06so I hope they can understand
37:08that this is what we see for the future.
37:18If the judges did not pick this as a top look,
37:21I will lose it today
37:23because this is impeccable.
37:37I'm feeling amazing seeing my look go down the runway.
37:40Rami and I spent so much time
37:42creating such a chic and modern gown.
37:46Really well-made for 15 hours.
37:48Incredible, extraordinary.
37:51The gown fits her like a glove.
37:54The train looks really beautiful.
37:56The way the sleeve wraps around
37:58from the shoulder down to the cape.
38:00It's a sculpture. It's really beautiful.
38:02I'm so proud of us.
38:10You better serve.
38:15She comes out, and it's like, whoa, girl.
38:17I'm even like, who made this?
38:19Oh, we made it? Oh, okay.
38:21It's amazing.
38:23I can't tell who in the hell is who.
38:27You can see this regal, royal, young queen.
38:32Overall, this is a hit for us.
38:34We're just soaking it in
38:36because it's just too goddamn beautiful.
38:45Thank you, guys.
38:47Bravo. Thank you, Nina.
38:49Well done. There were no bad looks tonight.
38:52Can all of you please step up to the runway?
39:01Designers, we scored your designs,
39:03and we would like to speak to all of you.
39:05That's a twist.
39:07There will be a winning and a losing team,
39:09and someone from the losing team will be out.
39:13Designers, we've scored your designs.
39:16The winner will come from the winning team,
39:19and someone from the losing team will be out.
39:22All right, let's get the first look out here.
39:28I knew I heard her.
39:41Rami, Bishme.
39:45Talk about your partnership. Tell us about your look.
39:47We did an amazing job
39:49with just intersecting our strengths with each other,
39:51understanding, like, what's the best thing that we can do
39:53for a woman that we feel like should be queen
39:56and not just coming from a royal family.
39:58Did you guys think about, we're going to go safe?
40:01We wanted to take elements from classic things
40:03and incorporate them in a new, modern way.
40:05And sometimes when it looks simple,
40:08it takes a lot of work to make sure that the references
40:11are there to kind of like, showcase the modern twist.
40:14I really enjoyed the simplicity of this classic gown silhouette
40:17that we have seen before, but you made it modern, you updated it.
40:21This was one of the chicest dresses.
40:23You guys have an amazing understanding of drape and pattern making.
40:26Thank you. Coming from you, that's a big compliment, so thank you for that.
40:29But is this the one that stands out,
40:31like, that she is the one being crowned?
40:33That's where I'm kind of hesitating.
40:35I think this is a classic.
40:39I particularly love the drape of that half shoulder,
40:43which looks like a half cape, but why black?
40:47If it's for everyday woman, like how we were thinking,
40:50sticking with black felt like it was a perfect choice for us.
40:53I could see a young royal stepping into this big moment.
40:58Where I didn't think that you needed it was in the embroidery.
41:02You took me from a royal place to a pageant place.
41:05I would have loved to have just taken that illusion tool away.
41:09Give us the modern tiara, the fantastic ponytail,
41:14the ponytail to end all ponytails.
41:18Vishmi, Rami, thank you.
41:20Sarah, you can leave the runway.
41:23Hate to see it go.
41:25Let's get the next look out here.
41:33Hey, Mama.
41:35How you doing?
41:38Brittany, Anna, tell us about your look.
41:41So our queen is from an all-woman planet,
41:44kind of like a Wonder Woman situation.
41:46Essentially the idea of this planet is that every woman is a queen,
41:50and we really wanted to, like, keep it modern
41:52with embracing, like, the very feminine aspects of what we both do.
41:57My eye immediately went to the train.
42:00If you would just turn around, please.
42:02It feels wilted, it feels sad and heavy,
42:05and I question the selection of the tool.
42:07Would an organza have been better?
42:09Something with more body to tie back to those shoulder pads.
42:13It feels almost like a costume.
42:15Is she nipped at the waist, or is that supposed to be wider?
42:19It looks ill-fitting.
42:21What happens when you lift that part up?
42:24I feel like the gathering of the tool brings everything down.
42:29Who did that?
42:30I did the skirt.
42:32Brittany, what did you do?
42:34The corset top and then the sleeve.
42:36You know I love you both,
42:38so it pains me to say that I don't love this look.
42:41I wish that you gave us something
42:43that felt a little bit younger, more modern.
42:46We have seen some really inventive things from both of you.
42:49This is when you really have to tap into who you know you are.
42:52It's time to get risky.
42:54Anna, Brittany, thank you both.
42:56Thank you, Brendan.
42:58Okay, moving on, let's get our next look out here.
43:03Here we go.
43:08Laurence, Kerson, tell us about your collaboration and about your look.
43:12When I think of royalty, I think of a cape and a beautiful gown.
43:16And we really wanted a European queen, like Laurence was born in Paris.
43:20I'm an Air Force brat. I was born in Germany.
43:23Laurence brought this fabric from home,
43:25and I know it's contrasting, but I love a contrast.
43:28Laurence, so why did you choose to use your fabric from home on this challenge?
43:32This is my Parisian inspiration,
43:34which in the beginning I just wanted to show her the fabric
43:37and go to Mood and find something similar to that,
43:39but we didn't find anything that we wanted,
43:41so we decided to go with the black fabric.
43:43But I love this fabric.
43:45I loved that immediately when your model came on the runway
43:49that I could see a piece of both of you,
43:51because that so rarely happens when you're paired up together.
43:55This is one of my favorite looks.
43:57I love the sheer panels.
43:59I love the intelligently placed ruffles.
44:02I love the drama of the back once the cape came off.
44:05I love the skinny black leather belt.
44:07I think the cape is very chic, very well made,
44:10and I think the dress is quite beautiful.
44:12I think they have no business being together.
44:14Ladies, was this an homage to Karl Lagerfeld?
44:17I love Karl Lagerfeld.
44:19That's, like, one of my number one inspirations.
44:21Well, it's all here.
44:23I know that you don't like the cape.
44:25I kind of love the cape.
44:27I love that play of the black and the white.
44:30I particularly love the leather detail that gives it that color.
44:34I really liked it.
44:35This was dressing a royalty from the future.
44:38Thank you. Thank you.
44:39Thank you, Laurence. Thank you.
44:41Thank you, Carisson. Thank you so much.
44:43Okay, let's get the next look out here.
44:46Oh, look at this.
44:54Victor, Kane, who is your royal?
44:56Where are they going?
44:58Our girl is definitely like Queen B, Beyonce, Lady Gaga.
45:03We both dress celebrities, and we're like,
45:05why don't we do something that we already do?
45:07The leather is me, the softness is him.
45:10We just wanted to go from performance to beauty.
45:12Can you explain where the dress ends and the accessories begin?
45:15So this is all a full dress.
45:17This is Nude Illusion all the way to the neck.
45:19It was like an embroidery fabric that we cut into an applique,
45:21and we added all by hand, also on the leg.
45:23So where does the leg end?
45:25It's sewn into the waist here.
45:27So with the exception of the corset, the dress is one piece.
45:31Correct. Yes. Wow.
45:33I love the hat.
45:34Personally, it veers into costume a little bit.
45:36I found it to be more beautiful when you took the corset off.
45:40Let's take the corset off.
45:46All of a sudden, you have a really beautiful gown.
45:50I am stumped of what to say because the work is there,
45:54but the accessorizing is so over the top
45:58that it's hard for me to consider it as a gown and not a costume.
46:11I am kind of stumped of what to say
46:14because the accessorizing is so over the top.
46:18So who did what in this fashion?
46:20Yeah, who took it over the top?
46:22Can I see the back?
46:24This part was definitely my portion, the corset.
46:29Draping and making the pattern was Victor.
46:32Victor did the draping of the headpiece,
46:34and then my main focus was the construction of the bodice.
46:38You two are the winners of the last two challenges.
46:41It's an explosive combination.
46:44If this were a stage performance challenge,
46:48you would have run away with the gold medal.
46:51But this would deeply concern me.
46:54I saw a royal walking out in this.
46:57It just was too many things together.
47:00Victor, Kane, thank you so much.
47:02Wren, you can leave the runway.
47:09All right, let's bring the model out.
47:15Hester, Fabio, how did you arrive at this look?
47:18We come from the New York underground queer scene.
47:21We feel like we needed what a gown would look like for us.
47:23Yeah, and what a gown would look like for the world we want to create
47:26because we really felt that there wasn't a representation
47:28of a queen who fit our perspective of regal and royal.
47:31Mimi, do you mind if we see the pants?
47:33Oh, this slips off.
47:35We actually designed a three-look collection so far.
47:37That's so brilliant.
47:39In 15 hours?
47:41When I saw this, I was like, this is a risk,
47:45but it made me very curious and very pleased.
47:49I could see Meghan Markle wearing this.
47:52Oh, that's royalty.
47:54A modern royal vibe.
47:56That's what you gave us with this look.
47:58I personally, and it's subjective,
48:00find this fabric to feel a little sad and older.
48:05So we chose this color because to us it felt like the perfect mixture
48:08between the black classic and the white classic evening.
48:11So for us, looking at it as a non-binary or gender fluid,
48:15we were trying to funnel that into the color in the work.
48:18I love the drape of it. I love the modernity of it.
48:20I thought it was very successful.
48:22Hester, Fabio, thank you.
48:26Shall we get our final look on the runway?
48:31Hi, ladies.
48:33Kato, Rajae, tell us about your collaboration together.
48:37I'm 100% African, born and raised on the continent,
48:40and we wanted to tell the story of people
48:42that were taken to different parts of the world,
48:44so Haiti, Barbados, Jamaica.
48:46Everything we picked was very intentional,
48:48from the blue fabric, the flow of it, the waters.
48:51I mean, there was a lot of traveling.
48:53We've gone through so much and still to this day
48:55still fighting for rights.
48:57So that's why we decided to create a queen
49:00when she steps into the room, all eyes on her.
49:03This beading here is Kato's fabrics from home.
49:06And I have to give her great props and respect
49:09for actually wanting to use that in a team challenge.
49:11And of course, Kato and Rajae, you're going to get a head wrap.
49:15That was our crown.
49:17You did something with styling that I think was quite important,
49:20which is that you used the fabric from the opera coat,
49:23which I love, as the headpiece.
49:25If you hadn't done that,
49:27I'm not entirely sure how married together
49:30the coat and the dress would have been.
49:32But that simple touch made the whole look,
49:35so well done with that.
49:37Kato, your story was beautiful.
49:39Thank you, Nina.
49:41The choice of the blue with the burgundy.
49:43She looks special.
49:45It's definitely coming from you.
49:47I thought everything about it
49:49was the definition of what this challenge is about.
49:53I've watched Kato for years,
49:55so we knew this moment right there
49:57was already defined in the universe.
49:59A lot of my inspirations are here,
50:01and I don't want to cry.
50:03I know.
50:05Don't make us cry.
50:07That's why this group is so special.
50:09Yeah, these tears are just tears of joy.
50:11This pot of soup is like ready,
50:13and I have something to say.
50:15I just want to be seen.
50:17You have absolutely made the ancestors proud today.
50:21I just got hot.
50:23It's brilliant.
50:25Who did what? Can you just break it down?
50:27Kato is all over the coat.
50:29I did the dress,
50:31and then she definitely did come
50:33and help a placement on this outfit.
50:35I prayed to God like,
50:37Lord, let me guide him and not hurt his feelings,
50:39but all these rhinestones can't go on this dress.
50:41Beautiful work, you two.
50:43Jessica, you can leave the runway.
50:45Jessica is such a believable queen.
50:47Oh, my God.
50:49As designers,
50:51there really wasn't a worst of the group.
50:53It's just picking the smallest things out.
50:55That being said,
50:57we're going to ask you to leave the runway
50:59while we decide who will win and who will go home.
51:09I love you.
51:11I love you.
51:13Literally, that was so beautiful,
51:15what you said up there.
51:17The challenge was to create a gown
51:19fit for royalty.
51:21I think that they all delivered.
51:25But let's decide who stays, who goes home.
51:27I can genuinely say I do not know who's going home.
51:29I know.
51:31Or who's winning.
51:33So we know who's safe.
51:35Hester and Fabio, Bishme and Rami
51:37fall somewhere in the middle.
51:41Let's do the fun part first and decide
51:43who gets the crown tonight, shall we?
51:45I am partial to
51:47Laurence and Carousan's look.
51:49There's a lightness,
51:51a freshness.
51:53And as an individual piece,
51:55that's probably the dress you'd be most likely to wear
51:57to an event in New York.
52:01But Coteau and Proget had an exuberance.
52:03There's just those magical moments
52:05sometimes in fashion when
52:07it all comes together.
52:09It so rarely happens, but it's such a joy to witness.
52:11And for me, Coteau and Proget
52:13tonight have that.
52:15I think what brought the
52:17grandeur of this outfit
52:19was really in the choice of
52:21fabric, and that was all Coteau.
52:23Now for the hard part, we have to decide
52:25the losing team, and beyond that
52:27we have to decide who's going home.
52:29Who wants to start?
52:31Not it.
52:33What's really challenging about
52:35picking who's going home is that
52:37Victor and Kane
52:39and Anna and Brittany
52:41have two very different problems.
52:43I was frankly bored by what
52:45Anna and Brittany sent down the runway.
52:47But on the other hand,
52:49I was overwhelmed by what Victor and Kane
52:51put down the runway.
52:53One of them was giving us
52:55full-time Vegas,
52:57and the other one is just basic
52:59and cliche.
53:01If Anna and Brittany are our least favorite team,
53:03who goes home?
53:05Who did the mesh arms? That's who needs to go home.
53:07Brittany did the upper half,
53:09which was the arms.
53:11Anna did that skirt.
53:13The over-skirt is the culprit, because the weight of that
53:15took an ephemeral light dress and stretched it down.
53:19But if Victor and Kane were our least favorite team,
53:21who would go home?
53:23Victor told us he made the corset,
53:25and if that's what's the problem,
53:27then Victor should go.
53:29But what we don't like about this look
53:31is how costumey it is, and Kane
53:33is a costumer.
53:35So I think we know who is going home.
53:37Are we all in agreeance?
53:43Let's get the designers out here.
53:51Okay, designers.
53:53We have two favorite looks
53:55of the night.
53:57Coteau and Prager,
53:59and Laurence and Carousel.
54:01Your two teams delivered
54:03exactly what we were looking for.
54:05A look that was fit
54:07for a queen.
54:09The winning team is...
54:13Coteau and Prager.
54:23But only one designer
54:25could be crowned the overall winner tonight.
54:29And that
54:31designer is...
54:39Or should we say Queen Coteau.
54:45Oh, my God. Thank you so much.
54:47Congratulations. Thank you.
54:49I feel seen.
54:51I'm so thankful to just represent for my people.
54:53That really means a lot to me.
54:55Your look together had
54:57an authenticity that is so important
54:59to fashion. It felt unique. It felt true.
55:01It was really beautiful. Thank you so much.
55:03To get this win in a group challenge,
55:05I think it's amazing, and it definitely shows.
55:07Watch out for her. She has something to say.
55:09I'm still fighting to be seen as a black woman,
55:11so it wasn't just about a look.
55:13Laurence, Carousel, Prager,
55:15you are all in.
55:17Thank you. Thank you.
55:19Hester and Fabio, Fishme and Rami,
55:21we also loved
55:23your looks, and you are all in.
55:25Thank you. Thank you.
55:27You may leave the runway. Thank you.
55:29Thank you guys so much.
55:31Good job, guys.
55:35This is history.
55:37Four African-Americans in the top
55:39never ever happened in life.
55:41Good job, you guys.
55:43Good job.
55:45Brittany and Anna,
55:47Victor and Kane,
55:49unfortunately, someone from the
55:51losing team will be out.
55:53Brittany and Anna,
55:55your look
55:57felt like you played it safe.
55:59We expect
56:01much more from you.
56:03Victor and Kane,
56:05your look
56:07needed editing.
56:09It was more costume
56:11than fashion. This was
56:13an extremely
56:15difficult decision for all of us.
56:25you're out.
56:27I'm so sorry.
56:29Brittany, Anna,
56:31and Kane, you are in.
56:35Bye, my dear.
56:37I love you.
56:39You're amazing.
56:41Victor, what we saw
56:43of you was fantastic,
56:45and I know that you have
56:47that talent in you.
56:49I'm just so happy to be here.
56:51I'm so happy to be in front of you guys
56:53and to meet you and you,
56:55but I'm just happy to be here in front of
56:57Nina because I admire you so much.
57:01You're my queen. You're a goddess.
57:03Oh, my God. You're breaking my heart.
57:05I am
57:07really sad to see you go,
57:09and I'm very proud of you.
57:11Thank you guys so much. It really means a lot.
57:13You can all leave the runway.