• last month


00:00Back, all right, listen, I know it's hard.
00:05You lose a friend, I get it, you know, it's tough.
00:09Carousel was truly the soul of this group.
00:11She made everybody feel loved.
00:12And the quiet in the room right now
00:14is because her presence is definitely missed.
00:16Let's just try to get through it, but I know it's hard.
00:20All right, time for your next challenge.
00:24Oh my God.
00:25And there is someone waiting for us on the runway.
00:29All right, come on.
00:30Let's go.
00:32Come with me.
00:33It's just moving and grooving.
00:39Hi, designers.
00:42Such a small group.
00:42You guys, the top six.
00:43That's a big deal.
00:44That is a big deal.
00:45On an all-star season, okay?
00:47Can I get an amen?
00:49Yeah, that's a big deal.
00:50Yeah, that's a big deal.
00:51All right.
00:52All right.
00:52All right.
00:53All right.
00:54All right.
00:55All right.
00:56All right.
00:57All right.
00:57All right.
00:58All right.
01:00Embrace the joy of this moment.
01:03All right.
01:04Expressing yourself with style, personal flair,
01:07is really what fashion is all about.
01:09I love flair.
01:13Clothes should give off a vibe
01:15that tell the world what you're all about.
01:17But the flip side of that is the absolute worst.
01:20When you feel like you have to conform
01:22to other people's expectations.
01:24One minute you can be called too aggressive,
01:26and the other minute you're called too meek.
01:28How many of you guys feel me on this?
01:30Have you been there?
01:32I know I've been there.
01:32One minute you're too emotional,
01:34the next you're too quiet.
01:37That is called a double bind.
01:38It makes women in particular self-edit
01:41so they can fit in or fit the part.
01:44And it's time for that to change.
01:46I totally can relate to it.
01:48I'm told I'm too much of this or not enough of this.
01:50And when I'm confident, I'm too ambitious.
01:53I just hate people putting limitations on me.
01:55As long as I'm okay with me, I'm good.
01:58We need to celebrate women showcasing
02:00whatever style they want.
02:02And TRESemme is also committed to eliminating double binds.
02:06So they collaborated with the Representation Project
02:09and found that two thirds of women experience them.
02:12And 90% of these women report,
02:15it prevents them from being their authentic self.
02:18And we're gonna flip this problem on its head.
02:20We're gonna embrace personal style.
02:23All right, so for your challenge.
02:25I'm nervous.
02:27Me too.
02:27You'll each create one runway look
02:31that showcases two styles.
02:34All right, let me show you some examples.
02:35Kylie Jenner, she went sporty and glamorous.
02:37Or when Harry Styles wore this fabulous Gucci blouse
02:40and tuxedo pant.
02:41Perfect marriage of masculine and feminine.
02:44It's time to find out which two opposing styles
02:46each of you will get.
02:48We'll start with Bishme, tonight's winner.
02:54Basic and bold.
02:57You are welcome.
02:57Basic and bold.
02:59What the hell is that?
03:00I can relate to bold, but it's nothing basic about me.
03:03My name's Bishme, for God's sakes.
03:05All right, Kato's next.
03:06Formal and casual.
03:08It's what you do.
03:09I know.
03:11All right, Rami.
03:14Fitted and oversized.
03:16Ooh, okay.
03:17Ooh, this is hard, Rami.
03:18Let's see what you can do.
03:20Let's see what you can do with it.
03:22Praja, you're next.
03:23Elegant and edgy.
03:26Come and get it.
03:28Brittany, sexy and modest.
03:32Ooh, sexy.
03:34There you go, girl, good luck.
03:35Laurent, last but not least.
03:37Oh, this is a good one.
03:38Okay, classic and trendy.
03:41Come and get it.
03:43Classic and trendy, they're talking about me,
03:45so it shouldn't be that hard.
03:47Bishme, you won the last challenge,
03:50so you win an advantage.
03:52What's that?
03:53You can swap styles
03:54with anyone else in the competition.
03:58No, it's okay.
03:59Now or never, baby.
03:59Now or never.
04:00I'm gonna keep it.
04:01You're gonna keep it?
04:02Good, okay.
04:03Thank God, Bishme didn't take my elegance and edge away.
04:05All right, designers, this is a one-day challenge.
04:10Of course.
04:11So make sure you complete your look from head to toe.
04:16I left your model cards in the workroom,
04:18and you can draw your models randomly when you get there.
04:21You have 30 minutes to sketch,
04:23and I'll meet you tomorrow at Mood.
04:25Yay, thank you, Bishme.
04:26Now y'all can get up and get to work.
04:28Get to work.
04:2930 minutes of sketching.
04:31Y'all better calm yourselves down.
04:34Let's go, madame.
04:35I'm gonna be my date.
04:36Stay modest.
04:37She's like, that's not a thing.
04:40Everybody just go.
04:41Oh my goodness.
04:43Who you got?
04:44I got Jessica.
04:46And I got Ren.
04:48All right.
04:48Yes, girl.
04:49I'm okay with this.
04:50Time to sketch.
04:51All right, let's do it.
04:52Basic and bold.
04:56Things supposed to get easier.
05:01Things supposed to get easier.
05:08When I think of a double bind,
05:09I really think of like being in a situation
05:11that is a catch-22.
05:12Merging opposite elements in one look,
05:15fitted and oversized.
05:16It's not an easy process,
05:17but I'm not here to play it safe.
05:19Like I really want to push myself creatively.
05:21I want to show variety.
05:23So I am sketching an oversized jacket.
05:26Something that's very sexy,
05:27like a bodycon top and a skirt
05:30that really hug her body.
05:31I want to feature her hourglass figure.
05:35What haven't I shown y'all yet?
05:37And it's a one day challenge.
05:40Cause now my brain got.
05:48For this double bind challenge,
05:50I'm thinking about making a jumpsuit suit.
05:53A blazer has always been a classic.
05:55And a jumpsuit, it's very chic.
05:58Mwah, mwah.
05:59All right, y'all, let's go get some rest.
06:01All right.
06:02Let's go.
06:04I don't got no home training.
06:07I can't move forward.
06:19Somehow I have to make something sexy
06:21and modest at the same time.
06:23I'm telling you, show some tits.
06:27That is always a solution.
06:29What are you guys going to try to get at me?
06:30That's a good question.
06:31Something colorful.
06:32One, two, one, two, we in the house.
06:34I'll tell you going to brocade.
06:35You know me so well, girl.
06:37I know where to find you, mama.
06:38I know where to find you.
06:43Let's go fresh.
06:44All right, final six.
06:45Here we go.
06:46Remember for this challenge,
06:47you guys can get creative with this.
06:4930 minutes, $450 to shop.
06:53Goodbye, go.
06:54All right.
06:59I do like this a lot.
07:01My pants too tight to run.
07:04I was looking for a stretchy lace.
07:06Stretchy lace?
07:07Mm-hmm, so I have sexy and modest.
07:09Sexy and modest lace.
07:11Yeah, but like there's not a whole lot
07:12that have like stretch.
07:15Okay, I like that idea.
07:16Stretch lace, that's cool.
07:18What are you doing, Kaja?
07:19A flirty casual formal look.
07:22Black and black.
07:23No, I never did no black.
07:24You just did a whole black look.
07:25What are you talking about?
07:26A whole black look.
07:27What a whole chartreuse situation.
07:29But it's a black sweater and a black pant.
07:30And you're so good at color.
07:33I know.
07:34This entire competition I've been in a double bind.
07:37You know, one minute my skirts are too long,
07:38this minute they're too short.
07:40You know, I'm too safe,
07:42but then I'm giving too much rah, rah, rah.
07:43Like I can't even.
07:45So game plan this week is stick to my aesthetic.
07:48And I'm definitely wanting to go casual
07:50with a bomber jacket and a formal colorful
07:54and paperback tuxedo pant.
07:56Five minutes, designers.
07:58Five minutes.
08:00Can I get a yard of this?
08:03I got three different colors.
08:05You're running.
08:05Also, you're in a Hawaiian shirt.
08:08Where are you going?
08:10Are you going on a cruise?
08:11I would like to go on a cruise.
08:12Thank you so much.
08:13I mean, you're in a Hawaiian shirt.
08:15Where are you?
08:18What's that?
08:19That jersey?
08:20You said do whatever.
08:22Two minutes, people.
08:24Two minutes.
08:25How many yardies in there?
08:26I'm edgy and elegant,
08:28but this whole thing is very subjective.
08:30So there's a little bit of freaking out inside.
08:32God, you act like it's your first day.
08:36Spreading rumors again.
08:37If I find that shit in my bag, it's over.
08:39Everyone in line?
08:41I was trying not to freaking sweat today.
08:43You're over.
08:45All right, I'm gonna be sitting on the steps.
08:47I gotta calm down.
08:48All right, designers, that's it.
08:49That's time.
08:53Coming up.
08:54Picture this.
08:55You're wrapping her up in a big scarf,
08:57looking like a golden girl going to lunch.
08:59I know, but in a black outfit, I'm basic.
09:00No, you're not basic.
09:01I feel like I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't.
09:11Hey, here we are.
09:12Hello, world.
09:16Brittany, do you know what a double bind is?
09:17Kind of.
09:19I'd never heard it before Elaine said it.
09:21People just automatically assume
09:23because I'm like a bleached blonde
09:25that I'd be a bitch immediately.
09:29That's not fair.
09:30And then they say I'm not a bitch?
09:33So my inspiration for my garment
09:36is every single woman that exists on this planet.
09:39We are told that we need to be sexy, but without makeup,
09:43and we need to be modest, but we need to have the sex appeal.
09:46I'm seeing where you're going with this.
09:48I like to show skin somewhere.
09:50So I'm making a corseted bodysuit
09:52with a full length, long sleeve gown
09:55out of transparent lace.
09:56Because I think that women can be sexy
09:58and also be covered in fabric.
10:00Did you know what double bind was before this?
10:01No, I've experienced it.
10:03Looks can be very deceiving.
10:04It can.
10:06And they are.
10:07But you know, you never judge a book by its cover anyway.
10:14I cut this shit.
10:16Me and my big ideas.
10:18Why I gotta have big ideas, bitch, me?
10:19You got big ideas?
10:20Why can't I be the simple?
10:21They tell me I am.
10:23You know what you be doing.
10:25What's your thing again?
10:26Bold and basic.
10:28So like a basic hoodie, but it's like a gown.
10:31To be black and throw on a hoodie,
10:33it's like you have to make sure you walk in the room
10:36with a sort of confidence and not slouch
10:38or look a certain way.
10:40I literally remind myself to take my hood down
10:43when I walk into stores,
10:44because it's been times when someone is following me
10:47because they think I'm about to steal something.
10:49One time this lady was asking me,
10:52am I about to rob her?
10:54People assume things just because I have a hoodie on.
10:58That's pretty.
10:59I feel like it is.
11:00I'm just hoping it work out.
11:02It is gonna work out.
11:03Don't hope.
11:04It's beautiful.
11:05Hi, everybody.
11:07Hey, Christian.
11:08Hey, girl.
11:10Look at this room.
11:12All right, I'm coming to see what you got.
11:21What's your opposing styles?
11:22Classic and trendy.
11:23Classic and trendy.
11:24I wanna take a classic blazer.
11:26I'm gonna flip it into a jumpsuit.
11:28Got it.
11:29So basically it's a jumpsuit suit.
11:30Is that what's trendy?
11:31That it's a jumpsuit?
11:32Okay, that's the trend.
11:33And this is the base.
11:35And what will you see back there?
11:37Oh, you're gonna see my sleeves.
11:39Oh, okay.
11:40Oh, these are in another fabric.
11:43You're making it so complicated.
11:45You don't even need this piece.
11:47I do because I need this part to be connected somewhere.
11:52So it lays here.
11:52Why can't I just connect to this?
11:54No, because...
11:56Maybe you're right.
11:57Yeah, I would try.
11:59It's just gonna add extra work for you.
12:01You know what?
12:02I might not need it.
12:03Look at that.
12:03I'm trying to help you.
12:04I just like complicated things.
12:05I don't know why.
12:06I'm into it.
12:07I think it's gonna be really cool.
12:09See you later.
12:10See you later.
12:12All right, Vishmi, tell me about your style.
12:16Basic and bold.
12:17So I'm doing like a hoodie gown.
12:19The idea of it being basic fabric
12:21used for like hoodies or like sweatshirts and stuff.
12:24It's not a very evening wear fabric.
12:26So kind of the basic is this hoodie dress,
12:29but what makes it bold is that you've turned it
12:31into this like corseted evening gown.
12:35I think maybe the balance a little bit more.
12:36So when you're finishing the details,
12:38the hoodie aspect of it I think should really show
12:42because they might just think it's a fabulous gown.
12:44So I think you have to make sure that it shows both things.
12:49Good luck.
12:53I am formal casual.
12:56Formal casual.
12:57The idea is to actually do things
12:59that would normally be casual and formal fabrics
13:03and vice versa.
13:04That's a cool concept.
13:06I like that.
13:07The idea is to create this bomber.
13:09I was kind of working on this
13:10because it's gonna take more of my time.
13:11Yeah, this is the moment.
13:13Yeah, because apparently I'm basic.
13:15Wait, who said that?
13:17You guys said I was safe.
13:18Safe means basic to me.
13:21Kato, you are in.
13:24A little safe though.
13:26I don't take Civ as a compliment.
13:29To me, it's kind of insulting.
13:30Black trouser, black sweater is a more normal thing.
13:36But there's the details of it.
13:37Which are hard to see in a fashion show all black.
13:39Trust me, I used to get in the same trouble.
13:41But I've been doing colors since I got here.
13:43Like I do one black outfit, I'm basic.
13:45No, you're not basic.
13:46I feel like I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't.
13:53I feel like I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't.
13:56It's discouraging when you're giving good work.
13:58And that is my aesthetic.
13:59That's what I do.
14:00That's what you do.
14:01That's what got me here.
14:03So if it's so basic and boring,
14:04I don't know how I got here.
14:05You know what I'm saying?
14:05There's nothing safe about my look.
14:07If my looks are safe,
14:08that's what got me into this competition.
14:10You called me to be here based on what I make.
14:12So game plan this week is to be a grown ass woman
14:14and continue to stick to my aesthetic,
14:16create things that are me because I know who I am.
14:19So it's a lot of work.
14:20I'm not gonna lie.
14:21It's a lot of work for me because I know who I am.
14:23So anyways, that was yesterday.
14:24This is today.
14:25Jacket and then what else?
14:27I kind of wanted to give a formal moment.
14:29That makes it a bit more casual in the front
14:31with your short crop jacket into this formal evening.
14:35Oh, man.
14:37I love that.
14:38See you later.
14:52And fitted.
14:53So I thought of this originally,
14:56I think the brocade make the clothes look kind of dated.
15:00You don't have anything else?
15:01I do.
15:02I have the other Jersey.
15:02I hope that the judges notice the creativity in this look.
15:06In the past they have said some of my looks are dated
15:10and I don't think it's fair to put me in that corner.
15:13My look this time may be ambitious for a one day challenge
15:16but I'm a very creative person.
15:18I have fresh, new ideas.
15:19I'm always learning new things and techniques.
15:21And I don't believe that my work is dated.
15:23Like, modern.
15:24For sure. For sure. Yes.
15:26Not Hawaiian print.
15:29So, get it together.
15:35How's it going?
15:36I have modest and sexy.
15:38There's not a part of her body that's not covered with fabric,
15:41but the fabric essentially is what's making it sexy.
15:43It's sheer.
15:45And then this would be the corseted bodysuit.
15:48You just have to make sure that this little corset underneath is stunning.
15:52This is different.
15:53Different for you.
15:54Good luck.
16:00Hello, Proje.
16:01Hi, Christian.
16:02Welcome to my office.
16:03So, tell me your styles.
16:04What are you doing?
16:05So, it's gotta get in edgy.
16:07And it's not necessarily evening gown,
16:11but it's long with the high slit in the front.
16:14So, it's long, high slit in the front, but it's not a gown.
16:17It's a gown.
16:18And then over it, I'm building these, um...
16:22Oh, these, like, origami.
16:25This origami technique is so different and fresh,
16:28and I think will be exciting.
16:30This is what I do in a every day.
16:31I've been experimenting with origami.
16:34I've done it in different forms, but the judges haven't seen it yet.
16:37Are those what makes it edgy?
16:40That's the edge.
16:42I don't know if that's edgy enough.
16:46I think you need to sell edge for the dress to be edgy.
16:50I'm using this architectural detail onto this very elegant silhouette.
16:54It's a great way for me to display my version of edge.
16:57Can I go now?
16:58Because I have a meeting with somebody else.
17:01We're done, right?
17:02Yeah, I'm done with you.
17:03You can let my assistant.
17:04We'll let you out.
17:05Oh, thank you.
17:06Assistant, can you let me out?
17:08Good luck.
17:13All right, designers.
17:15An hour and 15 minutes until your models are going to be here.
17:18Good luck, and I'll see you in a little bit.
17:26How do you feel about this double binding thing?
17:28You know, because you don't smile all the time,
17:30people always, you know, judge you before they get to know you.
17:33When I was a kid, I was already dreaming about becoming an artist,
17:36and I loved fashion.
17:38But in school, it was mad racist.
17:40We were the only black kid in the whole entire school, right?
17:43They used to want to beat us up, like, throw, like, coconuts,
17:46like, go back to Africa, all types of shit, right?
17:48They said, because you're black, there are jobs that you should be looking at.
17:51This is what you should be doing.
17:53People used to laugh at me.
17:54I didn't care.
17:55I hate when people tell me what I can and cannot do.
17:57So I went to fashion school, and I was doing me.
18:00The sky's the limit.
18:01I think that's why we chose fashion, so we could be free, right?
18:04Be free to express myself how I want.
18:06Yeah, unapologetically.
18:08Yeah, unapologetically expressive of myself and where I'm from.
18:13That's right.
18:15If this fit exactly like this, I'll be okay.
18:18But if it don't, that's when all hell gonna break loose.
18:27Who is ready for a model?
18:32Here they come.
18:33Come on, girls, let's get it.
18:34Yes, yes, yes.
18:39Let's try this skirt on, because I'm about to cut it.
18:42So what is today's challenge?
18:43Modest, but sexy.
18:45Let's do this.
18:48Did it work?
18:49Yeah, listen to you.
18:50Look at that.
18:51I saved you time.
18:52Save me some time.
18:53I haven't saved you in any of this yet.
18:55Gonna be like underwear, all legs out.
18:58All legs out.
18:59I think that makes it more sexy.
19:05I don't see the modesty.
19:06For me, modesty means you cover up.
19:08It's like literally a see-through dress with a thong bodysuit under.
19:12The mommy in me was like, ah, cover up.
19:30What is it, Christian?
19:34Picture this.
19:35Let me picture it.
19:38All throughout.
19:40Oh, really?
19:43It's going to be all over?
19:45Does that look cool?
19:46It does.
19:47It's a lot of fabric.
19:48Yeah, you're wrapping a big scarf.
19:50Looking like a golden girl going to lunch.
19:52I love the goddamn golden girls.
19:55You're covering this area.
19:56It's not covering.
19:57It's like to extend the print into the black, and then it goes down onto whatever is hanging.
20:04All right.
20:05I hope it translates.
20:06All right, Mimi.
20:07Let's undress you so I can get this to translate for Christian.
20:10You can take this off.
20:14All right, designers.
20:15That's time.
20:16That's it.
20:17All right.
20:18Bye, doll.
20:19Say goodbye to your models.
20:20I'll see you soon.
20:23I'm going to go now.
20:26All right.
20:27Three hours left to work tonight.
20:29I'll see you tomorrow for the show.
20:32All right.
20:34Get it together.
20:36She basic, all right.
20:37Why are you looking sad?
20:39Like you missed the bus, and that was the last bus.
20:42I don't like this dress.
20:43I'm trying to figure something out for tomorrow, see what I can do.
20:50Hell no.
20:51No, boy, no.
20:53All my plans are failing.
20:56I have officially ran out of ideas.
20:58Taking my fabric out for mood made me realize that I only have enough to do what I originally planned,
21:04so it wouldn't make sense to dig a deeper hole for myself.
21:08I'm just going to stick with what I have and try to figure something out.
21:12Have some great days, you have some bad days, you know?
21:15That's all that happens.
21:24You got your speed now?
21:25One down, one to go.
21:28I just keep hearing the word basic and bold.
21:31That's the trip about it.
21:32It's like it's so easy, but it's so hard, you know?
21:35It is.
21:36I grew up being anything other than who I am.
21:39Allowing people to call me quarto, and not saying it's cutthroat.
21:43Allowing people to prejudge me before getting to know me.
21:47But I got to a point in my life where I had to look at myself and say,
21:50you are everything.
21:51You're worthy, you're fly as hell.
21:53What you do matters.
21:54I'm an immigrant, I'm a mom.
21:56I'm a designer.
21:57You can be all those things and fulfill your dreams.
22:00I'm starting to see the damn light.
22:02Two hours left!
22:03God damn it!
22:04I'm sorry.
22:06Doing good for time?
22:07I don't know yet.
22:12It's not black enough.
22:13As each week passes, we're getting closer to the end.
22:17Not only are we physically tired.
22:19Is that a walking zombie?
22:20Our brains aren't working.
22:22My eyelashes are barely hanging on.
22:25It's the new Jay's, baby.
22:27Need some music in here.
22:30Hurry up, get it.
22:32I can sleep when I die.
22:34I got to hustle long as I'm alive.
22:36I got to hurry up, get it.
22:38This challenge has literally pulled out all of our brain cells.
22:42So, you got to shake that ass a little bit to loosen that brain up.
22:46Hurry up!
22:47Hurry up!
22:52I'm so dead.
22:53I'm so dead.
22:54My heart is racing.
22:56That's time.
22:57Ready to go to the night lounge for a little R&R?
23:00Let's do it.
23:01Come on, bitch, me no man left behind.
23:13We're becoming delirious.
23:15We're so delirious at this point.
23:17Tonight, you don't get to sleep.
23:19Tonight, you're going to get your ass whooped.
23:22You guys feel good being on top?
23:24I feel like I had to work ten times harder to get in this top six than the other top six.
23:28Oh, yeah, for sure.
23:29I mean, you're working with some of the best to ever do it.
23:33I don't want to say out loud that I hate my look, but hey, I hate my look.
23:37Is this why you're down right now?
23:38A little bit.
23:40I take my work serious.
23:41So do I, but not to a point where you're completely turned like that.
23:47Yeah, you're much older than me, too.
23:49What are you trying to say?
23:51All y'all.
23:55I'd be okay once I was asleep.
23:57Coming up.
23:58No jacket?
23:59No, it's not working.
24:00I'm not going to put that jacket out.
24:01Not under my own name.
24:03This side is done.
24:04Get the wagon.
24:07It's not really trendy.
24:08To me, it is.
24:09It went a bit beauty pageant.
24:11For me, it was safe.
24:17Coming up.
24:26Another runway day, it's a one day challenge.
24:31Mommy, where are you running to?
24:33You think you're gonna get 30 minutes more?
24:34What do you think?
24:3530 seconds more?
24:37Oh, geez.
24:41Let's get this s*** done.
24:43Who got crazy?
24:45I think this double bind challenge is difficult
24:48because it's so subjective and how you define it
24:50and how the judges define it could be so different.
24:52So it's really like you have to go with your gut
24:54and pray you can live this one through.
24:57Good morning, everybody.
25:00I love show day.
25:01The nerves, the excitement, the energy in the room.
25:05All right, let's get the models in here.
25:10Hello, gorgeous ladies.
25:11How are you, babe?
25:13Good to see you.
25:14Different, huh?
25:16Wow, wow.
25:16Finishing the top.
25:18We ready.
25:20You see me?
25:21I love that.
25:22I am mad at it.
25:23Let me get this so I can have it snatched and ready for you.
25:26I'm afraid to let this out
25:28because I feel like it's gonna ride up if you walk.
25:32I'm super happy with this look.
25:33It's just a different interpretation, I think,
25:35than what everybody else is doing
25:36and I hope the judges will appreciate that.
25:40It's not terrible.
25:41It's kind of like a cute, cheeky thing.
25:43Yeah, I don't mind.
25:44Okay, all right.
25:45And you have a good butt, so.
25:46For Britney's look, all I see is sex,
25:48but that's the dress you put on to get laid.
25:50All right, designers, when you're ready,
25:52take your models to the makeup studio
25:53and the TRESemmé hair salon.
25:55Lacey's waiting.
25:59We're back again.
26:00I'm Rami.
26:01I'm Lacey.
26:02Nice meeting you.
26:03Nice to meet you.
26:04So I want something super sleek, very tight,
26:06very low, clean, tight, like bun.
26:08So I'm gonna start by using
26:10the TRESemmé Pro-Infusion Smooth Tonic.
26:12It takes away a little bit of frizz
26:14and it keeps your hair hydrated as well,
26:16especially when you're doing a sleek look like a bun.
26:21So I wanna do like a sleek pony,
26:24kind of like the idea of some texture,
26:26but very sophisticated.
26:28I'm gonna use the TRESemmé One Step Curl Cream
26:31to like help keep the waves.
26:33It's gonna help with the humidity resistance.
26:35That is great.
26:39I want this to kind of show,
26:40I really want a little, like a peak of a skin.
26:43What's happening over here?
26:45No jacket?
26:46The fabric is not working in the jacket.
26:49So I decided to use this element as the oversized element,
26:52the cape sleeve.
26:53It like drapes into her.
26:54Do you mind walking?
26:55Yeah, let's see how that.
26:57And then the slim fitting is like
26:58the bodycon shape of the dress.
27:02Did you make the jacket?
27:04I did.
27:04It's just not, it's not, it's not.
27:06It's not good?
27:07No, it's not working.
27:08As much as I tried with the fabric,
27:09it's not working with me.
27:11Cause it's a jersey and I put the brocade
27:12and I fused it.
27:13And I put boning.
27:14I'm like, you know what?
27:15It just didn't do it.
27:16It is what it is.
27:17If they do send me home today,
27:17at least I'm going home on something
27:18that I believe I did a good job on.
27:19Well, I mean, she looks gorgeous.
27:21I'm not gonna put that jacket out.
27:22Not under my own name.
27:23I know, it didn't work.
27:25Rami's look, I see the fitted.
27:27I don't see the oversized.
27:28So he definitely made a lot of changes before the runway.
27:31Doesn't really look like Rami either.
27:33It looks like a survival outfit.
27:37Oh, heavy.
27:50What do you think?
27:51I love it.
27:52For me, it feels a little like dinosaur
27:55heavy costume at the top.
27:57It's not costume.
27:58We're not gonna throw that out in the air.
28:00This is architecture.
28:01Some of them feel a little heavy.
28:04For me.
28:06I'm gonna take this one off.
28:06So I can have a-
28:07So it's a little softer at the shoulder.
28:08Yeah, the shoulders.
28:09That's a good idea.
28:14Laurence, how's it going?
28:16It's going.
28:17Almost there.
28:20Just one color.
28:22The color.
28:22The color.
28:24I have a lot to do.
28:25I have to put this pants together,
28:27make sure it fits,
28:28but I'm seeing the vision come to life.
28:30I love it.
28:31One more.
28:33Almost there.
28:34When I finish it how I want to finish it,
28:35then I'll be fully in love.
28:37But so far so good.
28:41All right, Kato.
28:42Are you good?
28:43I love it short.
28:43It's so cute.
28:44I'm glad you made it short.
28:46Well, hopefully they do too, Christian.
28:47Not so much.
28:48Can you send a text message on my behalf?
28:49Oh, it's a lot less fabric.
28:50It's great.
28:51It's gonna be like tight and cute.
28:54I think I'm gonna leave it open.
28:56Show some skin.
28:57With no bra or anything?
29:00She don't care.
29:01Got it.
29:02Look, she got it.
29:04Make it a little fuzzy.
29:05Any more?
29:06I got a whole big piece.
29:08Look at all that fabric.
29:08I only have this white power mesh that I have dyed.
29:11Dark green now.
29:12I would love to do some line work.
29:14I'll put you back when I don't use.
29:16Kato has this really thin neoprene.
29:18Knock yourself out, babe.
29:19So I can top stitch this onto the top of the boning
29:22to where it looks like the casings are made in black.
29:24It's giving the look so much more dimension.
29:26I'm a scavenger.
29:27Yeah, you are a scavenger.
29:28That's hilarious.
29:34Is it gorge?
29:36You're gonna bead that whole thing in like an hour?
29:39I think to create a bold element,
29:42I just have to hand sew the beaded lace
29:44onto the top of the bustier
29:46because without it, it's definitely basic.
29:50This side is done?
29:51Yeah, I ain't finished cutting it.
29:52You want help?
29:53He be pushing nerves.
29:55When he isn't doing well, he doesn't like the challenge.
29:58I'm not doing it.
29:59I'm not doing it.
30:00I'm not doing it.
30:01I'm not doing it.
30:01I'm not doing it.
30:02I'm not doing it.
30:03He doesn't like the challenge,
30:04but when he's doing great, he loves the challenge.
30:06Christian, oh, why are you driving
30:07with the scissors right here?
30:09I don't know what.
30:09The good thing, get the wagon.
30:11Get the wagon.
30:14Keep it moving.
30:16All right, designers.
30:1710 minutes.
30:1810 minutes left.
30:19Bring it down.
30:20Do some cardio today.
30:24Where's Mimi?
30:27Oh, there she goes.
30:28Are you getting dressed?
30:30No, Christian.
30:31We're playing hopscotch.
30:33Oh, I'm f***ing with it.
30:35LaRonce, what are you doing?
30:37You good?
30:39Five minutes and she's got to be in it.
30:41All right.
30:42I think we're good, girl.
30:44You guys, one minute and we're leaving this room.
30:47Can I just put her shoes on?
30:48All right, designers.
30:49That's it.
30:50That's time.
30:51LaRonce, let's go.
30:53I know you want to...
30:54There you go.
30:55I know that's what you wanted.
30:56LaRonce, get your...
30:58I forgot my bag.
30:59Get in here.
31:00I'm leaving and I'm doing the show without you.
31:04All right, designers.
31:06I see lots of threads and all kinds of zipper issues.
31:10Maybe there isn't a very clear oversized element in this design,
31:14but I hope that the judges will see the effort into an oversized cape sleeve detail.
31:20I'm not exploding right now.
31:21I'm going to cut this before I forget.
31:24One minute.
31:26Oh, s***.
31:28Whatever you want.
31:30All right, designers.
31:31That's time.
31:44Everyone's looking very energized this evening.
31:46Oh, no.
31:47This evening.
31:48You only had 12 hours, right?
31:51Designers, it's good to see everybody.
31:53Congratulations on being the top six.
31:58Great job.
31:59You've made it through some for the second or third time.
32:01Designers, please meet your guest judge for this challenge.
32:05She's a master of taking traditional styles and giving them a modern inflection.
32:10She's won a Fashion Week's Hottest Tickets, New York City native, Batsheva Hay.
32:19Batsheva Hay is an amazing designer.
32:22She does modesty clothing at its finest.
32:25That is also fashion forward.
32:27So, this is the perfect person to judge our looks.
32:30Hi, everyone.
32:31It is such a pleasure to be here.
32:32I'm so excited to see what you guys did.
32:36Two styles, one look.
32:38We can't wait to see what you guys did.
32:40All right.
32:41Let's start the show.
32:56The fabric is so beautiful.
32:58I know that I have done both modest and sexy and what that interpretation was for me.
33:03This is so good.
33:04And I'm really, really proud of the look that I've made.
33:13Did she say s***?
33:16Did you say that?
33:17Just for you.
33:18Nobody else heard.
33:19Well, America.
33:21I can stand next to this explaining where the modesty comes in
33:25and where the sexiness comes in.
33:37This is definitely one of those looks that represent me.
33:40You don't make origami in a one-day challenge.
33:42It's kind of crazy, and I went and did it.
33:45I completely love the look.
33:47There's some edge to it.
33:48It is elegant.
34:15A girl is looking tight.
34:16I love it.
34:17I see the classic and the trendy, and it's absolutely clear.
34:21For me, there is no confusion there.
34:25Oh, she don't even need to sell.
34:26All she needs to do is walk, and it's sold.
34:28It's giving and more.
34:34How does one get into that?
34:37You see, I represent myself.
34:38I represent myself.
34:39I represent myself.
34:40I represent myself.
34:41I represent myself.
34:43You say I represent myself as a designer.
34:45I did.
34:46I give you 100% me.
35:04I really feel like this dress is very suited for Emily.
35:08The skin cutouts make it sexy.
35:10The black makes it kind of chic and edgy.
35:14The way the cape is moving around looks really interesting.
35:17It's like the cape built into the hem, and then it goes into the top.
35:20She looks really stunning.
35:25I mean, this has been a stressful journey, but I turned this around.
35:30And looking at this dress on Emily, I'm really proud of it.
35:32So, it really comes down to judges' personal taste at this point.
35:37It's going to be hard to pick three bottoms.
35:40Not that hard.
35:47This is probably the first time ever that I'm just hoping that I'm safe.
35:52I love the way the split is showcasing that thigh.
35:54I love the cut.
35:56The detachable hoodie is just fitting her right.
36:01I'm not sure how great of a job I did, but I'm just happy that I got it done.
36:11Like, I never can tell if your face is like, I love this or I hate this.
36:15It's just straight down the middle.
36:29This whole look screams Cote de Mamalou and elegant.
36:33These pants, the bomber.
36:37Every week, I've been consistent and fluid in who I am as a designer, what my point of view is.
36:44You definitely see the casual and formal.
36:46Like, I did the challenge.
36:49And this look represents who I've always been since I showed up here and who I will continue to be.
36:55I'm shooketh.
36:56Me too.
36:57Who is who?
36:58I have no idea.
37:07The six of you had the highest and lowest scores.
37:12One of you will be the winner and one of you will be out.
37:25I thought you guys did an amazing job.
37:27I'm honestly blown away at the level of talent.
37:30And it's a hard challenge to hit two different notes.
37:33And I'm really, really impressed that you did it, especially in such a short amount of time.
37:38Designers, we would like to speak to all of you tonight before making our decision.
37:45Laurence, why don't we start with you?
37:47Let's get your model out here.
37:56You had classic and trendy.
37:57What's classic?
37:58What's trendy?
37:59Classic, I took a blazer.
38:01And trendy was a motorcycle pants.
38:04Is it a jumpsuit or is it a top and bottom?
38:06No, no, no.
38:07It's a jumpsuit.
38:08And then the fabric on the back?
38:09This is suiting fabric, Italian wool.
38:11So I love the duality of this.
38:14And I love that play of it's classic in the back and the front.
38:17It's trendy, party, whatever you want to call it.
38:20Well done.
38:21Beautiful execution as usual.
38:23It's giving like Mugle and old Balenciaga, but almost fresher.
38:27And I love it.
38:29Imagine me in that.
38:33It's not really trendy.
38:34To me, it is trendy, but.
38:35To me, this looks like something that you would own now,
38:37and then you would own it in 20 years.
38:39So to me, it's a classic.
38:41But I've really taken aback by your ability on any model that you get
38:44to tailor so beautifully in such a short amount of time.
38:48As Alicia Keys would say, that girl is on fire.
38:52This is a fire look.
38:55I love the color, the red.
38:57Just popped off the runway.
38:58I love the sharp shoulders, the fit of that pant.
39:02Again, it's just chef's kiss.
39:05It's so good.
39:07Thank you, Laurence.
39:08You can leave the runway.
39:11Vishmi, we'd like to talk to you next.
39:13Let's get your model out here.
39:20So what two styles did you get?
39:22Basic and bold.
39:23I'm curious, how did you interpret basic?
39:27I took the basic for the fabric and for the idea of a hoodie
39:30and just turned it into a gown for the bold aspect.
39:33I don't know how successful it was, Vishmi.
39:35The sparkly accents on the bust made the look feel a bit dated
39:39and it went a bit beauty pageant.
39:41Got you.
39:42I'm curious, just in terms of the silhouette,
39:45why did you go to that one?
39:47Because I thought that this would work.
39:51That hoodie needed to feel effortless
39:54and it is feeling forced.
39:57It was interesting to see this gown in that material,
40:01but I think you tried to push it so much into being sexy
40:05that it's struggling.
40:08For me, of all of the looks,
40:11I feel like you actually kind of nailed the directive the best in a way.
40:15I really did get the bold color gown with the boning
40:20and then at the same time, like that hoodie and the fabric,
40:23I never would have attempted to make a gown like that in that fabric.
40:28Thanks, Vishmi.
40:30Sine, you can leave the runway.
40:31See ya.
40:34All right, Rami, we'd like to speak with you next.
40:43Rami, what were your words?
40:44I have fitted and oversized.
40:46All right, I feel that the fitted is self-explanatory.
40:49I'm curious about oversized.
40:50The oversized is the extended cape sleeve
40:53that is a part of the train that folds over.
40:56Okay, and tell us about this look.
40:58It's a silk jersey, and when I thought of the fitted,
41:01I decided to drape the skirt and then drape the top
41:04and then it's connected into the back together.
41:07I do think this is more fitted than oversized.
41:11I wish you could have found a way to make that cape maybe more billowy.
41:18It doesn't give me the juxtaposition between fitted and oversized.
41:23That was my same thought when I saw it.
41:25Do you feel like it's oversized?
41:26I mean, I started with a jacket, and then I changed direction
41:29because I just didn't feel like it was the right look, per se,
41:33so I decided to go for the sleeve instead afterwards.
41:36I wanted more from the cape,
41:38and I wanted to see something a bit more dramatic.
41:44So I'm wondering how that connects the skirt to the dress.
41:48It actually drapes into this neckline here.
41:51And then it ties around from that.
41:53I think it's very beautiful, and the draping, it's super chic,
41:58but as far as the challenge goes, maybe not tip-top, but it's a great look.
42:03Thank you so much. I appreciate that.
42:05I think you made some good decisions that were the right ones for her proportion.
42:09You look stunning, but at the end of the day,
42:12the job is to put something down the runway
42:14that is a beautiful, memorable look,
42:17and for me, you did that tonight.
42:19Thank you for saying that. I appreciate it. Thank you so much.
42:21Thank you, Rami. Emily, you can leave the runway.
42:27Rajay, you're up next.
42:36All right, what words did you have?
42:38Elegant and edgy.
42:39All right, tell us about your look.
42:41The elegant I know I could work with, but the edgy,
42:43the first thing that came to mind was art.
42:45So I'm like, you know what, let's just go bold and give it an edge
42:48by creating this architectural origami top there,
42:52and then give it a front slit to kind of make it modern and more fresh.
42:55I definitely get the elegant side of things.
42:58The part that I think maybe wasn't so balanced was the edgy part of it.
43:03I also feel like the color choice was maybe a little too, you know, old-fashioned.
43:10They're just kind of very primary colors that, for me, make the look less exciting.
43:15I mean, I get it.
43:17I really appreciated the fact that you made it architectural origami-esque,
43:22and I could see a very good idea that could be translated into other things.
43:29But for me, it was safe. It wasn't my favorite, but it wasn't my least favorite.
43:34You know, this part is very interesting.
43:37You really gave us something kind of architectural in a way
43:40and makes you want to lean in to understand it.
43:42I think it's a conversation piece.
43:44Yeah, I agree. There was a lot of great work in the top.
43:48What is the technique?
43:49It's origami. It's press, fold, press, fold.
43:52And it's fused in something?
43:54It's fused a couple times with heavy facing to give it like a cardboard structure
43:59so you can actually create the shape.
44:01Thanks, Frasier. Mimi, you can leave the runway.
44:04Okay, Ketel, you're up next.
44:07Hi, girl.
44:11Ketel, how are you?
44:12Hey, I'm good.
44:14Tell us, what button did you draw?
44:16Casual and formal.
44:18All right, tell us about the look.
44:20I wanted to do kind of like the take on the ball skirt, so they're ball pants.
44:23With the bomber, I wanted to be tailored and have some elements
44:26that still kind of connected the two together.
44:28The pant is love. I could see how it would be really fun to walk in.
44:33I always love pockets.
44:35The jacket, I just wasn't sure about.
44:38The fit doesn't seem right.
44:41I hate to disagree with the jib.
44:44I like the jacket.
44:46I think where you lost me was with the brocade oversized pant.
44:52Here, I just felt like you needed something a little more streamlined.
44:57So this, for me, did not work.
45:00That's funny you say that, because last week I did a gray tailor pant
45:04with a sweater with the leather details.
45:06And you told me I was safe.
45:09Safe to me means kind of boring.
45:11No, no, I didn't say boring. I said safe.
45:14On the runway with all the dresses and all those big moments,
45:17it felt like one of the most safe things.
45:20I really feel like when I come up here, I get these mixed messages.
45:25I really feel like when I come up here, I get these mixed messages.
45:29I don't know if you really just see the work I'm doing,
45:31like the week before with the jumpsuit.
45:33There were so many great details in there.
45:35So it was in black again, so I was like,
45:37okay, I'm going to stay away from the black and bring in some color.
45:41It's interesting.
45:43It sounds like you feel like you're getting mixed messages,
45:46which may be informing some of the decisions that you're making.
45:50And it's helpful to hear that.
45:51But the fit of the pant is impeccable,
45:54and the design of the pant is really impressive.
45:57I think for me, where it fell short was the choice to use that brocade print.
46:01It feels dated.
46:02I don't want to have that title on me.
46:04Like, it's not cool or it's not modern.
46:06I'm older, so I make things for older people,
46:08so I can't do anything modern.
46:10Older women can be modern.
46:11They can. That's why we want to see it.
46:13You said before that your consumer is mature.
46:17Maturity means independence.
46:19I was mature at 18.
46:20I moved out of my parents' house.
46:21I never looked back.
46:23So maturity for me is being able to take care of yourself
46:26and know where you're going and do it fully
46:28without depending on anything or anybody else.
46:30Just because she's mature doesn't mean she can't be fresh,
46:33forward-looking, and have a cool factor.
46:35That's what's lacking.
46:36That's what we'd love to see more of,
46:38and I know that you can deliver that.
46:39This doesn't deliver against that.
46:41I stand by it.
46:42It does represent me.
46:45I stand by it.
46:46It does represent who I am,
46:48and I'm not for everybody, so it's all right.
46:53Thank you, Cateau.
46:54Wren, you can leave the runway.
47:04Okay, Brittany, we'd like to talk to you next.
47:15All right, what two styles did you have?
47:18Sexy and modest.
47:19All right, and tell us about the look.
47:21What I wanted to do is have the silhouette
47:23and the style of the dress be modest.
47:26So whenever I thought sexy, I thought of lace.
47:29The sexy aspect of it is that you can see
47:32what she's wearing underneath.
47:33I think it looks beautiful.
47:35It definitely screams, like, Met Gala to me.
47:37I make a lot of modest dresses,
47:39so I could really imagine that shape
47:41in a fabric I traditionally do,
47:43but it's beautifully made, so I love it.
47:47I understand the shape in itself
47:50is intended to be modest.
47:52I know, I know.
47:53But it's only transparent for that modesty.
47:57But this metallic lace works really well.
48:00I love the work that you did on the sleeves.
48:03All in all, I thought it was a really beautiful look.
48:07Brittany, I really love this design,
48:10and I could see you doing this
48:11in a lot of different fabrics.
48:13This is unexpected coming from you,
48:15and it's nice to see your range.
48:16I thought you really killed it tonight, Brittany.
48:18Thanks, Elaine.
48:19Brittany, I appreciate that you really
48:21stepped out of your comfort zone.
48:22I will agree with Nina, it's not necessarily
48:24the most modest thing I've ever seen in my life.
48:26But there is a level of glitz to it,
48:30but also a good amount of restraint.
48:33Thank you, Brittany.
48:34Liz, you can leave the runway.
48:38Thank you, designers.
48:39You've given us a lot to talk about.
48:41I'm going to have a cocktail, and we will discuss
48:45and bring you back out when we're ready.
48:47All right.
48:48You can leave the runway.
48:56That was a hard one.
48:57It was a tough challenge.
48:59All right, we're at the final six,
49:01and this is getting more and more challenging for us
49:03to have to pick apart every single thing about the looks.
49:07This particular challenge today is so hard to judge
49:11because fashion is very subjective.
49:16The words used to describe this duality.
49:19Elegant and edgy, fitted and oversized,
49:22basic and bold, formal and casual,
49:25sexy and modest, classic and trendy.
49:27Are you kidding?
49:29I would sit there for 12 hours and be in a full-blown spiral.
49:33I would just be crying in mood.
49:37I don't know what we're going to do.
49:38Let's make Nina do it.
49:40I'm not doing it.
49:42Only one person can win Project Runway.
49:44Unfortunately, not six.
49:45So let's talk about our favorites.
49:48I can talk about Laurence.
49:49I thought it was really spectacular.
49:52It was interesting.
49:53It was angular.
49:54It was like business in the front, party in the back
49:57with the different fabrics.
49:58I think she really nailed it.
50:00It was about taking something classic
50:02and making it feel forward.
50:03And to me, she absolutely did that.
50:05The big surprise of the night for me
50:08was the fact that this was Brittany.
50:11Her interpretation was very chic.
50:14I kind of love this outfit.
50:15She interpreted this challenge in a way that I appreciate
50:19and that she made it cohesive.
50:20I love that Brittany stepped out of her comfort zone.
50:22She really did a great job.
50:26Well, Nina, what do you think about Rami's look?
50:28I loved Rami's look.
50:29I've never really seen Rami construct anything oversized.
50:33But I also thought there was something
50:35really beautiful about that drape
50:37and how confident his model felt with that dress.
50:41He didn't really make something oversized,
50:43but who wouldn't wear that?
50:45I would wear that.
50:46It would hit me in all the right spots.
50:49All right, now we need to discuss
50:51who's going home tonight.
50:52Let's start by talking about Praja.
50:54Listen, with Praja, he interpreted edgy as artful,
50:58and it just kind of fell flat for me.
51:00I appreciate that he wants to show us
51:02that he does evening wear,
51:03but find a way to deliver that
51:05with the cool factor that we've come to know you for.
51:08Although what Praja did up here was really interesting,
51:11I think the elementary colors
51:14didn't read in any way elegant for me.
51:17The color seemed kind of bland.
51:20It wasn't a total failure,
51:21but it wasn't all it could have been.
51:24Can we talk about Bishme?
51:27The bedazzling was kind of tasteless,
51:30but it could have been great.
51:32I came off such a high with him last challenge
51:35that felt so new and fresh,
51:37and to go back to this look in pink sweatshirt
51:41with bedazzled busts that you can't miss
51:44was just really so confusing.
51:48If your interpretation of basic is sweatshirt,
51:51then there should be an effortlessness to that look,
51:55and the dress was the opposite of that.
51:58Obviously not perfect.
51:59Like, you could see all of the ways it didn't work.
52:02The slip was a little crazy.
52:04You know, now talking about Coteau,
52:06I wonder if you all feel that this was an interesting idea.
52:09It's tough.
52:10I mean, I think the formal and casual was there,
52:13like bomber jacket and, like, fancy fabrics,
52:16but for me, the jacket just was, like, not desirable.
52:21I think the volume of that pant
52:25really drowned her model,
52:26and I could not get past that.
52:28The design of the pants was really great.
52:31There's something elegant about that kind of a pant.
52:34I think all three of them had issues,
52:36and it's hard for me to decide
52:38which one is worse than the other.
52:41This is tough.
52:44So, obviously, this was a very difficult challenge to judge
52:48because of how subjective these words are,
52:51and we want you to know that we definitely took that
52:54into consideration when we judged tonight.
52:57Laurence, Brittany,
53:00you had our team's opinion,
53:03and we want to hear from you.
53:05What did you think?
53:06What did you think?
53:08What did you think?
53:10Brittany, you had our two favorite looks of the night.
53:21But only one of you can be the winner.
53:26The winner of this challenge
53:28best showcased their contrasting styles
53:31and delivered a look that was editorial
53:34and technically masterful.
53:36The winner is...
53:47That's three wins for you, Laurence.
53:49Not bad.
53:50Not bad. I take it.
53:53Brittany, you are in.
53:57And Rami, you are also in.
54:00Thank you so much. Thank you.
54:04The three of you can leave the runway.
54:09I didn't come back just to play.
54:10I came back to make it to the finale
54:12and do it right this time
54:14and take it all the way.
54:16Good job.
54:17Oh, my gosh!
54:18I'm super proud of myself.
54:20It's an accomplishment.
54:21We did it.
54:26Yeah, I've never been top five before.
54:28No, really?
54:30Oh, congrats.
54:39Rajay, Bishmi, Kato,
54:44two of you will be in
54:46and one of you will be out.
54:52Rajay, you are in.
54:58You may leave the runway.
55:03Love you.
55:04Love you.
55:05I'm proud of you.
55:10Bishmi, we really liked the idea of your look,
55:15but unfortunately, the execution fell flat.
55:18The embellishments felt unnecessary
55:22and ultimately, the look didn't come together.
55:28Kato, the print and volume of your fabric felt overwhelming.
55:35And in the end, we were underwhelmed by the design.
55:52I'm sorry, but you are out.
55:54Mm-hmm. I figured.
55:57Bishmi, that means you are in.
56:00It's been a pleasure having you on the show,
56:03and we wish you all the best.
56:06You guys be blessed. Thank you.
56:13Thank you so much. You both can leave the runway.
56:15All right.
56:19You know, I stepped on this runway 14 years ago
56:22doing what I love,
56:23and I'm not a young chicken anymore,
56:25but, you know, I still make beautiful clothes
56:27for people who love it, and I'll continue to do that.
56:30I told y'all.
56:32It's been my pleasure.
56:34I have never not gone to a finale, but it's all good.
56:38It's all good.
56:40It's okay. Don't cry for me.
56:42I'm not wasting any tears on this.
56:44I love you.
56:46All right.
56:48All right.
56:50All right.
56:52All right.
56:54All right.
56:58You're so amazing, so talented.
57:00I know.
57:01Yeah. Exactly.
57:03I know who I am. I know what I do.
57:05There's nothing wrong with my outfit.
57:07There's nothing ill-fitting about it.
57:09I don't care what anybody says.
57:10It was precise.