• last month


00:00It's getting real, girl.
00:01It's getting real.
00:02What made the best woman man win?
00:03Ooh, I hear heels.
00:05Oh, Lord.
00:06It's you again.
00:07All right.
00:08I'm going to keep it brief.
00:09The seven of you are the best of the best.
00:10I'm scared.
00:11For your next challenge, this is a project runway first.
00:12Oh, God.
00:13Let me take this off.
00:14Oh, my God.
00:15Oh, my God.
00:16Oh, my God.
00:17Oh, my God.
00:18Oh, my God.
00:19Oh, my God.
00:20Oh, my God.
00:21Oh, my God.
00:22Oh, my God.
00:23Oh, my God.
00:24Oh, my God.
00:25Oh, my God.
00:26Oh, my God.
00:27Oh, my God.
00:28Oh, my God.
00:29Oh, my God.
00:30Oh, my God.
00:31Oh, my God.
00:32Oh, my God.
00:33Oh, my God.
00:34Oh, my God.
00:35Oh, God.
00:36Let me take my shoes back off.
00:37You've earned the right to make whatever the hell you want.
00:38Are you serious?
00:42Can you sit down, please?
00:44You're welcome.
00:45You're welcome.
00:46Oh, my God.
00:47Total freedom.
00:48Make what you want to move one step closer to the finale.
00:49Quite a challenge, right?
00:50This is a double-edged sword, for sure.
00:51Oh, my God.
00:52Oh, my God.
00:53Oh, my God.
00:54Oh, my God.
00:55Oh, my God.
00:56Oh, my God.
00:57Oh, my God.
00:58This is a double-edged sword, for sure.
00:59But then it's like...
01:00But then it's exciting.
01:01...huh, what do I make?
01:02This is a two-day challenge.
01:04So it better be good.
01:07All right, you guys can sketch tomorrow morning at the hotel, and meet me at Mood when you're
01:16And one more thing.
01:18In honor of your newfound challenge of freedom, you guys are gonna get to show your looks
01:24at one of the most beautiful,
01:26most sought after location in the city.
01:29Franklin D. Roosevelt, Four Freedoms State Park.
01:32Oh my God.
01:33Oh my God, this is amazing.
01:35As you can see, it's outside
01:36and you're showing rain or shine.
01:39There's a variety of models.
01:41Okay, great.
01:42And there's extra models in here.
01:43And Bishme, as the winner of the last challenge,
01:46you get first pick.
01:49All right.
01:51Okay, can you go a little faster?
01:52We gotta go.
01:54I've been wanting to work with her for the longest.
01:56And I love who she is, Jessica.
01:59She's good.
02:00All right, I'm gonna leave these here
02:02for you guys to figure out.
02:04I'll see you tomorrow.
02:05Big challenge.
02:07Big challenge, yes.
02:08Good night.
02:09Can I take clues?
02:11You're gonna take clues?
02:11I'll take clues.
02:12Her hair is stuck in one.
02:13I'm gonna take Mimi.
02:18That's my girl.
02:19That's my girl.
02:20I got the South African princess, Ruperta.
02:26Hello, blonde bombshell, Rhea.
02:31Who do you have?
02:32Jessica Z.
02:34I'm glad we could be civilized, y'all.
02:35Look, I don't know about y'all, it's been a long day,
02:39but it's time to go, y'all.
02:40Thank God.
02:41We get to be ourselves, though.
02:43I just wanna know how much time we got.
02:44I'm so stressed out.
02:45Why are you taking the plant?
02:46Good night.
03:00Hey, y'all!
03:02We overslept a little bit, sorry.
03:04It's okay.
03:04Who's ready to be free?
03:06I thought I was free.
03:07To be here at challenge number whatever,
03:10with my sisters, I think it's dope.
03:12I'm happy to be free with the sister circle, though.
03:14I'm ready.
03:15three strong black women together.
03:19We're so supportive of each other.
03:21We are the sister circle.
03:23So besides the challenge, what is freedom to you?
03:25Mine's like be, do, and go.
03:27To be who I am, to do what I want to do,
03:29and to go anywhere I want to go.
03:31The freedom to be me is a gift.
03:33You know, I'm 47, separated now from my husband,
03:36and I'm living a different life,
03:37and I do feel like a different sense of freedom.
03:40I don't have any restrictions.
03:41I don't, no one's gonna tell me you can't do this now.
03:44What are you guys thinking for, like, the challenge?
03:46Like, what do you think about it?
03:47I think it's dope.
03:48For me, like, being a gay black man,
03:50especially where I come from,
03:51I think the more you're able to, like,
03:52stand behind who you are,
03:54and showcase who you are, and be confident in it,
03:56the more you're able to allow other people to be free.
03:58I've been judged just because the color of my skin.
04:01People think I will end up joining a gang,
04:04selling drugs, or end up in jail,
04:07but I have the right to choose my destiny.
04:10Being a fashion designer,
04:11it's my way of celebrating freedom.
04:13I want to make sure I find who I am as a designer,
04:18and what I'm capable of.
04:19Being Haitian, and being in this country,
04:21I've realized there's so many different things
04:22that we take for granted.
04:24Like, I've seen dead bodies lined up on the street.
04:26I had a gun in my head by the army as a child,
04:30and now my kid can't even leave her house
04:32because she just might get kidnapped.
04:33So, redone means everything.
04:36And in the real world, like, that's what it's about.
04:37I feel like these are, you know,
04:39kind of like sobering moments,
04:41where we kind of get to be
04:42a little bit more intimate with each other,
04:43and perhaps start to understand each other
04:46a little bit better,
04:47and how we became the people that we are today.
04:50Here's some pens to sketch.
04:52You have the freedom to choose whatever color you need.
04:54Oh, wow.
04:56So, for this challenge,
04:57I am mixing fashion and active wear.
05:01I want it to be a bralette and a top combined.
05:03I definitely know I want some, like,
05:04cargo-inspired pants,
05:06and a really cool athletic jacket.
05:08I'm gonna go over here.
05:09Don't cry.
05:10Don't go too far, mother.
05:11Don't cry for me, Argentina, okay?
05:13I'm sketching this as if I've already made it.
05:16One thing that when you see,
05:18you know it's me, it's a robe.
05:19So, definitely making a robe.
05:21I wanna do a sweater, as well as a great pair of pants.
05:23I'm gonna do the staples of which I built my career.
05:27I'm gonna show me 100%.
05:29All right, you guys, it's freedom day.
05:30Let's all get to mood.
05:33Let's do it.
05:37Hi, guys.
05:39Did you get some sleep?
05:41We did.
05:41Did you?
05:42For real?
05:44All right, well, I'm glad you rested up.
05:45So, freedom to make whatever you want.
05:49But just remember, do you, don't lose who you are.
05:5330 minutes to shop, $750.
05:57That's a lot.
05:57That's a lot.
05:58That's good.
05:59You ready?
06:00All right, go.
06:01It's gonna go quick.
06:06Print is on the other side, right?
06:07Other side.
06:09This looks great.
06:11Give me five yards of all these.
06:12If you can, please.
06:14That's not it.
06:15It will look like an evening gown,
06:17but basically it'll be a two-piece, a top and a skirt.
06:19Being told that I have full freedom to do whatever I want,
06:22as a Palestinian, it's quite vague,
06:24because that's something that we are,
06:26on a daily basis, deprived of.
06:28So I wanna create a design that mimics freedom of flow,
06:31of light, silky fabrics,
06:33that showcases my love for draping.
06:36I'm envisioning something that's Oscar-worthy.
06:39I think you should make just the most insane thing
06:41that you've ever made.
06:43F**k them up.
06:44I'm gonna do that.
06:47I'm gonna do it.
06:48That's too expensive.
06:50Baby blue feathers?
06:52Where do they get?
06:52And pink?
06:54This is lavender.
06:55It matches my fabric.
06:56I'm so excited for this challenge.
06:57My design, it's gonna be whimsical.
06:59It's gonna be fairytale.
07:01I feel very Easter.
07:02You said do me, I'm doing me.
07:04I'm gonna go, no holds barred.
07:06This is gonna be wild.
07:09I don't know what's happening.
07:1115 minutes.
07:12Wow, it went fast.
07:13Good, I gotta get home for lunch.
07:15You said we could do anything, right, Christian?
07:17Where you at?
07:17Keep up.
07:18Keep up, excuse me, sir.
07:21What are you gonna make?
07:23I'm making a gown.
07:23I first sketched out this gown.
07:26I know for sure I wanna create something
07:28with a ruffle bottom and a jacket with a hat
07:31that has a free flowing type of feel with it.
07:35Oh, so now you're going chocolate brown?
07:37I have a game plan.
07:38Yeah, two pieces of one yard.
07:40Oh my God, I love you.
07:41Well, Laurence, I'll meet you in leather
07:43because I know you're here.
07:44Black, again?
07:46Oh, come on.
07:48The green jumpsuit was the most major color
07:51leather moment in the world.
07:52Do a cool color.
07:54I see this beautiful purple leather,
07:57so soft that I had to have it.
08:00Thank you, you're here.
08:03Designers, that's it, that's time.
08:05In line or you get nothing.
08:08Who are we missing?
08:10These are all together.
08:12Oh my God, you guys stressed me out to the end.
08:15Coming up.
08:16Across from me is Brittany
08:17and I instantly noticed my top from the 90s challenge.
08:21I feel like I'm in an episode of Bitch Stole My Look.
08:24This bitch ain't over in the top, I am fighting.
08:31Freedom challenge.
08:32Oh, there he goes.
08:33There you go.
08:34I wanted to trip you so bad.
08:36I'm running to open the door.
08:37Be his intention, be his intention.
08:39You're welcome.
08:40Do that.
08:41You're such a gentle lady.
08:43Wait, I still got to share a table.
08:46Stay over there.
08:47It's okay.
08:48Whoa, he was right, this is really bright.
08:51There you go, there you go, yeah.
08:52This challenge is exciting,
08:54but it's also extremely terrifying.
08:56That freedom without the guidance
08:58That freedom without the guidance can be your downfall.
09:02This shirt is coming off.
09:03Good God, I'm hot.
09:10That's cool.
09:12It's gonna be on the skirt?
09:13Yeah, on the top of it.
09:15Yeah, you're working, ain't you?
09:17This time I like to focus on
09:19one of the voodoo spirits called Dumballa.
09:22When God created the heavens and the earth,
09:24he actually uses Dumballa's bones as a snake
09:26to create the cosmos.
09:28I practice voodoo.
09:29It is a religion of the Africans
09:32imported into the island of Haiti.
09:34I would love to spray paint these green.
09:37A real monochromatic look.
09:40Good luck, I guess.
09:42I have done street wear this season,
09:44but I also make evening wear.
09:45And I want to create something that is me.
09:47So I'm making this evening look,
09:49drop waist skirt with a slit in the front
09:52so that you can actually see skin as she walks.
09:54And I'm doing a crop top with very big shoulders
09:58and it can kind of mimic the skin of a snake.
10:01Hi, everybody.
10:02Hey, Kristen.
10:04How's it like to be free?
10:06I feel so good.
10:07It's actually pretty great.
10:08I love it.
10:09All right, I'm excited.
10:10I'm coming to take a look.
10:12A drape on the form.
10:15Because you just get to make whatever you want.
10:16So now you're just making whatever you want.
10:17Oh my God, exactly.
10:19Isn't this great?
10:19I'm so excited.
10:20So tell me everything.
10:21What's the concept?
10:22What's the vibe?
10:23The concept is my whole kind of
10:24Fashion Fair Godmother vibe.
10:26It's like really whimsical.
10:27The Fashion Fair Godmother is just my nonprofit
10:30that helps foster care kids.
10:33They teach them how to write, produce,
10:35and act in their own short films.
10:37It's really amazing.
10:38Every child deserves a fairytale ending.
10:42They didn't have the life that I have.
10:44So to me, to try to give these kids a life
10:46is something that's so important to me.
10:54I literally grew up in a fairytale world.
10:56That's how we were brought up and raised.
10:59My father's in the Air Force.
11:01My mom was a princess, and they created this cocoon
11:04that even though we grew up in a time period
11:06that we grew up in, there was a lot of things
11:09that we did not see until later in life
11:11because they protected us.
11:13I'm really intrigued.
11:14Okay, great.
11:15I've always been encouraged by my mom
11:17and my dad to do things big.
11:19So for this challenge, I'm creating my own narrative
11:21and I'm telling their story.
11:23You've got these very soft, romantic colors and fabrics.
11:30Is this gonna be like that bridesmaid's dress
11:32that you don't wanna give to your friend?
11:33Think couture, think big.
11:35Okay, I like that.
11:36Some type of sculptural moment.
11:40That's cool.
11:41People are either gonna love this light, fairy-like thing,
11:44or they might not.
11:45The part about freedom is you guys ask us to be ourselves.
11:48That's the world I live in,
11:49and there's a market and people who love what I do.
11:53You convinced me.
11:54You'll see.
11:54You always do it, though.
11:57Laurence, how's it going?
11:59It's going.
12:00This is a very tailored piece.
12:03What are you gonna do?
12:03I don't know if I'm gonna use this
12:05on the top or the bottom.
12:05Okay, because what is the idea?
12:07What's it gonna be?
12:08This tailored jacket into a skirt?
12:10Into a long skirt.
12:12Go evening, why not?
12:13You're so good at it.
12:15Start sewing for the fitting.
12:17I'm gonna start cutting.
12:18Okay, great.
12:20Good luck.
12:23I'm gonna be using a leather jacket,
12:24strong shoulders, short sleeves,
12:25and the bottom of it, I bought purple leather.
12:28So basically, I'm gonna make a long skirt,
12:31but the top of the skirt is gonna be visually
12:34a black leather penny around the skirt.
12:37I'm going to show them a strong piece
12:39that I will put in it that people would see
12:40and be like, wow.
12:42The sun is gonna be shining down upon us.
12:45Whatever it is, honey, I am looking forward.
12:51Do you have an appointment?
12:52Yeah, I do.
12:52Okay, well, step into my office.
12:54I'm here.
12:54Would you like some tea?
12:57All right, tell me, what are you doing?
12:58The goddess, Dobala, and he's a snake.
13:00That's why you picked green,
13:02because of the snake.
13:03This fabric here, twirled around,
13:05you can kind of see it.
13:06So this big fitted, drop-waisted ball skirt.
13:10I think they're gonna think this is someone else up there.
13:12I don't think it's very you yet.
13:14The whole sporty and the bummer and the puffer thing,
13:17it started at Project Runway.
13:19I explored it.
13:20You did it.
13:21It's not really you.
13:22It's not what I do every day.
13:24It could be very strong,
13:25being this green monochromatic thing.
13:29It's quite powerful that way.
13:30Yeah, I feel like I'm very excited about this,
13:32because I feel like this is a moment for me.
13:33This is good, it's different.
13:34They're gonna be so shocked.
13:35They're gonna be like, what?
13:36It's like I need to reintroduce myself.
13:38I'm excited.
13:39It's gonna be really cool.
13:40You always get Prajay whatever he does,
13:42whether it's streetwear,
13:43or is it high-end couture.
13:45Making gowns is literally how I started my business.
13:49I think this is the most me thing I've done here.
13:52Bish me?
13:53Hey there, Christian.
13:54What are you making?
13:55So, I'm gonna do like a big volume skirt,
13:58like a cool jacket,
14:00and then a visor that,
14:01so this can kind of like blow while she like walks.
14:03So this would be like a visor hat,
14:05and then that would be behind her?
14:06It would just be blowing while she's walking.
14:06Oh my God, I'm obsessed with it.
14:08I just want a lot of movement and volume and coolness.
14:11Like that?
14:14Good luck.
14:19Ugh, does this track make me look skinny?
14:23Just checking.
14:25All right.
14:26Gatel, how's it going?
14:27So I like the whole idea of like robes.
14:29It's really a signature for me.
14:30So I wanna do like the most amazing robe you've ever made.
14:35With obviously a look that goes under.
14:37This challenge being inspired by freedom means so much.
14:39As an African, as an immigrant,
14:42as a newfound American,
14:44we're still fighting for general freedom
14:46in our regular lives.
14:47It's a lot and it's emotional.
14:49So I'm just trying to figure out like the sleeve situation.
14:51I kind of like this because it blends better
14:52with the fabric.
14:53I don't want it to like drown.
14:55I think you need that trim or something.
14:58To break it up.
14:58I wanna actually incorporate my leather into my sleeves.
15:01I wanna create shackles that are just kind of like
15:04getting bigger as the hand grows stronger,
15:07but they're not connected.
15:08They're completely free.
15:09It's going to slay.
15:11Okay, so tell them.
15:12Promise me.
15:13I will.
15:14All right, back to work.
15:15Sometimes the restrictions just gives it energy
15:17that you can't hold it down.
15:18You can't hide it.
15:19It's going to shine.
15:21You guys have about four hours until model fitting.
15:25I won't be here for model fitting.
15:28So good luck and I'll see you for the runway.
15:30Thank you, Christina.
15:44I'm gonna visit the East Coast.
15:47You're in the Midwest.
15:51What you doing?
15:52So project comes, he's riding really feverishly fast.
15:56And basically it's about, you know,
15:58there's a lot of plagiarism going on.
16:01It's a collage.
16:03Across from me is Brittany
16:04and instantly noticed my top from the 90s challenge.
16:08If that's the direction she wants to go, go ahead.
16:10But I would appreciate a note.
16:13Oh my God.
16:14I'm gonna have a panic attack.
16:15Honey, I will say something.
16:16I just get stitches.
16:31I feel like I'm in an episode of Bitch Stole My Luck.
16:33What did you say, Kajai?
16:35I'm in an episode of Bitch Stole My Luck.
16:38I think I know.
16:40Down to the high-waisted pants.
16:43I do think Brittany is living in her own world.
16:45Not being aware that these looks might be very similar
16:48to looks at people that have walked these walls.
16:51This bitch end up in the top.
16:52I am fighting.
16:53Don't do it.
16:55The queen has spoken.
16:56All right.
16:57I mean, it's obvious.
16:58So just don't say it.
16:58It's for others to figure out.
17:00I just let it go and accept it.
17:02I'm going to do me moving forward.
17:05Designers, who wants a model?
17:08I do.
17:09I do.
17:10You get a model and you get a model.
17:12And all the way in the East Coast,
17:14y'all gonna get some models too.
17:16Hi, how are you?
17:18Models in the house.
17:19Y'all got us so much.
17:20Good to see you.
17:21How are you?
17:22Hi, babe.
17:23Oh, hi.
17:24I want you to be like the new version
17:25of like apocalyptic, edgy street wear type of feel.
17:29It's going to look very dope.
17:30I want to make sure it fit how I need it to fit.
17:32You're not going to believe it.
17:34We are modeling outdoors.
17:36And like it's beautiful.
17:37It's like a freedom park.
17:40I can't wait.
17:41This challenge is pretty much like
17:42do whatever you want, whatever your aesthetic is.
17:45This is going to be very different.
17:48Thank you for having me.
17:50Originally born in Jerusalem, Palestine,
17:53and I have been here for the past 10 years.
17:56This is a big sentimental symbolic challenge for me
17:58because it literally is about the Palestinian dream,
18:01which is freedom.
18:02I started sketching when I was seven years old
18:04during curfews and lockdowns
18:06where we couldn't leave the house for five or six days.
18:09Design was part of my personal therapy.
18:12The creative process was dealing with that kind of anxiety
18:15of that constant state of instability
18:18where you don't have equal human rights,
18:20let alone freedom of movement.
18:22The idea is like a really formal, like red carpet.
18:26Red carpet.
18:26You know what I mean?
18:27And I feel like the colors-
18:28We're going for Oscar.
18:30Yes, that's the idea.
18:31I'm glad that you feel that vibe.
18:34So I'm going to create something that is the opposite
18:38of how I grew up feeling,
18:40which is something light and airy
18:42and simply majestic in a sense.
18:46So my goal is to have it coming from your hair, like here.
18:52Oh my gosh.
18:53I am so excited.
18:54This is so cool.
18:56This is definitely a risk to have this snake
18:58going through her hair and not knowing why it's there.
19:01Kind of this idea of the spiritual world and the physical.
19:06So you are the goddess Zambala.
19:09I am so happy.
19:12This is like a whimsical fairytale.
19:16Oh my gosh, you just went like-
19:18Finished it off.
19:19It always looks absolutely amazing.
19:21It's very me.
19:22It's very my aesthetic that we're all here.
19:24We see each other.
19:25It's going to be like a mermaid.
19:27That's why I measure your knees.
19:28So basically here will be fitted
19:29and then like you'll have room so you can walk.
19:34What's your accent?
19:35Born and raised in France,
19:36but I've been in the U.S. for a minute.
19:39Yeah, this is going to be cute.
19:41I think I'm a private person.
19:42I keep a lot of shit in, right?
19:44Because it's my business.
19:48From 16 to 20, I went from being a kid to a freaking adult.
19:53I did not live my teenage years because I had a kid.
19:56And that's why part of me always felt out of place.
20:00I never was the one to share my personal life.
20:03I just always walk with my head high,
20:07no matter what it is that I'm carrying.
20:08Or maybe I'll put a little zipper like here.
20:12This little detail?
20:12Yeah, yeah.
20:14I don't even know why I'm telling you this.
20:15That's my problem to figure out, right?
20:17You'll figure it out.
20:18I think I'm going to add like
20:19at least two inches to the hem.
20:21So it's like just super baggy.
20:22Feels amazing.
20:23It's perfect.
20:25I love it.
20:25I'm sorry.
20:26I feel so cute.
20:27I like the white a lot with this
20:29because I feel like the contrast is cute, right?
20:31It's so great.
20:32It's so awesome.
20:32And with the jacket, when you're just like,
20:33it's open and gathered and you're like.
20:37I'm sorry, but it's time.
20:39Say bye to your models.
20:41Y'all ain't got to go home,
20:42but you got to get the out of here.
20:45Thank you, love.
20:48Bye guys, I'm glad.
20:49See you next time.
20:51How did it go for you?
20:52It went cool.
20:54I got to just add it together, you know?
20:57Do what I do.
20:58This dress is literally a representation of me.
21:01I feel like brown is beautiful
21:02and it doesn't get a chance to be used
21:05in like an elegant way.
21:07This is actually my first time using all brown
21:09for a challenge.
21:10So, pretty happy about this.
21:12Damn, this is hot.
21:14Hey y'all.
21:17We got 30 minutes.
21:19Make it count.
21:20You gonna put something here or just this?
21:22No, but no.
21:23Yeah, yeah, I am.
21:24I want it to be as large as possible.
21:27I mean, I love Carousel,
21:29but I see the look and I don't know.
21:31It's a little too busy for me.
21:33This is so fun.
21:36Add that little rah-rah-rah to it, honey.
21:41What more do you have to work on tonight?
21:43I got a lot going on, all right?
21:45I do like Brittany's look.
21:46I love the colors.
21:47I love the young freshness of this sportswear.
21:50Love the look, but mine was better.
21:54All right guys, it's time to head out.
21:57All right.
21:59Sorry, I know you all want to stay,
22:00but time to go.
22:02Let's get on up out of here.
22:03I want to go eat.
22:07Coming up, can you walk?
22:09It's a little restrictive right now.
22:11You have like 15 minutes.
22:12I don't know, what else could you do?
22:14Because it's tight.
22:24It's too early, so early.
22:27Good morning, America.
22:28Oh my goodness, it's breakfast time.
22:32How does everybody feel this morning?
22:33We're going to the Freedom Park today.
22:35It's going to be fantastic.
22:38Like this is the moment to share
22:39your design language in a sense.
22:41Like what do you envision?
22:42And I think that this is the opportunity
22:43to do that without the restrictions.
22:46Do everybody have a lot left to do?
22:48Yes, of course.
22:50I mean, come on.
22:51Are you going to have enough ostrich?
22:52Do you want me to go kill a few?
22:53No, we did not.
22:55No animals were harmed in the filming of this episode.
22:59So let's do it, come on.
23:01All right.
23:05Yes, this is where the magic happens, y'all.
23:09Love it.
23:10I didn't know that.
23:14God, I got to start my jacket.
23:16I'm trying to spend as much time on this to finish it
23:21so I can move on to the next.
23:23Do you love it?
23:24I think so.
23:25Once I'd be done sewing it.
23:26Is it perfect?
23:29I think so.
23:29Once I've done sewing with it.
23:30Is it cool?
23:31I think so.
23:32Once I put it all together.
23:41So I'm pretty much done with the jacket.
23:44So now I'm just going to tackle the skirt.
23:46But the problem is I am not completely in love with it yet
23:49because I cannot see the whole thing yet.
23:53That clock over there is my enemy.
23:58Missing one feather.
24:03Oh, there it is.
24:05Anyway, it's missing one.
24:07Right now, it is all about finishing the jacket
24:10really, really quickly
24:11and spending the rest of the time creating this dress.
24:14I mean, the jacket's going to be closed
24:16the whole time anyway.
24:24I am creating this pleather jacket
24:26that has this rust feel to it
24:29if you stretch the fabric enough.
24:31And I'm liking how it's looking like aged leather.
24:35No more exaggerated shoulders
24:37because I want to show the judges
24:38that I am taking in what they are saying.
24:41Vishni, your look might have ended up in the top
24:45if it weren't for those shoulders.
24:47It's time to show them that I have evolved
24:49to the designer that they know I am.
24:52How are you feeling?
24:53I'm good.
24:54Just, you know, in the zone.
24:55If I meet you in the zone, that's a great thing.
24:59Hi, everybody.
25:01Guys, it's show day and we're taking it on the road.
25:06All right, who wants a model?
25:08You know I want my model, boy.
25:09Don't ask me no question like that.
25:10All right, let's bring them in.
25:13Hello, how's it going?
25:15Hey, boo.
25:16Finishing the jacket.
25:19All right, designers, you have about two hours
25:22until we head over to 4 Freedom State Park.
25:26Lift your left arm, turn that way.
25:28And then you got your black nail, so that's perfect.
25:31I know I got a lot to make,
25:32but I'm trying to stay centered and, you know, positive.
25:42Wow, what's going on?
25:43It is.
25:44What's the skirt?
25:45It's just a simple beaded gown and then the jacket.
25:48That's it.
25:48This is part of the jacket and that's it.
25:49Oh, this cape piece.
25:50Yeah, it's part of the jacket.
25:52You need that?
25:53The cape piece?
25:54The jacket's so cool without it.
25:56Without the cape piece?
25:58It looks like you're just adding it on to add it on.
26:04A lot of look.
26:05I hope it's a lot of look.
26:07It's my signature.
26:09The sleeve is very cool, though.
26:16Zipper, zipper, snaps, done.
26:19It's like cool sweater thing.
26:21Does this go with it?
26:22It looks good.
26:23It does.
26:24I probably move this so it doesn't move.
26:26Wow, look at that sleeve.
26:28Are you beading, too?
26:29Just the edge of the sleeve.
26:32Not really, I mean.
26:33It's cute.
26:34All right.
26:36I love how the silver shimmers.
26:42What is that?
26:43The outfit.
26:44What are you talking about?
26:45Y'all said do whatever I want, so I wanna do that.
26:48This is not the outfit, come on.
26:49This is it.
26:50No, you're not just showing underwear.
26:54Are you serious?
26:57No, you're not, he's lying.
26:58Where's the rest?
26:59That's it, I didn't have time.
27:00No, you made a sheer skirt.
27:02Where's the gown?
27:03I'm gonna go look.
27:04You're not gonna see anything.
27:05What do you mean you don't have time?
27:07You had two days.
27:08Oh, he's trying to hide it from me.
27:11Coming up.
27:12It's raining.
27:13The models have to walk with an umbrella.
27:15Let's go under the tent.
27:17I'm visualizing raindrops literally staining the silk.
27:24What is that?
27:24The outfit.
27:26No, you're not just showing underwear.
27:28Where's the gown?
27:29I'm gonna go look.
27:31You're not gonna see anything.
27:33I don't believe you.
27:38I thought so.
27:40I love messing with Christian
27:42because low-key, he stresses me out sometimes.
27:45And if you were serious,
27:46I was gonna cut you in half right now.
27:48I was gonna cut you in half right now.
27:50I was gonna cut you in half right now.
27:52If you were serious,
27:52I was gonna cut you in half so hard.
27:54With what?
27:55You stress us out, I'm gonna stress you out.
27:56All right, designers, when you're ready,
27:58take your models to the makeup studio
28:00and the TRESemmé hair salon.
28:02And it's freedom.
28:03The looks can be anything.
28:07Hi, I'm Lacey.
28:08Nice to meet you.
28:10Hey, Lacey.
28:13The look is super sporty,
28:14so I'm doing the bubble braid.
28:16Like here, like kinda at the top of the ears.
28:18So I'm gonna use the TRESemmé Extra Hold Mousse.
28:22I wanna like really make sure all this hair
28:23is like really split back.
28:26It's so cute.
28:27Hey, gorgeous.
28:28I wanted to bring you my look.
28:29Roberta has beautiful hair.
28:31What I would like to do though
28:32is like more like a zigzag crimp.
28:34First, I'm gonna prep your hair
28:35with TRESemmé One-Step Blowout Balm
28:38because it will minimize the frizz.
28:40Ooh, it smells really good.
28:41So good.
28:43Yes, gorgeous.
28:45I love it.
28:52Brittany, those pants need a press.
28:54No, they're gonna be crippled.
28:56All right.
28:57Split lips.
28:58Well, then don't press them.
29:02Don't listen to me.
29:03What do I know?
29:04Bishme, put the skirt on.
29:06I wanna see something on a body.
29:16Simple and elegant.
29:18That's nice.
29:22Can you like walk?
29:25Oh no.
29:26I'm gonna cry.
29:31I'm glad you got rid of the lining.
29:33So let me do some hand sewing.
29:35Good luck.
29:36So let me see the side.
29:38Take little steps, see if you can walk.
29:40It's a little restrictive right now.
29:44Can you just cut a vent in the back?
29:48Like a center back slit.
29:49I don't know.
29:50What else could you do?
29:53I'm gonna add a panel real quick.
29:55Maybe cut it.
29:56Try it on again.
29:58And you have like 15 minutes.
29:59All right.
30:00Cause it's tight.
30:01Maybe I was too ambitious and I don't know.
30:03But this thing has to be perfect.
30:06I love green.
30:07Me too.
30:08So elegant.
30:10Oh, there's a slit.
30:11Everybody is showing quite a lot.
30:13Little peekaboos all around.
30:18All right, designers.
30:19I'm taking your model to the park in five minutes.
30:22See where your sleeves are.
30:26You good?
30:27You good?
30:30You did it?
30:31Yeah, I did it.
30:31Just got to glue it real quick.
30:33They'll see it when they got to see it.
30:35Those pants are cool.
30:36I finally got a cool from Christian, y'all.
30:37I'm gonna give myself a slap on the hands.
30:41I'm finally in the cool club.
30:45Let me cut some of these strings really quick.
30:47All right, designers.
30:48One minute.
30:49I'm taking your models.
30:51Let me see if I can find a simple necklace.
30:53I love the swan.
30:54This is beautiful.
30:56Can you help me find a necklace?
30:58Absolutely not.
30:59Don't you dare put a necklace on this thing.
31:01I will cut you.
31:07Better, right?
31:07Much better.
31:10All right, I'm taking your models.
31:11Designers, you stay here.
31:13Pack up your things.
31:14And I'll see you there for last look.
31:15Come on.
31:16Word, bitch.
31:17Let's go.
31:18All right, guys.
31:19I'll see you in a little bit.
31:27All right, designers.
31:28Last look.
31:29Let's do it now before it rains.
31:33Back one more time.
31:34To make sure it's centered.
31:37Can I get some lips over here, please?
31:3910 minutes until show time.
31:41A little party of threads back here.
31:43Oh, wow.
31:44You really see everything outside, don't you?
31:46With the natural light, you really see it all.
31:48Can I put a little more?
31:49Guess what's not a cat eye?
31:50You don't want a cat eye?
31:56Well, if the models have to walk with an umbrella,
31:58maybe it's a vibe.
32:02It's raining.
32:03Yeah, I need to go.
32:04All I'm visualizing now is brain drops
32:07literally staining the silk.
32:10Let's go under the tent.
32:13Two minutes.
32:17Wait till somebody fluff their sleeves.
32:19All right, designers.
32:20That's it.
32:21That's time.
32:22I'm so excited.
32:23I would have missed this for the world.
32:25I'll see you there.
32:25Let's go.
32:40Hi, designers.
32:42How epic is this?
32:45Real epic.
32:46Real epic, right?
32:47Gorgeous, sunny, warm day, right?
32:51On point.
32:52Welcome to the Franklin D. Roosevelt
32:55for Freedom State Park.
33:01We thought this would be a beautiful place
33:03to showcase who you are and exactly what you do.
33:06And so fun to have Christian with us.
33:11We didn't even give him cards.
33:12No cards.
33:14We decided to keep this one in the family
33:16because it was just too important.
33:19Honestly, we cannot wait to see
33:21what all of you have designed
33:22when you've been given total freedom.
33:24Designers, we'll score your designs
33:26as they come down the runway.
33:28All right, everybody.
33:29Let's start the show.
33:29Let's start it.
33:45I think I've done more than enough in this challenge.
33:47I stay true to who I am.
33:48And as a designer, I represented what I do.
33:56My look is great.
33:57This is a look where I get to give full,
34:00cut-toe, Clarice, Mama Lou.
34:02And that's what they're getting today.
34:14I'm ready.
34:29You look stunning.
34:30The movement of this fabric as she walks
34:32with the wind blowing, it's as if she's floating.
34:35Then as she turns, you get this little element
34:37of surprise of this open bag.
34:40I think this look completely represents
34:42who I am as a designer.
34:43And this is very evening for me.
34:45This is one of the happiest I've been creating looks
34:48on this competition.
34:53I had great expectations or something.
34:55I feel like now I'm doing things that is me.
35:03Come on, Mama.
35:04Give it to him.
35:04Give it to him.
35:09Give it to him.
35:14With this look, I'm so happy with it.
35:16It definitely shows my identity and DNA.
35:18Nice sporty spice.
35:20Ren is working this look.
35:24It's very dimensional.
35:25And I'm glad that I could really bring color
35:28in active wear and high fashion to this runway.
35:32I can stand by my design with pride
35:34because, I mean, this is who I am.
35:36I'm not just going to pretend to be somebody else
35:38that does couture garments.
35:40I mean, fabulous.
35:42It was pretty good.
36:02Very pretty from afar.
36:03I hope it's as gorgeous when it comes into focus.
36:06I love the fabrication, the brocade, the lace, the feathers.
36:12It's just, it's beautiful.
36:15I knew going into this challenge that I
36:18wanted to create this fashion fairy godmother look
36:21because that's who I am.
36:23The cut of that jacket is so weird, though.
36:43Mimi literally looks like a dream.
36:45This is beautiful.
36:47It's very pretty from afar.
36:49And it's one of the most beautiful runways
36:52that I've ever done in any of the challenges on this show.
36:59She looks glamorous.
37:00She looks elegant.
37:02It's just moving around like a beautiful, gorgeous cloud.
37:06Yeah, she's giving high fashion beauty quizzes.
37:11This dress embodies who I am and my passion as a designer
37:15and embodies the theme of this challenge.
37:18It is quite beautiful.
37:19Yeah, no, it is pretty, very pretty.
37:31This look, for me, represents everything
37:34that I love to do in this fashion game, which is leather.
37:43It's pretty gorge.
37:44That's a skirt that would sell.
37:46It was gorgeous.
37:49I love what I did, very proud of what I did.
37:52I hope that I've done enough to stay in this competition
37:54because, again, you never know.
37:58Laurence can cut a skirt that is, like,
38:01the most impossible to walk in.
38:02And the model, like, always walks flawlessly in it,
38:04no matter who it is.
38:05It's, like, a very specific skill set.
38:07I mean, look at the bottom of that skirt.
38:22I am pleased with seeing Jessica walk down this runway.
38:25The leather jacket is looking so amazing.
38:29Wow, this is really beautiful in this light.
38:33Really gorgeous.
38:34I think my looks stack up to the competitors
38:36because I'm not only showcasing a different side of me,
38:40I am showcasing what a collection
38:43would look like for me.
38:45Oh, I love that chiffon.
38:47A train that smacks all of her guests at the wedding
38:49as she walks down the aisle.
38:50That's major.
38:56If you allow me to do whatever it
38:58is that I want to do with a challenge,
39:00I'm going to take it there.
39:05That was really beautiful.
39:13Designers, incredible, incredible work.
39:18You should feel so proud of yourself.
39:20I'm really, like, continued to be majorly blown away by what
39:23you're able to achieve in 15 hours.
39:25That was definitely worth getting out of bed,
39:28putting my stretch jeans, my concealer on for,
39:31and driving into the city to see this tonight.
39:33It was really beautiful.
39:34Really great job.
39:37All right, now let's all get warm
39:39so we can go discuss your design.
39:42Meet us back at the runway.
39:44Thank you, guys.
39:44You guys killed it.
39:47See you at the runway.
39:56Hello, designers.
39:57Did everybody get warmed up and dried off?
40:02This is getting more and more difficult
40:04as we're getting near the end of the competition.
40:07I thought this was an outstanding demonstration
40:10of your point of view.
40:12We've scored your designs.
40:15Brittany, Coteau, you are in.
40:19Nice job, Brittany and Coteau.
40:21You can leave the runway.
40:23A little safe, though, both.
40:24That was safe.
40:28The five of you had the highest and the lowest scores.
40:31One of you will be the winner, and one of you will be out.
40:34I was safe about that.
40:35You can't buy that at Target.
40:36They did say whatever you want.
40:38We really did that.
40:38We did whatever we wanted.
40:40All right, let's get into it.
40:41I changed my hair, put on a roomier sweater,
40:43because I think this is going to get juicy.
40:46I feel offended.
40:47You do?
40:48I'm sorry.
40:49I'm sorry.
40:49I'm sorry.
40:50I'm sorry.
40:52You do?
40:53I do.
40:54It's like, I'm lending it to, like, CEOs,
40:57like, professional women who go to galas
41:00and who have foundations.
41:02Like, yeah, those are my customers.
41:04I have to stay true to her and me.
41:05Of course.
41:06Let's start with one of our favorite looks of the night.
41:08Let's get the model out here.
41:16All right, Bishme, you had the freedom
41:18to do whatever you wanted tonight.
41:19Why this look?
41:21I love that I'm in a place where
41:22I identify with my masculine side and my feminine side,
41:26and I love to put it into my art.
41:27Where were you, and where was this look
41:30when I was getting married?
41:32Because this is everything.
41:34It's like a cool future take on bridal.
41:38Let's start with the color.
41:39This chocolate brown read so beautifully
41:43against your model's skin.
41:44I thought it was really smart, though,
41:46to elevate the look with that dramatic veil,
41:50which felt like Met Gala ready.
41:52Is the jacket leather?
41:54So all of this is like a pleather type of fabric,
41:58and it's actually on like a tweed fabric.
42:00It looks so expensive.
42:01And what's the fabric on the bottom?
42:03This is a satin that's double-faceted,
42:05so I just got something that had a nice heavy weight
42:07so when she walked, it could bounce a bit.
42:09I think this look is ready for the red carpet.
42:11Thank you, Elaine.
42:12You deliver fashion.
42:14You are on trend, if not making your own trends.
42:18As an editor, that's what I'm looking for,
42:20the surprise element.
42:21Thank you, Nina.
42:22It was challenging for me to go out in the rain today,
42:25and thank God I did, because that was one of the most
42:27beautiful things I've seen.
42:29This I could see immediately on anybody
42:31today who is in the cultural zeitgeist.
42:35Thank you, Brandon.
42:36Thank you, Bishma.
42:37Thank you, Jessica.
42:37Jessica, you can leave the runway.
42:40Unfortunately, the next look was one of our least
42:42favorites of the night.
42:44Let's bring out the model.
42:49Rajay, this was different for you in this competition,
42:53so tell us why you chose this look.
42:54I kind of felt like I needed to say, hey, remember this?
42:57I remember season 19.
42:58I did the gloves.
42:59Very feminine, avant-garde, and I
43:01feel like this season, that might have been a little lost
43:03with the more higher end of street wear.
43:06So I wanted to do something that is me.
43:08So there is a story behind this whole look.
43:10First thing that came to me was the goddess Dumballa,
43:12and Haitian voodoo is half man, half snake.
43:15So I wanted to show that to her.
43:17So I wanted to show that in this fabric.
43:19It's the idea of having this snake wrapped around her,
43:22and then the head is where I went more traditional,
43:24that physical snake.
43:26I appreciate that you wanted to show a side of yourself
43:28that we haven't seen much of.
43:30But this garment is everything you are not.
43:33It doesn't feel modern.
43:35It doesn't feel fresh.
43:37And it doesn't look like it fits the model as it should.
43:41I know I was taking a risk, and the bagginess
43:43is supposed to sit right on top to create
43:46that fit there to define her waist.
43:47For me, the big puffy shoulders and the brocade,
43:51with the green boots, with the serpent and the hair,
43:54it was too many things together.
43:57I wish the snake would have been in her neck and not her top.
44:00I wish it would have been part of the decorative detail
44:03on this.
44:04But mostly, I think the problem was the portion.
44:09Thank you, Prajay.
44:10Lucy can leave the runway.
44:13OK, let's talk to another one of our top looks
44:15of the night.
44:20There she is, Miss America.
44:26So it's the freedom challenge.
44:27Why this look?
44:28Where I come from as a Palestinian
44:31living under military occupation,
44:33we don't have the freedom of movement.
44:35I'm unable to visit my birthplace, Jerusalem.
44:38There are always obstacles and checkpoints in the way.
44:40But in this particular design, I wanted freedom of flow,
44:43freedom of movement.
44:44I thought the choice in fabric was smart and super risky
44:50because you can't have any cutting issues.
44:53You better not get a snag.
44:55It just, it was you.
44:56And it highlights your expert craftsmanship.
44:59Thank you so much.
45:00This dress is so fluid.
45:02Was it cut of the bias?
45:04It's all on the bias.
45:05The cut on the bias is driving me insane.
45:09I've got to say, it is insane.
45:12I saw Hollywood glamour.
45:15This is perfection.
45:18Thank you so much.
45:19Thank you, Christian Siriano, for bringing this man back
45:22because this is stunning.
45:26It is timeless.
45:27It is classic.
45:28But there are hints of the future here
45:31in terms of your fabric choice,
45:33those intelligently placed cutouts.
45:36It was really breathtaking.
45:38Thank you so much.
45:39Mimi, you can leave the runway.
45:41I love you.
45:43She's going to take her time.
45:45All right.
45:46Let's bring out one of our favorite looks of the night.
45:49Here comes the model.
45:56Laurence, congratulations.
45:58Back on the top.
45:59What about this look says this is Laurence?
46:02I like structure.
46:02I like lines.
46:04The jacket stayed true to what I designed first.
46:07I wanted a leather panty.
46:09So I decided to go with a skirt
46:10and incorporate the design of a panty in it
46:12to make it not so obvious.
46:14But where in the hell did you learn to cut a skirt?
46:18It's a whole bunch of math and body.
46:21It's just in my head.
46:22I really liked it.
46:23And that's when I enrolled into fashion school.
46:26And that's the year.
46:27So you're, um.
46:40Take your time.
46:41Take your time.
46:53Take your time.
46:55I got pregnant when I was 16 and nobody knew about it and um I got a letter
47:03telling me that I was accepted to fashion school so I just thought my life
47:08was over. Did you go to fashion school? Yeah, only missed two weeks of school.
47:12Nobody ever seen me pregnant. Wow. I lost a lot because of that. My father disowned
47:18me and he never got over it so he literally passed away and we never spoke.
47:23That's why I don't open up sometimes. Well Dan, thank you for sharing that
47:31story and I know there's been a lot of hardship but it's shaped you into a very
47:37talented designer. For sure. But you have this very strict personality and you're
47:45not letting it go and when I see you move out of that comfort zone, when you
47:49play with the strict and the soft is where the magic really comes out. Yeah.
47:55It definitely does put your work into a greater context for us. The sculptural
48:02nature of your silhouettes is very architectural. The jacket for me was not
48:08maybe the most modern. Okay. But if you don't mind to turn around, the way that
48:13you're able to cut a garment is incredible. I mean this is not a material
48:17that you can make a lot of mistakes with. No, you can't. Thank you, LaRon. Thank
48:22you, LaRon. Go ahead. All right, let's bring out our last look of the night which
48:27unfortunately was one of our least favorites.
48:35All right, Karasun, so tell us how did you come up with the concept? So I love my
48:41costume design, of course, but this whole look was inspired by the fashion fairy
48:45Godmother and that is a nonprofit that I have. These are actually the colors of
48:49the organization. We have been sponsoring Kids in the Spotlight and Foster Care
48:54Kids and they teach them how to make their own films. Okay, so tell us in the
48:58Freedom Challenge why this specific look? I love things that are whimsical, that's
49:03my whole brand. I mean Karasun, your charity, first of all, such an incredible
49:07inspiration. Thank you. It definitely contextualizes this character. Right. But
49:12there was a lot going on. I don't personally think that you needed that
49:15train. I think it took away from the fluidity and the femininity of the look.
49:20And what happens at the top? The top is out in the back. The jacket was, of course,
49:25not gonna come off, but... Wow. Turn around. Wow. It's more breathtaking without the
49:34jacket. You are a costume designer and I think that you are really able to also
49:40give us really high fashion runway moments that live out of a film, a stage,
49:44a TV, and tonight just wasn't that. One thing's for sure, your looks will never
49:51ever be boring because you want every single one of them to be
49:57spectacular. Yeah. From the shoes, to the dress, to the jacket, to the train. It just
50:03needed to be harnessed. Thank you, Karasun. Thank you.
50:10See, that's what I don't like about it. You want her to change who she is. If
50:14it's working for her, it doesn't make any sense. Be you, but can you be someone else?
50:19Yeah. Designers, we have a lot to talk about. We'll call you back when we're
50:23ready. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
50:32Okay, so tonight proved to be particularly challenging. When you can do
50:37whatever you want to do, it can be really, really hard to find even, like, a point
50:41to start, but why don't we start with our favorites tonight?
50:44Bishme, Laurence, and Rami. The three all had very precise point of view.
50:51Rami, he can cut a dress on bias like a few others. The craftsmanship of that, no
50:57side seams, absolutely flawlessly draped around the body. It was classic, but he
51:04brought something fresh to that archetype. Yeah. Does anybody want to say
51:07anything about Laurence? I'm really blown away by her skill. This skirt, I think
51:12she stumbled upon her new signature. Yeah. But I do think something inside her
51:16needs to break free a little bit. We haven't seen it all yet. There is more
51:21that she has to bring out. Let's talk about Bishme. I think Bishme has an
51:26innate understanding of streetwear, what is trending. I completely agree. I feel
51:31like tonight, when I drive home, I'm gonna still be thinking about Bishme's
51:34look. Right. I don't know how he engineered that skirt and how that
51:39heaviness did not pull that chiffon down. It looked like architecture. Mm-hmm. Do we
51:43know our winner? Yes. Okay, let's move on to our bottom two designers.
51:50Unfortunately, Praja and Karasun, which is a bummer for me to be talking about
51:55both of them. I know. Let's start by talking about Karasun's. You know what,
51:59you're gonna go first this time on both of them. Please. For me, Karasun has to
52:11learn how to edit down her process, and I don't think she is there. And this was
52:16a perfect example of putting everything in to one look. It's just, it was too much
52:22information. It was too fantastical. I don't really know how you say that.
52:27There is no jean, there is no short, there is no skirt, there is nothing you can put
52:31on the bottom of that that would make that jacket work. I don't know. If I took that jacket out of that
52:36context and I said, that's Alessandro Michele for Gucci, you would be like, oh,
52:41yeah, maybe. If I told you I am George Clooney, would you say, oh, yeah, maybe?
52:49In the real world, designers have fantastical designs. It was not a fantasy, I'm sorry.
52:55It was a circus. I mean, we have to talk about Praja's also. I really do
52:59appreciate that he wanted to push himself, and I think that there were some
53:02nice elements here, but in ivory, my mom got married in this in 1981, and that's
53:08fine, but this is 2023. It's hard because so much of what he's shown us has ended
53:12up in the top. Certain designers are finding their groove, and I feel like
53:16Praja seems to be a bit stuck. I'm not confident he's gonna fight his way out
53:19of it. Listen, he wanted to surprise us. He did. Yes, it ended up surprising us in not a good way.
53:24In not a good way. I mean, which of these looks between Praja and Karasun
53:30could you see walking down a runway today? Oof, none. If you had to choose one,
53:37if they were like, Nina, you have to put one of these on the cover. Why me? Ask somebody else.
53:40Which one would you put? I mean, this is what we're here for. So we all agree we know who's
53:47going home. Let's get him back out here.
53:58Bishme, Laurence, Rami, you all showed a crystal clear point of view and truly
54:05delivered on high fashion. But unfortunately, only one of you can be the winner. The winning
54:12look tonight gave us a glimpse into the future, and it took our breath away. The winner is...
54:23Bishme. Congratulations, Bishme. Thank you. I'm trying to get to somewhere to show you guys
54:32a collection. Just a few more challenges to go. Rami and Laurence, you are also in. Thank you.
54:39You can all leave the runway. Thank you. Congratulations, everyone. I feel amazing.
54:44It's getting me closer and closer to what I want to get to, which is the finale, and I hope they're
54:49able to see with this look that this is just a sneak peek of what my collection would consist of.
54:54Well? Bishme. You won! It feels good, but I'm definitely not trying to
55:00allow myself to get big-headed. Congrats, booze. Yay.
55:07Two of our favorites. This is hard. Prajay and Karasun, we appreciate both of you delivering
55:14on impressive runway moments tonight. Unfortunately, one of you will be in,
55:19and one of you will go home. Karasun, your look was a little too much fantasy and not enough
55:26fashion. Prajay, the shape of this look ultimately felt dated. This was not easy.
55:34You two bring a lot to this competition.
55:37Karasun, I'm so sorry, but you are out.
55:46Prajay, that means you are in. Congratulations. Thank you.
55:51You can leave the runway, Prajay. Thank you.
55:57Karasun, you are amazing. Thank you.
55:59I think ultimately, it came down to the need for a little bit more of a
56:04I think ultimately, it came down to the need to edit, but you gave us looks that wowed us,
56:09that we will remember, and we are so sad to see you go. Thank you.
56:14Karasun, I just wanted to say how much you have inspired my own journey in my life.
56:19I hate to see you go, but I'm glad that we'll get to see you forever and ever and ever.
56:23I never thought I'd be back on this runway. I was at home with my mom, and she just loved the show.
56:31I was like, Mom, should I do it? And I promised her I would. Two weeks later, my mom transcended.
56:39So I think my mom set this up for me. It's been a blessing to be back.
56:45I really enjoy this Project Runway family, and I just want to thank you.
56:49Thank you, Karasun. Bye.
56:50I want to give a hug. Can I?
56:53Thank you. Thank you very much.
56:55This experience was so special. It was like a full circle journey for me to come here and to
57:02meet my sister circle and my baby bros. I knew it was a sign for me to come here, you guys.
57:08I know my mom went at this for me.
57:11Oh, I love you, sis.
57:12I love you, too.